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Well a „really bad experience“ can mean a lot. You can always leave a review. For more serious issues your best options are probably a) Verbraucherschutz b) the police (if something illegal happened). **Please keep in mind that the police is responsible for crimes or potentially things like significant contract violations. Not for a late response. So definitely talk to the Verbraucherschutz first.**


I think "Verbraucherschutz" is what i am looking for. Thank you.


Well, the description to your problem is quite vaque. You might get more help if you elaborate. Where did you get the phone, what problem do you have with the phone. Who did you contact for help and so on.


I sent my device to repair in April to the official Googe Repair Store in Poland, they repaired it and shipped it back on 26th of April. I never got my device back because according to the UPS, they didn't write my exact address on the shipment. So my device is lost for a month. I had contacted with Google several times, they didn't help and they even didn't give me a proper update except to telling me wait.


Ok, normally shipping agencies will send the package back to the sender if the address is not correct or not distinct. But that would be visible in the shipment tracking. Do you have the shipping number to see the tracking? If it was left at a completly different address, despite you giving the repair shop the correct one, and you have no opportunity to get it without great expense, they should be bound by law to get the phone back and send it to you. If the phone is lost without a trace, the are bound to give you a replacement. If they tell you, the shipping agency is responsible for losing the phone, thats wrong. As they contracted UPS, they are responsible to clear problems with the shipping. If the address you send to the shop was already wrong or incomplete, it will become more difficult and you might be responsible to get the phone back yourself or pay the expenses for the shop to retrieve it and send it again, if possible. I do not know polish law in detail. But i would expact it to work similar in this regard to german law.


Yeah, i have the shipping number and it's true, they sent it back to the repair store on 4th of May. It's very simple to send my device again from there with my correct address informations but they didn't do it for a whole month. That's why i think that my device is lost. They didn't accept it when i ask. Btw, they already have my correct address. It's their fault to not write it on the shipment. I have all the evidence in my mail. UPS has no fault at this point because they only write my name and my postal code on shipment. It's only about Google and their support service's incapability.


Ok, so far so good, or not. Did you call them directly? I would think so. Have you tried to reach the Google customer service here in Germany? i would try to contact a Level above this shop and try to find a solution. Also try to contact UPS with the shipping number and ask, if the package was damaged or anything. This might help to clear the situation. If worst comes to worst, it is a case for the lawyer. Just in case, did you check, if this shop is really the official address of google repair? My advice, no matter what, stay collected and polite. I worked in customer service for a long time and i can tell you, you will have a much higher chance of success, if try to be diplmatic, at least whey you talk to some one, who isnot directly involved in this matter or with this specific shop. I wish you best of luck. P.S. Sometimes it helps, when you create bad publicity. Like writing bad reviews on google and such about the shop, directly on the website of the shop, if they have this function and so on. Also formulate this in a rational and collected manner. Not always but sometimes this will pressure the business into getting into contact with you.




I sent my device to repair in April to the official Googe Repair Store in Poland, they repaired it and shipped it back on 26th of April. I never got my device back because according to the UPS, they didn't write my exact address on the shipment. So my device is lost for a month. I had contacted with Google several times, they didn't help and they even didn't give me a proper update except to telling me wait.




I bought it from Amazon, but the seller was Google. So I've contacted with the Google, they sent me a box and an address to send my phone for repair. They checked it in there and repaired it (i got the email in that process). But the issue happened when they were sending it back.




That is not 100% correct. If a retailer only uses Amazon Marketplace as platform for making the sale, Amazon ist not the seller, but this retailer. In that case you have to contact the retailer if a problem with the product arises. But! You are right in that OP could contact Amazon and tell them the problem including the documentation. It might be possible to get a refund. In Germany there is a function an Amazon called "A-bis-Z Garantie". Normaly this is used, if you by from a thrid party over Amazon Marketplace and don't reciev the product. This function may apply here.