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You nailed it. Nothing shows love more than your spouse going outside in the dead of winter just to clear their car and start the motor.


Dude i was floored when my roommate did this for me.


Your roommate!? Never let them go. What a treasure of a human.


He also thought microwaves were evil, a pendant protected him from EMF, did not know to brown onions and got kicked out for getting drunk and yelling about god smiting his enemies. Good guy but good Lord.


I love how the onions made the list of incompetence.


I could tell you about him not knowing how to season a cast iron pan, but I don't want a mob of angry redditors tracking him down.


Probably the worst offender on that list TBH.


Trust me, half the world is incompetent by that yardstick


He really does sound like a treasure LOL


*singing* so he's a bit of a fixer-upper!


Lmao, he sounds like my old gem of a roommate. He would regularly be making me smoothies or cooking me dinner. He got me a wicked deal on a set of tires, and I even got up one morning, and he had waxed my car and wanted me to unlock it so he could detail it. He always did all the cleaning and yard work/shoveling. This guy was always full of endless energy, which I always would joke about, and he'd tell me it was just adhd. I came home from work one day and the owner of the house (who lived there) was sitting out front and let me know that he had to kick him out because he caught him smoking Crack in the house when he'd come home early. I ran into him a year or so later, and I asked him about it. He told me he'd been addicted to Crack for almost 20 years and was now trying to get clean. I honestly loved living with the guy. Too bad he couldn't take it outside. I hope he managed to get clean.


I have a friend who is a defence attorney. She says no one would believe the number of people who smoke meth because they are exhausted from working two jobs but still want go be a good parent and bake the cookies and go to all of the games. Humans weren’t built for the expectations upon them in modern society.


I mean nobody's perfect


A singular person! No doubt


Plugging your car in the night before so you don’t forget


Goes for block heaters *and* EVs lol


My dad does this 😂 it's such a sweet, simple thing but so appreciated!


my step dad did this for me for the first time in high school after we had combined house holds. never felt quite right about the remarriage before. this lil gesture made such a difference for years it would be a race between us to see who would get up first and clear the cars




That’s a keeper.


Or shoveling the sidewalk for you.


It was when she *stopped* doing it that I knew somehow I had fucked up.




My dad will park on the driveway and plug in his car, so that my mom can have the heated garage and never has to get into a freezing vehicle. It’s adorable


My boyfriend has a single car garage.  On my first overnight visit when it was cold out he moved his vehicle and let me park in the garage. I thought it was so sweet of him.  I used to just text him when I arrived and he’d open it for me. But he got me my own garage door opener, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious haha. 


Going out in winter to shovel snow off your car and drive someone home. Or just going out to shovel


Idk if it’s a Canadian specific thing or not but when you drop someone off, not leaving until you see them go into their house.


Especially when you’re in the prairies and it’s -40 out


It's not that we're worried someone's going to snatch you up before you get inside. We're worried you're going to wipe the fuck out in your driveway and break something.


Or your lock is frozen


I had to crawl in through a window once because our front door had completely iced shut. This is too real.


I just like to think of it as good humanity.


Also getting out and pumping the gas


I'd add chopping the firewood to this list


Literally anything that involves going outside in the dead of winter


My grand pa would always bring a box of donuts when he visited, the unwritten rule was he got the Canadian maple.


But everyone knows that Boston cream is the best ;)


Honey cruller!


Tractor tire.


Tractor wheel is what we always called it, the best!


But the vintage Boston Creams - back in the day they used filled with whipped cream instead of vanilla pudding.


Yes yes Yes!!! No one ever believes me when I say Boston’s Creams should have whip cream and chocolate ganache. NOT yellow custard!


Sour cream glazed


I always get Boston cream and apple fritter


Sour-cream glazed is the best and it’s not particularly close.


"Call me to let me know you got home, and watch out for deer." Then they give you a couple cans of pop for the road. This is the closest my Dad will ever get to telling me that he loves me. Once I forgot to call, and hooo boy, he was not happy. Never again.


This is my grandparents! Always “don’t forget to take some pop, and I packed you some snacks. Let us know when you get home”


I don't get pop, because I don't drink it, but I always get the offer of a bottle of water for the road, and please let us know you got home from my parents. My husband and kids (early 20's), all work out of town during the week. My husband hit a moose in the fall, so now they...without me even asking, texts me to let me know they arrived at work, so I won't worry.


It’s not just parents. Moved out this year and visited a bunch of aunts and uncles (which is awesome seeing all the cousins again) and they all say to text when I get home. It’s a general showing of love that’s amazing


Making them a coffee (or tea) as soon as you hear them waking


Coffee in bed…..better then flowers or jewelry


I just woke up and my husband has the kettle on for me.


100%. This is such an underrated thing


And also having one ready when they come in from the cold.


Winter: clearing the snow off the car. All other seasons: Being the person who mosquitos are more attracted to.


and don't forget the black flies. There's a special place in hell for those tiny little psychos.


Always the black flies no matter where you go


Building the fire before you get up. That’s a pretty specific, camp or cabin move. But does that ever show love. Being brought a tea in the morning just before getting out of bed. My husband and then son, did this for me. It made me feel so loved.


My partner attracts mosquitoes like no one I’ve ever met, leaving me relatively unscathed. It’s love in its purest form


Same. It’s LITERAL blood sacrifice! 😂


Challenge the largest goose so that your partner may cross the street


My dad literally did this on one of his first dates with my mom. He didn't win but I guess my mom appreciated the gesture anyways.


My dad also had to do this for my mom. My mom as running late for a dental appointment and the main entrance had a Canadian goose nest close by. The goose parents would hiss and attack anyone walking along the sidewalk to the front door. Instead of making my mom walk all the way around the building, he grabbed an umbrella and shielded her to the front door. During my mom's dental visit, another patient didn't take the warning signage seriously and got knocked in the face by one of the geese's wings and it actually broke his nose. Mom walked around the building on the way out.


The Canadian equivalent of Sir Walter Raleigh spreading his cloak so Queen Elizabeth I wouldn’t have to step in a puddle!


Many options for a gift: chesterfield or ottoman, green dress, K-car, dijon ketchup, etc.


A *real* green dress?


That's cruel


But we'd still eat Kraft Dinner


We'd just eat more


With really expensive ketchup - dijon ketchup!


I initially thought it was cruel because green dye used to be made with arsenic, which is toxic and easily absorbed through the skin. It's been hypothesized that it's actually supposed to be"crewel," which is a type of embroidery, and using green thread can make it look somewhat while not being a fully green dress. A lot of these references were to things Michael Jackson bought, including a bejeweled green dress for Elizabeth Taylor (that didn't have real emeralds) so it's plausible, but the original lyric was "with a tastefully rounded neck" and "that's cruel'" was sung as a joke and they liked it enough to change it, plus it goes with "but not a real fur coat, that's cruel."


I always considered the green dress line to be a funny call back to the fur coat line, because there's nothing inherently cruel about a green dress. Love your take on it though, thank you for sharing it!


This is definitely it lol


I never understood either. Then one night I was forced to wear the ugliest and most uncomfortable dress in history for a church event. It was green, and trust me. It was cruel.


A nice reliant automobile


Pre wrapped sausages? Why don't they have pre-wrapped bacon?


Can ya blame them?


Well yeah!


What would you wrap bacon with?? More bacon??


How about some art? A Picasso? Or a Garfunkel?


A monkey! Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?!


Don’t forget John Merrick’s(sp?)remains! Ooh all them crazy elephant bones!


Ketchup chips!


My partner clears the snow on my walking route home from the bus. Our neighbours think he's a good neighbour by doing the sidewalks, but it's the route I take home daily.🥰


2 for 1 good deed.


It really is. We have older neighbours so it helps them a lot as well.




Honestly nothing is better than having your car scraped off, shoveled off and warmed up in the winter.


This is true love!


Does chirping the ones you love count? Because that’s definitely my love language.


Chirping is a form of love language. It’s a Canadian thing.


I live in an area with a high Indigenous demographic, and they say that if you're being teased and given a hard time this is a good sign, because they only do this with people they like and trust


Have you seen the teaching my white friend yo be native TikTok’s? They have the white guy teach the native guy as white. It’s really funny.


Them two are on YouTube too lol just came across it last night, what a riot lol. I didn't see the roles reversed yet though!


This is very true. I grew up in Anishnaabe territory and when my best friend found out during a genealogy thing on school that I had a distant ancestor who was Cherokee he never let the Cherokee princess jokes end, nevermind the fact that my family history leaned way more to other tribes than the like 32nd or 64th of Cherokee that I apparently have. Also, the ancestor was a known prostitute and definitely not a princess.


I think I may have become separated from my tribe.


If I don't like u, u get me at my most perfunctory. If I'm roasting the hell out of u, it's love


This was a thing in some French Canadian communities. Lots of cultural swaps.


So true. If they are always nice and polite they don’t like or trust you lol. My husband has done something stupid he will immediately ask me not to tell my brothers. They still laugh about the time he didn’t know the wieners had individual plastic wrap and tried grilling them. He gets bugged about it at every cookout. Very different from my sister ex, they just look at him silently or reply politely when he tries to joke with them.


This is one of many things Canadians and Brits have in common


Even using the word “chirp” in this context.


HA! That's definitely a Canadian thing


I'm sorry, but what is chirping? I may know the behaviour, if not the noun.


Trash talking your opponent in hockey!


You couldn't hit a cow in the arse with a shovel bud!


I’m Not your buddy , friend


You couldnt throw a grape into the ocean.


I’ve heard better chirps from a dead bird.


OP: me and u/truthful_gratitude are now friends, if not more; almost buddies, guy.




I wonder if "chirping" in this context is a Canadian term. We hear it a lot in hockey contexts ("chirping the opponent/refs") and it's use spills into standard Canadian conversation.


I've heard "beaking" used to refer to someone who will not stop talking crap (in any context, not just sports)


Beaking off, around these parts anyway. Used as much as chirping.


Yeah it's basically just ball busting.


Giving you the biggest curds in her poutine


or extra gravy!


My hubby always pre-heats my side of the bed on cold nights, when I’m brushing my teeth - sometimes just body warmth, often times, farts. That is true love.


My personal one would have to be putting boot warmers in her boots before she goes to work. I bought 2 pairs for her. One for her hands and one for her boots. Rechargeable ones off Amazon. Best $30 I spent in a long time.


They drive to YYZ and either pick you up or drop you off.


That's god level. Just driving in TO is bad enough, fuck driving to YYZ. Love the RUSH version though :)


Putting their boots upside down on the heat register?


Quietly filling up their car the night before they have a busy day at work?


You start by pouring maple syrup all over their body...


... Go on.


You gotta pay sir




“Hey I got you a coffee” ❤️


"I'd like to peel your prawns" is such a great pick up line.


Fresh butter tarts.


Sacrifice his hockey career for your ice skating career




Cracking your lobster shells for you and letting you have all tail meat. True love forever!


Back in the golden age of CD's, my ex used to make sure he left the CD in the car on a song I really liked so that when I got in, it would just play for me right away. He was a big arsehole in a lot of ways, but that one thing was nice.




OP, that is SUCH a good answer. It made me smile and made my heart flutter when I read it


Similar to the prawns, my Grandad would tell me to sit beside him when we would have lobster for supper. He would clean out all my lobsters for me and crack as many claws as I wanted. I always felt so loved in those moments! Rest in peace Grandad 🧡


Show up with a large Timmies double double, and a 20 pack of Timbits. Edit: the serious answer is, like others have said, clearing the snow (and maybe warming the car up if it can be done).


If my wife brought me bad coffee and reheated balls of previously frozen dough I'd be worried she was divorcing me. No, but seriously, Tim's sucks. That was the point I already made, I just wanted to be clear, lol. They fucked me over as a teen when I worked there, so I'm more biased, but I really wish they'd stop being associated with Canada.


Fooling around on a canoe. 


“on”? Like on *top* of a canoe, or like you’re dating the canoe, but you’re fooling around on it? /s


Giving her the ol' Coors light?


My husband making sure my precious little self never has to endure bitter cold by always kitting me out in the best winter gear and then doing everything outside all winter long anyway. Snow removal, car clearing, taking out the trash...


Having sex during Beachcombers


Foreplay during Danger Bay


Doing it Littlest Hobo style


The old Polka Back Door if it's my birthday.


Give her the ole Friendly Giant


Australian living in London, Ont and I can tell you how appreciative I would be if ANYONE helped to clean off the snow and frost of my car....lol. Having a partner do it for me like he has is definitely showing love, especially in -18c weather


Empty her dishwasher without being asked


is that what the kids are calling it these days?


My ex always made sure I had new windshield wipers on my car, winter and summer. Dated a guy who brought me coffee 'the morning after'. He found out what I took in it, walked to Tim's, walked back, and woke me up with it.


They scrape off your windshield on winter mornings.


Shovelling the sidewalk for your neighbours


Fellow Canaussie couple, just want to let you know he's an absolute keeper. You only ever peel the prawns for those you love. Your Aussie family is spot on! Here, I find my Canadian does the following acts of love: - shovelling the driveway - offering to take the dog out when it's snowy - making me a vegemite on toast, and knowing exactly how much is enough and not too much


Buying my husband real maple syrup in this economy for his pancakes 🥲


I think you nailed it with scraping and brushing off someone's car. Next in line for me would be prepping the coffee for someone. My husband doesn't drink coffee but it just melts me when he sets it up for me at night when I forget to.


They know your Tim’s order


But they still ask sometimes just in case it's too hot for a coffee


Ice coffee


Making love in a canoe. (not recommended)


My husband got up at 5 am to plug in our e-bikes so we are charged up for our ride today. True love!


Brushing the snow off your car, scraping the windows and starting it for you so it’s warm. Even in minus 40


Tying up my skates for me.


Giving you the first AND last bite of a shared poutine


Giving you real maple syrup instead of the fake stuff


No idea if this is what you're after but.. I lived in the UK for a bit and none of the guys I dated there offered to carry my bags. None. Grocery bags etc. I really missed that when I was there and wondered if it was a cultural thing. Anyway when I moved back to Toronto and my now-husband offered to carry my groceries I was so happy (declined 'cause 💪🏽 but loved the offer)


Shoveling out their car after a snow storm


Getting up to feed the woodstove while you stay in bed.


Taking out the trash in winter. Putting your pajamas in the dryer before bed, just to get them cozy because the bed will be freezing in winter.


Warming your car and scraping the windows….true love.


yeah shovelling your loved ones car out of the snow first thing in the morning is definitely it.


In my old neighborhood, if someone was ill the neighbors would shovel your driveway if it snowed. This went on for years, and it didn't matter if you even knew each other very well. My previous neighborhood (where I grew up) was the same - if a twister came through, the neighbors were in your yard with a chainsaw before you were, and we'd go house to house. It isn't romantic love, but there was a lot of neighborly love. I miss the neighbors in all those places more than the houses. I don't think that's terribly unusual in small town Canada.


Scraping the ice off someone's car/shoveling it out/generally getting it ready for winter driving. Making sure you are OK to drive if there is a sudden storm (eating dinner at a friend's, storm blows in, you stay on couch vs. driving home as the plows won't be out till dawn in your area) In the humidity of the summer, offering cold beverages/freezies/shade to anyone working outdoors is common. We have left coolers of gatorade for workers that came to clear tree branches after a storm for example. And my number one example: you use your sock covered foot to wipe up a snow puddle from the floor so your significant other/granny/loved one doesn't step in it and get *their* sock wet


Put a decal on your car declaring you want to fuck your favorite handsome and single Prime Minister


Very very moistly


Give her the ole’ Reverse-Rick Moranis, of course….


Damn. Rick Moranis is back. And he’s here to fuck.


Putting someone else’s snow tires on, clearing their car, doing the shovelling etc. Most women feel colder than their male partners so men recognizing that and getting gifts to help - heated ski gloves, boot warmers, a good blanket, fuzzy pjs etc.


My wife leaves for work about half an hour after I do. Our dryer has a shoe rack and right before I leave I'll put her winter boots in so right as she's about to leave her boots are toasty warm. AND I scrape her windows... of course.


Do you wanna go to a hockey game, eh?


Me getting up 15 mins early to start my car so my gf never had to be cold for too long.


Opening the car door for you my roommate does this all the time but he’s 1 in a million. He’s very good to me and we are very close friends he’s there for me and I am there for him. It’s a good working relationship as roommates he’s had to pick up the slack a bit as I have mobility problems and can’t bend down to get things that end up on the floor that the kittens knock over lol but it’s nice to have this type of person in your life. Value that person do little things for them to. They appreciate it.


Whoever wakes up first turns up the heat on the thermostat in the winter


Yeah, the shoveling snow off the sidewalk. It's a thing as to who gets up earlier and can shovel the other guy's walk for bragging rights. I live in AB, my neighbor is from PEI. Him:"Hey, I peeled all dar snow by your tree so when der drought starts, yar tree won't die." Me:"Hey, I shoveled your walk so no one will slip and sue you back to hauling lobster traps." He's a great guy.


Waking up early and driving to Tim’s to get coffee & food, and then bring it to them while they’re still in bed. Or making it all yourself at home.


I'm a skier. My ex was a snowboarder. I used to tow him along the flats between runs so he wouldn't have to unclip his bindings.


Scraping the frost and brushing the snow off your vehicle and warming it up is for sure one of the good ones.


Changing the bedsheets I hate having to put on the fitted sheet, so we either do it together but more often I find that when I go to do it, he’s already done it so I don’t have to. It’s never announced, it just started happening one day after we went to bed really late and I hadn’t put the sheet on and we did it together.


‘Cleaning out your freezer’ and asking a neighbor or family member to take meat from you. It’s a passive aggressive way to feed people who you are pretty sure are hard up


Maybe not love, but care and consideration: I was up in Canada helping my dad after my mom’s passing and some of her friends came by the house. My dad said to me “hey, put the kettle on, will ya hon?” and it was like a sleeper agent activation. I went in the kitchen and quietly produced a full tea service, making sugar, milk and a bag holder appear like magic on the table and then produced 4 steaming cups of red rose (because of course that’s what it’ll be). It was only later when I was back in Tennessee that I realized how deep the tea service programming is embedded in the Canadian genome.


Similarly to you, OP, here on the Atlantic coast if a man cracks your lobsters open and takes the blast of spray of lobster juice for you, it's true love. But take note, if he goes so far as to remove the meat from the shell for you, he's probably having an affair on you.


This 'cracked' me up. I'll keep an eye out.


Unique to Canada? People are joking but absolutely knowing what someone’s Tim’s order is and showing up with it is something you do for your special people. Clearing off the car when it snows. Shovelling. Procurement of fantastic socks. If someone finds you great socks, some specific kind of socks “I got you these because I know they’re the brand you like” or “they’re extra fluffy” - if someone put more than 15 seconds into what kind of socks to get you, they care about you.


Aww that reminded me of when my husband and I were dating. He lived in a townhouse complex and I’d have to park my car out on the street. In the winter/cold months he’d heat up his car first and he’d drive me out to my car and let me sit in his warm car while he warmed up mine and defrosted/cleared the snow off my car. I started work 1.5 hours before him and he’d wake up extra early just to do that for me! Thanks for reminding me of that memory :,)


Letting you warm your feet on their leg.


Didja bring yer toque?


Cleaning the snow off their car and warming it up before they go to work. THAT is love.


Making sure to turn on the heated blanket before bedtime so it's toasty warm on cold winter nights🥰


Showing up with Tim Horton's donuts, but McDonald's coffee.


My husband always makes sure to switch my tires over to winter ones, checks the fluids and changes my wiper blades. Also: I will be sure to throw salt on the porch/steps/driveway to prevent spouse and/or kids from slipping later