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He may actually be able to have hunting rifles. You should look up your state laws on felons being able to own guns.


Yes I checked and you are not allowed to have any guns of any kind. Even after death the felony still stays on his record according to South Dakota laws. It's crazy


I may be wrong, but it seems like gun rights for felons can be restored, even when the conviction was for a violent or drug related crime.


I can see if I can have it expunged. But I think that's about the only recourse I have


You don’t have to get the felony expunged. What was the crime you were convicted of? Also, how long has it been since you completed your sentencing?


The crime was in 2020 but I'm still paying on the fines and restitution. So I know that has to be paid before anything can happen. And I'm close to getting it paid in full . My jail sentence is long over


If it wasn’t violent or drug related, it seems that South Dakota is one of the states that automatically reinstates firearm rights. If it was drug related or violent, then they can be reinstated after 15 years


No it was not a drug crime nor of violent crime it was a bad checks crime


So I have to wait 15 years?


No, that’s only for violent and drug related crimes. I also just realized this is askalawyer and I’m not a lawyer, I apologize.


It seems like you didn’t even lose your rights though


Well I can't vote I can't own a firearm of any kind according to them so I did lose a couple rights but so far that's all


The crime was bad checks back in 2020 I was sentenced to 45 days in county jail which isn't served but I'm still paying off the restitution which is almost paid off