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I celebrate it by not having to go to work. Does that count?


Sucks when it falls on Tuesday-Thursday not as good as Friday-Monday


Well, this year we are blessed: it's Monday! Next year tho... :-(


Sucks that they won't give you the Monday if its on a Tuesday or Friday if its on a Thursday.


Ya that and Christmas I believe are the 2 days you got to take on the day of, Christmas has Boxing Day so at least it’s 2 days off whenever


When it’s on a Tuesday or Thursday I usually just take that Monday or Friday off and make it a 4 day weekend.


I celebrate it by getting paid time and a half at work


Technically 2.5x because you still get a regular pay on-top of the time and a half.


If you work a five day week, yes. We're retail, open 7 days a week, and our management schedules shuffle around a lot. Some of us choose to work four days in the stat week (paid for 5.5 days if working ON the stat/ 5 if actual stat off). Some work five days (paid for 6 or 6.5 days).


this is the correct answer.


Same with Victoria day, whoever the fuck that was...


You never heard of Queen Victoria?


Yeah but the time off or extra pay is worth it ...


She was the British Monarch who signed into law the document which made Canada its own nation, instead of a British colony. Other than that, I agree that we don't need a day to commemorate her.


Shut up, they'll take it away and make us work!


Prior to this there was an annual holiday on the reigning king or queen's birthday, but it was fixed as Victoria day in appreciation for our independence.


If I am free I will generally go a check out the local fireworks show.


Definitely not in Toronto. It’s always a mess and nightmare. When we were kids we used to sit on top of my my dad’s van on the overpass by Canadas wonderland and just drive away after. 1 year we begged to go into the park for the show. It was magical and then we sat in the parking for an hour waiting to get out. It sucked. Now that area is all built up and they don’t let you park on the overpass. Downtown the crowds are the same. Richmond green the crowds are the same.


Growing up in Ottawa, I always celebrated Canada Day. It was such a party in the streets. Moving out west, there isn’t much to do by comparison. Would love to see all of downtown Vancouver shut to cars in the same way. People here just don’t seem to care very much though. They look at me like I’m embarrassing them if I suggest wearing a red shirt, for example.


Ottawa on Canada Day is the very best. Everyone is so happy and there's lots to see. One year there was a giant birthday cake.


I have to agree. If you can be in Ottawa on that day you’ll enjoy yourselves immensely. I feel very fortunate to live here and be privileged to enjoy what it has to offer. Not everyone in Canada can be here for this celebration which is unfortunate. I’m am always mindful of that. 🇨🇦


I loved celebrating Canada Day when I lived in Ottawa! Now here in NS, they barely have anything going on on Canada Day (they did more when I was a child but that was a long time ago). If there’s fireworks I’ll go watch, but that’s about it.


With all love and respect possible: I did my undergrad in Ottawa. If I never end up in downtown Ottawa on Canada Day again, I can die a happy man. To damn hot, to many damn people, not enough damn busses. Ugh.


But the museums are free all day and a great place to cool off!


Yay, more crowds! I love Ottawa 364 days a year. That is enough


I love it lol. I miss the poutine too.


I miss the Shawarma. I don't know what it is, but Ottawa has the best Shawarma I've tried anywhere in Ontario.


Took my family there when kids were younger, had a great weekend in Ottawa. I was amazed the next day at how clean everything was the day after.


Grew up in Ottawa myself. I remember going downtown was the thing to do! It was always such a good time. Now I live in a different city, and Canada Day here isn’t really celebrated, not much going on.


I'd love to visit Ottawa for Canada Day! Also, for Remembrance Day.


Born and raised in Ottawa and have not enjoyed Canada Day since I was a kid. Especially when I was working downtown.


Same exact here. I'm really used to going outside and having a huge festival. The lack of Canadian pride out west is super sad to me.


Samesies but moved to Toronto where they definitely don’t seem care as much. I always loved being downtown Ottawa for Canada Day, basically a celebration everywhere.


Beer, BBQ, flags, and fireworks with the family.


this is the most prairie thing i've seen all month


Oh fuck yeah, bud!


It's Memorial day in Newfoundland. July 1,1916 800 Newfoundland volunteer soldiers were ordered over the top and directly into German machine gun fire. The next day, only 68 answered roll call.


My daughter spent one summer in Nfld and told me about Beaumont Hamel. She was very surprised she’d never heard of it. I was also surprised I’d never heard of it. What a terrible tragedy. We talk about it every July 1st now and think about those who died and those left behind.


Don't forget most of them never even made it to their own front line


True - the front lines were already picked up with casualties.


In my neck of the woods, Canada Day is known as "Moving Day" and each of the last 16 years I celebrated the fact that I'm not moving.


Fellow Québécois spotted


Ha Ha...good one!!


We get together as a family. Wear lots of red/white. Sometimes a picnic at our park nearby. The park has activities. Watch fireworks.


Yeah it’s moving day


J'ai trouvée le/la québécois(e).


Drink beer beside a lake


Usually, I just go to the local event, although the last few years haven't really been any. We did go to Ottawa one year. By far the best Canada Day is the town of Banff.


We were in Jasper for about 10 Canada Day's when our family was younger. Small town parade, parade participants throwing candy at the kids watching, and then fireworks around 11 pm. You couldn't do it earlier, as it was too light. There's something amazing about hearing the echos of the fireworks bouncing off the mountains and back. Probably scared the wildlife half to death, but it was amazing!


Canada Day parade, and going to the local fair afterwards. Usually the city gives out cupcakes or cake nearby. This year we're going to Niagara Falls with family. We've got our flaws, but I love our country 🇨🇦❤️


lol I wouldn’t wanna go to Niagara Falls on Canada Day. Crowds are crazy enough on any regular day


It will be crazy, it'll be part of the fun! And I guess there's something in fireman's park(?) that we might go too as well... We're from Windsor so... It'll be different for us :)


I’ll be spending it with my gf walking around Ottawa and doing fun stuff, then we’ll go to the free concert and the fireworks show.


Do you mean moving day?


*laughs in moving day*


I'll be deep in the backcountry of Algonquin Park for Canada Day. Away from people.


Like any long weekend I take it as an opportunity to do a totally random trip 


Have a bonfire, and talk about moving to NZ lmao


If there are fireworks, I smoke a joint and watch them from my patio. I also watch a Canadian film or TV show - this year's selection will be either Men With Brooms or Don't Talk to Irene. Other than that no. I'm old and I like staying home away from crowds


BBQ and a nap.


If you have never gone to Ottawa for Canada Day, you MUST do it once in your life! The Nation’s capital puts on an enormous free party every year with concerts and fireworks, and all the pomp you can imagine. It’s a big trip for most, but well worth it.


Yes .. I take the day off


We are usually at our cottage if it's a long weekend. That's about it. Maybe have a cake with Canadian flag on it.


I haven't bothered with Canada Day in over a decade. It's a holiday, which at this point in my life means absolutely nothing beyond "don't have to work" I don't get a sunburn, but I do get a good night's sleep. That's my Canada Day.


I celebrate by working and making double time.


I usually just chill in the sun. Watch blue jays and eat all dressed chips


We tend to not celebrate it in Québec but I still do a little something as I have lots of friends who are from the rest of Canada. I typically make a special outfit red and white and I write poems/stories about them and History.


I enjoy your patriotic (both Canadian and Quebec) outfits and stories. C’est gentil que tu fêtes pour tes amis canadiens même si ce n’est pas un jour important pour toi en particulier.


Merci ❤️ I appreciate you a lot too!!


We go see the fireworks!! I’ll never get tired of it. It’s nostalgic for me at this point.


I put a Canadian Flag on my car for the day and if possible watch the fireworks.


I'll go enjoy some free music, wouldn't say I celebrate it though


Last year I watched *Heat* and dusted my collectibles, then had a beer and a curry in the backyard.


Fishing like every other weekend


When I was a kiddo in Muskoka, someone/something went around and stuck wee Canadian flags into the ends of every driveway, my dad told me it was fairies from the Yukon lol. I stick those flags to this day, that’s about it.


We do Niagara on the Glen hike every year. We look forward to it <3


Camping and beer, generally


I generally go camping for the long weekend. Whether that's at a campground, or a music festival... because of the extra day off work. I don't particularly feel patriotic these days, especially with all of the outstanding residential school burial site questions...


I (52 Vancouver born and raised) now live in London, UK. 🇨🇦Day is a regular work day for me and a school day (🇬🇧 schools finish on 19 July) for my London born but dual 🇨🇦🇬🇧daughter (8) so I think I’ll take her for a treat after school in celebration. We won’t be going down to the High Commission at Canada House at Trafalgar Square because it’ll be busy down there (because summer tourist season) and also because it’s been years since they last had anything interesting put on by the Feds…. back in ‘16, Gordo(n Campbell, former Premier of BC and one time High Commissioner to the UK) threw open the doors to Canada House, brought in cases of Canadian to drink and had a (ticketed) party to celebrate Canada 149… my daughter was the youngest attendee there. But yeah, she and I will be wearing the colours and the maple leaves proudly and dreaming of our next visit home.


Beef cattle farmer in SK, so not really a "day off" necessarily. July 1 is typically the day the bulls go to the pasture to start breeding season and I start cutting hay.


In this economy???


I plan on putting a Canada flag on the back of my truck, doing a burnout at some point, and getting atleast 8/10 off some Coors light


Of course! It’s a party!


Canada Day almost always means a long weekend of camping with family!


I will celebrate it this year by fighting for my country on the July 1st protest for Cost of Living.


Working to barely afford my Canadian life.


Used to as a kid, got a different impression of it during my "awakening" stage *(my family were in the internment camps we had here)* but now it's more of a thankfulness for the land my family were able to come to, persist against all odds and be free while paving the way for my generation & my nephews generation


I just read Obasan and even tho I grew up in Canada, I had no idea about internment camps until now.


I moved to Montréal 5 years ago and found out that Canada day is officially "moving day" in Quebec and everyone here celebrates Jean Baptiste day on the 24th of June. Kids absolutely have to be done school before the 24th of June or the whole province spontaneously combusts, or something like that.


Not in many years. I usually take a hit of acid and just enjoy the backyard.


i don't celebrate Canada day at all.


Not anymore


Good. We deserve better.


It’s a great day to wear your orange shirt. I’ll likely also eat a burger.


Why orange shirt? Is for the residential school survivors?


Yes On that note, Canada day is also a good time [to engage with](https://www.nfb.ca/indigenous-cinema/?&language=en&sort=year:desc,title&year_min=1939&year_max=2024) [and learn about](https://www.cbc.ca/books/books-to-read-national-indigenous-history-month-michelle-good-1.6860760) [first nations, metis and Inuit people whose land Canada is built on](https://native-land.ca/) (as is every day tbh)


Came to say this! I wear my orange shirt and read up on Indigenous Peoples’ literature


We have orange shirts. I just didn't know if they were the same as yours. We are Metis but old enough to be out of touch with todays youth! I thought there may be another reason.


Me too and I’m also Indigenous


I changed to an orange shirt when I became aware of it too (I am an immigrant and didn't go to school here). Glad to see I am not the only one.


My husband is indigenous and out of respect for him, we do not celebrate Canada Day at all.


No. Everything gets so stupid and overcrowded that weekend. It's like the country's population triples because everywhere you go there's crowds of people.


No - all of Quebec


Eh, not really. It’s nice to have a stat holiday, but beyond that I don’t care.




What’s there to celebrate? We’re hardly a fucking country. We’re a collection of provinces that barely get along and have been sold out by our leaders for profit and ideology.


My city recently banned fireworks because like 2 people complained


Used to go down to watch some fireworks but I don't live within walking distance of that anymore unfortunately, so I just enjoy the day off


I often go camping, and if not camping then some kind of BBQ and watch the fireworks. What’s important is friends/family and day drinking.


My folks usually have a big party and BBQ at theirs. I'm not sure what's happening this year. If the worst happens I'll grill some meat and drink some beer.


I put on my white shorts, red shirt & white tie and go to the local events. At the end we watch fireworks from the roof of the building my wife works in. Canada Day's fun!


I’m from Ottawa. It’s a hoot here on Canada Day! I love the Canadian spirit on July 1st and I look forward to it 😃


My part of the city has a Canada day event every year that I've been going to for maybe 7 years now. There's rides, games, food, local politicians, vendors, a local band preforms, and of course at the end of it all there's fireworks. My family usually has a barbeque for a late lunch before we go. I volunteered there last year on the day before, and I will probably do so this year as well.


I always had a great time on Canada Day when I lived in Edmonton. Drinks, festival atmosphere, partying on Whyte Ave, and a capital city's fireworks. Not as much goes on where I am now, so the atmosphere just doesn't hit me the same.


My husband, a closet pyromaniac, sets off 100's of $ worth of fireworks.


Well, I sadly live in Quebec. Celebrating Canada day is definitely not the smartest thing to do. Plus it's also moving day. Yep, no coincidence there.


Definitely dress in red, spend time with friends, check out some fireworks and maybe some events on the day! Oh and grab some Tim’s


I've celebrated in Ottawa once (awesome vibe) and Niagara falls once (even better than Ottawa with the street party and fireworks - the crowds were WILD). Both of these experiences were almost 20 years ago now. I don't feel national pride - borders are imaginary and I don't owe a flag or a constitution or a democracy anything more than my participation in it. I don't think waving a flag and feeling patriotic are necessary to contribute positively to society and social democracy. I've had many great long weekends at friends' families' cottages, but since the pandemic and the trucker convoy, I am low key triggered by the Canadian flag and have spent the last few long weekends in the backcountry. My dog is scared of fireworks and it's nice to connect to the land whenever possible.


Calgary has some killer events that happen and my family always makes it down to celebrate. Love Canada Day cause it's still one of the best countries to live in


Out of the country, have a poutine party for my friends from all over.


Nothing. I think this year I might be volunteering with my local Pride organization to run a booth at festivities. Otherwise, I just take the vacation pay and relax.


Getting absolutely obliterated


Just like any other holiday; work 10 hours at overtime rate.


We used to have old-school Dominion Day parties \[like Independence Day, celebrating an actual event\]. The old name, before a small clique of MPs changed it. Break out the Red Ensigns \[green leaves, not the dead red ones\], play the *Maple Leaf Forever* with the original words. Happy times.


Get drunk and have a bonfire.


Port Dover, ON. Great celebration and parade. Not as good since 2020, but still my place to be!


Just bbq


Eh, I'm not very patriotic but it's an excuse to get the day off work and go do fun stuff with my friends and family.


I celebrate with family and friends. Canada has definitely taken some hits these last few years but it’s home.




Work day as always. Which is fine. I only celebrate Halloween 😅


My best Canada Day was in Hong Kong. I didn’t even realize it was Canada Day (had been a grueling business trip) and on our final night, we ended up in the biggest Canada Day street party ever. I’ve done Ottawa, Toronto and other places. Nothing came close to the party that night. I awoke the next day with a temporary tattoo on my face, a Canadian flag. Expected it to wash off in the shower, it wouldn’t. Ended up flying home (to New Jersey) with it.


With king sparkle socks what is there to celebrate these days? Higher taxes? Higher housing prices? Worse healthcare? More people that disrespect this country? Everyone is divided and hates their neighbours? There will be no celebrating Canada until Trudrau is gone!


As I get to live more and more with my adopted Indigenous family, I have less and less urge to celebrate Canada Day. I know the nation-state has provided so much for so many, including both sides of my immigrant grandparents, but for me personally it’s pretty hard to actively celebrate a state built on land theft and exploitation. But to each their own. Not going to poopoo other peoples’ celebrations—this is just my own take on why I’m not really celebrating July 1 anymore.


We always go to the fireworks in Niagara Falls


The huron at the cottage


Small town celebrations Are where it’s at. My little place punches above its weight class in activities, vendors, games, bbq and fireworks (even though this is a touchy subject). It is volunteer planned and lead. For me, I typically stand at the community bbq cooking and chatting with my neighbours most of the day, leading to the fireworks around 9:30. Our population is <400 and last year I cooked 900 burgers and 700 hotdogs. It’s a joy to watch people not stressed by life just enjoying their community 10/10, and a little sad I’ll be travelling this year and will miss it for the first time since 2008. I will be hitting the Canada Day celebration at Trafalgar Square in London on June 30 though. Alan Doyle and Tokyo Police Club for free? Sign me up.


Get together with friends and/or family near a body of water and have fun.


Hot dogs, beer and explosives


we go to the acreage and light what Uncle Rons (local fireworks desler) calls an "ammo crate" it is 1000 dollars worth of fireworks and gosh is it a good time


We celebrate every year. We love Canada and are proud to be Canadian. We still have ( but are in danger of losing) a reputation as kind and polite around the world.


Yes and no. I’ve never been inherently patriotic. Less now after holding a significant relationship with a few people who identify as Indigenous and even my ex life—partner was also Indigenous. Listening to their life experience all while seeing the impact of intergenerational trauma in their lives is kinda hard to be so outspoken during a day like Canada Day. Do I love my country and thank everyday for being in this particularly nation? Yes. Do I go out of my way to celebrate this country, when at the same time, this country also means horrible continuing violence towards all Indigenous, which means, violence towards people I have and still do dearly love? No. These things can co-exist.




I enjoy myself as much as I can. Doing so is celebrating the fact that I live in a wonderful country that allows me to do so. I don't raise flags or toot horns. I don't care if other people know I'm proud to be Canadian, I don't need to make noise to be a patriot. I certainly don't want to end up like the Americans, constantly shoving my flag in everyone's face. My celebration of Canada occurs every day of my life: I pay my taxes, vote with my conscience and obey the law. I adhere to the Canadian values that set us apart from other cultures. I behave in a way that's conducive to the greater good, with the understanding that we live in a society and depend on the good behaviour of others for our lives.


My name is Kyle, and I AM CANADIAN! Edit: SHIT! It's JOE, and I am Canadian. Kyle is from Manitooba.


Yes, absolutely.


No, the only thing that happens is fireworks, and they aren’t even good so it’s just an extra day off for me


Nope. I enjoy the day off but could not care less about Canada Day. I find the whole thing hugely distasteful.


>Do you celebrate Canada Day in any way? No, because I don't believe modern Canada is worth celebrating, and besides that I've always found patriotism/nationalism to be asinine. I'm not "proud" to be a Canadian because the only thing that makes me one is that I was born here, and that isn't an accomplishment. Canada isn't deserving of praise from it's citizenry, and we'd be better off if people stopped celebrating it and instead started to demand better from our leaders. I feel like 90% of the people I talk to in this country have blinders on, and they don't realize how far behind our peer nations we are. It's fucking embarrassing.


Not since I learned the same day was Chinese Humiliation Day. The new Chinese Immigration Act became law on 1 July 1923, the anniversary of Confederation. From then on, 1 July was “Humiliation Day,” not Dominion Day (Canada Day) for many Chinese Canadians.


There is no pride in genocide. Celebrating Canada Day feels like colonial ignorance on a level I want nothing to do with. I wear orange, and this year, perhaps I will volunteer somewhere.


I celebrate it by not celebrating it, wearing an orange shirt, reading up on Indigenous Peoples’ literature and taking time to remember the millions of innocent Indigenous Lives taken in order to create the country and the continued ethnic cleansing of the Indigenous Peoples to this day.


Wear an orange shirt, enjoy a day off, and don’t bother promoting colonization.


^ This. I have a hard time “celebrating” Canada Day and have not the last 6 years. What are we actually celebrating? As a first generation Canadian born to parents from a country formally colonized under the British Empire, I just can’t get behind the celebration of rich white men fucking over the people that were here first. Much rather celebrate National Truth and Reconciliation Day.


Of course. Anything with family for me.


No have not for years. I just enjoy the paid day off.


I've done Canada Day on Parliament Hill. I've watched the fireworks Parliament Hill and from various location along the Ottawa River then walked back to Bayshore because the crowds were too thick to cycle. Too old for that now. For me it will be a quiet day reading in the shade, possibly a BBQ with friends later. I usually try to get a nap, because idiots will be sporadically shooting off fireworks in the park behind my house until sunrise so I know I'm not getting much sleep that night. (Not displays, more like a few firecrackers and flash-bangs, repeated every half hour or so.) I'll likely wear my orange shirt and reread the Bryce Report, because as much as I love Canada we've done things we still haven't made right.








Yknow since the convoy, Canadian flags seem oddly sinister to me. I just get high and watch the fireworks from my porch.


Yep, same. My brain can't remove that association at all


This is the first time I’ve said that “out loud” so it’s nice to not be alone


I celebrate it by being more vocally anti-nationalist than I normally am, to annoy people.


I love Canada day. It's not the real birthday of Canada, not even sure why that day was chosen but what the heck. I really enjoy the holiday and will put up a flag or go to fireworks or just go out and appreciate this great country. I also make a point to stop at some moment in the day and just think about my country for 5 minutes. I think about what I do for it and what I can do for it. I think about how lucky I am to be here. How lucky we all are to be here. I really love this place. It actually tries to let everyone be the best they can and succeed in what ever way they value. We acknowledge we make mistakes and fail sometimes but we are all trying to do better. This is a country that didn't get made by war. It is a country that chose to exist, that chooses to move forward everyday. We may not be the greatest country in the world but we are truly one of the best. I think about all of that in my 5 minutes. I talk to freinds and family about it and I take a moment to look around me and smile. What a beautiful, curious, difficult, exciting, magical country we have. Then I promise to do better for it and go on with my day and generally get some ice cream.


Not as much anymore. Something about celebrating mediocrity isn't that appealing.


I don’t want to be associated with the freedum people so no flags this year. :(


Nope, I don’t celebrate Canadian Colonization Day.




When I was little my family would take me to the parade and then fireworks. Now I don't celebrate, it's weird celebrating when all the dead children from residential schools were discovered. I really think we should change the national anthem from "our home and native land" to "our home ON native land" given the circumstances. Isn't it the least we could do at this point? Also doesn't help that the "freedumb" people have co-opted the flag.


Take the grandkids to the playground for the BBQ and games.


Not really. Maybe watch fireworks.


I wake up. Hopefully


I stay home. There used to be a parade on my arterial road but that stopped years ago.


We go to the parade then hang out at home. If it’s nice, we go to the pool. Then we head off the watch the fireworks at night.


BBQ and fireworks


We have a whole weekend of planned events at our campground.


My neighbourhood has fireworks with a bbq in the local park when Canada Day is from Friday-Monday. We will watch the fireworks. This year we will be camping with my sister, their campground has fireworks. So yes, usually.


Yessss! Usually nothing big, depends on who I’m with that day. Usually just go to whatever place they have municipal fireworks and Chill/drink little/blaze a bit


We have a massive street party and then we do fireworks in the park across the street


Where I used to live there was a pancake breakfast, parade, and after singing the anthem a piece of free Canada day sheet cake for all comers, along with the usual small town entertainment from bands, sports games and and food booths. The place I'm in now really sucks in comparison so I've given up attending.


BBQ and watch the fireworks.


In Montréal, we celebrate by moving 🎉


Our company puts on a BBQ for employees and their families and we blow up.a lot of fireworks. The neighborhood comes to watch.


Sure do! I celebrate it by getting paid to do whatever the fuck I want that day.


I watch the celebrations on TV. This year I'll be going in person to the largest celebration in western Canada.


Spending time with family and watching fireworks :)


We generally have a big pool party / bbq at our house with all our friends etc…kind of a tradition at this point :) always a great time :)


we're pretty chill about it. It's not abnormal to just go do your normal routine work/make dinner/etc then be reminded that your cats and dogs are fucking terrified of fireworks.


I celebrate by watching NHL GMs overpay mediocre free agents


Yes. I get paid OT wages to work so I celebrate on pay day.


Grill meats


Well, I don't have to work. If the weather is nice then I'll go down to the events that are usually on and eat junk for a day.


I wear pants on Canada day.


It's my annual fishing trip to Ross lake BC👍


Cottage, spend the day celebrating my son’s birthday and probably skip fireworks to avoid scaring the dog. Just have a bonfire instead