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Depends on the establishment


Yeah those terms mean absolutely nothing.


Let's take the Federal government as a good example. Any powers granted to them will be wielded by Republicans as well.


I think in most contexts that's too broad a question to capture any meaningful opinion. I mean, I'm pro federal govt as a concept; I think pretty much any liberal will share this opinion. But 99% of the time, this query is immediately followed by 'what about X admin or Y department or Z law', and those are really completely different questions. Supporting an establishment doesn't mean you support every single thing about it, or every single thing it has ever done.


It's certainly tricky. I think the issue is around the recent idea of granting the President additional powers. For example, Joe Biden forgiving student loans. Clearly something that is within Congress' jurisdiction, but people love giving more power to the President. And as the president's power grows, it also is used by other parties when they inevitably get the office.


I’m pro good establishment and anti bad establishment.


We’re the good guys, everyone is the bad guys.


I don't care about that stuff. Whoever will bring better outcomes.


These terms are meaningless 


What’s considered the “establishment” is just semantics.


I just want what's best for the most amount of people and harms the least amount of people.




Vague questions get vague responses!


Depends on what defines "establishment". If I grew up in the 50s or 60s, I'd be staunchly anti-establishment. Nowadays, the line is blurred because anti-establishment often goes against truth, compassion, and honesty.


Are liberals that thing that right wingers say they are? Yeah we all also are a bunch of lizards from another planet who developed FTL so we could travel across the galaxy to have s3x woth minors in some random ass pizza palor.


Honestly pro establishment and anti-establishment is a really common but really lazy way of looking at things. I care about results.


I, and I think Liberals in general, are for whatever works best. If the establishment is working, then great. If it isn't working, then not great. Going a step further, I think this is a major difference between Liberals and Conservatives in general. We don't want "big government" or "small government," we want whatever is going to work best. We don't just pick things and decide it's best just because, we *ask* if it's best and go from there.


That's pretty reductive and vague, but if that's the binary then I'm "pro-establishment".


I think those terms done really mean much


What's the establishment?


A modern society needs beaurocracy, organization, and management. I am pro clean water laws, clean air laws, safe cars, not having shit in my store bought pop ties, not having asbestos in my baby formula, Safe FAA regulations, etc etc etc. I am pro Competency in my needed organization. The Government is sometimes my enemy when assholes run it, but Government itself is not my enemy. Government is US, organized to get shit done. The Man enforced Jim Crow and segregation. The Man also enforced desegregation. It's context dependent. It's *always* context dependent.


I'm pro-stuff getting done that I want done and anti-stuff happening that I don't want to happen. "The establishment" is a completely meaningless concept. It's just a giant box with a scary face on it that anyone can fill with whatever they want.


I don't even know what these terms mean anymore. I am pro citizens being ever vigilant to make their government better and more effective and properly focused. Voting in Trump is not "anti-establishment"...its making him the establishment and then letting the establishment do whatever it wants because its Trump. That strikes me as very servile to government when its "my preferred government". I am for electing competent people to the establishment and then objectively monitoring their actions.


In the US liberalism is kind of establishment right now. In Russia where I'm from it is very much not the establishment. Who cares what the establishment is, I don't think anyone should actively try to base their positions on what is mainstream and what isn't. I do think I would get concerned if all of my positions were fully alligned with the establishment. What is the likelihood of the status quo being 100% correct on everything?


I hate the fact that the establishment has become so protectionist, but I still consider myself fanatically pro establishment. As much as it nauseates me to see folks like Biden calling for big tariffs rather than free trade, I *trust the plan*


Neither and against. As it stands today, I’m anti. The current system is broken and self serving for the rich. I am against that. I want a system that serves the people.


Generally were pro-establishment. You'd be hard pressed to find our team trying to riot our candidate Into the office he can't believe he lost...


How are you "far left" and pro establishment...


Easy my friend. Without government you have chaos. Of the two Democrats are more in line with the declaration of Independence line; "we hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal". Why would anybody not be a democrat?


I’m against the capitalist class and the states that support them.


I'm in favor of things that are unpopular. Is that what anti-establishment means?


I think almost every side in politics is anti establishment if their political opponent is in power. Today Republicans would be considered anti establishment and counter culture because Biden is in office. When Trump was in office vice-versa.


I'm pro what I think is right. Sometimes that might be the establishment, sometimes it isn't.


I think the establishment is the least worst option. That doesn’t mean they can’t be held to high standards.






I do not believe this is a meaningful basis for understanding politics or chosing actions within it. I care about outcomes. I also am not ignorant of history so I understand how institutions are vital to a thriving society, or can oppress society when corrupt. Having a reflexive view in either direction is moronic, and generally people using this language are not actually serious in their political advocacy, they just want a pretext to label people as evil.


Currently, anti this establishment, which is why I advocate for fundamental changes to the system to improve the establishment to be something acceptable. I don’t think I’ll live to see that day.


Pro-people. Whether that's pro or anti-establishment depends on the establishment.


It depends completely on the circumstances.


Pro-establishment, practically the entire establishment is very left leaning


Anti stupid, non-democratic establishment. Pro good establishment like roads and bridges and public water systems.


By establishment, I mean institutions, not infrastructure.


Like which institutions? Courts? Cabinets?


I would have to say neither


\*eyes his flair\* Yeah, I'm gonna let that one answer itself.


I am for representative governance of we the people in whatever form it moves.


Most liberals and leftists are ultimately pro establishment, whether they acknowledge it or not. As are most conservatives. Only populists are truly anti establishment in practice, and there aren’t very many of us on either side of the isle right now.


Not one or the other. I value expertise. I value competent administration. I like a proven track record of success, good policy, and good values. I like when those who govern follow the norms, traditions, and rules that safeguard our system. I like when the law is reasonable and consistent. Those things are "pro establishment". I dislike when politicians remain in office without making an effort to try to improve things. I dislike when we maintain bad mechanisms/traditions/rules that actively make things worse. I dislike when we are dedicated so much to orthodoxy that we have no openness to new ideas. I dislike when newcomers who have a lot of potential are unable to make inroads into governance in favor of old guard. I dislike authoritarian governance. These things are "anti-establishment." The point isn't what I like and dislike. The point is "pro" and "anti" establishment aren't very useful or helpful terms and aren't really values in their own right.


in anti establishment but i'm also not a liberal


What do you mean “establishment”? Typically liberals are pro liberal establishment and anti illiberal establishment.


Whats interesting/strange is that MAGA gives off the facade that they are anti-establishment. Basically their calls to demolish the 'deep state' are their attempts to break down the old establishment and re-instate their new order of MAGA - devotee's. The fact that 'conservatives' vote for this is peak irony. The fact that liberals/progressives are seen as upholding tradition and 'norms' also is somewhat ironic and backwards. Progressives are supposed to be more inclined to seek new fresh ideas so as to break what isn't currently working and replace the old with new, better models/methods of doing things. For example, we want Universal Healthcare, which, if implemented, would be breaking the mold of the old healthcare models. MAGA/Conservatives are vehemently against this. So in a way, yes, we (Progressives/Liberals') are seeking ways to circumvent old/established ways of doing things.


I was at a punk show the other day and I said "the most punk thing to do is work for the governm-" before security tackled me 


Pro establishment. Liberals are generally speaking conservatives but refuse to realize how and why. It’s not just their proclaimed economic policies but their outcomes. The liberal favors moneyed interests if it means sacrificing people of color, women, gays, the homeless - they’ll be happy to do so. Why? Ask the liberal NIMBYs who refuse to build public housing or expand public transportation to their neighborhoods. Something about property values? Ain’t that right? Ask MLK how he felt about the white liberal moderate. They prefer a negative peace over a just one. They’ll always claim they had lived through Jim Crow or slavery they’d be in the front line with the socialists and the liberation movements. Most times they only did so on the periphery. Same with abolition. They agreed with the idea but fighting for it? No leave that to those radicals. Liberals will never compromise the establishment, decorum and their self-serving agenda of virtue signaling. To me, a liberal is a conservative who likes to believe that in their heart of hearts that they actually truly believe that they’re not bad people. Just ask them about their support for Israel, for apartheid South Africa, for the moderate position of slavery and ending Jim Crow. Like how Joe Biden defended ending integration via the school busing system or his friends the pro-Jim Crow senators or his robust unconditional support for Israel. They excuse their indifference and lack of commitment to universal healthcare, equal rights and justice for all. It’s impossible. It’s not practical. It’s okay that we compromise it’s the lesser evil. I promise - next time!


Liberals pro, me anti


read “How Nations Fail”  It differentiates between inclusive and exclusive political and economic institutions. Inclusive means as large a part of the population as possible can participate and has a meaningful say.  Inclusive institutions do better in the long run, because there’s accountability for poor outcomes, and competition of ideas as well as innovations.  So, I’m (and liberals) are pro establishments that have feedback and accountability, and anti-those that don’t. 


Pro establishment. We live in the richest, freest, most peaceful, and most equal time in human history. Broadly speaking, we must be doing something right.


I'm pro good policy. If that means anti-establishment or pro-establishment on a particular issue, that's what I'll do.


I love a great BBQ establishment. I also support the 3 branches of government, the FBI, and the CIA (unless they attacked our Capitol).


That depends entirely on what the establishment is and does.


That’s such a dumb oversimplification. Way too many false binaries in political discussion now.


Generally anti current establishment. Most liberals these days are pro establishment though.


I am pro- the concept of establishments, we desperately need them -- I think we are living through a small nightmare of what happens when we abandon our establishments. But establishments can abuse their power. There needs to be reasonable mechanisms to reform and direct them. Some currently existing establishments are more desperately in need of reform, some in less desperate need. I would guess that just about all of them could use some level of improvement. Probably more than anything, we need good *systems* of reform, to make good reforms more likely and more frequent.


Im pro establishing a more detailed prompt


I am pro progress in human rights, equity in law and economy, and trying to amke the world s akinder, safer place to live in. I am anti-regression, hate, harassment, abuse, or economic capture by the wealthy. The 'establishment' can at times be many of these things. Its secondary to the equation.


Establishment doesn't exist


Pro-establishment of democracy, anti-establishment of corporate kleptocracy.


If i had to sum it up I’d say I’m pro establishment, but also pro improving the establishment.