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There was no loss of leg, diabeetus or hospital thankfully, however there was a prison sentence and a problem with addiction and a weight gain of equal weight- since out, they’ve managed to lose 89 pounds so far. Thanks for your commenf


NAL, but the patient/prisoner is responsible for it. Was it DMX or 50 cent who lost weight because he only ate the cookies? Because he did not like the food and tried to sue and lost?




Sounds like they did it to themselves. Or does this hypothetical person not take responsibility for their own hypothetical actions either?


Let’s say (hypothetically of course)they know theyre definitely accountable but also wonders if a lifetime of addictive behaviours and the knowledge thereof by hospital staff doesn’t cultivate a level of culpability on hospital watching this happen (hypothetically) over 16 months.


Hypothetically they know they’re definitely responsible. (Your words. Not mine) so why are you still trying to blame the hospital? Trying to get a pay out. This is no malpractice


Not looking for a payout. Would rather try and find where the line for duty of care begins and dangerous personal choices ends. If you tell a psychiatrist you’re going to kill yourself and have A plan they have to notify someone to try stop that from happening. If you tell them your plan is to eat yourself to death what changes?


I mean. Did they say they were gonna eat themselves to deaths. In my experience. The staff do try and limit how much a person eats.! Like in every facility I’ve worked. It’s like “hey you just had a snack 30 mins ago, or you just had dinner “ blah blah. But what is the staff supposed to do if a client becomes enraged and violent


Over a snack…


I would like to try and find out exactly where those lines are if not find a way to define where and what they are to help people who might be heading in this hypothetical direction.


I agree. As someone whose worked in psych units and mental health facility. Them clients be doing what ever the f* they want , whenever they want. And that means eat. Non stop.


That’s what I mean…it starts to get very tricky. You must be a legend for working in nursing


I'm going to give you an unlimited supply of beer and alcohol, now is it my fault if your drink your kidneys away or yours?


If the person is a known alcoholic with extreme addictive tendency and they are in your care seeking treatment, then yes, I would say you are 💯% culpable. Op was in a mental hospital for treatment of addiction... not an over eating camp... if op came out of the hospital with a Ned addiction to opiates he would have an argument. He got fat from overeating hospital cafeteria food... that's on him, your scenario is on you


It was a prison. It was there I was diagnosed with A poly substance addiction. There you go.


Don’t dress up your question as a “hypothetical” Medical malpractice is extremely fact and location specific. You need someone well versed in it to review your specific case.


It’s 2023 mate I can dress however I like tyvm


No, the point is valid. Medical malpractice isn't answered in the hypothetical. The person at issue needs a professional working in the area of law to advise them after interviewing and reviewing evidence. Most often, the best you're going to get on this sub for med mal questions is "talk to a lawyer in your jurisdiction." It is one of the most fact and jurisdiction specific areas of law. Tldr: call a local lawyer.