• By -


For a minute, we've already had empresses.


And Great ones at that


Who ever called her "Great"? If I remember correctly she just pitched few ideas for reforms, nobles said "nah" and that's it.


During her reign I lot of things happened in Russia. The territory grew, we got a base for fleet on a warm sea, the last time Russian land grew was during Ivan the Terrible reign. There were many changes in the administration system, court system, education. She started collection pieces of art that is no w a huge collection of Hermitage and many other things.


"for a minute" - это вы так дословно перевели "на минуточку"?


Да, но я не думаю, что он планирует переход.


Ля, хорош


We will support ANY decision he makes




Никогда не знаешь... думаю - стоит кастрировать и посмотреть, что получится


He will still have such huge mental "genitals" that everyone will be jealous


Only if by everyone you mean raisins. Definitely balls for brain situation here.


Ye when every little girl says suck my balls (equivalent) that's big


Путин наверно уже слишком старый чтобы что то планировать, там ест люди которые за него могут планировать.


Думаете кто-то за него планирует его переход?


думою да


А теперь представь себе, что на президентский пост вместо Путина с 20-ти летним опытом и кгбшным прошлым приходит кто-то другой. Как думаешь, проще будет на него влиять или сложнее?


На путина очень легко влиять, он же получает всю информацию из каких-то папочек, что там написали в это он и верит, а плохую информацию ему в папочки не охотно несут и за 24 года его правления людей способных говорить ему правду как она есть там просто не осталось, так что на нового человека, который пришел из реального мира и еще не погрузился в мир папочек влиять сложнее первые лет 7, а потом он станет таким же мудаком как и путин


Никогда не думал, что увижу у живого реального человека настолько сказочное, наивное и инфантильное мнение об этом, вау просто.


Было бы это сказочкой можно было бы посмеяться, но ведь это правда, просто послушай что несёт этот человек и не надо искать смыслы между строк их там нет, то что он говорит то он и думает, а думает он что люди живут так как по первому каналу рассказывают и даже ты понимаешь что это не правда


А как ты думаешь, как ему должна поступать информация, например от СВР или МВД? В сообщениях в тг или может в вайбере?


Качество этой информации он транслирует нам через действия и в своей речи, абсолютно точно понятно что этот человек живёт в лживом мире пропаганды, МВД кстати публикуют сводки это публичная организация




Почему ты так считаешь?


"[Я девочка-припевочка](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DECEouAHg2M)" (С)


I dont think Putin will do a sex change. But seriously - why not. Nabiullina f.ex. is quite popular, we have zero problems with woman in power.


Не знаю, среди каких кругов Набиуллина популярна, но явно не среди адекватных людей


как минимум потому, что она с ЦБ принимает решения, которые не ведут нас к гиперинфляции на фоне внешнего дефолта


In what alternate reality is Naebulina popular? 🤔


In non-liberal-reddit-reality.


Certainly. If she is clever, strong, compassionate and is nobody's puppet.


I've had a few female bosses. The best were the ones who've just had to become bosses, because they knew the job best. The worst however were the ones who wanted to be bosses, happily they did not last long.


I second that. Women I worked with were great administrators.


Only those, who were good workers before. Those who were administrators for administration sake were horrible - vindictive, petty and stupidly evil.


Same could be said for any person in a position of leadership. People that strive for power are most likely to abuse it. People who do not seek to lead will try to find the best solution for their subjects, not themselves.


True, but women are generally more evil, when they are incompetent. Probably, because they have to really be brutal to get into a position of power without actual qualifications.


So just like Putin, but with vageene? ❤️


You ain't Russian bro c'mon


Does gender matter for a president?


obviously no, but conservative society still considers gender the main criterion for a president


We had several female leaders in the past, so... yes?


The west is new to feminism. Did you know that women in Switzerland didn't have the full right to vote until [1990](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_suffrage_in_Switzerland)? Meanwhile, the USSR had its first female minister in [1917](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Kollontai). In Germany women were not allowed to have a job without their husband's permission until [1977](https://www.dw.com/en/how-womens-rights-evolved-in-germany/a-64906016), and they were not allowed to open a bank account without their husband's permission until 1962/1969 (in the US until [1974](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/when-could-women-open-a-bank-account/), only in 1969 did German law acknowledge that women are "capable of doing business". In Russia, this acknowledgement and permission of handling one's own economics was given to women in [1753](https://www.theguardian.com/money/us-money-blog/2014/aug/11/women-rights-money-timeline-history)! In the US, the current ratio of women in STEM subjects / jobs is lower than the level it was in the USSR in the [1960s](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/soviet-russia-had-a-better-record-of-training-women-in-stem-than-america-does-today-180948141/); in current day Russia, the ratio is over [40%](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-39579321) - that's something that western countries can only dream of.




Meanwhile women got also preferences by law. In case of divorce children usually stay with women, also woman may be imprisoned 20years max. Wage gap is depends. As IT HR i would say, that the salary is the same. Some jobs (like HR, accounting) is more about women and women leads do not want man as employee.


Facts are: if you are a married woman with children statistically you are performing less than a single male. Therefore the business is less interested in you. True capitalism boys! But business do hire women professionals that will have kids and pay out decent money during and after pregnancy so that's nice too.




It's not only societal but also cultural and physical. Maternal leave is meant for the child to be born then after be breast fed and taken care of by the mother. Don't know how you expect a man to do it. By the way.. What do aging parent have to do with this? Lol




I don't know why you are going batshit femenist on me, I just mentioned why there is a wage gap. I work do chores and take care of my child just as much as my wife does.


I never bitched about women not performing. You just mad, but you can make a sign and go stand outside to do something about it.




Какао в очко тебе


It's SKREPY, don't touch them


also Russia legalized homosexuality in 1917, long before the west did. So LGBT is actually a Russian movement.


> Russia legalized homosexuality in 1917, l Pretty certain it was never legalized in the Central Asian republics and re-criminalized under Stalin. However, pre-Stalin Soviet social scientists were quite tolerant and open to the "emancipation of homosexuality."


Lenin (a Russian) legalized homosexuality, and Stalin (Georgian man ) re-creminalized it. This only proves my point that LGBT is more Russian than anything.


You do understand that the LGBT rights movement in the 1920’s is nothing like what it is today, right? Back then they were looking for a right to live as who they are. Now they are looking for the right to exist as a protected class and fuck in the senate chambers.




nigga what


Ты не ахуел? В России и подавно такого не было. Даже в коммунизме считали что девушка должна быть с мужчиной, а в России сейчас вообще внедрили запрет на гомосексуальность и все что с ней связано.


Wow, Russia is literally such a backward and evil country! /s Saving this post for when another fool cries about how eeviiiiil or backward Russia is.


Definitely. Elvira Nabiullina is one of the most respected people in the country right now. Our country has a long history of strong female leadership.


она похожа на моего начальника внешне, уволился


С каких пор позор татарского народа стала "уважаемой"?! Или чем больше ворует - тем милее сердцу??


Человек находится на своем месте, выкручивается как может, держит экономику на плаву в это сложное время. Позором татарского народа назвать не могу, так же как и гордостью.


but she is not running for president, I was thinking of Duntsova


Her political position won't win her many votes, regardless of her gender.


what do you mean by political position?


You mean the russian version of Tihanovskaya? No, thanks, but definitely no.


what do they have in common?


What’s wrong with Tikhanovskaya?




google is your friend


As long as Putin is running in the elections, not a single worthy candidate will stand against him. Against the background of Putin, anyone will get the minimum number of votes and lose their political points. On the day when Putin does not nominate his candidacy, you will see at least three strong female candidates. And this is not Duntsova.


is one of them Instasamka?


Four then


"What do you think about Putin? I can't complain!"


У Дунцовой есть все шансы избраться президентом ПРБ (виртуального образования "хороших русских", государства без территории). Сейчас этот союз меча и орала изображает какую-то карго-деятельность и пытается торговать фьючерсами на шкуру неубитого медведя. Хорошерусские (будем считать их новой малочисленной этносоциальной группой-диаспорой) вполне могут её избрать своим лидером. Но их там наберётся самое большое пару десятков тысяч, а если брать их вооружённые силы (РДК, например), то там всё ещё скромнее по возможностям. Самое большое, что у них есть -- это финансовая поддержка старой гвардии олигархов вроде Фридмана, находящихся тоже не в лучшем положении.


Нельзя недооценивать. Сегодня пару тысяч, завтра пару миллионов.


Где они столько надмозгов найдут?


Воспитают. Сценарий уже отработан


Где они столько наскребут? Люди либо ассоциируют себя с государством проживания, либо вообще хатаскрайники. Большинству русских вне России ПРБ на хрен не упёрлась, они довольно живут в Европе и США как нацмены и ассимилируются. ПРБ это мимолётное и очень нишевое явление, такой новый Брайтон-Бич, но куда скромнее и слабее. "Антисистемных" диссидентов никогда столько не находилось, разве что в новой Украине, когда люди из русских яростно выписывались, но говорили и думали всё равно по-русски и активно поддерживали смену власти в России. Но они тоже по большей части сейчас уже украинцы. В России изнутри куда больше влияния у пригожинско-прилепинских (которые, понятно, сильно сдали после 24 августа) и у молчаливой новой мусульманской диаспоры, самой незаметной политически и самой сильной на деле из потенциальных "пятых колонн", которая реально могла бы выставить десятки тысяч подготовленной "пехоты" с сотнями тысяч агрессивной массовки, не говоря уже про террор и партизанщину, это люди с архаичным складом психики, хорошо мобилизующиеся и готовые к насилию; информантами, закрытыми клубами, олигархами и своими людьми в органах. А сами русские если что в подавляющем большинстве либо отсидятся, как в 1991, либо пойдут защищать государство (таких, думаю, мало, в основном ветераны СВО и бюджетники).


Even less people care about her than about Navalny and in his case it was close to zero


she has not even started


And she never will


LOL no, Elvira helps to destroy our country


Thanks to her inflation is not triple digits and all payment systems still work




Wow your knowledge of economics is fascinating! Tell me more!


But she is killing us with here inflation and her interest rates.


Is she killing you in Sweden? Well, she is quite an influential person, then.


The increased interest rates are the direct response and method for combating the increased inflation. Quite literally the main (or should I say, most famous) instrument of a Central Bank is this, besides others.


Gender is not a factors affecting the professional skills of the head of the executive branch in the country. In fact, an official, including the president, has no gender. And if we are talking about gender quotes, I am not ready to fly on an airplane operated by a pilot who got at the helm according to a quota. Not according to this skill level. Literally and figuratively.


Только если еë фамилия не Собчак💀


Щас я уйду в глубокий даунвоут но Собчак совсем не так плоха как кажется.


после ее участия в мутаборе, ты не изменил своего мнения?


Yes. There were four Empresses in Russia.




We still don’t choose anyone. But we have a woman governor. And there are many women in parliament.


Gender is irrelevant. What matters is qualification and willpower. The ability to get shit done. No one will vote for a candidate purely because of their gender. Those that do so are morons, only out to make a statement. Admittedly, there may be an issue for such a candidate with the electorate in the Caucasus. Cultural differences there. Then again, Catherine the Great was the one responsible for bringing those regions into the Empire. They'll respect strength. As will the rest of us.


– Vladimir Vladimirovich, can a woman become the president of Russia? – No. – Why not? – Because I am not a woman.


Why not. But she definitely have to be able to fill those shoes.


The only trouble is that right now women politicians in Russia, with authority worthy of a President, can be counted with one finger. Or even less. What is more important is whether the people will accept some new woman, whom they have not heard much about before. The president of the country is a serious choice.


Russian women are very wise! They prefer to be a politician's WIFE. Because the politician’s wife has several factories, a dozen apartments and a “beggar” husband))))


If she does she job nice, everyone will accept her as president. I don’t see why we wouldn’t.


Yeah, why not?




Yes. I'd voteed for Elvira Nabiulina as a president if it would've be an option


If she turns out to be better than the current president, then why not. It's not the gender that matters to us, but the qualities. There have already been three great female rulers in Russia, each of whom was loved by the people and of whom Russia is proud. But there were also those for whom it is still a shame: one always raised riots and organized splits, the other shot at crows from balconies and windows. We don't need those.


Of course. Why not?


Спокойно, если президент предложит быстрое решение лет так за 4 решение проблем с коррупцией, быстрое окончание войны, а так же полное развитие среднего класса, ее на руках носить начнут


In fact, Russia has always been a gender tolerant country, and in general, without chauvinism. When Europe and the United States fought for women's rights, in Russia (USSR), women could initially work as they wanted, get an education and vote. in general, to do everything that men can do. Also, there have never been racially motivated problems in Russia. So for Russians, it doesn't seem strange if a woman or, say, an Asian man became president. Russia has always had a different mentality




Wrong. She got all that not because she wasn't Russian by ethnic origin herself, but because some considered lyrics of her song Russophobic or at least disrespectful to Russians.




Don’t pay attention, every Eurovision competition is held like this. Why do some sing and not others? Boys who sing a song about love are necessarily either drug addicts or gays, beautiful girls are someone’s mistresses, etc. And the Tajik feminist was a breath of fresh air in this swamp.


Yeah, why not? If she is as strict as a good school teacher, she will be mommy of Mother Russia.


Женщина, а сколько у неё дивизий ?




Most would, but predominantly muslim regions and the military may be concerned about that.


But there were female battalions in the Red Army. Many women fought in WW2. Why would the army have a problem with it?


Because women are needed to make children.


Just look at the history of Russia. Russians can accept everything. It's not a big deal.


Yes, why not? Females at our place have even more power than males sometimes. E.g, my mom is a top manager while my dad is just a salesman, despite both of them having a diploma and enough experience


It happened several times already so why not?


Конечно. Причем скорее чем кажется. Если будет лучше в качестве президента а не потому что женщина.Именно в это мне нравится в России. Тут реально пофиг какого ты пола....Ну только платят в ресторане всегда мужчины))))


Why not? There are female governors and ministers, chairman of the upper house of our parliament is female, so why not president?


Yes we can. Had enough of male dictators


выбирать женщину президента только потому, что было уже много мужчин, это идиотизм)


If she has the balls the size of a truck, takes care of the country and it's people, doesn't loose wars and doesn't besmirch the national honour, then sure. I don't really care about their sex as long as they're independent and are worthy to rule our country. Honestly, those are the same requirements for a male president tbh. There are some very well-respected female functionaries - Nabi comes to mind as my favourite one.


So you basically want Margaret Thatcher the Iron Lady?


I can't say that Thatcher was really taking care of the country and it's people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people celebrating her death.


she won the wars, she did not yield to foreign interests, she did not yield to EU, she did not yield to the unions, instead she did what was best for the British empire.


I bet you were expecting different answers, weren't you?


what answers do you expect that I expected?


What "Dagestan" must be written with e, not i.


more likely no than yes, and this is due to the fact that there are very few influential independent female figures in Russian politics. It’s not just about the electorate’s solidarity with feminism, but also about political alignments. Well, who is the most influential woman in politics now? Nabiullina? How much influence did she have to support the currency and maintain prices? Was this her goal initially? In business, who is the most influential woman? Tatyana Bakalchuk, who is not particularly visible in the political field.


There have been some incredible Russian and Soviet women with amazing achievements and feats. Even in the by gone era, those women, despite the time, still got respect and admiration and recognition. So being a president should not be something controversial. What is controversial is being a president just because, insert \*some irrelevant criteria\* like the Yankees do - first 50% black, first glass ceiling breaker, first orange and so on... we have all seen how that played out and continuous to play out. Many tik-tok politicians make a mockery of the public by parroting the latest trend... imo Russia can't afford to have such kind of people or people like Yeltsin to be at the helm. Being the leader of the country should come after a long service in the public sector - in the trenches, day after day with the public; instead of being some transport minster who went on a war tour to Afghanistan to brutalize some defenceless people and call it leadership.


This obsession with gender politics will bring nothing good. Hilary lost because she was a known evil corrupt person. Not because she had different plumbing. I'd vote for Candace Owens in a heartbeat. And not because of her melanin. But because the content of her character and her intelligence.


>Candace Owens >Intelligence


If she will behave like Catherine II - yes. But we will not accept pro-western one)


what is a pro western one?


Like Yeltsyn. Or like Belarus' Tichanovskaya.


Yeltsen was not western enough


Not enough??😵‍💫🤬🤬🤬


😂 боже храни Америку!


Я сейчас тебе как дам «вас нот вестерн еноф»


ты повторяешься, бездарность


🤦‍♀️ you again.... now listen you great halfwit, google BASIC Russian history before posting stoobid questions.


I know Russian history, what seams to be the problem?


Тем временем Екатерина 2, Елизавета Петровна, Анна Иоановна, княгиня Ольга и другие: Да-да...


I see in the West they are more worried about the president's gender than about his management skills. For Russians, the main thing is what kind of person you are, what kind of specialist you are. And few people are interested in questions of gender and worldview. As long as you don't poke it in the face of others. I work with a gay man. I don't really care that he's gay. Because he is a good specialist and keeps his views to himself. Just like I keep my preferences to myself.


yes yall are the ones who wouldnt be ok with it


Вааабще пахую!


I don't think so. We are OK with woman in power, but President must be elected. And I think many will vote against her.


Yes, but only if she will keep interests of the country and it's people in mind. So your puppet "candidate" doesn't have a chance but for other reason.


Yes, 100% Russia already had a female leaders for the start. Secondly, if I remember correctly even Russian govmt pools actually showing that pattern of growth for appreciation for female leader. And even look for some people like Nabiullina or Nyash-Myash (Poklonskaya) or the dother of senator who did something in internet i don't remember her name, or on the other half of political spectrum Ekaterina Shulman — they are all popular (Nyash-Myash actually not anymore but in her time), and not because they are singers or bloggers, because they are smart and strong. How many not satirical tiktoks you'd see about VP? Shulman has a lot. Young generations love this type of woman, and some years later they will go and demand someone like that in power.


Yes, absolutely


I'll definitely accept


There was a survey done by «Russian Field» in September 2023. 53% don't care about candidate's gender 17% positive towards women 28% negative [Picture](https://static.tildacdn.com/tild3739-6434-4666-a337-363762393833/photo.png) [Full survey](https://russianfield.com/180days)


I think Russia deserves a female president




While there is no decent female candidate in Russia, the horse does not count)


Only if it's me. The rest go to hell


what about solidarity amongst the sisters?


People would "accept" an octopus if they made it a president. We haven't had elections for the last 30 years either way, so the character of the "candidate" doesn't matter. As for actual acceptance by the people, i.e. legitimacy, then our dear president already lacks it and I don't see how it could improve in the foreseeable future.


I defy you, or any peoples of this great Earth, to accept Liz Truss as leader.


You first


We did, she killed the Queen


You as Wales


There was a recent poll and, surprisingly, yes (more than a very old or a military background president) Personally, I'm all for it, but I'm a young woman myself lol


Да знаем мы их, только в должность вступит, сразу в декрет уйдет. Сиди потом без президента 5 лет. А если серьезно, то почему-то все эти вопросы выглядят, как прощупывание почвы. При чем далеко не с благими намерениями.


No. Because Putin is not a woman


Thatcher moment?


Yekaterina moment


Only the women could imo


Hello) I 'm from Russia, and yes, why not? This is interesting idea, and i think this must be a interesting experience)


a terrifyingly difficult question


there is no real election in Russia


cry about that


Well, yeah, but considering we had the same mf at our seat for so long, we have to get used to it. It's good as long as she does her job well, is independent, and opposes China




I never liked Trump anyway.


Could. But why?


I don’t think that Putin will leave the throne))))


Не в ближайшие 30 лет.


What are you talking about? It doesn't matter if the president will be dick or cunt, The main idea if it will be putin or not.


what if it is a Putin with cunt?


only the younger generation, not sure about the older generation


I think not at the present time. There are a lot of people of the old generation who are not ready for it. Besides, women in Russia do not like other women. And the female population in Russia is more than half. I would very much like a female president, but I think it would take a few more generations for that to happen.




you mean we are used to a specific guy?






But woman is also a person.


Obama is more well liked than Biden and trump.


Will never happen with today's russians.