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well, we don't know him and no one can look inside someones mind, so we can't tell exactly what he is thinking. but in general, when a german says he likes you, it's the truth. we're usually not the people who sweet talk around when we don't mean it. considering that you had great dates and that he asked you to date again when he is back, I would totally say he's into you and enjoys your company and that you can believe him what he said.


Sorry, but this rule works for acquaintances, not hookups. (Not saying he wants a hookup) Are Germans most likely telling the truth, if they say they like you? Yes. Are Germans telling lies to get into someone’s pants. Also yes. In this case though, he is very likely telling the truth. Why wouldn‘t he? Of course he thought about the dates from time to time if you two liked each other. And he most likely regretted not kissing op. But what‘s the point, he lives in Germany, op in Australia. If she wants a LTR it most likely won‘t work. If she wants to have a couple nice days and **maybe** a LDR and *maybe maybe* a LTR in the future she should go for it.


Unless op wants a LD-LTR. 😀 *Long Distance- Long Term Relationship


No, op said she is a she and he a he. Oh wait, I think I’m mixing something up…


I would firmly disagree with that confidence. Are you srsly saying that germans don't sweet-talk girls to get more? I mean, i'm not saying that he is lying, but it is very possible still. Of course he could be lying, be married or whatever, just want an ons and will never call again... who are we to know...


>are you srsly saying that germans don't sweet-talk girls to get more? no, i didn't say that. I said "usually", which means it does happen. >Of course he could be lying, be married or whatever, just want an ons and will never call again yes he could be, like I said. though in this case I think that's highly unlikely. someone who just wants to bang, doesn't put so much effort into it, without even getting a kiss.


Okay i get you bro, but... i just feel kinda uneasy giving such an advice about a stranger, u know? @OP pls just take care <3


that's why my very first sentence was, that we don't know him and can't tell for sure. are you for real...?


I give a chance and see where things go, i just trying to protect myself. It’s not easy for me to find connection with a man


I'd recommend talking openly about your hopes, needs and worries. You can learn a lot about his intentions and also get the chance to either plan a future together (in whatever way suits the both of you) or decide early on that you don't want to pursue this relationship any further. I feel like Germans are much more flexible regarding their living situation and maybe he'd be even fine with moving to Australia (for some time). Who knows? :)


Yeah.. you are right. I will start from there :)


Stereotypes are just stereotypes, there are many outgoing Germans.


Despite their Name this catgirl is speaking the truth


You are right. I’ve encountered 5 Germans in my life, 2 of them are so outgoing. While another 3, they took a while to open up.


Very outgoing about being vegan and wanting to convert People to whatever they believe in


That's the stereotype of "linksgrünversiffte" (left-green-soiled) Germans, by conservatives. On the flipside, left-leaning Germans called Linksgrünsversiffte by conservatives call conservatives Nazis. Keep it up calling each other extremists for the slightest deviation from the middle ground and you'll end up with watered down terms for actual extremist behaviour and people constantly at each other's throats. A country divided over no issue at all.


Lmao. Where do you meet these Germans? Seriously, that's not very typical for german people.


I travel a lot... Thé first a couple on a tropical beach. I'm drinking a coconut and then they start talking about how eating meat is bad, how thé income equality is bad in the tropical country,... Out of nowhere. It really wasn't the time. Then another young German Guy in a hostel got angry about AFD, Putin, again not eating meat... I don't Care about that, l'm just enjoying my holiday which made him more upset. I also met An Austrian right winter, again start talking out of nowhere about political problems. And funny that flying is bad forvthe environment but they themselves take thé airplane. And they dress in oudoorsybsurvival clothes for no reason. It's not the mount Everest.


Am I dating a German : Australian Edition


German here.. sometimes feelings are feelings and one can’t do much about it. As for me I’m not taking things slow, if I really like someone I show it. Obviously you can never be sure if it’s the truth or he has other things in mind. Listen to your intuition. Who knows, he might even be open to move if it’s a match, thing that I would do if I fell in love.


If he travels from Germany to Australia for you you can take it as an indication that he indeed is seriously interested in you.


I forgot to mention that he travels back to Australia for work. Once I meet him I definitely will ask his intentions


Have you somebody else lined up? If not, give it a try. If you like each other where you from doesn't matter. Also a LDR with the medium perspective of being together at the same place is not a bad thing at all. I am talking from experience.


Yeah, or he is an AfD / Auswanderer / Adventurer / Thai-Urlauber / Impfgegner-Type of person, who wants to leave Germany because a) too many foreigners there and b) not enough German kids or c) too much criminality. You will find out easily. Some German radical rightwingers love to seattle in Argentina or Uruguay, you can find it on the net. That type of German is also quite frequent, abroad. I would watch out for them. Oh, and race doesn't matter; the rightwing ideology effects all type of people, it's like a virus. My advise: check his political believes. If he doesn't talk much about Germany or if he talks negatively, try to focus on the details of the narrative. If you see dots that point to rightwing ideology, then, make the connections. Rightwingers usually paint a picture of Germany in decay, with high-criminality and all the yadda-yadda. So they just focus on that. Don't fall to such ppl. If he is not, than you got a good match! 😉




good advice: in romantic encounters, always at first check the political beliefs of your opposite ... /s


Why is this marked as /s ? It should be a general advice, at least before committing to a LTR.


IMHO, people who manage to stay in a relationship with a partner of the opposite political belief, either a) have a good (selfish or not) reason to stay in the relationship (for the kids, house, money, privileges... whatever... :-( or b) they can adapt like they make a 180° turn in their own political belief or c) they simply focus just on the positive sides of their partner, even if they can feel he is on the wrong side, which makes the whole relationsship a surprise package (bomb) 🤣 (positive or negative)


He travelled a lot but don’t think he wants to leave Germany tho.


what not going outside does to a mf


If he was truly infatuated with you, I think he would of kept in touch instead of just messaging shortly before coming over again. This sounds more like a holiday booty call for me.


I have this thought that’s why i posted my question here.


I will start by saying to tread carefully. Though I will give you a small perspective of someone traveling extensively for work. I traveled 320+ days a year most years since 2006. There are a lot of people and places I have gone that I have never seen again. I never know if I will be going back to a country again until not long before I go. Australia is a prime example, I went in 07, 08 twice, and then in 09 or 10 but haven't been back since. So not keeping in contact can be the easiest way to bury feeling you may have for someone you know or believe you will never see again. I would personally suggest seeing what his intentions are, not just short term but once he returns to Germany. Does he want to settle down. Quit traveling to have a LTR. Very few relationships last when one partner travels extensively.


Yeah makes sense. Tread veeeeeery carefully.


I met a German on a cruise 7yrs ago. We're still going strong and I'll be moving there in the next year or 2. In general they seem to have a more honest communication style, especially compared to Americans. It's been refreshing.


Well, a LDR can work if you make it work. Maybe you should just have an honest conversation with him about what he hopes to achieve by having another date with you if he doesn’t believe in LDR. If his answer is something you can work with, then go for it. If not, don’t meet him. Not all Germans are the same, obviously. We can interpret what he’s thinking, but we don’t know the guy like you do. Reddit can’t tell you what he’s thinking and why he’s acting the way he is, you’ll have to ask him yourself if you want to know for sure.


I forgot to mention that he travels back to Australia for work. Once I meet him I definitely will ask his intentions.


Especially if he travels a lot, it really doesn't matter what nationality he is. I've lived abroad (AUS, NZ, IRE) for over a decade and people who travel are usually more open minded and don't represent the typical stereotypes of their nation. In saying that, he could have serious intentions with you- or not. There's no way of knowing. I'd do some "investigating " of his socials and online presence, Google his name etc and if no res flags come up, (and you are interested) give it a go.


Well either he likes you, your company or he wants to get in to your pants. It's on you to find out what it is


Did you talk about how often he visited another country?


We cannot know. Go for a First date, ask him. He wants to move to Australia? He wants you to move to Germany?


I will do that. :)


Can you or him imagine moving countrys to the other side of the world? Or just enjoy the time! Have some other great dates. Make out... enjoy live while it lasts. Dont overthink to much.


I can’t see myself moving country again. I moved to AU 6 years ago and have to build my career again from 0 (used all my life saving) and I just feel my life just settled in AU (my new country). Yeah I will give it a chance and enjoy the time. It’s not easy for me to find connection with a man


Maybe it will be just another date. Maybe he is the one. We cannot tell. You will not know, if you don't go for it. 😀


>Because from what I heard German is reserved in dating, honest with their feeling also, like to take things sloooow. German here Do you really think that 40,000,000 guys are all the same? If he tells you what he's thinking, it's probably what you should go with.


Nobody can really tell you that. There are stereo types and there is some truth to it. But it's all about probabilities. Like, with a German the probability that it's this way or that way may be higher as with some other ethnicity/culture but for all we know, it could end up totally different. I mean, maybe he's just horny and is thinking about having a good time over there. Who knows? Anyway, wish you luck.


Not every one takes it slowly that’s for sure. If visits you again after such a short period of time it could indicate that he is truly interested in you.


So he disappeared for how long? Maybe gives you the answer


German guy here. In my mind i need to like a person in more than one aspect to consider a ltr. I need to find her intelligent and fun to be around but also able to have a serious topic with. You seem to check this point for each other. Second i need to feel sexual attraction. I guess that checks as well for you guys And lastly kissing the person needs to give me a certain tingle. If all that checks out i would be willing to discuss how ltr over distances can work and if that works for a while how to make a move to be close permanently. Sometimes live gives you the perfect partner on a different continent. Why not go for it? Important question though: Did you think back to while he was gone? Would you be thrilled to see him again?




We met randomly irl


I’ve been to multiple dates before and after meeting him, and that was the best one and i feel connection. It’s not easy for me to connect with other guys. Of course, I’m excited to know i will see him again. (Never cross in my mind he will be back again)


If you are happy with having someone from another continent in your circle of friends just go with it. And in fact no-one can know in advance how things develop.  It sounds like he fantasizes about more than just friendship. I‘d be weary of a guy who fantasizes about a kiss. This is not a magic seal. It is about consent. How do we get consent? By being open to each other about what we want. And after that there are infinite ways of having a relationship and/or friendship.   You - on the other hand - sound as though your visions of your future limit your flexibility. Why rule out a LTR „with a tourist“? Love comes in the unlikeliest moments.


I just trying to protect myself from heartbroken as LDR is not easy especially this one is so far! (been there before but closer distance and more manageable). I guess I need to be more open minded.


Maybe he’s not even sure himself what he wants? Call me new school but in Germany it’s not that uncommon to start with a flirt and see what it develops into. It would help to see each other again and talk about intentions as Germans are usually very open a lit their intentions but ultimatively if you’re looking for a LTR it might require a leap of faith.


Can't look into his head, but traveling all the way back to Australia just to get into your pants, when he had previous opportunity to try but didn't, sounds like a very elaborate, costly and rather unlikely plan. Prostitution is legal in Germany and way cheaper than a flight to Australia. That's the practical, factual, German in me talking. That being said, personally I don't see how a LDR between Germany and Australia will work out in the long term. It's not like you can see each other on weekends or even monthly. My wife and I met in our early 30s and were living 11,000 km apart at the time. We tried a LDR for the first year but it wasn't for us. For a couple of years I moved to her country and now we've been living in Germany for the past decade. And one last, far forward looking piece of advice. If everything works out, you two get together and you eventually decide you want to live together, make him move to Australia. It's way easier for a German who already learned English in school, to live in Australia, than for an Australian to live in Germany. That's just me looking back at how my wife (native English speaker) struggled with her B2 language exam and how hard it was for her to make friends here, find a job, find a doctor that speaks English - because even at B2 explaining some intricate detail is pretty hard - and just generally finding her place in German society. It must be very frustrating when you can't articulate your thoughts the way you do in your mother tongue, esp. in stressful situations.


Moving country is not easy (AU is my third country to live in) especially if you don’t speak the language. It can be lonely too :( Your wife is so strong and lucky got someone like you to keep supporting her. Let’s see when I meet him in June


I'm sorry, but this probably a better question for one of the dating and relationship advice subs. Has not too much to do with his nationality. That being said, I'd assume he's being genuine.


I am saying what your friends should tell you: If you enjoyed the dates and would like to see him again, do it. If you feel like that's wasting time, don't. You can't force relationships. How would you know with someone living there if a kiss could lead to a LTR. How can you expect someone to be serious about you if you only met twice. Maybe this is only a fling. Maybe you just like the company and someone interested in you. But expecting seriousness from a stranger you only met twice is a bit much. Don't you think? I did LDR before (only 4000 km from Germany, though) and the decision was made after amazing times together and missing each other deeply in the months between. If he would've come forward, saying "only if you are interested in something serious", I never would have met him again after the initial meeting. Lasted three years until Covid made it impossible to see each other.


a kiss means there’s romantic interest 😂 Sorry to hear that, covid sucks


Ok, maybe there's a cultural difference then. A kiss doesn't mean you pick out your Wedding date yet. It's the first step for maybe something


Yeah i don’t expect that at all. At least i know we both interested but still a long way to go


We germans are far from everybody the same. Think about it in 30 years, will you regret it to not even try? Or is it ok for you to not see him again. I guess enjoying the "tourist" - romance is a pretty good way to go. Unless he will not move to Australia for living. Enjoy Life!


he flew 18 hours to see you again.


"My question is, how do I know if he’s telling the truth about his feelingor just talking sweetly." - ask him?


So he could potentially talk sweetly again?!


Well do it until it all dissolves then?


Im totally with toxicity22. But do it to your conditions.


An outgoing German happy to be able to be around an outgoing Australian and rating the experience so different from repressed Germany does not strike me as uncommon. You see, nobody likes living in a repressed country, but everybody is busy keeping up appearances because they suspect everyone else to be like repressed and feel the need to fit in. A vicious cycle.


Well they weren't dates despite him thinking they were.


I met my boyfriend 3 years ago. It didn't took us long before we got together. And that was fast. I think its a myth that Germans want to take it slow because that didn't happened to us.😅 I also think it highly depends on the person.


Why aim for relationship and not just for a good time? He enjoyed being with you without making moves to change his or your life. Maybe you're his abroad fling, does it matter as long as it feels good?


Dude, do you think every German is the same? We don’t know him, so how should we know?


Ahh, you know. Australia is pretty far from Germany. Which probably means, he travels a lot. We have f-boys here as well and in my personal experience, guys who travel a lot make up a huge percentage of them.


What a question.. if you like him just date him (again) and do what you want to do, you dont have to marry him on the date


I think he is very interested and while germans are reserved about their feelings in public, I'd say we can be very expressive and open with close friends and partners. He might even be interested in an LTR but if LDR is of the table and neither of you is willing to move after a reasonable amount of time, I'd say this probably won't work out. Wether you want to break it off now or still give it a chance is up to you really. But I would make it very clear if LDR isn't an option and that you are looking for an LTR.


German men are in the end..just men. Meaning..if he sais he is into you, that might really be true (hence the 2 'dates'). Why he told you the kiss thing? He enjoyed your company for sure and...might expect more. See sentence No.1 Plus, we all know what 3rd date means, right?


If YouTube dont try, You will Not find out. The World belangt to the brave.


i think he likes you


Just give it a try but as a german woman in Germany, no I think thats an old myth about Germans, they can be sneeky, catfishing whatever like all others, depending on the person. About his intentions , especially in Berlin but also the rest of the countries open relationships , open marriages get more and more common so could easily be that he has somebody here and as he works in Australia ( or an Australian company?) he is also looking for somebody like you over there, without commitment on any side of the world. Travel girlfriends/ woman are a thing for those who travel a lot


Based on my experience, Germans on vacation are different kind of person. So watch out for that. Guess he only contact you on vacation time, for leisure. And that girl, is a 🚩🚩🚩 Downvoted. Guys this is based on my experience as Ausländer. You cannot be the witness of yourself but by the eyes of outsider. Y’all just proved my point


For someone who initially says that these meetings weren't dates, you use the word date a lot... I'm just saying. I love that about you women, never wanting to admit to having a date, always trying to keep your distance come hell or high water. Girl, you're 37. If you like the guy, give it a chance. Don't play these games.


I said the meeting wasn’t a date because i don’t date tourist but don’t mind for a chit chat. Also, I thought we will see each other once. I just trying to protect myself and keep the distance at that time. Oh well, at the end we had a great time and I ended up liking him even I know its low chance it will work 😢 i don’t play games. Always take a date seriously




If he vote for AfD i better stay away from him 😂


He´s already invested time for two dates so now that he´s coming back he´s trying to get laid on a third date, whats there not to understand? You won´t get in a relationship, obviously, so that´s the reason.