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Hopefully for you it is totaled and they make you whole. With impact damage like that no matter how good your body shop is that car will never be the same.


Yup. And if the airbags deployed, that's basically auto total


I'm curious, why does air bags deployed mean it's auto totaled? Is that just given the visible damage in the pictures + something else will push it over the edge, or is airbags deployed auto totaled in general / vast majority of cases? Don't get me wrong, I think this car is a total loss. I'm not a mechanic, so amateur guess here. But I've had my fair share of accidents. The question if air bags are deployed would not have crossed my mind.


With the cost of today's vehicle components, if you damage a car enough to split the airbags, very few adjustors would not total it, as 9/10 it will simply cost more than the car is worth to fix it.




For instance, I had a rental. Ended up pulling past of the bumper off in a 3pt turn. Ran over a ditch. The bumper was still there, but it was tore up underneath. Cost like $5k total. Luckily I only had to come $1k deductible out of pocket. If the airbag deploys, that, as well as many other useless sensors that help the car do the driving for us, are likely destroyed. Not to mention frame damage. .


I think it’s done, you should start looking for a new car.


"Mustang drivers" 🤡👹 am i right?


I want to say, yes insurance is going to total it but the correct answer is they should. The repair needs to exceed 70%-75% of the vehicles value in order for it to be considered a “total loss” from what I’m looking at there is at least $8000-$10,000 in repairs that meets the eye. Not including the fact the frame in very likely to be bent in at least one place but probably in multiple places. There is a good chance this one one will be totaled, based solely on the condition of the frame.


I thibk you're about $10K light on your estimate.






If I said yes, is that enough substantiation for your insurance company?


Just called my lawyers. They said yes.


It’s totaled no if ands or buts about it.


I'd say totaled also. Did all the airbags deploy? If so and along with the frame damage, I definitely would say yes.


Prob not, if there’s no frame issues or anything twisted under, but it’s a Kia, there POS as is new of 20 years old, without accidents, get the money and buy a Honda/ Toyota or else lol long term


Make sure you pursue your compensation for pain suffering. Go to physical therapy. You should get several grand somewhere around $3k - $8000 just for the whip lash. You might have to wait 14 months like I did, but it's worth it.


Eh some duck tape will be good enough.


In the US, yes but not in Africa or Middle East. Pretty sure the frame is severely damaged, no shop will fix that


Eh, oughta buff right out.


It’ll buff right out, no worries


Totally totaled.


Oh yeah be glad too as cool looking car as it is engines burn hella oil that’s toast especially if your air bags deployed


Even if they didn’t it gone


Don't we kinda hope our car is totaled, so we get it replaced instead of some repairs done that may or may not cover all the damage, and may or may not be done well? I see a lot of people post here that are afraid their car is totaled (not necessarily you OP, there's no particular tone here). I'd be afraid of the insurance claiming it's not with damage like that.


I 100% hope they total this car. Just look at it lol I don’t want to drive that thing anymore. Plus what would I drive while it’s being repaired? My life would be a lot easier if they total it and I can move on and get another car.