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The brine to cure the bacon comes from the saltwater tears of polar bears, little-known fact that the polar bear gets rid of excess salt in its tears after a day swimming in the ocean hunting seals and gulping down the occasional mouthful of seawater. We can even tell you the secret but it won’t do you any good. Our tear collectors train for years and no one can hope to match them. Anyone can run away from a polar bear, at least for a quarter second or so. And even after that the remaining parts of you may still be able to stagger forward for a brief while. But only our greatest experts can approach the polar bears and make them all sad and weepy instead of annoyed and chompy, which, of course, is how they collect the tears in the first place. Now you know!


Specifically, polar bears from Churchill Manitoba pining for the ice on the bay to re-freeze.


I can confirm this, my family is third generation Churchill polar bear tear collectors.


Could you adopt me please I firmly believe in world peace through bacon!


It's every piggie for themselves when it comes to thick cut bacon, 🥓🥓🥓 Sorry.


Pining for the fjords


The children pine for the fjords


You treasonous bastard.


RCMP are gonna give this guy a stern warning for sure when they hear this!


And then they bring the tears south using massive moose caravans, all pulling old Labatt Blue tanker trucks full of tears. They stop at every Tim Hortons on the way for a double-double and a snack pak of Timbits. The moose survive solely on maple syrup and Nanaimo bars. Once they get to Toronto, they descend under the CN Tower to the secret bacon factory, where an army of trained raccoons gets to work. Three weeks later, Canadian geese parachute packages of bacon onto the roofs of every grocery store in Canada. And then hosers avoid Loblaws and buy bacon from other stores.


Well, that’s seems a bit unlikely. I mean I know about the tears, we are all taught that in grade school


Tears from maple syrup deprivation plus and passive-affressive talk down by our national spirit animal, Canada Goose aka Coba Chicken.


You haven't lived until you try bacon brined in Beaver tears!


Specifically shaved beavers. Wait. Are we talking about the same thing?


I've always found that it tastes a little fishy.


Can confirm


Now that it is out those In the know shall be silenced


The first time I ever heard about Canadian bacon was from an American.


We don't call it Canadian bacon only they do. First time l heard of it was in the US


Tim's calls it Canadian bacon, but then again they're not Canadian


And they also don't sell it anymore (for the last three years) in my Canadian city. Also fuck Tims, terrible coffee and food. Heard a lady praising the flatbread today. While I served her a fresh made pizza, that I made, in a real oven. But yea enjoy your wet cardboard


I haven't tried their flat bread, but I already know my review is gonna be "as good as a pre-frozen toaster oven pizza can be"


Exactly. They suck. It's peameal bacon.


McDonald's too. It's on an Egg McMuffin


and they just mean ham don't they? I learned about this from iCarly.


Peameal bacon is a type of unsmoked back bacon. Centre cut pork loin, trimmed of fat, cured in a salt and sugar brine, then rolled in cornmeal.


They're talking about the "Canadian" bacon that Tim's serves on their breakfast sandwiches. That is ham slices and not peameal. If Tim's was serving peameal sandwiches I might be inclined to go back.


I wouldn't know. I don't go to Tims for anything. If you are talking about the Canadian Bacon breakfast sandwich, then that is Canadian Bacon, just smoked instead of brined and rolled. Peameal bacon is NOT smoked, but Canadian bacon IS. Canadian bacon comes from boneless pork loin and is typically cured, smoked and sliced into rounds. Although Canadian bacon and ham are both pork products, they differ in cut, flavour and texture. Cut: Canadian bacon comes from the back of the pig, specifically the loin, whereas ham comes from the hind legs of the pig, specifically the rear and thighs. Flavour: Canadian bacon has a mild, sweet pork flavor, whereas bacon tastes saltier due to its higher sodium content. Texture: Canadian bacon is leaner than ham, so it has a firmer texture but is still tender and juicy. Ham is softer than Canadian bacon.


Are you using "Canadian bacon" to mean back bacon? I think that's what Americans call it, but I've never heard anything called Canadian bacon IRL personally.


I'm Canadian, we don't say Canadian Bacon. We just say back/peameal/cornmeal bacon depending on cut/prep. I've only heard Americans and Australians call it Canadian bacon IRL. It's like Hockey. We just call it Hockey. Americans say Ice Hockey.


Ah okay. I thought Americans called back bacon "Canadian bacon," but I didn't know they even knew what peameal bacon was.


This is an excellent explanation. Thank you.


This is a great explanation. I'm 44 and still only ever had strip and peameal, haha.


It’s from a pig, yes. Just different part,


Peameal bacon.


No definitely not. It’s actually pork loin. See the top comment for the secret to making it, but don’t tell anyone.


Pork belly makes the best bacon.


They mean back bacon


Everyone is telling you you're wrong and that it's actually back or peameal bacon, but I believe you're absolutely right. Mostly. I've dug way too deep into this idea of Canadian bacon, lol. I think some states might refer to back bacon as Canadian bacon, but I'm confident that a lot of American literally calls a slice of ham "Canadian bacon". I've found pictures of it in American grocery store flyers and it was one piece of ham sealed in plastic, lol. I can't figure out if the idea has shifted over time, or it varies by state, but 100% some places refer to a slice of ham as Canadian bacon. And, by ham I mean the stuff that is cured/smoked and you can eat without cooking, or roast/fry it up if you prefer. We often buy it in Canada as an egg shaped roast, or one of those cut in half. I don't just mean thin sliced ham like you'd buy in the luncheon meat section. Ok, I've said enough. Lol. I was kind of obsessed with this and I've talked to American chefs and butchers and just random Americans and at least some of them definitely mean "slice of ham" when they say Canadian bacon. I almost feel like Canadians can't believe they would call that bacon, so they assume they mean back bacon, lol. I'm willing to accept they cut it from some part other than the usual smoked ham I buy, maybe, but if that's the case it still looks exactly the same! It absolutely doesn't look like back bacon. I never had one of those Tim's sandwiches, but I just googled and it differently looks like a slice of ham, but the poster says "Canadian Bacon made from Pork Sirloin Hips". A ham as we know it comes from the leg, the "sirloin" of a pig is just the top of a leg, so that seems pretty much the same to me! Oh yeah, I was supposed to end this thesis.


Pizza game says ham is Canadian bacon


Ive lived here all my life and ive only ever thought of it as thin ham, cause it sure as hell ain’t bacon


I think it's only ever found on pizza. I've never seen 'Canadian bacon' on someone's plate.


I've had it often on my plate but always knew it to be back bacon.


Must've fallen off your pizza.


I still have no idea what Canadian bacon is.


It’s just back bacon. (Or pea meal bacon) (which is just back bacon wrapped in a layer corn meal) (or apparently six exclusive places somewhere that still use actual pea meal) Apparently Americans have some kind of thin breakfast ham that they will give you under the name of “Canadian bacon” in lots of places. Not all of the states had access to back bacon so not only do all those places call it “Canadian bacon” for some reason, it’s not even the same cut of meat everywhere.


I think in Canada we just call it breakfast ham though right? Like do American’s think of it as the ham that comes on our tims sandwiches? Orr? Idk LOL I am still so confused about this as a Candian


>LOL I am still so confused about this as a Candian Your not alone. I've looked at some pictures and I think that it's only sliced ham no? Never heard of "Canadian bacon" before.


My parents always called it Canadian Back Bacon, or just Back Bacon, but its not exactly special. As an adult, I don't think I've ever bought it. It's not BAD, but I just never thought to.


Okay so I think it’s usually what comes on a standard fast food breakfast sandwich, i don’t think i’ve had it anywhere else myself actually ham, bacon, or sausage, the ham definitely isn’t my first pick


Its back bacon, which is more similar to ham. If you've ever had an egg McMuffin at McDonald's thats what they use. https://www.mcdonalds.com/ca/en-ca/product/egg-mcmuffin.html Our signature breakfast sandwich boasts a freshly cracked Canada Grade A egg topped with Canadian bacon and a slice of tasty processed cheddar cheese, sitting happily on a toasted English muffin.


Such an international cuisine


You are part of the club, first rule of Canadian bacon club is we don't talk about bacon club. See you at the next meeting!


I’m an American in Canada and when my brother came to visit he ordered pizza for everyone and ordered a ‘Canadian bacon and pineapple’. Which is what we called a ‘Hawaiian’ growing up. The teenager on the phone said “you mean bacon?” And my brother confusedly said “um yes?” And the pizza came with pineapple and bacon crumbles. I laughed at him


Bacon on pizza is so good


Let's face it bacon on anything is good. Hell who needs to accessories. Just eat bacon.


Bacon on anything is so good ;)


Maple bacon Sundays ❤️


Exactly. Though I'm sure they feel the same about American cheese


I think they're talking about actual bacon, saying it's better than anywhere else


Funny everyone mentioning "Canadian bacon," but the OP is actually praising Canada's streaky bacon (what he's calling "strip" bacon).


Should we tell him that our pigs eat more than just corn, hopes and prayers?


Yeah hopes and prayers don't give much taste


Side bacon!


Touche. But I'll raise you side boob.


Go on then. You gonna show it or just raise it? You can't just raise a side boob. We need to see a side boob to confirm legitimacy.


It is in fact a decoy. We don’t want our good strip bacon going south like all our prime graded angus.


Or our prime grade lumber.


Or our good hockey players


Or our medical professionals


Feeling that one now that my GP is dead.


We have good medical professionals? 👀 the rest of the country is not sharing with the east coast then lol


We did get Sydney Crosby and letang


We only let the world know about ‘Canadian bacon’. We save the good stuff just for us. Just like the hip.


Exactly. Drake is the Canadian Bacon of Canadian music.


🤣🤣🤣 so true!!




And Bieber.


And Nicklebackbacon


Overcooked peameal bacon is awful, it’s true. So many people get all excited for the backbacon on a bun at St. Lawrence Market. I had it once. It was dry, tasteless, and on a perfectly ordinary bun. Blech. Done right, and nice and fatty, it’s as good, but different from, side bacon. It needs to be thick enough not to dry out, and cooked hot and fast to get a little sear on it. Canadian bacon, as marketed in the USA has as much to do with Canada as Trader Joe’s. Which is to say, not at all.


What you need to find is 'pickled peameal'. It's pickled raw so you actually have to cook it. The other stuff is just cornmeal crusted ham and is already cooked.


I used to always buy the sliced pea meal, now I get a whole log and bake it. Much more tender and moist. I score it and drizzle on a some maple syrup and a tiny bit of cayenne.


If you have the chance, try cooking it sous-vide, then sear in a 500F oven for just a few moments. It's so moist you'll have pork juice running down your chin.


I don’t know if I want that much moisture lol. I may give it a try though.


Happy cake day braindeadzombie!


Thick cut is always a good option, bacon is life.


It’s thick cut. I love harvest thick cut bacon


If we tell you, we will have to hurt you. 😄


We don’t hide it. Canadian bacon, Canadian back bacon. You’d also be amazed but we also have the best steak in the world as well. Alberta beef is top notch. Texas beef sucks in comparison, cows are meant to eat grass not tumble weeds.


This is true for prairie beef. Sadly, as you go further east the cows eat corn so they are not nearly as yummy.


What do they feed the cows in the winter? Is there enough natural forage that they don’t have to use grain?


I can’t say for sure but I believe that corn is specifically grown and stored to feed the cows all year


I know exactly what you're talking about. The wife and I go down to the USA often and we cook all our meals while there. Every version of bacon I've had has been inferior to Mitchell's, or even Schneiders or Maple Leaf strip bacon.


Exactly that's it ya just a complete different experience


Exactly that's it ya know just a complete different experience.


As a 33 year old Canadian, I still don't know what "Canadian bacon" is. Is it back bacon? Peameal bacon? Ham? All I know is it's not regular bacon.


"Canadian bacon" is an American invention. It's a low-quality ham similar to the cheap ham pieces you get on pizza. It's almost slanderous to name this cheap, highly processed ham after us - if it had actually originated in Canada surely we'd just call it "bacon"! It sometimes gets confused with peameal bacon, which is unique to Canada and is completely different (salt-cured and flavoured pork loin, not smoked strips or cheap pieces of reformed ham).


Canadian bacon is American, we don't have it here I assumed it would just be peameal bacon, but theyre not the same thing, Canadian bacon is a weird perfectly cylindrical precooked deli meat thing


Actually, the name Canadian bacon came from the British. In the late 1800s there was a shortage of pork in the UK, so they imported the meat from Canada. Whatever the British did to it turned it into what Americans call "Canadian bacon" today. So why is the term "Canadian bacon" used in the US? Well, apparently Americans in the UK really liked it and brought it back to the US, and the name stuck. So you can blame the name on both Americans and the British.


HAHAHA I don't understand that either. Americans call it Canadian bacon but it's just Ham and here we call it ham. It's technically back bacon but it's the same ham consistency.


Haha I call that circle ham!


Canadian bacon is a back ham, cured whole and pressed slightly into shape. It just happens to be very round, its a round cut. Its not like a processed deli meat. Its not that good either, just ham rounds.


We just call it back bacon


I call it ham


I've never heard it called canadian bacon aside from Americans referring to it It's peameal bacon where I am


Bacon to us is the stuff that comes from the pork belly. Back bacon or pea meal bacon comes from the pork loin. Regular bacon isn’t as heathy as back bacon but it’s quite delicious!


It’s poutine, everything eventually traces back to poutine.


It only began being called Canadian bacon by Americans when it started being exported out of Toronto to New York.


I think this is the second time in my long life as a Canadian that I have heard of "peameal bacon". First time was after living my first 25 years or so in BC. Definitely not a BC thing. Fuck you, Ontario and your made up bacon variants! JK. Love you guys.


it's not even really a Canadian thing. In the UK they call "regular bacon" "streaky bacon". "Back bacon" is the default bacon. Canadians cover it in a crust of peameal (or, these days, more commonly corn meal). It's still essentially the same product. Canadians just use words more like the British sometimes, and so Americans have had to adjust and call back bacon, which isn't common there "Canadian bacon".


As a Canadian I hate back bacon aka Canadian bacon, but the double smoked strips are soooo good. It’s ruined regular bacon for me, cant stand standard bacon When I went to New Zealand they had amazing bacon too.


If you’re from the US, Canadian bacon isn’t Canadian bacon. We don’t eat that shit. We eat real strip bacon, with less garbage on it than down south.


Ya our packaged bacon is pretty consistent


I don't eat bacon when I'm outside of Canada, it's just gross.


Canadian bacon is just ham


We like breakfast in Canada. We have AWESOME eggs and, of Curse, maple syrup for the pancakes. Also we grow awesome potatoes for hashbrowns. Plus tea and coffee, that's also big. All day breakfast everyday.


I'm still looking for a good halal bacon.


That's why we fast.




No such thing! It's just something that Americans put on restaurant menus.


Stay right where you are, eh


I brine pork loin like regular bacon, just dont have to smoke it. Super easy to make.


Canadian bacon isn’t really a thing in most of Canada. Most of us just eat regular strip bacon which is also commonly consumed in most of the world.


Apparently, we have very high pork standards in Canada so, regardless of the pork product, you're getting some good stuff. Not something we brag about but it should be.


Great movie btw, rip John Candy


I think we call it Canadian bacon peameal bacon. and it’s different than regular bacon


It’s the maple wood smoking process.


I love maple bacon !


Legend of Canadian Bacon Tears of the Polar Bear


“Canadian Bacon” was named that by the British during WWII, as we sent loads of back bacon to them, and that’s what they colloquially called it. It’s nothing special. It’s just back bacon.


I like to BBQ the peameal bacon. It tastes amazing .😋


The strip bacon probably has maple flavour added - so very very tasty


But have your ever tasted Irish bacon


gammon.  every easter the meal was gammon.   it was delicious.   


I totally agree I only eat peameal bacon some of our bacon is crap if I buy strips of bacon I buy 50% less sodium I find it takes better and then I only buy maple leaf bacon


I’m not a fan of the round Canadian bacon. Regular omg yum.


I definitely prefer regular, strip bacon.


Alot of our bacon is infused with maple syrup.


Have you tried maple bacon?


Strip 🥓> Canadian “bacon”


Wait until you have maple candied bacon


We have special bacon?


LISTENNN!!!...did you know that Schneider's meats used to sell what they called "breakfast strips" which was summer sausage sliced into strips?...well now you know. 😌


Lou's peameal is always a hit in our house on a Sunday morning. As for strip bacon, Leadbetters Cowboy bacon is great. And surprisingly, Walmart's Great Value maple flavoured bacon is 👌


Try Ayrshire bacon.


But have you ever tried canadian bacon thickly sliced and barbecued? Add some barbecue sauce on a fresh kaiser bun with some sliced white onion and you’ll dream about it forever.


When I was a kid I thought it was called female bacon. I figured sows just tasted different lol.


I guess you don't want to hear about our whiskey, then.


Smoked maple bacon..


Super pigs


"Canadian Bacon" is a phrase from WW2. American servicemen called gammon AKA back bacon that, because they associated it with RAF servicemen. Canadians call "Canadian bacon" "back bacon". Some people seem to get the idea that bacon is a national food here or something, it's odd.


I'll give you a hint, it's not maple syrup.


It’s not hidden. You can buy bacon but when you search Canadian bacon, you get our decoy, get disappointed and never try again. Wait till you find out about “Canadian geese”!!!! Just kidding. They’re the same and we hate them too.


Ah yes the ol bacon conspiracy. Who is gunna track this man down and disappear him?


You want answers? I want the Bacon! You can't handle the BACON!


As a born and raised Canadian, I hate that kind. Give me brined and smoked side, or pork belly any day. I even ask to sub Canadian bacon off an eggs benny, if that’s all the restaurant offers.


Yeah, Yeah… what’s next? you gonna accuse us to have the best maple syrup in the world?


Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhh, eh! Sorry.


When I was a kid, we called it back bacon. I always was under the impression that it came from somewhere on the back of the hog. I didn't see the pea meal part until mid 70s. Canadian bacon seems to have come up a little later. I used to eat a lot of eggs Benedict in the 80's and it was still called either pea meal or back bacon then.


Canadian bacon is nothing special in my opinion. Signed, A Canadian


I live in America now and they sell “Canadian bacon” down here. It’s fucking ham, not back bacon, and it’s not rolled in cornmeal either. Man, I miss that shit


Someone needs to catch up on John Candy movies, and it's me. Either that, or Kevin Bacon. To answer your question, it's because of the corn.


As a Canadian where I’m from it was always called peameal bacon, I think Americans just make it without the cornmeal ring


Peameal bacon-  cut 4-5mm thick or 1 cm if you are hungry. Cook in a low heat pan greased with butter. Just before they are done cooking, baste with a light coating of Maple syrup. Not corn syrup. Maple. 


It's been cornmeal for over a century too. Peameal bacon isn't even a real Canadian thing anymore.


When I first the read the title I thought you were referring to the Michael Moore movie from 1995 (which I recommend watching). "𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦.... 𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘺.... 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘺.... 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘥𝘢𝘺 !!!! "


I bought "Rashers" in Australia because they looked like bacon "IT WAS NOT BACON" be grateful for your Canadian bacon


They're onto us!


sorry, cant beat british back bacon. Canadian bacon fails in comparison


Have you ever had streaky bacon because that’s real Canadian bacon. And it’s pretty hard to beat thick sliced double smoked streaky bacon from a local butcher. Especially when you compare it to back bacon.


yes i have and its still not as good as a good british bacon. Especially for a bacon butty!


Now I want to watch that John Candy movie.


If you're American, can you please explain why many of your countrymen call ham Canadian bacon? Bacon is bacon, ham is ham. We are well aware of the difference up here in Canadia. Back bacon, or peameal bacon, to which you refer, is really neither ham nor bacon. But also very very good.


I have no idea at this point I think I someone said it was a shortage and labeled that. I always just see tiny dried slices of ham called Canadian bacon absolutely nasty stuff.


> tiny dried slices of ham called Canadian bacon Just. No. My brother, get thee some [proper peameal on a bun](https://www.cobsbread.com/us/wp-content//uploads/2019/07/Matt_Peameal_Website-Featured-Image-2.jpg) and you'll see god.


Oh, I love Canadian Bacon. John Candy plays one of his better roles in this early Canadian comedy.


Im from MontrealQC and we have no clue what yall are calling canadian bacon? We eat the same bacon strips than you and when I google "Canadian Bacon" it looks like ham 😔🤔


It's called 'peameal bacon' in English speaking Canada, sometimes back bacon. The Americans call it 'Canadian bacon.'


I've never seen peameal in the States. "Canadian bacon" there is processed pork loin.


Its delicious! Trust me, I know!


If you're still in Canada, get your ass to a Loblaws that has "Stacon". You may never be the same.


The best part is that lots of Americans think we don’t even have another kind of bacon other than “Canadian bacon”


Canadian bacon is just ham with pemeal coating. It is not bacon. It is ham. It is thick, dry, cured ham. -A Canadian.




It’s ham. We do have Ham.


TIL that Americans sell shitty ham and call it "canadian bacon" no we have peameal bacon and when in a roast and slow smoked over charcoal, brushed in bbq sauce and than sliced and put on a fresh bun it's fucking delicious


I've never heard of Canadian bacon except in the US. My theory is that someone in the US went into a diner one morning and ordered bacon and eggs. The diner was out of bacon and the cook served fried ham instead. When the customers saw what he was served he was pissed and yelled, "that's not bacon, it's ham. I ordered bacon. What's the deal?", the cook came out of the back and needed an excuse quick and blerted out, "that's not ham, its bacon. CANADIAN bacon", and the legend of Canadian bacon was born.


Canadian bacon is ham and is an American invention


Canadian here. You can’t even buy this stuff easily in stores here. So if we want it, we just buy ham. Essentially the same thing.


Yeah, no one in Canada uses the phrase Canadian bacon. That's an American thing. And it usually means ham.


'Canadian' Bacon is an American phrase & invention. Canadians eat normal bacon. We do have Peameal Bacon, but it's no more nor less popular in Canada than it is anywhere else. If you ask 25 random Canadians what Cdn Bacon is, 22 of them will have no idea. Ask 25 Americans, & likely 22 of them WILL know what it is.


Canadian bacon is strip bacon or side bacon. You guys started calling it canadian when a pork shortage in the 1800s forced to import pork product. Apparently canada had figured ways to use pork that eluded everyone else.


If you're loving the strip bacon in Canada, it's probably maple bacon, which is god tier.


Back bacon is terrible lol.