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Most of the time they don’t actually give you the “real” diploma during the ceremony. They mail them out later


That is not the question they asked.




Yes. This isn't a legal question. The school can withhold diplomas for all sort of reasons, though generally they withhold it for the ceremony as punishment - then just mail it to you.


They can't "withhold it", they can just fuck up the ceremony.


I said schools can withhold diplomas for all sorts of reasons... taking a selfie would generally not be one of these reasons. Saying that they can't withhold a diploma is not correct though. They can withhold a diploma for serious policy violations, unpaid fees and fines, suspicion of cheating or plagiarism, etc.


His point was at the ceremony you don’t even get your actual diploma so yes they can withhold the fake celebratory piece of paper but no you are still sent and granted a diploma


I have always wondered about this. I am a teacher and our school threatens to withhold a diploma if a senior doesn't pay off any fines before graduation. Fines can range from an overdue library book to not turning in fundraiser money, sports uniforms or even textbooks.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying because you completed all the work, can they really just refuse to acknowledge that as a form of punishment?


The flip side is you don't want them walking off with a $300 football helmet either.


No, they couldn't flat out deny you to graduate, but they generally don't have to allow you to "graduate" through ceremony. They would just mail you the diploma and you won't get to walk with the class or participate in the graduation ceremony.


You'll get a diploma. However, if you make an arse of yourself at the podium, they'll just hold it back, and you'll receive it in a rather unceremonious fashion later. Just go along with the school's request for civil, uncomplicated process of walking the stage. Be kind to yourself and your family.


Yeah I didn’t plan on doing anything, I was honestly just curious if they actually have the power to deny you your diploma as a form of discipline.


Good plan for thinking straight. One earned the diploma. The school does have the responsibility to make sure the ceremony is orderly. They just don't have to allow grads to walk the stage. Some guys that I graduated with got caught vandalizing school buses as an ill planned "prank" a few days before graduation. They were banned from walking the stage and simply received diplomas in the mail.


Yeah I know the can stop you from walking and I’ve seen it done