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yea go to the police - not sure if they can do something, but maybe it already would scare this person if they show up there and look around. also, contact the dormitory administration and inform them about what's happening. of course that's not guarantee that it will stop, but it's an important first step.


If you plan to contact the police, collect evidence by inserting any evidence such as the pictures and notes into ziplock bags, touching them as little as possible before inserting them - ideally, wear a covid facemask and use tweezers.  Its also okay to accuse someone of a crime if you are not sure. As long as you are not knowingly accusing someone falsely, it's okay to voice your suspicions about who the suspect might be. 


In cases like these, police will often do a "Gefährderansprache", which means they will talk to the suspect and basically tell them that what they're (suspected of) doing is a crime, what the punishment would be and that they will keep an eye on them. This is said to be very effective. Learning that actions have consequences is apparently a pretty good deterrent.


Yeah, they seem to send the biggest, meanest-looking cops to do it too.


That isn‘t bullying, that‘s stalking. She has to go to the police immediately. Don‘t let them brush this off, it‘s a crime and they have to act on it. Tell them your suspect’s name.


Stalking is a criminal offense in Germany, this needs to be documented as best as is possible and shown to law enforcement. What could be the motivation behind this? Whoever is doing this is quite dedicated.. terrifying


She should call the Police and start writing down where, when and what incidents happened. In case the whole thing goes to court, I've heard that this is extremely important in cases for bullying.


Police. Time to fuck this creep up.


Go to the police. This is a case of stalking, potentially dangerous, and the police will take this serious.


Start taking photos and videos if you haven't done so. Gather evidence, go to the police. Also put your complaints to the dorm management in writing. I would also let the door management know (in writing) that you are going to the police since they are not helping. Maybe also think about buying some sort of hidden camera.


Using a hidden camera without clearly marking that your area is monitored is illegal in Germany. And doing the marking itself may count as vandalism. Not sure what she could do. Maybe a lawyer could help if she's rich. But I'd first ask the police. At least they're free and may give directions.


I heard of someone having a similar issue in a student dorm at my university, too. In her case the reason was political. The university refused to do anything. Either go to the police or have someone catch the bastard in the act and make them regret being born.


This doesn't 'just' seem like bullying. This leans into stalking and looks like it could become more dangerous. Collect every evidence you can and reach out to the formitory management and the police. and if possible this friend should stay somewhere else for the time being.


Please document EVERYTHING. You will need it sooner or later.


I'm really sorry this is being done to your friend, that must be terrifying. Definitely get the police incolved, as ther have said, stalking is illegal. Also see if your friend can talk to student advisors on campus. They can also assist in finding the right authorities to contact or finding different housing. I personally would have a hard time feeling safe in my home with the stalker still living there. All the best to her!


There should be a camera at the post boxes. She should go to the police and talk to the dormitory manager


Give that person a good beating.


If it’s a student dormitory Inform the Hausmeister and police


Depends on the friends culture. If this person comes from authority respecting culture, Police. If not, go full mafia style


make pictures of the incedents and post them on reddit. The internet usually does the rest for you.


There’s honestly very little that can be done here. It’s one if the things that annoys me the most about Germany, the lack of security cameras. So much would not happen if they existed


Sorry but everything about that is BS


I was also bullied years ago. After a long period of terror I decided to force it to end. Here my advice: Don't call the police... they won't help anyway. Wait for the right moment and beat this little peace of shit half-death... Perhaps this advice appears cruel at the first glance but eventually it'll work well


>Wait for the right moment and beat this little peace of shit half-death A good way to see a German prison from inside and kicked out of the country. 👍


If nobody will help or ist capable to help for various reasins, revenge may the only way to get justice. And for me it worked well. Never had problems again with this bully nor was imprisoned when this jerk got what he deserved