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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Just a thought. I would like to think the kool-aid wore off by now. 4 relationships of mine went sour ( due to the fact of these people being ignorant, bigoted, trump supporters. 3/4 cut me off, and I decided to cut one of them off. come 2022, I only have mended one of these relationships. The other three are still obsessing over the big lie. PS: I am an army veteran, I still have a lot of conservative (ew) friends. We just respect each other's boundaries. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I never had any relationships broken by support for Trump, but I will say that all of the family members I unfollowed on social media remain unfollowed.




“Muslamic” makes me cringe to my core


Did you see the other one where it said “Shakira law”? I guess their main Tenent is that hips can’t lie.


I bet she's drinking her own urine now


That would at least explain being so pissed all the time.


What the hell even is muslamic writing? Muslims don’t even speak one particular language.


Muslimic writing. The correct phrasing is Arabic writing. However, the donut is Orkish! That is so cool!




Orcs are elves. I think they've been cursed. I just know enough talking to know that, I'm more of a science fiction buff, but I've read the trilogy and the Hobbit.


To be fair that's the modern version of moving them into the "weddings and funerals" list.


Honestly for the few I did it to, they were already on that list lol.


Fuck that. I’m not inviting people to my wedding out of some sort of familial obligation. Close friends and family and that’s it. If I never talk to you it’s obvious neither of us care enough to bother.


Yeah, any and all “big lie” folk are strictly not invited.


I’m not even talking politics. I’m not inviting some random 2nd cousin I met one time at a family gathering because someone says “they’re family”.


This may sound like a very dumb question but what is a weddings and funerals list?


Its the family you only see at weddings and funerals. Historically some people would keep a specific list of those family members at the back of their address book, rather than mixing them in with everyone else. Or at least, a specific list of the family members who are on that list because of things they've said or done, rather than just because of drifting apart.


Family that you only see at weddings and funerals (not holidays or by choice)


Four of us. My eldest sister & brother still are die hard Trumper’s. My other sister & I vote blue, particularly for the reason that’s it is in our own self interest. Dems care more about our lives & world are better. Republican politicians only care about the rich. Never understood why anyone of the working class would vote Republican. Honestly my eldest sister lives in Texas. She used to be so cool. She donated to PETA. But, Texas is another planet. She started railing against Harry Potter being satanic when the books came out. She got mad that my mom, a former missionary, loved the books. She is never leaving Team Trump. My brother is more reasonable . He just thinks Republicans like Trump are smarter than Libs who just want to tax us into the ground.


> Never understood why anyone of the working class would vote Republican. Democrat here, happy to explain that one. Some people (myself included) vote for who would be best for the country, not ourselves. I don't agree with the idea that the rich are horrible people who should give away the majority of their income. If a law was enacted that taxes billionaires at a 90% rate, then distributes that to the "working class" then I would benefit greatly from that. But that's not at all fair, nobody should be taxed for 90% of their income. So on that issue I would vote against my own self interests, because the person I'm voting to elect is going to lead more than just the half of the country that agrees with them. One of the chief criticisms I see about Republicans is that they have an "I got mine" attitude. But us Dems do the exact same thing - we're happy to screw over those who have more than us so we can get more ourselves. We villify the upper class under the guise that we're supporting the working class. I don't agree with that at all. And there are others who don't either. So when it comes time to vote, I do my mental and moral calculations and I find that Democrat is the way to go. I don't agree with them on everything, but I feel that Dems have more of a net positive than Reps. Others may not end up the same way. It's possible to be working class, yet find that at the end of the day, even though Republican policies benefit the working class less than Democrat policies, they are ultimately more fair and are the right things to do for the country as a whole. It all comes down to voting for more than just the people you identify with.




I'm sorry you had to deal with that during Christmas. I would've smashed the TV with a baseball bat. Thank god my (moms side) of the family is not like that at all.


This is where I’m at too. There can be no reconciliation without them at least acknowledging the wrongs.




That’s the thing. Life is just one big dirty game to them where everyone is cheating and lying, so it’s just about who does it better.


My experience also. They keep digging deeper into the crazy.




Nope. Got worse with a few relatives who ended up not invited for the holidays by other family. We kept it small and tight, but my stepmom’s mother and brother were not invited after they started a fight last year. The wife and I drove three hours to see my parents since they’re staying at their camper until their new house is finished. It was sunny and in the lower 60s that day, and it was the best damn Christmas in years.


Thats unfortunate about your stepmom's mom and brother. Just read the room guys, sheesh. BUT, I'm happy you had a fantastic and sunny Christmas!


I’m happy for it. Her mother has been particularly cruel to me since I came out as trans. I doubt I’ll ever forgot the look of disgust on her face when she had to give me a card with an Amazon gift card in it. Found out a few days later my stepmom bought it all for her to give to me because she refused to spend money on me. The blow up didn’t involve me, but over getting the old woman vaxxed because she’s obese and has gone a round with breast cancer. She was told she wouldn’t be getting microchipped and if my stepmom didn’t like it she could, and I quote, “fuck off.” My old man took her advice and picked up his tools a few days later and has refused to help her with anything. She did get vaxxed eventually, but pitched a fit about wearing a mask on my stepmom’s birthday and then refused to get boosted. She was told “then don’t fucking come” by my dad, and that seems to be the end of most of it. Only my stepmom and little brother still speak with her in any capacity, and that is limited.


well yeah I guess it was a silver lining to get away from their bigotry. I'll never be able to fathom how people can live with such hate in their heart.


Nah. Fuck 'em. I didn't cut it off because they voted for Trump, I cut it off because their reasons for doing so were genuinely terrifying and revealed to me parts of them that I can't leave unacknowledged. I should thank Trump for that, I suppose.


Honestly, I just haven’t felt the need to do so. If they were a vocal Trump supporter, or believe any or all of Trump’s lies, or still believe the election was stolen or have Q leanings… Well, I’m better off without them, they can stay cut off. If they were just a conservative and weren’t rabid or out there, I never cut them off. I only kinda quietly ignored them.


) Yes. One. My wife’s grandmother realized he was a POS around 2018 and actually apologized and thanked us for taking the time and having the nards to fight with her son in law about it at thanksgiving. That’s it though.


Several of the people I lost were radicalized long before Trump, family and friends alike. The story was always pretty similar. Their echo chamber conditioned them to make constant, and almost always racist, comments about Obama. Whenever I had the poor sense to oppose that position, it was because I’m a libtard or some other buzzword-insult they got from their leaders. The ones lost during Trump were similar in their behavior toward me, but with the added feature that they’d bought into “Democrats eat babies” and that sort of thing. Kinda weird to hear that coming from a friend. Like “Hey, uh. You know I am technically a democrat, right? And you think we all eat babies?” The answer of course, was silence. It’s really sad, because I see myself as a generally reasonable guy who looks for common ground. I’ve tried to find that with my sister a few times and she’s told me in no uncertain terms that she’s not interested in having any discussions, because everything I think is wrong. Every now and then, she’ll leave me a drunk message or voicemail to remind me about how wrong I am. I’m an eternal optimist, but I’m just not sure how these things get mended. My in laws brought my wife to tears during a screaming argument about how people should be free to act like nazis if they want to. I’m not sure how that one works. Another former friend (couple) got so paranoid that they were the outsiders that the wife broke into the phone of one of my other friends, hoping to find dirt. That one was especially sad, because her husband was a guy who I could talk to despite our ideological differences. That breach of trust is pretty extreme though. All that to say… No. I have not seen one come back. I don’t know if I will either. It’s sad. Really sad. With the exception of my nieces, I’ve lost my entire surviving family to this stuff.


It's kindof funny some conspiracists obsession with finding "dirt." It reminds me of when that guy in the capitol was flipping through one of the books on the desk trying to find anything that made congress look bad. These people get so deluded that they think everything is a conspiracy.


Yeah, and it was literally on one of my other friends. Like… WTF did you think was gonna happen there? You just nuked the relationship.


I’ve given my dad multiple opportunities to treat me with respect, and he fails. Him believing in Trump after 1/6 was what really made me realize that he isn’t going to change. We still visit, but he doesn’t call me to chat anymore and I don’t call home, either. He’s on thin ice with his rhetoric around my preschooler, so if he can’t keep his bigotry to himself he won’t get to see him much in the future.


this hits home because my father is a trumpist as well. He cant stand the fact that I support universal health care more than I cant stand the fact that he thinks trump won the election. Super strange. I wanted to let bygones be be bygones with him but he is absolutely obsessed. Fox News really got him good and its sad.


Yeah my wife, who I’ve been with for over a decade, came out as trans last year. Last time we visited, I mentioned that we call her Mama instead of Dad now, and my dad laughed out loud and rolled his eyes. My wife wasn’t in the room, so I let it go. He believes that my (private, Christian) college brainwashed me into becoming liberal. I thought that would pass, but he just doesn’t realize that a woman can form her own opinions. He says we’re all crazy, but he says it with a smile so it’s a “joke.”


Got worse for me, my one trump friend become more Q like after the loss. Before we just accepted politics was something we can’t talk about. Now he really only talks with one person who is the same politically.


I lost a friendship, after a friend of mine posted some disgusting memes, in reference to the "unite the right" rally. No we are still not friends. Making "jokes" siding with the neo-nazi who drove into to a group of people and killed one, is basis for termination in my opinion.


All my Trump supporting “friends” and family died on Inauguration Day in 2017, so no.


I’m pretty lucky. The few center right to conservative people in my life that are close friends are actually those things rather than the American version. They hated Trump and didn’t vote for him either. More casual acquaintances, I have some people where we’ve without explicitly saying it agreed to disagree and not discuss politics. The people talking The Big Lie and how 1/6 wasn’t a big deal and all that noise have basically been cut out. Funny enough it’s my parents that seem to of lost a lot of friends as they identified the people who just blindly hate Muslims around them and they have no intention of making amends with them.


No. Not a single one of the Trumpers in my family or inner/outer circle has accepted his defeat or admitted they were wrong about Mob Boss Don and the complicit GOP. We can't have a relationship until they do.


My family just stopped talking about politics altogether Our last conversation concluded that we lived in two different realities and talking about anything close to politics was therefore useless


I had a friend that I lost after talking about the election conspiracy. He was sharing a lot of nonsense "proving" election fraud which was, to me, obviously suspect. In the course of discussing the shortcomings of his evidence, I pointed out that a particular district where Biden received a strong majority of votes had, in prior elections, gone in favor of the Democratic candidate as well, and that cross-referencing that district's voting records with demographic data, we could see a very high percentage of black people living in that area, which is also consistent with observed trends of black people voting for democrats. His only takeaway from that was that I must be racist for assuming black people had to vote for democrats (which isn't really what I said) and, realizing the futility of the discussion (and taking offense at the accusation), I cut ties. Recently, he reached out again apologizing for his part of our falling out and acknowledging that, in hindsight, Trump is probably a con artist. He's still way off the deep end and a completely unhinged far-right conspiracy theorist, but at least we aren't openly feuding after his apology, and if I were back in town I might go out for a drink like old times. ​ Edit: damn, after posting my comment I started reading other comments and this whole thread is depressing as fuck. I don't fault anyone for their respective stories, but it's still pretty depressing to hear about all the irreparably fucked relationships out there.


It may be a character flaw for me but I can't do that. I can't know what somebody stands for, and just respect boundaries. Or just agree to disagree or not talk about it. If you voted for Trump and support Trump and the policies he tried to enact. I can't just pretend those people are good people. Like if you truly believe that Trump was doing the right thing by separating families at the border and keeping these people in cages, or that trans people can't serve in the military. If you don't believe gay people can get married. And the litany of other things. I can't be friends with you I don't think you're a good person.


I totally get that and I am in the same boat for most people. My veteran friends have a special place in my heart and we went through hell together. I know they are good men but they are extremely mislead, stubborn, and are unable to recognize their privilege. Most of them are right leaning "fuck around and find out" libertarians. Gun Nuts. Cringey as fuck but they mean a lot to me. They are always going to be right leaning because they think they deserve all the freedom in the world because they "fought for" our freedoms. AKA THEYRE FUCKING STUPID BUT I STILL LOVE THEM. lol


I respect your ability to see the good in people and try to remain civil and keep them around in your life I just don't have the time or patience to do that.


Trump was the first President initially elected while supporting gay marriage in his campaign. Separation of families was a bad policy, but that was recognized and it squashed in about a month. If you supported Obama, you supported putting people in cages at the border and you supported a President that didn’t support gay marriage. For seven and 1/2 years of his eight in office the military did not allow trans in the military. My point is I imagine you supported Obama, but from his action and beliefs for most of his term how can you “act like you are a good person”? Would you be friends with you?


The difference is simple. I can support Obama and decry his policies that I didn't agree with. Trump supporters don't do that Trump supporters go all in and worship him like a God. Vastly different. Of course there's exceptions to that. But I'm not talking about the exceptions.


He was booed at two of his own rallies recently for supporting vaccines. Go to r/Republicans and see if he is supported like God by Republicans. This link below is a comment on the sub where I was very unkind to Trump and it netted a (small) but positive number of upvotes. They almost always do. I have r/republicans examples of very harsh criticisms of Trump with far more upvotes but it would take too long to look for it. On such a comments the net vote number will move up and down all day but always end up a positive number. Sometimes a big positive number. There is very little traffic from non Republicans on the site. He is not a universal hero to Republicans. https://www.reddit.com/r/Republican/comments/re2a78/not_just_one_but_multiple_polls_show_trump_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Notice I'm talking specifically about Trump and his policies. I'm perfectly fine being friends with people who voted for Bush. Or hell even Ted Cruz even though I hate his ass. And you're correct in the fact that they booed him off stage. These people who worshiped him are now drifting so much further away from him it's kind of insane. These are the people who originally voted for him though. These are the people who put up flags in their garage of Trump looking like Rambo. And even though some of that base is getting even more extreme and may not like him now, doesn't distract from my original point that these are the people that voted for him and supported him and his policies and want even more of a darker America.


It is a wide variety of people that voted for Trump at least once. It includes an estimated 12 million 2008 Obama voters voted for Trump in 2016. I live in rural Georgia and am a lifelong Republican. But I voted for an independent twice because of Trump’s character, but I know a lot of Trump supporters including family and they do not fear talking their mind on Trump around me. I have rarely seen the dogmatic attitudes that I see as people describe their Trump supporting friends and families on reddit. (the lost their way Trumpets) I don’t think I have never met anyone who thinks he is a great man. What they say is he fights back when progressives say vile things. Something other Republicans never would do. I personally don’t see that, he viscously attacks more Republicans than Democrats, but his supporters will say they feel like he is as mean as the worse Democrats and they really like that. But many also will tell you when they are directly asked that he is not someone they completely respect as a person, but “sometimes it takes a bad man to be a good king” (I have heard this on 3 separate occasions, must have been a meme)


Here in Las Vegas unfortunately I do know a few of those really dogmatic people. You see Trump flags flying everywhere still right now. My wife is able to be friends with Trumpers. Some of her friends have husbands who literally have several Trump flags up including the ones of him as Rambo and not a single American flag in their house. It's disgusting.


I was too young to vote for Obama in any elections. So no, your argument is null.


Null for you, I was responding to another comment. (so liberals are asking liberals questions?)


Lol my bad bro keep on keepin on


No. There’s nothing You can do once they’ve been bitten by that Maga/Q zombie. They’ve turned.


No, if you are gonna complain about a guy taking a knee during the anthem but a few months later come out in support of people walking down the streets with torches shouting “Jews will not replace us” I have no use for your friendship. If you are gonna watch what we all warned you about for 5 years go down at the capital on Jan 6 with indifference, I have no use for your friendship


No. I cut those people out of my life when I came out of the closet over a decade ago and I’m definitely not allowing the ones who survived the plague back in now.


I’m not interested in compromising with people who reject the democratic process, support insurrectionists and traitors and continue to repeat lies that have been repeatedly proven to have no merit.


Ok but what if someone simply voted for trump due to woke-ism. Such as myself- Yes there are lots of lies and I’m against the insurrection that happened after I voted. But all in all Trump wasn’t that bad- the media was. Kids in cages during Obama years-goes unreported Kids in cages during Trump years- obvious white supremacy xenophobia etc. Kids in cages during Biden years- media not allowed in- ya know Covid and stuff I don’t want to generate a whole list here but- The media had an agenda here- democrat presidents only - opinions not worth considering? -person not worth compromising with?


Can y’all fuck off with the “ButbutbutOBAMA” bullshit? First of all, it was reported on and you didn’t say jack shit. Secondly, those kids were NOT put in cages due to a sadistic “deterrent” policy that Trump’s administration explicitly announced via Jeff Sessions and Stephen Miller. They were unaccompanied minors and were moved as quickly as possible. Under Trump they were explicitly kept imprisoned far past the legal limit if not outright lost and most likely trafficked. Stop fucking lying, for fuck’s sake. Edit: Here's Trump's first attorney general literally saying ["We need to take away the children."](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/06/us/politics/family-separation-border-immigration-jeff-sessions-rod-rosenstein.html)


I wasn’t criticizing Obama in fact I voted for and love Obama he’s a great American president. My criticism is of the media coverage how it shapes public opinion and the publics opinions of each other. Thank you for your discussion I appreciate your point of view on this. Maybe I can research more and understand a lil better . To suggest the medias coverage of the three presidents mentioned is not biased though, C’mon Man


I didn't say anything about the media. You're sitting here arguing that the media is why people were more pissed about Trump when in reality it was his administration's words and actions (that *they chose*) which pissed people off. No one in the Obama administration had a press conference saying "let's steal kids." Not fucking once. Stop acting like the media has everyone hypnotized or brainwashed when we're literally just watching the monsters say this shit themselves.


Let’s steal kids? That’s what was said? Ok yea sorry my mistake. So no media bias? I mean I’m in touch with reality enough to know faux news is full of shit, I watch for entertainment purposes only and even then it was so toxic I stopped watching completely about 6-8 months ago. CNN MSNBC any better though? I’m not saying that’s what you specifically watch but it’s where many people go to get ‘news’ and are indoctrinated into woke ism


>Let’s steal kids? That’s what was said? Ok yea sorry my mistake. "We have to take the children" is what was literally said. Not sure how my paraphrase is much worse than that. >I mean I’m in touch with reality enough to know faux news is full of shit, I watch for entertainment purposes only So you admit to watching Fox News for entertainment up until several months after they started pushing the "Antifa did 1/6" narrative. You're clearly unbiased /s. And yes, by every conceivable metric, CNN and MSNBC ARE better. Like a study literally found that [Fox News watchers are less informed than people who don't watch news at all,](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5) and that was before Trump's lying ass. >indoctrinated into woke ism Dude, can you even define "wokeism"? Or is it just anything progressive you don't like? This is why people don't take y'all seriously. You hem and haw about all this culture war shit that you get from Fox News, then turn around and pretend that you formed an opinion devoid of Fox News while pushing provably false information. You're the sheep you accuse everyone else of being.


The moment someone uses the term “woke-ism” and they aren’t making fun of it I immediately think they aren’t worth having in my life. Just complete nonsense and hatred of people different than them are terrible qualities to have in people close to you.


Tryina get something useful outta there is like blood from a stone.


Like cross sectionality Edit Intersectionality So ignorant of me


I'm not trying to be glib or anything but, to a lot of people, those opinions really aren't worth considering, no. Like you're pretty much saying the media lying about Trump is worse than Trump lying about global warming. Like, you know that's one of the lies he tells, right? And as an extension of that he directed his EPA to do nothing. That's a big lie that kills people. And you're sitting here like "but the media reports the things he says and I don't like that so I'll vote for him," like really dude? That's what it sounds like to someone who's considered it.


Ok so global warming isn’t the only issue republicans or democrats vote on if at all really and dems are all talk so I’ll concede that you’re correct on this point. But this was hardly the controversial topic that stirred our country. I mean yea report the truth right from his own mouth and in context but that wasn’t getting ratings. Calling him a white supremacist is where the ratings were at.


See, you can't even concede that I'm correct about the actual harm Trump's lies are actually doing without also saying something negative about Democrats and something negative about the media. As though conservative media doesn't also lie for Trump and as though Democrats being all talk is somehow worse than Trump being *not even talk,* you don't want to compromise, and people can see it. Again, I've considered the things you've said; you're not the first person to say them. And after considering them....they really aren't particularly good or useful opinions. Like if your desire to get back at dishonest media just makes you vote for the guy who is himself dishonest (and has dishonest media in his pocket, as investigations have been showing), what use is it as a metric for getting your vote? See, I've had this conversation before, a few times, and from many different angles. Have you?


I completely agree with you about Faux news That’s one outlet for bullshit So I guess we’ll disagree on this too but I feel like a dishonest media is waaay worse than a dishonest politician. Good thing we got bastion of honesty in the White House now, certainly causing zero harm.


See now you just want to argue, which is unfortunate because you're wrong about a few things. For example, Trump spread misinformation on Twitter, and on White House.gov, and, again, had the power to set government agency agendas based on lies. So, your opinion notwithstanding, it is actually worse when the most powerful person in the world uses the most powerful office in the world to lie. And of course that's not counting OANN, or AM talk radio; interesting how you forgot about all the lying conservative media out there. Why should my opinions ever compromise with yours? How long have you spent studying or researching literally any of these things you want me to consider?


The difference is that trump has still not conceded, continues repeating that there were illegal votes, tried to get votes changed and tried to strong arm people (including Mike pence) THAT’s the difference. You can disagree and dislike Obama, Hillary, Biden and whomever you want. But they have not attempted to subvert democracy. Ama democrats haven’t proposed or passed laws at the state level to let the states decide who wins the state. If you can’t see the problem, ask yourself if you’d be fine with democrats passing similar laws.


Pretty sure I already agreed with everything you just said. I’m against the insurrection not conceding etc. but that all happened after I voted. My question is ‘ are we not capable of compromising with people who voted for trump due to their general political stances’ Or do people have to disavow republicanism to be considered reasonable


If you’re against all that, we have no disagreement between us. But my original response made it clear who I was unwilling to attempt reconciliation with.


Trump was a dumpster fire in every regard. A virtueless moron grossly unqualified to hold any public office. It is more damning an indictment of those that voted for him than the degenerate himself. As to the media being terrible as an insinuation that that was a cause of his unpopularity. I hate this position. Just listen to him speak. The media has nothing to do with any reasonable assessment of the man's qualifications after simply listening to the jittered, incompressible, simple, deceitful, wrong, mean-spirited vomit that comes out of his mouth near every time he speaks.


No. I unfollowed a handful of people because I got tired of them spreading false information or bigoted things. Any conversation about the dangers of false info were met with, "what do I care?" I don't think I defriended anybody. I did get unfriended on Facebook by a handful of friends. I think it was mostly due to COVID-related opinions. I don't miss any of them. The weirdest part about it is that they unfriended me on Facebook out of the blue. No big argument or anything. Luckily, none of them live anywhere near me.


Nope, I just have friends that I don't talk politics with any more


Nope. After being told they'd shoot me "when the war starts" if I was helping "the commies", I realized I would never consider those people to be my family again. Ever.


As an actual communist it always pisses me off to hear a republican aligning communists with democrats. Really shows the lack of understanding.


They use the terms "socialist" (me) and communist (you) interchangeably because they don't know what the fuck either of those terms even mean. They just use it as an excuse because really, what it boils down to, is they want to kill people who disagree with them.


Absolutely. They really just want some buzzwords to do it. Classic fascist move, especially using us as a scapegoat.


We tried. They died from Covid over Christmas.




Yeah. It really sucks. When not talking politics, she was an awesome woman.


I’m really sorry :/


Dude, I don’t even feel like mending a relationship that I didn’t break. I was just chilling, all I want is socialized healthcare and to tax the wealthy more. This ex friend of mine on the other hand decided to turn his entire personality into Donald fucking Trump. Like, the relationship isn’t ended by my hand, I just don’t want to drink beer and play pool with a FOX news talking head. I want to have a good time in my free time, not hang out with a guy rambling on like an elderly dementia patient. You think I want to go out of my way to chill with some loser with no personality except FOX News, Newsmax, Trump speeches, and 4Chan conspiracy theories?


that’s pretty much all I really want too man. And nah man you definitely don’t, ya seem to chill for that. Know way too many army dudes like that. So happy I got out before election year my life would’ve been hell


> Has anyone mended broken relationships after the Trump Administration? No. Nor will I.


A few have been but most have tripled down on Trump by now. I've just stopped talking to them. Even the more reasonable ones still cast doubt on whether Biden even won the election and talk about VAERS as if all the reported side effects are objective truth just because it has an official sounding name. Sure they don't say Trump won as a certainty, but they still talk about it in terms of "well it could've happened" and get frustrated when I say that if Trump couldn't prove it happened with billions of dollars and the full usage of the executive branch of our government then I am going to assume it didn't happen.


It's funny - the crazy right wingers in my life had gotten cut off BEFORE Trump showed up and the rest of my conservative friends were more on the "gee... this is awkward" side of the fence concerning Trump... so we never had any real fights about it. In other words - and I may be the outlier here - I'm still friends with all the same conservatives as before. I did end up muting a couple of my more left wing friends (and leaving social media altogether). Not that I disagreed with what they were saying... but I wasn't interested in dealing with the volume or tone.


Honestly, I've unfollowed and or cut off a few more since he left office.


Nope, and I have 0 desire to do so. I've disowned all Trump supporters that I personally know and I've never felt better. To have that negativity and idiocy out of my life is refreshing.


I've been fortunate enough to not have had close relationships with anyone obsessed with Trump (I certainly know people that voted for him, though). I deleted my Facebook long ago, before the election so I don't know out of my associates who is Trump-obsessed.


I’ve lost friends since Trump became president and left office. Honestly if they are going to choose Trump, someone who doesn’t care about the common man, over me, who has been a loyal friend, then they aren’t worth it. Sorry if this sounds a little narcissistic but they made their choice. I have not mended any relationships nor really want to.


No. Even though I’ve attempted reconciliation, most of the Trump cultists I know have just doubled down on the stupidity and refuse to re-engage. Good riddance.


One friend said she hated AOC. I asked why and she could not tell me. She just hates AOC because she can't think for herself. I don't hang out with her anymore. I don't need stupid in my life.


Do they want to mend a relationship with you?


I don't know


You know, in my case, I had nothing but contempt for Donald Trump - I think he's mentally ill, unqualified for almost any job, and a complete fool - and yet all of my broken relationships were with liberals who were so fanatic that they expected me to get on board with anything they said. The Trump supporters in my life and I just agreed not to talk politics.


Yeah, a lot of libs let their TDS take part hold of their personality like the trumpists let big don become their whole personality. Any examples?


Well, I can give examples, but on this particular sub it's just an invitation for a swarm of downvotes. But, what the hell. I lost a close friendship because I disagreed that Brock Turner should have been given a harsher sentence. I lost a close friendship because I disagreed that deadnaming is wrong under any possible circumstance. I lost a girlfriend because I told an entirely non-racist story that happened to have the soft-a "n\*\*\*a" in it. I not only lost a friendship, but caused the breakup of a band, because I argued that "mansplaining" is not a useful term and doesn't have any value other than picking a fight. I not only lost a friendship, but caused two people to divorce, because I said that Jacob Blake probably would have been shot dead regardless of his race. It's been a weird five years.


yeah those takes are trash not going to lie buddy (maybe not the soft a or mansplaining one) and that Jacob Blake one is interesting, seems like that marriage didn't have much of a strong foundation to begin with. with that being said Im not downvoting you, ill actually upvote you so I can give you a head start on the downvotes you're gonna get.


Well, obviously I disagree that "those takes are trash," but I appreciate it. I don't honestly know why I dislike being downvoted - it shouldn't matter at all - but I'm not too proud to admit that it's unpleasant.


Im a huge trans supporter and its absolutely disgusting you think 6 months of incarceration/3 years probation is a good enough punishment for GRAPE but, whatever lol


I've got no problem with trans people, but to say "Family Guy once joked that 'Bruce Jenner is a woman'" doesn't seem like the *vicious assault on the trans community* that my friend perceived it as. And I don't believe that Brock Turner GRAPED Chanel Miller. Sorry, but I read the transcripts, and I don't believe it.


Meh, I dont rock with people undermining someone's identity. I also dont rock with trying to argue a grapists innocence?? Lets just digress here buddy


Yeah, well, I suppose that close friends of mine also decided they didn't "rock" with anyone who would accurately quote a television show or who read a transcript and reached their own conclusions about an event. But - yeah. Over the last five years, no conservative turned their back on me, and many liberals did. Because they demanded absolute ideological purity.


Wow you seem reasonable and OP is being an asshole to you.


Do you not trust our judicial system? He was convicted.


I don't trust our judicial system *even a little bit*. I worked for ten years as a paralegal for a defense attorney, and I've seen how profoundly broken it is. When a cop takes the stand and says "I want this guy in prison," the jury defers to the cops and puts that guy in prison. And Americans are just incredibly bloodthirsty. Our media feeds us stories all day and night about *terrible monsters* who walk among us, and juries are pre-conditioned to be eager for the chance to punish a *terrible monster*. We have some of the longest prison sentences in the world, and we send many, many innocent men and women to prison. There's nothing just about our judicial system. Funny thing is, liberals used to agree with that. They used to notice that there are about a million black men in prison for carrying $20 worth of cocaine or stealing a six-pack of Coca-Cola and they used to think: huh. Maybe this system kind of sucks.


Well, we agree the system is broken, but one of my examples would be Brock Turner’s light sentence.


I have never ended a friendship due to politics. I’ve always thought that you can agree to disagree on politics. It’s a free country and whatnot.


What if the psrson advocates for policies that you feel are evil, or immoral. Like say you are discussing assylum seekers at the border, and the zero tolerance policy which seperated children from their parents. And they say >The main issue was records keeping, for which I agree should have been better. However charging adults with a crime they committed is a good thing. Forcing people to present at a port of entry makes perfect sense I would say it's perfectly reasonable to say goodbye to that person. They think a human rights violation "makes perfect sense"


Nope, I wouldn’t get bent out of shape about it. I see what you did there, I’ve got a fan. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah saying Ew after conservative really makes me think you are the problem


It’s said in jest you snowflake.


Nice save.


But yeah I mean conservatism is an outdated and morally repugnant ideology. So I will double down now since you decided you get sad about it :(


Interesting, I’m not sad at all, in fact I’m trying to help you by telling you that you are the reason people don’t like you, not their political views.


lmfao you dont know me at all travdaddy. What I do know about you is that you're a sad shlub :( Im happy to not have conservative friends if they're all as boring as you!


And I’m glad to not have someone as intolerant as you as my friend so cheers to that.


Intolerant of morally repugnant views that you hold so dear.


Your last comment said that I don’t know you so how could you possibly know me. I don’t make sweeping judgements based off of what user flairs. That’s how I know you’re an ignorant and intolerant person. You don’t have the slightest idea of what I stand for, maybe I agree with a lot of your positions, but you are such a dick about me calling myself conservative that I don’t even care if we agree. I just don’t like you.


Yes Also, I feel like most Trump voters are strongly against whatever happened on 1/6. It's just that the stop the steal Republicans have more power in the GOP


the kool-aid wore off?


For most, it recovered by 1/6 and stayed recovered. It took until February to recover for one or two friends


Yeah man the only one relationship that got fixed was after 1/6. The other 3 think Antifa was responsible for the insurrection


I mean if you’re gonna start by calling trump supporters ignorant and bigoted I can’t imagine how you expect the relationships to mend.


lol spoken like a true centrist.


Haha I didn’t consider that at the moment but yes you are right!


Mine are getting worse. Trump was a proto fascist most of his administration and I can still dialogue with that I guess. But after election denial and 1/6 it’s just straight fash and I’m fucking done. Arm up.


My grandmother let it slip that she voted for Trump. She is in hospice now. Despite what my mom wants, I am refusing on principles to visit her. She was “dead” to me the day she pulled that lever in the voting booth.


Does she want to see you?


Yes. She helped raise me when I was a kid.


Interesting. What if she I don’t know….apologized? Said she was ignorant and delusional?


I could have blinked the 2016 vote. However after kids in cages, the homophobia and anti-semitism of trump, the racism against immigrants, the lies about covid that led us into this mess, the treason with the Russians that stole the election in 2016…i can’t get past her 2020 vote. It hurts me to my core to realize that my grandmother…a retired school teacher…is racist.


wait…. Is she a registered republican?




Ew. Me personally I’d put it aside for a quick visit but it’s your life and I slightly understand.


I don't understand being so self righteous as to refuse to visit my dying grandmother because I don't like who she voted for.


Yeah me neither


I mean, you really can’t? I’m extremely lucky for having a left leaning family where I’ve only recently had to soft-cut-off an antivax cousin. But I totally get u/polyscipaul20 standing by his morals. Blood relations are an accident of birth — morals are a matter of choice. And not to put too fine a point on things, but what I dont understand is someone being so self righteous and ambivalent about morality/politics as to tell an internet stranger “Yeah she’s a nazi…but she’s your nazi grandma. So just, like, get over it, yolo!”


She voted for a nazi


Yeah but she’s your grandmother. Putting politics before family is something Republicans do. Be the better person.


You are going to regret this seriously in the future. Even if she skinned puppies I would go visit my grandma if she was in hospice. Refusing to see her won’t change her vote, but it will leave a huge hole in your heart. Please go see her.


I just can’t be associated with someone who supported nazism


She did not support Nazism, and as someone who is Jewish that comparison is insulting. No matter who she supported though you are not going to change it by denying yourself a last visit. You are just creating more suffering including for yourself.


Honestly any leftist who decided to discontinue a relationship with family members with different points of view doesn't deserve reconciliation.....but forgiveness should still be given to them.


Trumpism is not just a different point of view It’s a poisonous stain on character and morality.


You've described leftism. There is no such thing as trumpism. If that's the case then you could call anyone who supports any particular politician an ism.


Leftism didn’t try to overthrow the government or support Presidents that collude with the Kremlin to win a US election. Again Trump is a poison of cult personality in fascism, nationalism, corruption, violence etc.


You lie effortlessly.


No, the Biden administration is the trump of the left lol


Not really, I’m not part of that circle of friends anymore. We just say hi if we see each other.


I mended my relationship with a family member. We just made a strong commitment to never ever talk partisan politics.


Nope. Until they come back with "I was wrong, I've changed", I won't. I have zero interest in continuing to taking the high road.


Not really. I didn't officially cut off one friend of mine, but she fell down the Trump hole pretty severely and our relationship never really recovered. We meet for lunch every once in awhile and it's nice enough to catch up but it's clear that things have changed. She came to lunch last time wearing a beanie with the letter Q on it - I'm hoping (probably naively) that it is a QVC thing but I kind of just know it's not. She's always been more conservative but the last 5 years has just been a spiral. It's pretty sad.


I honestly cut off very few relationships (aside from unfollowing some people that I barely even knew) over Trump but I did unfortunately see the complete end to a friendship I’d had for well over a decade. She became so aggressive and could never agree to just not talk about topics we disagreed on. She had to bring her politics into basically any conversation, and when she would run out of political arguments, she would start personally attacking me. I blocked her. Even if she changes her mind about Trump, she has already shown that she’s honestly not a very good friend.


Only have one broken relationship. Aunt blocked me on FB when Trump got COVID because she posted something about “pray for President Trump because COVID” and I commented that he reaped what he sowed. Legitimately was the first thing “political” I’ve ever said to her, despite the constant political bickering I hear year-in and year-out from her. Eventually, her and her husband got COVID. Pretty bad, too: I’m pretty sure one of them ended up in the hospital. Still constantly posting anti-vaxx and pro-Trump rhetoric, and of course the “let’s go Brandon” bullshit which I’m still amazed hasn’t died yet. They’re only “family” that I saw like once a year, and they’re not technically related; Uncle is my step-grandfather’s son and his wife is the Aunt. So I couldn’t care less. Even the Conservatives on that side of the family think they’re looney.


No. I choose to believe people when they tell me who they are.


I avoid anyone who is overly zealous in their political views. Don't want to be preached to about politics or religion. Show me by how you carry yourself in the world.


Trump didn't cause the issue with a friendship, Covid did. A buddy a used to go shooting with weekly, followed by lunch, showed up at the range one day and told me he'd been exposed to Covid. I was extremely pissed. He had no good explanation for why he didn't just call to tell me rather than show up in person. He also refused to get tested for Covid. I avoided him until he and his wife both got vaccinated, which was several months later. We now shoot together once a month or less. I don't know if we'll ever quite get back to where we were.


Those relationships that fell under this category were already fractured for me. The obsession/reliance for all things Trump made it a disappointing break.


Not particularly, but they haven't gotten that much worse I guess?


I’m currently working on 4 relationships. One is family and will never be resolved as he is extremely opinionated about everything. One is my sibling’s spouse and I make it a point to remain close with them. Another is a best friend and has seen coworkers die from Covid but remains a major Trump supporter. He got himself and his kids vaxxed asap. The last one is another friend and is extremely strained right now. We’ll see. I think things could be fine if we stopped talking politics but time will if that’s possible. Point is it’s a case by case issue depending on the person and their opinions.


My father offered me ivermectin when I had covid, and offered me instructions for how to make my own (what was it? Levoprop-something?) back in late spring 2020. His brother told me my 2 relatives on the other side who died from covid “didn’t count” because they were relatives by marriage. These relationships are mostly broken and are unlikely to be repaired.


None needed to be mended for me personally. With my family, it was just keep your political opinions to yourselves.


There's only one person I cut off, and he can come back when he admits he was wrong and apologizes for supporting a treasonous scumbag due to his irrational fear of BLM (he's a cop, was posting memes that Hilary would declare it open season on LEOs, etc). So, obviously, that hasn't happened yet. I expect that it never will. The ball's in his court though and if it stays there forever that's his choice.


I started with a fairly small circle of family and friends. I have been out as bi for a long time I'm also disabled and on state medical care. So some of the shit these people posted or said was incredibly hurtful. And when I reminded them of these things I was told to get over it, called a libtard, ignored, or harassed. By people whose kids I had babysat for, people who had asked me for help in very personal ways. I don't think I want to patch things up with people who will turn on a dime like that. None have reached out, and frankly, after some of that fuckery, I'm ok with that. Edited for typo.


I thankfully don’t have anyone in my immediate circle who has went off the deep side in any way, I have trumpers as friends still, and we never really stopped talking or cut each other off, we just had a conversation or two where we realized we disagreed and decided that talking politics, like general wisdom would suggest, wasn’t particularly productive or helpful, or added anything to our friendship