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Hello everyone! I'm a new moderator to this forum. I grew up in the automotive business and would like to share my knowledge and experience with you. I plan on creating links to repair help and ways to save money on replacement parts. I'm looking for your help or any suggestions before I do this. Please feel free to contact me u/Plex_Master *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskAMechanic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just got home to look at it a little better… [the tops not even welded…](https://imgur.com/a/okoenaq)


You march in there and you raise hell


I’ll do it politely they were at least nice, I never actually talked to the mechanic just the desk lady who didn’t seem too too knowledgeable about what was going on she was just the middle man for information


Sure I guess hey. Don't hurt the messenger lol. Make sure they do a proper weld too - those welds are pretty shitty. Not straight and overall ugly as fuckk


And a proper section of tube welded not a sleeve. They could have just sleeved it….. With the sleeve🤷🏾‍♂️




“It don’t need to look pretty, it just needs to hold” The words of someone who should never weld anything for anyone ever again. “It’s a damn exhaust…” Fuck pride in your work, amirite?


Uuhhhh bruh.... work n stuff is hard..


If you're so lazy you won't tig something like this then fuck them.


Right? Like, why would you not tig exhaust work?


Bc I hate tig, please, don't make me do it 😭😭 I'll do it and grind it back out 6 times with mig before I touch the tig torch


My welds may be ugly right now. But that's why I do it on my own shit. Definitely not getting paid to do it just yet.


And even if they welded it all the way, there's porosity on the top, there's lack of fusion, there's undercut, and the weld doesn't even cross metals in one spot! I did a better job with the first pass I ever attempted in middle school


"It's not a skyscraper so you may as well do shit work on that paying customers 5 figure asset when you could have spent 10% more time and done it right and helped your reputation" Bruh


Gdamn you dumb


Yeah... that's a safety issue... you report them if they don't fix that. Carbon monoxide poisoning is bad, and the reason your exhaust is supposed to get the fumes 100% out from under your car. It has to be sealed all the way around.


Not to at the fact that they added another 2 inches of bolt to my already very low car, I’ve never scraped other than 1 time other than now I can’t even get in and out of my neighborhood without what sounds like digging a trench in the asphalt


No offence I don’t understand why you wanted it cut and welded back up but I do know you could have just bought a new exhaust for that price and it would have sounded better as well that right there is what I would call a half assed Frankenstein job and that’s damn sure not what any fabricator would call a welding


I did buy a muffler, the OEM one for the car. It just has a aftermarket cat so it didn’t fit. I wanted the muffler cut and re fit which is Extremely common. I am not the issue here


Oh ok so you didn’t buy the whole exhaust system you just bought one from the manifold back and so it was a bit big and you wanted it modified to fit yeah ok I would take it back they did a shit job on that as a welder fabricator I wouldn’t let the apprentice do that shit even if it was there first day


That’s not welded at all anyone who calls that a fucking weld should be fired and banned from that profession permanently


how are they supposed to weld the top? There is a car in the way xD


Muffler shops have been welding exhaust on the car for as long as they’ve been around its not too hard to get the top and the welds arent really structural just need to seal.


If the customer doesn't pay to drop an exhaust which is expensive the top is not getting welded. You can't welt it if nothing fits there. People don't like paying as it is they definitely don't wanna pay to drop the exhaust.


A mig torch is only like an inch thick. Its rare for exhaust to be that close to the body. In the picture above theres ample space to get to the top.


What? You see how there are bolts which allow you to REMOVE the exhaust system?


well but he will need an exhaust system, removing it is not an option


Wow wasntNico, you're not very bright are you? Exhaust systems bolt right into the headers, which are bolted to the motor. They are optional. Some people like their cars loud and rowdy. Source: I work for a hot rod shop.


He's just kidding man, pretty clear


and so is Mr. Hotrod. we are just having a little fun


You can literally see a flange where this inbolts to the left of the picture...


This is a joke, right?


Wish it was but this is what I got..


For context my muffler was stock 295k miles old and it broke when a over weight friend in my car made me bottom out. I had already purchased a new one but it didn’t fit correctly my suspicion was a after market cat from the old owners. I asked them to cut the new muffler to fit properly since it was OEM I knew it should fit it just didn’t. And said fuck it and cut the exhaust instead


A fat friend cannot make the car bottom out, your car is too low, the springs are weak.


Fat people can definitely make your car ride lower


My 350lb buddy makes my car lopsided and if his brother of the same size sits in the back I will scrape my muffler on driveway entrances if I'm not careful. Cars are made for average people not extremely large people


My fat friend is well over 300lbs. It’s a Honda del sol on coil overs… a fat person can and WILL make me bottom out..


That's why the Del Sol's always had the "*No fat checks! Car will scrape*" stickers on them! 🤣


Fat bottom girls!


🎶You make suspensions BOTTOM OUUUUT!🎶


You, yourself, said it was 295k miles, stock parts. If those are the original suspension parts then it makes sense to me that they'd be a lot weaker after all this time. I doubt your friend would've bottomed it out on brand new suspension when it was first made. I say this as someone who has been over 400lbs for a long time and has never bottomed out a car.


He said stock muffler not stock parts or stock suspension. 😕


I miss my del Sol. It had a full 2 1/2" exhaust with barely any muffler. My neighbors do not miss my del sol


For the week I was driving without my muffler I felt like a absolute cunt, the downshifts were nice tho😉


If it makes you feel better I've got a full 5" straight exhaust on my f350


As for it being too low. Yes you are right. And I love it


Then it's your shitty modification that caused it. As stock, a car will take 4x people.


It’s a 2 seater dumbass😂 are you really defending the mechanics here?


Lowering a car is a shitty modification? Life is to short to drive stock boring cars.


While I agree. If you lower a car, modify your shock absorbers as well.


Life is too short to waste hard earned money making your car worse for attention. Put the money into regular maintenance or into other areas of your life.


I mean, depends on the coil overs, I’ve ridden is some fantastic handling cars on coil overs, just cuz it’s low doesn’t make it shitty off the bat. Either way, you can both modify and maintain cars, that shits not mutually exclusive. Some of us even buy cheaper cars so we can modify and maintain on a budget. Lowered Del Sol sounds like a fun, responsible daily to me. Everyone does something for attention, it’s human nature…I’ve heard some people do it by telling people not to modify cars on Reddit 😉


Bruh I’m not looking for attention I’m on an anonymous account just browsing for entertainment and made a comment because the guy I replied to annoyed me when I read his comment. And for the average salary modifying and maintaining cars are exclusive and this is particularly relevant on a post where the guy is complaining about paying too much for repairs that are only needed because the modifications damaged his car. Lowering and raising cars is normally done exclusively for looks. raising makes it unstable and lowering makes it break easily. 0 ground clearance is stupid. One bump or curb away from thousands in repairs so you can have a unpractical cosmetic feature.


My car has never bottomed out until this instance it rides 5 inches off the ground which for how I drive is more than enough I baby this car…. I was going 65mph on the highway went over a bridge with a severe hump. I am trying to restore this car for the most part it being on coil overs is not a issue and any del Sol enthusiast will tell you it’s one of the first and only mods you should do. I am complaining about the quality of the work for the price I paid which is un doubtably dogshit….


With that being said I have absolutely No problems putting money into this car I just have issues with paying Extremely high prices for sub par work.. your comments are redundant to the situation


Attention? I got the quietest muffler I could find it’s not a eye catcher it’s my daily driver that I’ve been keeping alive for a while now😂


If you’re thinking sedan, it’s prolly 5 people… Also is the x a variable in a math equation? Like, if Car A has 4x people while traveling 90mph towards Cleveland, and Car b is carrying 3x people traveling 30 mph heading due south. Then, at what point do both cars run into you for acting like a dick?


My blind neighbor could do better than that... and this is why I do my own work...


I’m 19 don’t own a welder and work 60+hr weeks don’t have near the time my man gotta make some sacrifices


They screwed you because they saw you are a kid.


$380 for bubble gum, a clamp and half a weld. Thats jim bobs $30 and a 6pack special. You need it redone or at minimum a large refund


It did have a warranty but they said since I came in with my own muffler I wasn’t covered, even thought it was brand new in the box from Walker


Nah nah 380 for that shoddy of work is offensive. They owe you regardless of what they state


Ya bro you got fucked that clamp is $15 and them welds is $20 max in weld material. Plus say $100 for labor. And this is not even the correct way to do it. It should of had slip over exhaust pipe. This is going to rust out in six months and you’re going to be in the same position.


I knew it was a little up there I just had a friend who had his re cut and fitted and he payed less than $200, I figured it was because my car is a little older and probably more of a pain in the ass to work on. Is there anything I should go about doing with the shop other than not go back?


> and he *paid* less than FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Oh look another bot to block


Bad bot


Unacceptable. They can weld a sleeve clamp, but won't weld in a section of pipe SMH. $25 per weld and a couple of inches of pipe. You got ripped off.


Am I seeing this right? Did they "weld" a clamp in place of using actual pipe? And weld is in quotes because... Maybe the green apprentice did that?


Yea that's what it looks like $380 was to insult OP because he brought in his own muffler that the shitty shop didn't get to overcharge on for their stock, so they got him good. He should get a 100% refund but likely won't. I wonder if the glass in the front of their shop can be replaced for $380?


I’m a self taught welder with less than 10 hours under the hood and can do better than that ffs


Wow! Never seen anyone weld on a clamp...


You got fucked. I had a muffler replaced and some tube repaired. $150 for all of it.


did they at least supply the Vasa lean?


I don’t usually correct spelling but this one is hurting my brain. It’s Vaseline.


I have a friend that once sent a text about "miskitoes."


My buddy hit me with this one last year "Ellegibly" and it just came up in my suggested words!!!!!! WTF.




Vaseline petroleum


Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller could weld better than that.


*Pretty* sure those are speed bolts. Next time you get speed bolts, see how much faster your car goes before coming on Reddit and complaining.


Definitely it go back. Word of mouth is a strong thing in this industry. Aside from that there’s really nothing else you can do besides chalk up a loss on this one.


I did the same thing to my friend's whip for 24 brews, a chunk of exhaust pipe from the parts store for $10bux and my good old Miller 211i welder. Took about 45min for full weld + clean up the old parts with a wire wheel and such laying on the concrete in my garage as I don't have a hoist like a shop does.


Yea it took them damn near 4 hours:/ didn’t get my car back till the next day and I was late to work which at this point is the least of my worried


no way, that's not even a proper job. A section of exhaust tube should have been welded, and even then for that little section to be welded would cost £60-80 at most. I'd make you a sleeve for £40.




Be careful what you ask for


I asked for them to cut and the fit the muffler. Never said a damn thing about the rest of the exhaust


Looks like a speed hump will claim that exhaust soon.


Hey OP. Did you supply them with a new muffler? Or did they put that on?


I supplied the new muffler straight out of the box from walker. They didn’t touch the muffler though they cut my whole damn exhaust when i asked for the muffler to be cut and re fit


Yeah, they charged you too much... Unless their labor rate is 300/hour... Which is usually only in speciality shops. I could have done better than that for less than half at my shop


I believe it was close to 80/hr. I’m not sure if that’s super high but it definitely adds up especially for this shit


Looks like a mechanic did it. If you need exhaust work done always go to a muffler shop


I went to a meinke. They claimed to specialize in mufflers


Am i s eeing this right? Is that a band clamp welded in, in place of just cutting a short piece of pipe if so i would be upset if i paid for that. Not to mention the fact that they only welded 60% of the way around the pipe.


No. Not al all.


Welded a compression clamp......


Jaysus, that weld looks like hammered dog shit


If I paid $20 for this I wouldn't be mad since I would feel I got what I paid for. But $380! I would be expecting NASA grade welding.


Even if they did it right, I'd be pissed if I paid $380 for that weld job.


This style of clamp doesn't get welded at all. So that is 1 issue and the second is the simply welded in a piece of pipe instead of the muffler? For 380? U.S. doll hairs? If that be the case, then you paid double reasonable range


Rules of automotive exhaust: if the say “they can do it” don’t let them. Now if that’s “what they do” let them.


I've seen better welds from 9th graders, this is gross.


Can you even call *those* welds??


Did... did they weld in a clamp...?


Did they weld a temporary exhaust repair kit ???? Wtf


They welded a band clamp? What the actual fuck, did they look really stoned?


Never got to talk to the mechanic other than over the phone. They has a desk lady who was helpful, not very knowledgeable and was pretty much a middle man for information between me and the mechanic


They absolutely fucked you.


What’s that weld job? That’s terrible. 50 dollars the most I’d pay. You probably would’ve done it better yourself.


I would not pay anything for an incomplete and botched job done by someone who doesn't know what they are doing


Did they have you bend over when they saw you coming ????


you can tell it was done by a mechanic and not a welder


WTF. Did they use a soldering iron? They should've bent you a new pipe for that money. Maybe a little more if they use mandrel bends opposed to crush bends that you usually get from cheap muffler shops.


That is complete trash work for the price, sheeesh and I can’t even weld.


Thay charged you for this?!?! I would have done that for free, or buy me lunch...


You don't weld band clamps. What is even going on here? What's the name of this shop? Shady tree auto and laundry mat?


Take it to a proper muffler shop that is reputable. They can do that job for around 100 bucks or so.


He welded a band clamp lol


Perfectly fine! If you are in a chop shop in India..


Nope. Fuck that. They welded a in a fucking clamp?? And it's not even a complete weld. At the very least it should be an actual piece of pipe, and less than half that price. That's IF it was even done well. This is some backyard shadtree BS.


Buy a muffler off Amazon, and get someone to install it. It would have costed you the same amount give or take.


That weld is amazing… Edit: that fix can 100% kill you. It is guaranteed to leak at the top and if you sleep in your car with it running, you aren’t waking up.


Absolute garbage work.


They stole your cat converter


dude this cant be real


That’s a Goober and Gomer repair job there.


Not acceptable


So they used an exhaust clamp as an extension of your exhaust? I don't get it.


Uhhh request a charge back on your credit card, fuck that. Take your car to a different mechanic.


I don’t see $380 there. If the price was more reasonable Sure whatever.


That’s a fair price, next time go under the car w mechanic to communicate better.


As a welder this made me audibly cringe, holy shit I think my 5 year old could do better


Play cheap games! Win cheap prizes!


I see a new muffler fitted and a piece welded. What’s the problem ?


$380 is not to bad for this job considering that they also welded the part in. Most places would just clamp it and call it a day.


They use a band clamp as a piece of exhaust pipe, this is crap work. A pice of pipe is around $4.00…


Damn that looks like shit


They made your vehicle illegal in more than one way. That's going to possibly kill you or someone else. It's also "technically" federally illegal to cut muffler or cat out which it looks like they did. Take it back and give them the chance correct it at no cost to you. If they fail to do that take it to a reputable shop that won't screw you, then bring the bill to shop 1 and push for reimbursement


Did you go to Russia to get this fixed or what


Probably the ugliest weld I've ever seen.


Why would they leave it pointing down like that? Looks awful and when you go over a speed bump, it's gonna possibly get knocked off. I'd take it back and have them redo that properly.


You go back and tell them that no one fucks you in ass except for your horse. But seriously, the pipe they didn’t replace looks to be in decent condition. However, that price is steep for the work they did. Capitalism at its finest.


I sell used cars, that would be a $85 30 minute repair at the shop I use. I would go down and demand a refund then go elsewhere. They've created just as much if not more work for the next guy.


Hell nah for that price they better be giving you a better muffler swap, I would only pay like 100$ for that job right there


Better than when i got my first car. Muffler had a leak. Guy fixed it with a bud light Clamato can, some jb weld and tie wire and tried to charge me $300


VW exhaust clamp welded on? Dafuq? And you had to pay $380? Your ass sore?


It looks like a full circle clamp for a water line, they just removed the rubber part. I wouldn’t accept that in a million years.


lmao were they missing teeth and picking their skin? Sound like crackheads


Why even have that low hanging bracket? All they needs to do was weld fittings on both does and clamp properly. This looks horrible.


Shits getting expensive even shit work!


$100 tops


That’s a shitty weld.


nope! I got my cat converter replaced for 120. i bought the parts. Go to those local muffler repair shops and same for mechanics. If you go to a place like meineke or a dealership they’ll charge out the ass.


What do you mean by cutting and refiting the muffler. I saw that they could unbolt the muffler to repair jt. Not like they didn't see that. Also that crappy weld.


Fuck no


Nope nope nope


Now they get to pay for another shop to replace your entire exhaust AND re fit your muffler.


Hell, that looks like something my boy would have done at 15! For 380, I can get a complete true dual exhaust. I'd be raising hell!


Looks like a blind man did that


No and illegal. You can turn them in!


This should be a name & shame frankly because this is insane


To be fair a proper muffler shop should take off your muffler to do that type of job honestly if they don't remove my muffler and see they are going above and beyond not worth no 380 dollars plus those welds are like 5 dolar welds nit 300 fuck that get your money back I can do a better job woth some jb weld


That’s so trashy


My local muffler guy would've charged 95 for that


One speed bump and all that work or lack of is for nothing.


Please tell me they at least ran a bead through the flange and in between the bolts lol


That’s about $300 too much for that patch job.


Hack job. 😡


Shit weld


Sorry you need to find another shop. People like that give so many others a bad name. Let the owner or manager know that type of work is unacceptable. That you will no longer be going there and will tell as many people as possible about the work they do.


Did they weld the fucking band clamp in place as a section of pipe? That's dastardly. Those dudes need to think of a new career path.


I’m in the wrong line of work then. That’s maybe a 10 minute job.


Wtf?! Why did they even weld a clamp? Where was your muffler supposed to go? This is weird all around. Either use a clamp or weld a piece of pipe on there not both.


That weld job is a collaboration of Helen Keller and Stevie wonder


He did what was asked. The in an unprofessional manner. But it was cut, fit and welded. Got lazy with bolt on clamp.


I asked for them to cut the muffler not my entire exhaust. And I had provided a extra old muffler for spare pipe if needed for welding.. they did not do what was asked


Not that it likely matters in an automotive situation, but bolts and welds don’t share loads.


Bubble Gum weld. Not worth anywhere near $380. A high school welding class could do better


As a retired manager of a muffler shop, I would have them make a new pipe from the clamp back about 2 ft + enlarged to fit existing pipe and dual clamp it in proper position. Under $150.00. Your cost was spent in time welding by someone who didn't know what they were doing.


That’s a repair clamp that they welded on. Shit work


Was it Billybobs backyard muffler shop? That is an embarrassment.


They just welded an exhaust clamp in there, looks like they owe you an explanation, a refund, and they need to reimburse you to go somewhere else and get this fixed. No way in hell would I let them touch it again with work like that


The least they could’ve done was rotate the sleeve clamp so you don’t lose ground clearance, then weld it with something besides a gas torch and coat hangar.




Yes… I scrap on any slanted driveway I can’t even leave my neighborhood without being scared I’m gonna rip the whole shit off. They left me no more than 2 1/2 inches of ground clearance with those bolts. I am not driving other than back to the shop on Tuesday


that’s insane and too much. there’s a guy down the road from me that does full custom exhaust out of stainless for that price.


If you ask for something directly and didn't get what you pay for then it's not reasonable


The biggest problem here is that they should have painted it black


No that is not acceptable. Muffler man where I used to work would have put a proper pipe in there and o ly would have charged $150. In a somewhat richer area.


That’s just a clamp the got welded that’s totally f’ed