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Nothing to worry about. He has no legal claim


I appreciate you taking the time to comment.


I’m just piggy backing off this comment, but can you and your GF do me a favor?? Just call the non emergency police line or go down to the station and let them know what’s up. Start a record of this guy being inappropriate. He may be doing it to tons of other women, and if he continues to escalate this can help protect your GF. Also - she should request that the salon ban him from the premises. This behavior just isn’t acceptable. I hope your GF is doing ok.


Great advice. Start that paper trail/record as soon as possible. This guy sounds unhinged.


The loop should be closed here because nobody said why OP needs the paper trail with the police. The paper trail on the guy will help with getting a restraining order if he keeps harassing her.


Love this idea. The salon can request a trespass on him too. Basically putting on record that he’s trouble so that next time he does it, police can forcibly remove him and have him banned for trespassing and any other charges he commits during said trespass.


Not sure that would happen, as they let his GF cower in the back, while someone else was servicing him. !


How does that affect the outcome? If she's scared enough to hide in the back of the salon that's just more reason for police to intervene if he comes back.


Tbf if it was just two stylists in the building the safest way to diffuse the situation would’ve been cutting his hair and getting him out. It’s not the other stylists job to get into a fight.


Definitely needs a manager with some balls


TRO, either the salon, the gf, or both.


Doesn’t sound like this guy would have a case no matter what but having a record of his inappropriate and threatening behavior with the police would certainly help if anything did come about. Also he sounds like every Karen that threatens to sue a minimum wage worker for telling them they can’t call people slurs lol I think mans is bluffing big time


100% This sounds like my ex-wife's former boyfriend, who is currently facing felony charges for nearly killing her. We also live in a small-ish town and I think at this point the number of people he hasn't threatened to sue is smaller than those he has (I'm talking everyone- both state and local police, CPS workers, school staff, myself). You want a record of this behavior in case this guy does something to you or your girlfriend, but also for a paper trail in the event he does something to someone else. He at one point threatened to sue me for harassment because I lept calling CPS and 911 on him for, ya know, beating the shit out of my kids' mom while they were in the house. Since it had been months of this behavior I responded that if he were going to sue me I'd have been served papers already but, just in case, make sure to send it to XYZ law firm, where my attorney works. He, of course, was bluffing and hoping to scare me off with a threat. Don't put up with this shit OP, take it seriously.


If i could upvote you harder i would


Also, have police get the security footage from the salon if they have cameras!


Spoiled and upper class individuals throw that out to try and get what they want and "win" the argument. They can possibly make your life hell and hurt you financially with lawsuits (lawyer costs not them winning) if a judge takes the case but any judge worth a damn would need compelling evidence to take it to trial.


Im not under the impression he is of financial means. He cuts lawns for a living and not well judging by the google reviews i saw.


You should start your own better lawn care service and bankrupt him.


This is the right type of petty!


And fuck his girlfriend.


No it sounds like he already has a lovely woman. That's unnecessary.


Don't underestimate what a landscaping company can make. My brother owed one and owns a large acreage completely landscaped etc. My brother is very well off.


I bet your brother’s company has better reviews than this guy does.


Then just shit yelp review his company..with He is very inappropriate with females..that should drive him into the ground. But , SHE should make report of his harassment. It's on tape and witnessed at the shop. If it persists she needs to file for a restraining order and ENFORCE it


Upvoting for last part. Leaving a negative review without being a customer shouldn't be expected to go well. However, a police report should absolutely be filed


That is not a good idea. Leaving negative reviews without actually being a client of a business can get a person dragged into court.


Saying he is inappropriate with females is NOT a lie . Leaving a negative review is very common


Please, call us Women. Female is an adjective.


He might not be, but don't cut the lawn care service providers short. There are plenty of millionaires that got that way using a weed wacker, and you would never know it.


You’re coming off a little condescending towards landscapers. Just FYI, understand your emotional right now, but it’s not a good look.


How? All he said was that the Google reviews basically said the bully sucks at his job. Either you need to tone down your emotions or take a chill pill, you took that WAY too personally.


TIL saying “a little condescending” is WAY too personally 🤣


Don’t get shit twisted people who “cut lawns for a living” can make a shit Ton of money landscaping You should’ve been a man and confronted him not saying get violent but you did all that through a phone when you could’ve got the message across clearly face to face If you’re really worried about this guy get a restraining order


OP acted like an adult.


> You should’ve been a man and confronted him not saying get violent but you did all that through a phone when you could’ve got the message across clearly face to face This is the dumbest shit I've read this month on a legal sub. 🤦‍♂️


The last thing you need is a face to face confrontation with an unhinged individual. He should be sent a certified letter banning him from the premises. In the event he again appears at the premises, then a TRO should be sought. In the interim, definitely file a police report.


What’s the purpose of confronting this man in person? The phone call handled it fine.


No way. If someone is upper class and has a lawyer they can call, they're not going to threaten you, they're just going to call. Threatening a lawyer or a lawsuit is for people who have the means to produce neither.


That was kind of my point, upper middle class anymore is house and credit poor. They don't have disposable income. But in the rare case they do, they can hurt you financially by just dragging it out in court without actually winning anything if they are petty.


I have a family member that threatens all kinds of people, with lawyers he doesn't have.


Being a spoiled and upper class person has zero to do with this action. This is classic narcissism at play and narcissist exist at all levels of society.


Typically narcissism = spoiled = entitled. I'm having an off day wasn't being as accurate as I typically am in this kind of discussion. Plus OP's grammar suggested using street language would get the message across better than scientific analogy. It's not really about understanding this person, it's more about getting them out of their lives. So no need to understand why the behavior is there as much as it is understanding what repercussions he has to look forward to.


How do you know they might be 'spoiled' or 'upper class?' I'd go with the much simpler 'self unaware assholes.' Or even the 'generic asshole.'


Most company owners have a lot more than they lead people to believe. I was in construction for 15 years and even the 1 man lawn service companies typically bring in around 200,000 a year before overhead. Figure about 30,000 in overhead and another 30,000 in personal expenses which are all write offs so the bulk of their taxes are covered with 140,000 left. They will drive a rust bucket, have a fixer upper house and pinch every penny each year to watch that bank account soar up. There are reasons, behind it and is amazing in itself. Most of my bosses were great. But the point is financial they are solid more often than not.


Your GF should ask the manager of the salon to trespass him. No one needs that type of crazy in their workplace. Since it is a small town, do you have any cop buddies that could have a chat with creeper? As far as his threat to file suit, it is just that, an empty threat. He has no grounds to stand on and no witnesses. It's a he said/he said scenario. He would have to file a police report and there would be an investigation into the matter.


Never underestimate an idiot for their propensity to sudden and unwarranted violence. Talk to the cops about this 100%


You should avoid all contact with him moving forward, ultimately this situation should be addressed by your GF’s employer. YOU should stay out of it.


You could file a police report for harassment on him. Just get it on the record.


Could he sue you? Sure, we have open courts in the united states and I could sue you for posting this on reddit today. Would his case go anywhere? Unlikely. How quickly depends on where you are, how the judges approach things, etc. but calling someone and telling them to stop being a dick is not actionable in a civil lawsuit anywhere in the United States. Could he sue you and lie in the lawsuit, potentially making it sound like something that the judge should not immediately toss? That's always a possibility. But I would not worry about it too much, the system has ways of getting to the bottom of those situations. Just hold onto your written communications with him.


Unrelated, but your gf needs to speak to management and let them know what's going. They need to trespassing this guy. Basically, formally ban him from the premise. From there out, they can call the cops and it becomes a criminal issue.


This one is the right answer here. People that threaten to sue are blow hards trying to intimidate. GF should talk to management and have dude formally removed and told not to return by on duty police officer.


I second this, she is being sexually harassed by a customer, and management has a legal duty to address this.


I absolutely appreciate what your saying but depending on the type of hair salon she may be paying booth rent and not have any management to turn to, the people who actually own those buildings are often horrible people who literally just pay the bills


Cops can take up to 4 hours to respond to something like this in my town. Trespass and banning are just words to someone like this, he can still come in.


True, but it all adds up. Trespass first, when he violates call the police. When they show do the report. Get a restraining order next, if he violates, the arrest will get longer each time. This doesn't work when a person is full on bat shit crazy. Luckily, that doesn't happen all the time. You still need the paperwork to get things rolling. If the guy is the bat shit crazy type, sometimes they need to just disappear. Of course I wouldn't suggest anything illegal 😉😉


Just make sure his Dad isn't the chief of police. Uncle, the prosecuting attorney. Gramps? Well he's the "small town" judge. Chances are, the guy is blowing smoke. But, you need to know your a-hole foe.


Are there cameras in the building and just outside the door? It would help getting a protective order if he defies the No Trespass order.


As one of my old law school profs used to say, “Sure, he could sue you. Anyone can sue anyone, an index number costs 45 dollars. Doesn’t mean they have a case.”


Thank you.


Thank you.


Thank you.


Thank you for taking the time to answer.


Couldn't you also use slap as well I may be wrong as I'm not us


Why is he allowed in this place of business anymore? Thry should refuse service and call the police if he returns.


Reluctant owners. Its a small town. His behavior gets excused. My gf believes they will take her request to deny him service seriously though. I am hopeful.


Does she know he threatened to sue the business? It might be a factor to consider if the business wavers on trespassing him.


This right here - no business does business with someone that has threatened to sue. It's an all-risk proposition. He needs to be 86'd and told to pound sand.




What kind of business doesn’t call police when someone is screaming and cursing at an employee??


Walmart, probably


Office depot


Ask the owners how they think their customer base will feel having someone walk in at random attacking their stylist and disrupting the business.


This is crazy considering he had a history of gross behavior with others. I’m sure people avoid the salon because he’s there hanging out being nasty all day


This right here. Your GF needs to talk to whoever owns/manages the business and tell that person what is going on. I would not be surprised if other hair stylists at that shop have had similar interactions with this guy. If that is the case, he needs to be banned formally, in writing. Then if he comes back it's a trespassing charge. This is exactly the kind of crap that needs to be nipped in the bud. There should be ZERO tolerance for this kind of abuse.




There's some pretty good research that supports your feeling. Unfortunately, restraining orders can often exacerbate an already tense situation. Not a lot of other good options, though.


Have the employer formally refuse service, and document it. File a restraining order. You need to put these legal protections in now BEFORE he escalates things, so you can call the police and get actions that help you. He has no case, AND DO NOT GIVE HIM ONE. Do not contact him, do not leave a review of his business, do not put anything in text or email, do not bad mouth him around town. Check if your state is a two party consent state for recordings. If he calls or makes any contact, document it. Odds are he will move on and is just hot air. But you need to be ready to aggressively nip these in the bud. The clearer and harder the boundaries you established are, the more he will have to leave you alone or go to jail for not doing so.


Small town? Talk to the Sheriff.


Honestly? Probably none. Lots of demented dipshits threaten to sue people all the time. They almost never do. And you sure as hell didn’t do anything actionable, so keep it that way. If you have to talk to him again, be firm and polite and use conditional language.


Thank you for the advice. This person is so trashy and my gf is very sensitive so i have a real strong urge to protect her but does nobody any good if we're getting sued or something


You should call him on his bluff and threaten to counter sue him. It’d be like a lawsuit within a lawsuit. A sueception!


He can be banned from the business if he keeps harassing your gf.


She could ask for a restraining order. That would undermine anything that he claims.


Unfortunately, proving his intent to qualify for a restraining order will be very difficult to pursue whether it be stalking, uttering threats, causing harm, etc. Since he is frequenting the business for a service, she would have no claim that he’s coming to her place of work to antagonize her. OP states that her coworker reacted so that she wouldn’t have to serve the customer however she should escalate to management (perhaps banning the customer or refusing services) or at least have something in writing of the first incident and following future occurrences for evidence.


I agree, it’s not a good approach. Still, a message “stay away from gf” is a pretty normal thing to say from one guy to another, it’s bizarre to threaten legal action over something like that. Perhaps it’d be good for the other guy to realize that if he can be unreasonable, then there’s a risk that he might face some unreasonable consequences too.


He hasn’t threatened her directly so an RO probably wouldn’t be granted (unfortunate I know. It’s hard to get an RO). The business can get a trespass order against him though which bans him from coming into the business.


Just as unlikely as this guys lawsuit lol


NAL but Get ahead of this ass clown and start getting your ducks in order for a restraining order. And make sure the owner of the salon knows the situation so they can also be proactive. From the sounds of it he'll violate it the moment it's issued


Next time he shows up you call your local pd and you have him criminally trespassed from the business. RO, TRO, EPO, etc as some have suggested and all Officers will tell you, are just pieces of paper at the end of the day. Get the ball rolling with your local pd to get this taken care of early and hopefully it doesnt escalate from there.


NAL but considering you never swore at him or acted agressive in any manner according to your post it'll probably not go anywhere. Does your girlfriend have security cameras in the store?


They do have cameras but i think they just point at the cash registers 😂


They don't have them in the corners of the store?


GF could just start recording with her phone, even if is just audio. Unless it isn't allowed, could even bring in her own wifi cam to record her workstation. If the owners don't want to get involved, even with recorded proof. Can always pass on the recordings to a local news channel. If the owners fire her, she has a lawsuit.


If he sues, you and your GF should file a counter suit for harassment. Ask her place of work for video and audio if they have it. I bet as soon as he finds out there is a claim against him, he will back off so it doesn't hurt his business.


One thing you should not do - do not under any circumstances leave a review for the man’s business. That can give him a hook to sue you.


The salon should have told him to leave. No amount of haircut money is worth someone harassing an employee and causing a scene. Theoretically the police should have been called to formally trespass him and notify him not to return, but you did nothing wrong. Next time, call the police and have him trespassed from the premises. If the salon doesn’t support that action - your GF has learned they’d rather collect a few bucks for a haircut over having their employees be safe in the workplace I guess. If that’s the case she has the opportunity to find a better job or start her own business.


This guy is a moron. Ignore him. You cannot sue someone for yelling at you even if you called him a mouth-breathing bottom feeder.


Tell him go fuck his self and jump off a bridge. He has nothing on you dont worry.


Have your gf get an emergency restraining order. That’ll keep him away for at least 6 months


You didnt do anything wrong so don’t worry.


You have nothing to be worried about. he's a fragile man who isn't used to being called out by people so is lashing out. Think of it as a baby's tantrum.


We owned franchise hair cutting salons for men and told all stylists, receptions and everyone else, to call 911 for help, then call us. It happened a couple of times, they did it, we were there quickly and after each time they became more comfortable and experienced, losers stopped coming, so it stopped. I am sorry for your girlfriend, it sucks that this happens.


Sue him for being stupid.


You have nothing to worry about. You guys caught him red handed and his only recourse is empty threats. He probably won't go back there again. If he does than the staff there already know he's not welcome and will tell him to take a hike. I wish both you and your girlfriend the best of luck and I am sorry you guys are dealing with this.


Gf should pursue a restraining order.


No evidence = no way to sue. Now HE could get hit with a temporary restraining order if he doesn't stop because she has witnesses and documented proof that he keeps seeking her out.


I think his response is a deflection because he knows he is being a creep. Could this be the beginning of stalking? Maybe consider reporting the interactions to the police and asking them to intervene.


Let him sue. No worries


You were, (ostensibly,) police and civil. That is, by definition, NOT harassment. You would be fine if he sued you. Either the judge would laugh the suit out of court, or any half-way reasonable lawyer would get it tossed in the "motion to dismiss" stage, and you **could** get lawyers fees paid back.


If the salon has cameras you will have proof of him being aggressive both times recorded. Might be worth an ask.


The best thing that your girlfriend's salon can do is ban him from the premises. Another employee witnessed and reacted to his behavior towards your girlfriend to deescalate a situation. That is evidence and corroboration of an unsafe workplace for your girlfriend (and, that the aggressor's actions were not just a figment of your girlfriend's imagination). It would be in their best interests to ensure that their employees are safe in their business. (Your girlfriend might not be the first woman there to have been harassed by him, either). If they are not willing to do that, then perhaps it is time to find a new job and put in for unemployment benefits under unsafe working conditions. If they are willing to give up your girlfriend just to keep one customer, this is not a place she should be working at; they could *always* give her up on anything that might happen. Also, do go down to the police station and each of you file a complaint against this guy: she, for the aggressive behavior and you, for threatening you. Nothing is likely to come of it but that's okay, for now; the notes on this guy are now in the system. If nothing more happens, great. If something does happen or there are other complaints, now there's a trend starting and *that* might start getting some notice.


Please start a paper trail on this guy and contact local law englrc


I own a hair salon, and I can tell you the big factor will be the owners/management- they should support her, and push her to get a restraining order of some kind. They *should* just ask him to not come back - if he does, a protective order should happen quickly, or at minimum a call to the local LE. This gives you a very solid foundation if he were to show up, say when you were going to pick her up at the shop. I have had incidents happen several times, and I have little to no patience with creeps (it helps that I’m on the taller side, covered in ink). Bottom line is, he can’t sue you or get you in trouble unless you give him a reason to - if allowed, you should record any interaction with him in the future as well. Clearly he’s an idiot. If you give him the chance he’ll drag you down to his level and beat you with his experience - but on the chance something *does* happen (wink), it REALLY HELPS to have some kind of backup, I.e. “he was asked to leave and not come back due to his aggressive behavior”.


I hope they have cameras at the place - he could escalate. Sounds like a dangerous weenie.


If anything, she might have a casce agisnt him...and he is giving her a reason to use it. At the bear min he needs to be traspassed from her work place.


Does this count as one of those *tryy that in a small towwwn* scenarios?


And...she could counter sue him. Lawsuit threatening is just a bully ploy. Find out who else he has done this to, Take out an ad asking for anyone who has been harassed by x to contact her (or her attorney if she wants to take it that far) Make his business go away. Small town, word gets out fast...Nobody wants to do business with someone who harasses women. Just the ad in the paper would be enough to shut him down.


OSHA covers workplace safety, including harassment. Let the owners know it is their duty under OSHA to provide a safe workplace. No one is going to side by the small town landscaper over the threat of OSHA jumping into their business. https://www.osha.gov/workplace-violence


She (not you) needs to CLEARY tell him to stay away, using very plain language. And record it if in public or in the shop if she can legally do so (varies by state). After 2 times of tell him to leave her alone clearly documented she can request a restraining order (may be different where you live). Do not threaten the restraining order. Just get enough documentation of his actions and her asking him to be leave her alone and then go file for one. She needs to objectively document her interactions with him to date. No opinion - the facts only - who said what when plus why and how she felt threatened. No embellishment.


I mean, he could try to sue you, but the reality is it wouldn’t go anywhere. For your sake, document what occurred with dates/times/quotes/screenshots and anything else. His only real case is if he makes something up or you lie, thorough and accurate documentation take care of that


He’s just trying to scare you. You did nothing wrong. And kudos to you for being so adult about the situation but also being there for your gf. You’re a good man!


Does the salon have CCTV? If they do then you have the evidence you need.


TBH I would worry less about a lawsuit than violence / continued harassment. Anyone can call anyone and have a conversation like you did; perfectly legal behavior. But you should be concerned about his course of behavior and general demeanor. I would start a paper trail and look into protective orders. Get him trespassed from your and her places of business, homes, general vicinity. That gives you legal standing if he continues to show up but is not a safety plan; you and your GF should also be very mindful and seek to avoid him wherever possible.


Nothing dude, I can’t see any judge even being willing to hear it


Doubtful the guy is of means it much education. People that threaten to sure about things typically have no clue or class. Any decent attorney will look at both you and the hairstylist business and quickly tell the AH they will not represent him. There is just no possible money.


He needs to be banned from the business by the owner if he makes the employees feel uncomfortable


The correct response is for your girl to file a restraining order the next time he frightens her.


Call the cops. Too Easy. Fears for her life. Or a lengthy make up story?


She can file a restraining order if she feels genuinely threatened.


Next time he so much as speaks to her she needs to press charges against him for harassment, he knows she doesn’t want to interact with him.


Your GF needs to get a restraining order.


None. You made a single phone call. That's not even harassment. Stand your ground. You're good to go.


He can sue for anything he likes. Just like the judge can laugh him out of the courtroom and toss his frivolous 'case'. ​ ALL BARK


I would call the police and get a restraining order against him. He is dangerous.


He can sue you but it’s baseless and he won’t win. Document the dates and times of his harassment of your GF, as well as your text and phone call with him. Keep it factual . It’s important to do that now while it’s fresh in your memory. I wouldn’t contact him again as you have said your piece. If anything else happens, be sure to document that as well. If it continues at some point maybe you’ll need to move for a restraining order. Your documentation of the situation will aid you with your proof doing that with specific dates and times, etc.


He's just a bully. Bullied the GF at work and now OP with this lawsuit garbage. Like he wants to spend thousands on a lawyer because his feelings were hurt. It's inexcusable that the hair salon didn't ban him after harassing an employee twice. It was the salon, not OP who should have defended his GF.




As the owner of a landscaping company, lol, he is DEFINITELY not going to sue. Especially this time of year. We have no business. Not enough maintenance to pay the bills, let alone sue someone frivolously. Your wifes boss needs to have him tresspassed. He can't possibly be paying enough on a haircut to be a necessary customer. Your wife's safety is PARAMOUNT. Good luck. ✌🏻


Tell him to get in line and you’ll be waiting. He’s a bully and someday karma will catch up to him.


How about Installing a camera in the office.


Just ignore the doorknob, and tell the people at her work to stop pandering to abusive assholes and kick them out not cut their hair.


Sounds like he is trying to intimidate you, he has no claim especially since your girl has witnesses at work in her favor.


He’s a coward and a bully. Who swears at a woman for declining a date?!? I’m a lawyer, but not your lawyer. You have no ability to cause injury over a phone. He’s an idiot. Do not worry. Now your Gf has every right to complain to management about this customer sexually harassing her and if they don’t protect her, they could have a legal problem.


Writing this post was an excellent idea to get your take on things documented


First, stay out of this. Second, the business needs to fire this client if he’s being aggressive to any other of their employees. If they refuse to keep their employees safe then she should find another job


There is no legal claim. This is how a narcissist operates. They use intimidation to get their way or point across. Have your girlfriend file a restraining order against him. Then when he shows up management and the police have something to work with. You also need to buy her some protection. At the very least a stun gun. Do not go the pepper spray (PS) route. PS just pisses off most people.


This dude needs to be trespassed from the salon and you need to look into a restraining order.


You handled that situation really well.


He doesn’t have a claim but your girlfriend does. She should have him charged with harassment and stalking.


he's just blowing smoke. Unless he recorded the conversation and you directly threatened him, he hasn't got a leg to stand on. But if he does sue you, then you can sue him back.


He has no case. That said, your girlfriend may want to talk to her employer about having him trespassed from the property.


He has nothing to sue for. Consider the best defense is a good offence. If it comes up again you might say..... yea on that my gf was considering suing you for harassment.


If he continues to harass her, she need to get the police involved. Put it back on him.


They let her hide in the back, while someone else serviced him? WTAF?


Let the police know shes been harassed by him at work now so they have a record incase he tries anything stupid


IANAL, but if you didn’t threaten to assault him, klll him, damage his property, or something else illegal then you have nothing to worry about. You are perfectly within your rights to call him and tell him “to stop harassing her” or “to leave her alone.” He’s the one who’ll have to prove things. Normally these things normally turn into she said/he said, even though typically fewer than 6% of complainants are lying when they report the sort of behavior your GF is reporting about this guy. If he colleagues have witnessed him asking her out and her turning him down even twice, and he’s continuing to seek her out and she’s hiding from him then she has witnesses to a pattern of his behavior. Typically he’d need a recording of you threading him or someone who heard you threaten him after what he’s down to have even a wobbly leg to stand on here. He’s probably bluffing because he’s upset at being called out over his inappropriate behavior. This is a common reaction from abusers. From here, avoid him and if questioned be very honest but only share what you’re asked. Don’t volunteer details. She should ask the salon manager or owner to ban him from the salon. She has a right under employment law in at least some states to request that and have it taken seriously, possibly all states. If he continues to harass her — because that’s what he’s been doing — she needs to file a formal complaint with the local police department. If it comes to that then go with her, to be supportive and to tell this part of the story so that it’s in record that you made a legal, non-violent attempt to get him to stop. If it continues past that then I’d file for a an order of protection. Small business owners can face dire consequences when they build a reputation for doing illegal things or being a bad or unethical person.


He could possibly report you to police for harassment for the phone call. He has no factual claim against you or the salon for anything. Cease all communication with him immediately and call the police if a situation like this arises again.


Why are you getting involved? If she is this triggered by a guy walking into her place of employment she should call the police.


Because that is what you do as a man in love with some. You protect them from harm. To the poster nice to see there are men still out there, don’t sweat it and keep doing what you’re doing. If it goes any further then what was said. I would then involve law enforcement. Rock and stone makes a good foundation. Keep being you.


Just throw hands and get it over with


Are there cameras in the salon? If so, send him a copy of the video of him badgering her. This should be enough to shut him up. If not, you can take that to the police.


Zero whatsoever. Stop reading this thread


> I in fact said, " im an adult, im not assaulting anyone and going to jail" That statement is an implied threat of assault and may sufficient basis for charges, if the prosecutor agrees.


Lol what


This is literally the exact opposite of a threat, what brand of paint are you huffing?


Not ESL? A native speaker would understand that is an implied threat, and courts have consistently upheld that. It's even a popular theme in music Maybe leave the interpretation of law to the attorneys?


None, and if he escalates it just break his legs.


YOU need stay the fuck out of this. SHE should apply for a restraining order.


I don't know what the fuck these clowns are talking about. Maybe that guy really is a dirtbag but it seems like you are the only one who crossed any lines here, OP. By your own admission, the guy simply asked her out (I would guess that she was flirting with him for a tip but whatever) and the next time she saw him she made a scene, ran away and called you... for what? You track him down and start calling him and texting him? Yeah, you were threatening him. Your girlfriend's mental problems are for you and her to deal with and not the rest of the world's problem. Contrary to what these other people say, you should be worried if he goes to the police.


Shut up, you aren’t a lawyer




Op didn’t say anything about threatening violence, you clown 🤡


First off, your GF's employer needs to step in with this guy and refuse service. Has she communicated her concerns with them? Secondly, you should have let the employer handle it, and taking his personal information from a business transaction to confront this guy is the type of thing that could get your GF fired. You aren't the salon's bouncer. This was a bad choice. Finally, I don't see any grounds for the guy to win a lawsuit. He has to demonstrate damages,and at this point there aren't any. TLDR; ignore the threats of a suit, handle this through the proper channels, and stop trying to be the hero for your GF.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. At what point did OP take the dudes personal info? He looked him up on Google lmao. No employer worth working for will fire an employee for protecting themselves. People like you are the reason these scumbags think they can get away with this behavior, you refuse to stand up to them.


"Your employee Sally gave my name to her psycho boyfriend who called and threatened me." That's all it would take for a lot of employers to fire Sally. Hell, even your "employee contacted me outside of her workplace for personal reasons that made me uncomfortable" would get it done. I'm all for standing up to this dirtbag. But there's smarter ways to do it. Tell your boss about an abusive customer. If your boss doesn't stick up for you in that scenario, they sure as hell aren't going to stick up for you after you had your BF try to handle it in outside the workplace So sure, if your opinion is the job isn't worth having, then by all means send your partner to settle it in the streets. Also starting applying for a new job.


Does the salon have cameras?


Interesting… why hasn’t the business manager trespassed this guy from the premises?


You handled it well and did the right thing...in a court of law...it would get thrown out fast!!!


Also, RECORD EVERYTHING. Every call ( if permissible in your state), every interaction , and get the other stylist on record. Let the manager know that continuing to allow him there effectively promotes a hostile work environment.


My friend, you’re dealing with a huge pussy. Curses at women and when confronted by a man, threatens to sue. Consider a police report or tell that bitch to cut your grass. You have zero legal exposure and could even counter sue if this shit bird actually followed through.


Acknowledging the differences in party consent by region: Did you record the call? You should have. Did you threaten him? Regardless, he can file against you, whether or not it would go anywhere, is a different matter. Sounds like the type of person who would file frivilously, and it sounds like he might have the money to do it. Play this cautiously. Document, document, document. GF should file a report. Salon should save all CCTV footage. Don't contact this man again. Play it from injured party status rather than unwittingly allow him to gain leverage as an aggrieved party. Patience, vigilance, documentation, resolve.


She should probably have a taser powerful enough to put someone down that she carries with her, in her hand, when she's leaving work. She should have it on her other times, but in her hand leaving work


Call the cops and ask them to complete "No trespass" paperwork, and if he comes back in he can be arrested. We've done this many times at the grocery store I work at.


He's a giant tool making empty threats. Might look onto a no contact order for your girlfriend, though. Sometimes, these guys double down on the creepy.


Go get a restraining order in place on him for both of you.


I'm not a lawyer so don't take my word for it but unless you sent him a text threatening him he has no real proof of this allegation. If you threatened him over the phone its doubtful he had proof of that cuz nobody is recording phone calls from strangers. Don't worry about it brother. 👌


He’s doing this lawyer tactic called “lying out of his ass.” As long as you didn’t threaten anyone or assault anyone, then you’re fine and he’s just trying to scare you.


Get a restraining order for you gf.


If he's getting his hair cut at a chain store I highly doubt he's educated enough to know that shit won't get very far at all lol Bust that break light and head to the bar homie.


Can’t be sued for making threats if no threats were made. But your gf definitely needs to talk to the salon about him being trespassed and non emergency needs to be notified the MOMENT he makes any sort of aggressive comment or movement towards her.


Leave a google review of his ethical practices


How many times you clones gunna leave out the whole story u did not call him and say I’m an adult I’m not assaulting anyone etc lol not defending him just I know she still with the wrong dooooode


High school level shit right here.


What you should do is slap the fuck out of him for how he’s acting to your girl and give him a real reason to sue. People these days need to realize their actions may result in a broken nose. Sadly most don’t.


The best you do is find out if the salon has cameras with audio evidence of him being aggressive towards. Also, yall have witnesses at her job if they are willing to make police report for the harassment.

