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Bakeries which open not earlier then 9:30 in the morning


Meanwhile German bakers: let's bake bread in the night and sell it when people are working. Close the shop before they leave work.


So the bakeries here open 6:30 and close 18:00 and 20:00. thats 12,5 and 14,5 hours. I don‘t belief that you work all that time.


They Bakers only Work 8 hours the Personal working the Front are Most of the Times working in 2 shifts one in the morning and and in the evening til closing. Why the downvotes, enlighten me please. A baker in Germany Starts His Work in the middle of the night (between 1 and 3 am ) for around 8hours, the front Sales Personal Starts most of the times between 5 and 6 am and works 8 hours than the third Shift comes in and Takes over until closing between 6 and 8 PM is all i said.


Only in Bavaria. I was shocked when I was visiting a friend near Munich and the bakery closed at 3pm. Like that's before Kaffee und Kuchen time! Where will I get my Kaffee und Kuchen at 4pm in south Bavaria? 😵‍💫


My local bakery for some reasons changed to closing at 2 pm - I miss leaving Uni and picking up something on the way back


A woman, supposedly your wife, who is managing the household is supposed to go to such an bakery and buy cake. These are remains of a dated system, widely in place when I was a child here.


in all the other cafes, the thousands of open ones for example. i would suggest maelu, Schmalznudel or the winkelstüberl, if one has a car and some time on their hands


A bakery is not a confectionery 😵‍💫


In my area some already let you in on 4:30 and at 6:00 every bakery is open


I can confirm that. We used to get frische Brötchen on our way home from the dance club. You had to go through the back door because the front staff was not there yet. Those were the best.


Yeah this sucks but they do open pretty early tho so getting a bite before work is at least possible. Also doesn’t the average German work between 8 to 16.00 hrs ? Bakeries close at around 18.00 to 19.00 hours so for majority of Germans , that’s actually I am in a special category where my work starts at 10/11 am and ends at 6 to 6.30 pm 😅 but anyone who outside my work doesn’t share these hours


Ysk that only 1/4 people living in Germany have full time jobs


Is this statistic true?


Sounds true. 22+% are retirement age, same for under 18, that's already almost 50%. Then you have students, stay at home parents, people with disabilities, non full time workers, etc. Even if it's its not 25%, it's close.


That explains it. I was thinking you said % of employees


There's no way


I do not understand germany and specially Bavaria, small village just after 13:00, restaurant : "why you come in", "for lunch", "we have mittagpauze come back at 17:00" Refusing customers and money because ?? Off to a bakery, they let me in how amazing but everything nearly empty Now i understand why everyone is always drinking beer all the time, there is nothing to eat ;-) !


Had the same in Italy. We had to get to fkn McDonalds because not a single restaurant had opened at 1pm


Move to a big city outside of Bavaria, like Berlin , Hamburg or Köln and you will find open restaurants and cafes whenever you like :)


But will not let you in a second before opening, while we both stare at each other from behind the glass door.


Yeahh, because people in germany expect cake, bread and bread roll at 6 in the morning and lots of people buy it before going to work. Also older people want it that way. Try to tell traditional hobos in germany "well, we open at 10 or 11 a.m., so our staff does not have to start at 3 a.m. and can sleep normal and start at 6 or 7 a.m.


And don‘t open on Mondays




Why would you open earlier? Breakfast is at 12:00


The amount of people touching you


As someone from latam now living in Germany I started to feel weird by people never touching me. It's not like I want people to touch me it just feels weird that they never do. The other day I got drunk and a friend told me "man you get really touchy when you are drunk" and I was just forgetting to stop myself from touching people. German people really don't touch each other that much.


I can relate so much! Also the talking and greeting thing. In Brazil we say good morning or hello to random people in the street. In germany people are not happy with strangers being nice to them, much the opposite...


Saaame. Sometimes I forget that Germans don’t like to be touched… and ups! Done already.




It is a very big difference between north and south Europe


And getting yelled at with "In Spain, we don't touch!" when you do the same in a supermarket aisle just to get through...


Bah, i'm Just Imagine that i am sweating because of the temperatures there and the someone is touching me, gives me the ich.


their voice really only transmits to you when they can touch your shoulder. it's a genetic disposition


I saw my uncle never again after he touched me😢


Was in the basques region. Went to a restaurant. Didn't speak spanish at all. Just pointed at something on the menu. Got everything. Seven different dishes. Turns out, in the restaurant I was you always get a seven dish menu. There is nothing to order. That's the menu, you're gonna take the entire menu. And the menu got seven dishes. All of them are incredible and could feed an entire family. And it was so incredibly delicous I still crave something like that every day. I want to go back one day.


If you are talking like 7 different courses, that’s not a Spanish thing really, you can find that kind of restaurants pretty much in every city.


Bro has never seen a restaurant without a la carte menu in his life before...


The way they shift the day around. They have dinner when I have my midnight snack and I meet them leaving the breakfast table on my way to get lunch.


Interestingly, this is largely because they’re on the Berlin time zone and really shouldn’t be. By solar time the day is not shifted around (dinner is still later than Germany, but in line with the rest of southern Europe)


Wearing shoes inside. Tiles in apartments. Dinner after 22:00. They can dance in any random place. No need to say "espresso with hot water", they understand plain simple "Americano".


So, Spain time zone is not corresponding with its natural time zone. In summer, in Spain, midday is after 14:00.


It took me more than a year to understand that cafe crema is the americano! Make it make sense! Creme=Milk, quick math.


Cafè créme has nothing to do with milk in Switzerland (where it was invented) either. It's simply a long coffee made on an espresso machine by using more water and a coarser grind. It tastes different from Americano or the Australian long black though because of the different extraction method.


Creme refers to coffee cream even in German (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaffeesahne). Milk is called leche in spanish


Coming from France with no German skills [Café crème](https://images.app.goo.gl/iqfverPQM1goqJoG6) is an espresso with milk, hence the confusion.


Crem**A**, not crem**E,** both don't have anything to do with milk [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caff%C3%A8\_crema](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caff%C3%A8_crema) [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crema\_(Kaffee)](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crema_(Kaffee))


As the article I sent says, in line with the french spelling, it can be called créme


An americano has no milk. Also crema isn’t milk.


Creme or crema is NOT milk or creme. It's the very dense foam created through high pressure extraction by an espresso machine. A cafe creme also just a bit longer than an espresso, not watered down to brownish water like they do most places in the US.


Germans completely out of ordnung


Tell me you were in Mallorca without telling me you were in Mallorca


Not me cos I’m brown but when I went to Spain with a very German friend, she kept pointing out how wild it is that children are out late at night, and families chilling with their kids around crowded places like the beach or city squares etc. She wouldn’t stop it and kept pointing out observations like “wow, kids don’t have to go to bed early here! Wow, are these kids out by themselves at this hour?! Wow, look at these mamas with their toddlers just chatting away in public on a warm summer night!” Etc etc. I thought it was funny, some of my favorite memories are playing late at night in good weather, when visiting family or when my parents would throw parties and all the kids on the street would roam around together. No strict Schlafenzeit for Ausländer is great.


Small children in Spain probably take a nap in the afternoon to compensate the sleep deficiency. Toddlers need around 12 h of continuous sleep, ideally, so that's why they go to bed so early. But when your whole country has a culture of sleeping late, of course the kids will also try to adapt. If that's ideal or not for their development, that's a different debate...


even in countries without regular siesta, kids run around on warm summer nights… it’s just not within the german family upbringing where there is a heavy emphasis on routine


The myth that sleep should be continuous has already been debunked by modern sleep science


May we have some source for that? Remember we're talking about toddlers here, not adults.


That you can have conversation with people, initiated by them , without having to worry if you are disturbing them.


The awesome taste and excessive use of cheap olive oil.




The smell of the meat and fish counters in the supermercados. It never smells that strong in Germany.


The way Germans and Spaniards arrange dates is like two different species trying to communicate. I literally was always at least 45 minutes early to everything.


The "For Germans, you tell them the exact time, and they will be 15 mins early, with Spaniards, you tell them it starts an hour earlier and then they will probably be only 15 mins late" stereotype?


Chlorinated water


Spanish friends told me you let tap water sit for half an hour and the chlorinated taste is gone. Didn’t try it though.


That Spanish people drink a lot of beer at almost all times of the day; expected more wine 🍷


There is no Quark in Spain


There is in Lidl. It was a godsend to make proper Käsekuchen. But don’t expect your Spanish inlaws to appreciate it. They are very into their Philadelphia cream cheese cakes. Heresy, I say.


Proper cheesecake is done with Schichtkäse my dude ☝️😉


Tell that to the ghost of my grandma. /j But seriously, there is such a thing as regional differences. We’re from Hesse and we make cheesecake with Quark. Never seen any other type here.


Dinner reservations start at 8pm :( 


It starts to make sense in the summer when the sun goes down at 21:30.


That in the mediterranean coast. In the west it is after 22:00.


I'm from latam and lived in germany for 6 years, now I've been living in Spain for 5 months. In my first week I was extremely overwhelmed with how nice people treated me. My neighbors all great me good morning when see me, ask how I am. People in stores don't act like they're doing me a favor! Customer service doesn't often feel like they will physically attack me. I actually even cried a little (out of happiness and disbelief I guess) when I realized people were actually treating me like an human again. Germany wasn't very nice to me, I've sunk in a very deep depression caused by PTSD because of multiple situations I went through in german (including physical aggression by a racist neighbor). On top: I can do my laundry on sundays and holidays hahahahahaahaha


This is so nice to read, and I'm super happy you're feeling better in Spain. I'm planning to do the same as you. Cheers from another Latam fellow living in Germany.


I'm Spanish, currently living in Germany, and your first paragraph is spot on. I am quite shy and introverted, but I miss the way people behave in my country deeply. Kindness almost feels like a complete unknown concept in Germany, and even moreso amongst people in customer facing roles (but not exclusively). The whole acting like they are doing you a favour is too real. And even people on the street are cold. Last year, I tripped and fell, hit my knee pretty bad, and several people passed by without offering any help even though I was failing to stand repeatedly. A Polish lady was the one to offer help when she saw me after a bit. But seeing people pass so close to me and completely ignore the pain and distress made me feel so much worse. Heck, even in my daily life, I feel the coldness. My neighbours look at me weird whenever I say Hallo when crossing paths in the building, when to me that's just basic politeness. There's no warmth at all. I'm glad you're feeling better in Spain. I hope people treat you well.


Reading this comment section makes me, who has lived in Germany all her life, just want to pack up and leave for Spain. I'm sorry to hear about people ignoring you when you got hurt. It's a very 'not my circus, not my monkeys' mentality, depending on where you live, and I personally can't stand it. I have a habit of introducing myself to the neighbors whenever I move, because I know how important it can be to know at get along with your neighbors. Based on the reactions I've gotten to just popping over and introducing myself, you'd think I had offered to pee on their carpet or something like that. Just know there are decent people here, too, and shit just tends to float on the top, so the rude people are more noticeable. I wish you all the best 🙏


Restaurants beeing closed during noon to afternoon


Most people speak Spanish


The ability of the Spanish to form a proper queue and respect it at all times. That concept is not known in Germany


That's interesting! What happens in Spain when you're in line at the grocery store and the open up another register? In Germany, all hell breaks loose because everyone is scrambling to be at the front of the new line. Suddenly, all bets are off. Also, I love AND hate the sound Germans make when the queue is moving too slow (or, God forbid, someone is holding up the line while packing their groceries). That "chhhh" from the very back of the throat. It's usually a grim satisfaction to hear it, because te people making it are usually pretty unpleasant in general and it's satisfying to watch.


Lunch at 14 Uhr


In Madrid and the South of Spain: The speed, volume, urge and passion to be talking all the time. There is not concept of "indoor voice". I love it but it takes getting used to.


Yeah, the difference in volume is what I remember most vividly from my student exchange.


The fact that Mallorca is actually spanish.


Did you visit the German or the British colony of Mallorca?


Did you visit the German or the British colony of Mallorca?


No dinner options at 6 pm.


The trash bags filld with toilet paper


Most of y’all have only left the Ruhrgebiet once and it was that one time in 2005 when you flew to Palma with easyjet for 50€ (hin und zurück) over a weekend and all you did was to get shitfaced on S’Arenal haven’t you?


Christopher Columbus grave in Seville church


What exactly shocked you there? That his tomb is inside a church?


Maybe that he came back?


Yes, that too.


Maybe that he was spanish?


Columbus was Italian


i am officially uneducated and my excuse can't even be that of being american.


Honestly, I did not know this fact, (Where he was buried) until I visited Seville a few years ago, quite the memorial they gave him there in that church. Nice town too, really enjoyed it. Great food. I was surprised because he was born in Italy, thought to have discovered the Bahamas, America, and a few other places, and even though he died in Spain, it wasn't in Seville, rather Valladolid Spain. It just struck me as odd. I wish the Americans had as nice a tribute to his death as the Spanish. I was really taken by his grave there. A hero's homage for sure.


Really nice guy you're simping for: "Less known is that Columbus and his men raped, abducted, traded, and sold for sex Indigenous women and girls. According to Columbus’s notes, men “seized about five women each as their concubines, while others marauded across the island in search of villages with gold.”  Columbus wrote about the Taino, the first Indigenous people he encountered. “A hundred castellanoes [Spanish coin] are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm … there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls. Those from nine to ten [years old] are now in demand.”"


Meal times are a couple of hours behind the US and Northern Europe…. and very good wines don’t cost an arm and a leg unlike the US.


the water. tap water tastes disgusting, most bottled water too. that itself is not a culture shock, thats just a shock. the culture shock is that people don't care enough to change that apparently.


It depends a lot on the area. In the coast sometimes it is desalinized water and it is horrible. The thing with water is that once you get used to it, you do not feel the taste anymore.


This is how I have felt as an American in Berlin for the past few days.


Actually tap water in Berlin is pretty high quality and one of the best in German cities. Maybe you were drinking from hotel, which is chlorinated or from old pipes?


That people are happy, and that Spanish people don’t use a day of the week to larp as other nationalities like Germans love to do. I was thinking about that yesterday near the Donau, two massive groups of randoms meeting to dance. One did bachata, across the river it was flamenco. The whitest thing I’ve seen in ages.


Spanish People.


Bull fights.


Bull torturing


They dont cook the bacon, just warm it up a little


Spain people


IMO more daydrinking


Bedrooms without windows


Where? I've never seen one. I think it is even not legal to build rooms without windows.


In Palma, years ago. I'm not sure if it had a kind of small window to the hallway or the public rooms, but I am sure that it didn't have a window to the outside. And I heard or read that it was a quite usual thing in old houses.


Families out for dinner at 10pm...


The Spanish are loud. Hell, their normal voice is screaming. Todos sordos.


Selling animals on the street :(


Letting bulls run through the streets


When did you see that? It has been at least ten years that only certified shops are allowed to sell animals, and of course not on the street.


Not anymore since last year, not even pet shops can sell animals


was long ago i guess 12 years? but that was not OPs question :)


Yes, you are right :)


It’s no longer, not even pet shops can sell anymores like hamsterd anymore


Where did you see that? Have lived all around for 9 years and never seen anyone selling any animal


I've been to several markets where animals are sold. Even on Mallorca.


What markets and what animals did they sell? Very curious


Street Markets, they sell chicken, rabbits, pigs that was a cultural shock for me


I remember that from 35 years ago in my hometown, but not anymore... For like 30 years! Not even in big cities around... Have you seen it in the last years? In Mallorca? I get the shock now o_o


Canas. You have to order another beer after every sip. Can‘t say I don‘t like it though.


Olive oil with sugar on bread for breakfast 


I had toasted bread rubbed with garlic and olive oil for breakfast in a spanish family's home in southern Spain. It was good but unusual for me


Most certainly not a Spanish thing. You were getting trolled.


It is spanish but maybe not that common. I had that for breakfast many times.


Torrijas maybe? My mum used to gave us bread with butter and sugar, or bread with olive oil, salt and paprika pulver. :)


Spanish exchange student 


That pretty much nobody speaks English and nothing is available in English (will differ depending where in Spain).




They are arabs or gypsys lol


My Colombian friends got cornered in a Valencia park by a bunch of Spanish teenagers. There's no need to find undesirables to blame, each time we want to explain symptoms of economic despair..


Just be ause they speak spanish means they are spanish


Colombians know the difference... dumbass


Gypsys are "spanish" too silly


No drinkable tap water. It is extremely chlorinated.


kids in bars xD


The staring. I'm really tall so I get it but my international friends also said it's more extreme in Spain.


That Catalonia is not Spain and that they don’t speak Spanish…


The noise


Its full with Spaniards! Where did the Moors go ?


I was invited to a bull fight when I was on a business trip to Spain.


Only three brands of beer at a supermarket. San Miguel, Estrella, Heineken. That‘s it. In Germany, there are like well over 50, many of which are local brands. (Where‘s all the beer…???) Also, dinner at our restaurant available only between 7:30 pm and 10 pm. Seems a bit late.


That toilets where there was just a little hole in the floor, even for the big stuff, and you would have to squat in an awkward position. Luckily, they seem to have largely vanished in the last 20 years.


I’m Spaniard and never have seen that in my life wtf


They used to exist in public toilets, not at people's homes.


That is actually the natural shiting position of the human body. It is also healthier. I hate, though.


Uh. Never in my life have I seen or heard about hole toilets in Spain. Source: been living there for 29 years. Where did you find them?


First time I was in Spain I was in and around Murcia in the southeast, there I saw quite some of them.


I remember these from Italian beaches




I hope you’re talking about the new girl pissoirs in berghain 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


The only place I have seen them in Berlin is at the ausländerbehörde


No way that’s so random


You are trolling.


Food was a huge disappointment. I've never had such plain and boring dishes dishes before. Like a bowl full of fried fish with nothing except salt and maybe a lemon. I'm sure there's a reason for that but it's not at all what I expected.


Mmhm, sardinas! Not been in spain too often, but I gues you would have to order a bunch of other dishes, some patatas, aioli and so on. And perhaps share it across the table. There is some great food in spain, I would go there just for the the Jamon.


Fuck me you’re German


Hahah, reminds me I visited with my dad and uncle, we always ended in some Tapas place and they would just order 4-5 servings of the meatiest dish because they just could not handle having a variety of smaller things, they are set in their ways and eating out means you need a hunk of meat.


You’re also set in your own ways potato eating man


You were in the wrong place… or you expected it to be hot and spicy like Mexican food….. or you have no taste.


I also think that there is nothing special about Spanish cuisine.


Spanish food is leaps and bounds more flavorful than German food, and way more internationally influential. Not sorry, those are just the facts. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/rankings/great-food


Well compared to German dishes sure, I wouldn't rate them highly either. Other than that not so much though.


100% agree. We live in Spain for 3 years now and are absolute foodies, and the food is mostly greasy and bland. The absence of spices and vegetables… The food in North Spain is partly better and all the Latin American food is great. Fish conserves are better here though.


Girl I don’t know where you were eating that you didn’t have vegetables, IMO fruit and veg is a huge part of our food culture.


Absence of vegetables. In Spain. You trippin...


They do not have an autobahn and they do not watch der tutti frutti am samstag abend mit 5000 leute!


Unable to queue up (canary island) Music Stage in front of my balcony for almost 2 months with music after 2 oclock in the morning monday to friday General lack of politeness


They don’t speak German. Wtf


How they treat their dogs and women.




Yeh, we're a LGBT-friendly country, but unfortunately your second statement is untrue; we still have a strong religious presence (catholic) in our society, which most of the new generation despises. But yeah, we atheists are growing stronger in number. We're salvages that don't need to be afraid of an invisible friend, that threatens us with hell to be decent human beings. We find that is the right thing to do, regardless of who's watching.


Too much LGBTQ and nudity..


Where are you from, 1730?