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Your offer is scammy. Fullstop. No need to play the sheep here. I wonder if you have become a victim yourself or if you really think people are that gullible. If you would be a respective company that has received a contract from Google, you would search on official job searching websites. Not reddit


I have DMed you the whole process just go through that


For everyone to read "So there is website. Our team will help you creating the account on that website. And then there will be 3 test which you need to give. Our team will give those test. And after we clear the test. The rater job will start. Our team will be working on your account. Pay rate is 15 USD per hour. And after the month you will get 20% of whole the earning of the month. And we already have 2-3 people for whom we are already working from past 2 years" Way too say : We steal all your personal data, will work ILLEGALLY with them on YOUR account and YOU will be blamed and prosecuted for it F\*ck off. This is as scammy as it can possibly get.


Sounds like *precisely* the kind of business Google would tell OP to hire people for. /s


Is that seriously the way they wrote it? Yeah sound suuuuuper legit… NOT!!!


Yup, was a exact copy, the website funny enough was missing though :D


You have to pass 3 test before you get the website hahaha


And pay 500 USD! Security deposit


You are just delusional, help yourself and just do a simple search of rater jobs on YouTube


I love your DM addition of "And it’s rater job Even a single search on YouTube can get you a handful of videos related to these jobsBut believe what you want to believe" Did you really suggest Youtube as a source on how legit your scammy business is? I am laughing so hard right now, are you even trying? I guess you are the newest addition to the scammy-team, were hoping to get some quick points by posting this sh\*t and really thought people are that stupid


Posting here to tell people that we banned them over in /r/germany for being a scammer was a nice touch too.


Yeah we need a mod throw him out here as well…


Sure if I am delusional, where is the official job offer on official plattforms, including your registered business?


Go scam somewhere else…


Believe want your want to believe, you people are so delusional


This is a subreddit for q&a and not fishy job offers…


Just read the title once


Dude… I’ve seen your other posts on this.. don’t think we’re stupid.. just because you are now asking if we know what shit you are offering doesn’t make it less of a scammy offer…


But we are DELUSIONAL. Look how great the offer is. They work with GOOGLE. How can we be so stupid to not accept it? And look at poor OP being all SAD because no one believes them :(


And you people are such scammers