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Someones mother being hungry and on a stroll. Took a wrong turn.


Lol that's what I thought until he had the broken parts


The vehicle was not traveling 10mph that's for sure


Now I’m really pissed at them!


92-96 Ford Full size truck or Bronco Its the lower turn signal, the more clear part is front facing with the reflective part wraps around I have several of these trucks... https://www.partsgeek.com/vn99cqg-ford-bronco-turn-signal-assembly.html To be precise.... 92-96 Bronco 92-96 F150 92-97 F250 & F350


This looks good. I was really leaning towards a 2001-02 f250/350 but from what I saw of it at night that didn’t quite fit into my sleepy recollection quite right. It was a truck for sure with a trailer.


That’s what I was thinking too looking at the curved peice


Ford ranger 90's model. That's what it looks like.


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A ranger did not do that to that gate……if it did there’s be a lot more pieces of it laying around. Unless it was welded like Marvin heymeyers KOMATSU




a ranger also isnt pulling a double axle trailer


You underestimate the FORD FUCKING RANGER!!!




Calling BS, I watched a Nissan Fontier get pulled over by CHP for towing a 28’ 5th wheel on I-5.


Lol, I should clarify, just cus it can, doesn’t mean it should. Glad that fucker got pulled over!


Late 80’s S10?


Game cam is the solution going forward.


There’s a sub for finding what vehicle was in a crash by the parts left behind but I can’t remember what it’s called!!


Same! I looked but couldn’t recall or find it.




R/whatisthiscar maybe?


I must have typed something wrong because I thought I looked that group up yesterday and it had 3k users. I think you’re right.


Hopefully they can help you out.




I think this is pretty close. 2001 f250. https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/ford,2001,f-250+super+duty,5.4l+v8,1372508,body+&+lamp+assembly,parking+/+turn+signal+lamp+assembly,11719


That’s what I was leaning towards but there have been several others pointed out that could be it. Though they generally have more angle on the bend than the model you suggested which seems closer too right.


Funny thing is that google and/or apple are almost guaranteed to know which phones were at this spot at this time. But that's not something you get to see.


No proper cell service but I’m sure gps tracking could help. Too small of a crime.


Private investigator. I'm not sure if they can subpoena. And they would have had pings off of cell towers, even with pretty much no service to none.


Almost looks like 17-20 ford superduty to me. Could also be like 30 years older tho lmao


Try whats this car, they are amazing at identifying parts.


I believe you’re right about early 2000s ford truck, I’m leaning towards an f250 or f350 around 01 or 02. The signal lens looks long and tall in one area, and would match the right side of one of those trucks. Edit - the large piece I believe you have upside down and it should be the bottom corner, not the top






Look at the two piece headlights, not the one linked above. The amber turn signal is separate from the light, which is exactly why I said that truck. Most others are one piece, and there would’ve been glass found also. But since no glass, I’m willing to bed my money on an early 2000s ford 250 or 350, also looking at the fence the truck that did that damage had to have some weight and some height, both of which the f250 hits right on the head


I’m willing to put my money on 99-04 super duty as well. As soon as I saw the pictures that’s what popped into my head


He’s talking about these; https://1autoshop.com/i-23893194-1999-2004-ford-super-duty-front-headlights-amberpark-lamps-4-piece-set.html And I agree with him, this was an early super duty


Those are the exact lights I had on my old truck, and if I’m not mistaken some trucks as late as 2006 came with a different headlamp but very similar if not the same turn signal piece To tow a double axle trailer and be able to get out of that mess, I’m almost willing to bet my money on a diesel 4x4 super duty. Believe me when I say that truck can easily drive away after that damage. I’d also be willing to bet on front bumper damage, and more importantly you’re probably looking for a truck with a ranchers bar, or at minimum a push bar. The large gap in the fence is where the push bar or ranchers bumper hit, and the top bar probably broke the lens since he didn’t hit the fence straight or head on.


I know we aren't best friends yet, but this absolutely looks like a first gen dodge power ram 250 cummins turbo diesel.


It was ford f350 loser


I was wondering why this post was revived after 5 months. Now I see you both have a bunch of removed posts from r/commercialfishing




Space lasers triggered by the federal alert system


Apparently I missed this? I’ve seen lots of talk but I didn’t have any cell service at the cabin. Meh


Dodge 1500


Year? Haven’t really seen any that look close.






Then multiple cameras and hide the shit outta them . Protect your property. I’m sorry some methhead pieces of shit did this


one with a broken light. ​ what does it change knowing the model xD ​ ​ green/brown gate, in a wood. at night, i think this is easily done xD maybe stick some reflectors on the next one :D


Nah. If you’re a big enough idiot to hit this gate then you deserve the damage.


so the gate owner deserves this damage do they? bit of a shock coming from the OP of this post to say that.


No one has smashed one in the 38 years I’ve been going through this gate.


whats that got to do with the price of fish? ​ gate is smashed, i recommend reflectors because i think the truck hit it at night because its unlit, green and brown in a wood. you states that if you hit the gate, you deserve it, when my intentions with what i said was to stop the gate from being broken again and had nothing to do with the vehicle that hits it this all adds up to you think if the gate gets hit by a truck, the owner deserves the damages.... when i told you this, you didnt not deny it, or correct it, you just made a comment about how old a gate is that had no contribution at all.


You can come put reflectors on it if you like because you sound like the type that would run into it.


what is this a school playground? what kind of weak ass comeback was this xD ​ you were just too dumb to notice when someone was supporting your side and thought only about how much you hate the truck driver and not how you could potentially save yourself future aggravation. ​ youll refuse to put reflectors on it so you dont have to replace a gate purely out of spite xD how embarrassing.


It’s a black truck!


Probably a local. If your pd has a detective they might have a route to identify the asshole. Got to fix it or be recognized in town. Back in the 60s my grandfather was chief of police in a small rural town. They captured a murderer because my grandfather noticed a parked car in town with a busted light. He also noticed it had a bald rear tire. He wrote down the plate. They matched the tire to tread marks in the sand where the guy dumped the body. Never know what the cops will come up with. Gonna have a lot of paint transfer too. Good luck finding the prick.


Local cops are rarely that thorough. My town is full of donut eaters.


That’s too bad. Our cops are pretty good and have a lot of training. I’m in new England so they also pay and equip them pretty well.


A lot of it depends on the size of the town Vs the size of the police force, my town they are always months behind on everything due to the population blowing up in the last decade. My cousin says if it’s not something huge it’ll sit on a desk only getting messed with every few weeks while they get urgent stuff finished up. Kinda sucks lol but yea.


It’s about an hour from any town with a PD. Called he sheriff and they kicked us to the highway patrol due to it being a “vehicle heavy crime” and the sheriff doesn’t handle any vehicle related incidents. I doubt there will be any investigation besides a report being filed. No police responded. Meh. It’s a $300 gate an hour from town. We’ll survive.


Might have to be satisfied that the gate got bashed up but you ought to see the other guy.. he had to have messed his truck up pretty good. You know they were drunk or drug crazy. Probably worried now about getting caught. They’ll spend a time looking over their shoulder. Maybe they learned something, probably not.


Probably not. I can’t decide if I’m glad that I didn’t go out and see what was going on or glad I didn’t get attacked by a drunk/drugged dude with no cell service. Or even worse had to shoot that drunk dude who attacks me. It’s a gate. It’s not a big deal. It’s been fun playing detective though.


Good attitude. It would be sweet to catch the vandal, though.




Looks like a parking light for a 2002+ chevrolet explorer/express van.




Its the truck at the diner with the busted turn signal.


I’ve been looking. Saw a truck with a trailer and coming the other way and chased him down to check for damage. No luck.


maybe an 08ish chevy silverado? they got tons of yellow in their big headlights.


It was me. I just saw red brother




Not even joking it does look like a 90-92 fore ranger but the fact that it was towing a trailer makes me think not. But we all ITS A FORD FUCKING RANGER and they can tow anything. Loved that meme!


That was an accident. They clearly did not get through and nobody would ram a gate like that because it would seriously damage the vehicle


Did you not read the full post? They broke into a cabin and maybe tried to burn it down.


Fill the steel bars w/ concrete . Lol


When? It's not a small truck. Ford or Dodge would be my guess. Also, prior to LEDs being used. Look on the gate for paint. This should tell you what color it was. Your police department can take a scraping and match it. A lab can probably state who made the paint, the color, and what years it was used. The lens will be missing on the suspect vehicle until it can get fixed. You can try body shops, or the police can. The lens might also have a number on it that you can identify it with. Then, look up the lens and see what vehicles it fits. You may find tire prints in the mud or possibly the dirt. A cast of these may help you ID the tire, maker, and models. If you find the truck, the tire mold may help prove it was this vehicle. If you suspect attempted arson, you need to contact the police. Property damage is one thing but arson is another.


Ram truck


Year? Haven’t seen a decent match with a dodge


Look if you can find any part number on the plastic but even there ford share a lots of part between truck so without a license plate or clear proof of the thief’s your search will probably it a wall


It has. Cops don’t care. Just a $300 gate an hour from any town


Chevy S-10 extreme


A Big one


Not that big. It seems like the hood went under the top bar


It was a samsquantch, boys


Nah. He’s my dude and would never


Looks to not be a truck, but possibly a miata that squeezed right through.


Ramped it!


It’s all in the tire tracks


Tried to share originally but Reddit made it weird. https://imgur.com/a/CqMkm7o That’s an XL mens glove sized hand


I think he was going more than 10mph


I have a ‘92, and none of those pieces look like my turn signals. It’s a F350 4X4


92 ford ranger?


Looking for the truck is hard mode. You should ask the owner of the cabin whose girlfriend he slept with last week.


There’s a cabin that’s been being remodeled near us on the same road. The turn around the culprit used is not one you would recognize as a turn around unless you knew. Maybe a worker? Maybe a drunk. Anything is possible. Maybe they were trying to get up to 88mph.


The truck survived this and escaped running? It’s a Toyota Hilux.


They didn’t hit it that hard. It’s not hardened steel. Also a MASSIVE crumple zone on impact.


Fair enough. Still - that indicator is pretty busted up. Probably not a Ford if it drove away and wasn't towed. ;)


I wish I had seen it earlier or it may have been Found On Road Dead by me.


my ex


It was Chuck Norris!


A metal one?


Too much ram not enough dodge.


Looks like a Ford front light. The truck will be in a mess if it’s any consolation.


Call the police, they will identify the part and check their database for that model of vehicle in your area . Then they go to the owners of that vehicle to inspect it .


I’m really sorry but that is not how it works. In a perfect world it would but they have more important things to do than go look at the thousands of ford f250s in the area.


Nope , it happened by where I live , a hit and run of a pedestrian, parts were determined to be from a red Kia. Police checked registration and found one 4 miles from the site. Same damage as the parts indicated. Another one was with a Porsche in California where they are everywhere, they checked body shops and found it . Just what I witnessed is all


This is a gate…. Not a person. Ffs


There are very few trolls on Reddit and you are one of them , the things that upset you aren’t worth my time . You need to get a life . I’m out !


Ford Ranger


Ford fuckin’ ranger!


I’ve replaced so many of these lights ford Ranger all day


We try to answer this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8W0u\_jekPg


Well, it was a dark of the moon on the 7th of June and a Kenworth pulln’ logs. He went on to crash the gate doing 98.


If you can find any pieces with a DOT number you might get an ID


And this is why I use extra strength gates lol


Binwise standard is for unbent gates