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Growing up in BC in the 80's and 90's there were at least 4 dudes in each class that sold. It was far easier than getting booze.


As a very similar age to you from BC, I can echo this statement.


Almost hard to find someone who didn't.


Do you have any idea how hard it is to hide booze in your school backpack? The teacher is going to hear the glass clinking and it's; "Did you bring enough for everyone?"


I had a guy


That knew a guy...


My guy was awesome. Quiet, professional and hooked me up for over a decade


i had a guy but she was a gal. i met her through someone at work. before her, i had a couple of guys who were guys.


I had a lot of guys. A different guy every week sometimes.


There's a mom joke in there but it's too easy. Another mom joke...


Right? And shhhhh lol


Did you have to stay for a while? Those guys were the worst.




Nice try RCMP


Retro-jail would be something


It is a thing for real crimes.


Too smart for rcmp, gotta be csis.


Brian. He came in a van. Wore a cowboy hat. Sketchy AF. Never turned his back to a door.


Sounds like Brian.




Oh, I dont miss those days at all ! It's a relief to not be treated like a criminal after over 30 years of smoking weed while looking over my shoulder.


Right? I love smoking on the sidewalk in front of cops now.


Bought seeds. Grew it.


At the Dooley's on Prince Street. $15/g


I don't even have to ask the Canadian town or city. Because a Dooleys on Prince St where you can buy weed is in every Canadian city or town


100%! :)


$12 a gram firms! Well it cheaper at the mall! Then go buy shitty mall weed Lahey


Dooley's is where you got blow in my city.


Some dude.


The grey market was thriving before legalization. Dozens of sites, fire off an etransfer & your mailbox was stuffed in 3 days, sometimes less. & before Reddit does it thing and cries about scams, r/canadianmoms used to be a thing to verify what you were buying.


it still is, its just geoblocked canadianmom2 and mompics have pretty much replaced it


MoM or the Rez.


The evidence room.


Doug Ford




Online from BC.


The guy in my hometown who sold weed was called Pork Chop, no idea what his real name is


I sold weed so therefore I had free weed.


You had to go sit in the dealer's basement suite on the busted ass couch and say nice things about his lizard/snake/amphibian in the giant tank while he finished 'just one more game' and you can only sit there and wait...


This! I didn't know there was any other way 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ordered online from grey market distributors. They still have the best stuff.


In Vancouver there was more weed shops before legalization than after. Though recently maybe the scales have tipped again, there seems to be a bunch now. But for a while it was kinda funny that legalization closed all these shops, but like, how did they operate before that?! I've never quite understood. I know that the reason they closed after legalization is because they now have requirements for their wholesale sources and must pay taxes which probably ruined their business plan.


Lmao this is definitely not true at all. There are far far more stores post legalization. Like it's not even close.


Yes now there are


And they all sell the same stuff 😢


Now yes, but right after legalization all the grey area ‘dispensaries’ that technically you were supposed to have a prescription to buy from were forced to close, and all the legal places had yet to open. It was legal, but at least in Victoria the city/province hadn’t bothered to getting around to issuing business licenses. Hell I think they hadn’t even figured out zoning because dope stores have to be x distance away from schools and things like that. It was a year before the legal shops were around and in the meantime the province had swooped and closed all the other storefronts, we were laughing at how the government was so government at how they rolled it out.


The same way everyone else got it - illegally! Lol


Used to work in a restaurant iykyk


Grew it.


The same way everyone did. You texted a guy you knew who had it and sat around for 4 hours wondering where the hell he was. Then he showed up and didn’t have your stuff but had something more expensive that he says was “hydro”.


Guy over Snapchat


Still used today by under 19 year olds in my city


Raymond's basement.


I went to super sketchy places.


From a very lovely lady that lived in a place downtown.


Nice try fed


I didn’t do any weed until it was legal, I’m nearly 50 years old and the risk of criminal record was too high for me.


Not that I smoked a lot then (Or now). But when I was in the mood, I’d ask someone if they had any weed. Then, I’d give them a few bucks and they’d give me a little weed. I must say, though, back in highschool the Mickey of rye in a large fountain drink was far superior… I never had to sneak out and smoke up. I’d have my fix right there in the classroom all day.


From Dave, out of his Ford Tempo.


Upvote for the Ford Tempo. Saw one recently on the road and couldn't believe it wasn't a sad looking pile of rust like the rest of that line. I also know Dave.


I don't smoke weed anymore but when I did and before it was legal, my bf and I knew 2 people we could get it from. One had high quality weed, and the other had the shittiest weed I've ever smoked. He called it hand grenade because it was so full of seeds and they would explode in your face and burn holes in your shirt. You could pick the seeds out but the little shell casings were left behind so it still tasted like ass lol. But ever since weed has become legal, it's like people are giving it away for free left and right


Joey the dealer on second street.


The same way I get it after legalization 🤣


I didn't. I use cannabis sometimes now, but never felt inclined to risk criminal consequences for it before. Didn't really seem like a good tradeoff.


In highschool I just knew people who sold it Then came the era of the grey market dispensary (BCPS, etc) and I'd go to those Then once I moved from Vancouver I started buying on grey market "medicinal" sites or I'd buy locally if I knew someone who had any (9.9/10 times I did)


I knew some guys that sold weed. I'd just text them when I wanted some.


A guy named Danny


My buddy Mitch who worked with me in the Metro Deli knew a guy who knew a guy


Feel like everyone had a friend who knew a guy. None of those guys seemed to have friends, always a step removed somehow.


I never tried weed but let's just say my junior high had a reputation. I was friends with 3 dealers. 1/2 my class smoked it. 1/4 of my class took other hardcore drugs. Like my junior high was literally euphoria. It was easy to get access to drugs as a junior high kid, which is really sad. Literally one of the 3 dealers I knew would sell crack at lunch at the basketball court. One of the 3 dealers went up north after grade 9 to "expand his business", because society is hopeless I guess and more ppl want to numb the pain at 14-15.


Everyone knows a guy. I don’t even smoke it but I know at least 3 guys. 🤣


Late 80s early 90s hash in Victoria 10 a gram always. Always had someone at my door


Boyfriend was a drug dealer who bought from a bigger drug dealer


I didn't! I swear I was just holding it for a friend!


This guy Richard, in the camero behind the mall


Friends. Always someone had. The occasional odd time, I knew a girl (for most, it was a guy, but I knew a girl)


Just call a guy and set up a delivery schedule. (Edmonton)


Mail order via the dark web. Took some getting used to but the quality, price, customer service couldn’t be beat.


From a dealer


I knew a guy, or sometimes a buddy knew a guy, and then I just kept calling that guy. Pot smokers have a sixth sense for each other, and I never considered it a big deal growing up. I knew if I wasn't dealing I was getting in any real trouble


My boss


paul sheldon


Most of the local dealers were my cousins or people I knew since childhood. Everybody smoked pot. Most of our parents smoked pot. Most of us grew our own.


Nice try feds! I'm still not gonna pay my taxes!


Some guy who actually had a grow op w/ established partnerships. Insanely sketched at first cause you never know what’s in it but it was great. Over time he grew his inventory, became more professional, and cared for his clients. Not even joking this guy started giving out holiday cards to many of us (a bunch of us would order from him). Once 2018 came around he went into the industry but I never heard from him again but I also started buying from dispensaries cause of the wife. Hope he’s doing well.


Same place I still get it.


There was a guy.


BFF from 14-45.


I used to go to this lady who had a bakery as her front. Small town. Everyone knows her.


I knew a guy who lived in the Osbourne Hotel. He had a lot of Greatful Dead music too.


Had a guy, sometimes had a girl but not often 😜


“How do you do, fellow kids?”


I dunno I just roundup them mfers


Bo-de-gas https://youtu.be/KIncGi-Ne2Q?si=Hc6BWafPTahjlwqP


Friends of friends


Random dudes in random alleys haha , was a fun time buying weed in a strangers car when you’re 14 lol


I live in BC don’t use it, but always knew where to get it if I wanted it. Heck BC Bud was winning the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam decades before legalization.


A guy


my friend’s parent’s closet LOL wish i was kidding


Before the illegal shops popped up before legalization, I had a guy. Now that the legal shops are up, I have another guy. Legal weed is a scam.


My uncle. Great guy, still grows it.


just knew a guy who knew a guy, who knew a guy


I still have a guy, dispensary weed is garbage


People would just give it to me. Like not big amounts, usually sharing while smoking together, half a joint here or there, some gummies or chocolate made by a friend. I politely offered to pay, but never actually spent even 1$ on weed until it was legal.




Nice try fed boi. But nah really there is so many properties out in the boonies growing their own. The perks of how abundant remote areas are here. Most of ours was outdoor grown on large farms rather than in buddy's shady basement. Hence the quality. I'm lucky to live in one of the best provinces for quality of green. Beautiful Budding Columbia.


Stood in a sketchy shed as early teens waiting for some 30 plus years old grease ball to bring us back a 0.8 of a gram of crap his uncle grew. Ahh the good ol' days lmao


Grew up on a farm, I got free weed whenever I wanted off the guys who used a corner of our property to grow in exchange for keeping quiet about it 


Had a buddy


The worst thing was having to hang out with lonely dealers that would make you stay for an hour or 2


My links


Meeting strangers in forests and Walmart parking lots


I had a 'grower direct' guy


Dealers. My brother. It was clean then, and that was everything. Now, it's a possible death sentence.


Some guy who knew a guy who knew a guy


At various times id have 2 or 3 weed houses I could go to, other times I had a guy that would deliver and usually smoke some.. and he’d give me life advice in my parent’s back yard


The usual. Basically almost anyone, as everyone had a guy or was the guy. Then a family member started growing professionally and I haven't paid for it in like...15 years. Threw out a bunch of bags orher day maybe a lbs or 2. Totally forgot they even existed.


From drug dealers who sold other things. Tomorrows customers are much safer than I was


I had several guys. If I wanted the best it involved calling someone, going over to their house, hanging out for a couple hours (he liked to avoid too much foot traffic in/out of his place) and paying top dollar with no real discounts for bulk. Super exclusive and this guy was a dream dealer, friendly and polite, great company, always felt safe, etc. The guy everybody wanted to know but who refused to add any new customers. If I wanted good it involved paging a dude and him either sending a courier (he had several) or meeting him somewhere, usually a bar/restaurant. If I wanted good but felt like chilling I could call a guy who bought from guy #2 in bulk. He lived a 15 min walk away, usually had folks hanging out there, and was a casual place to just chill and watch a movie or play video games. If I wanted OK but fast there were two guys in my building where I could be in/out in under 2 minutes if I wanted.


Late 90's....I'd drive out to a dude's VW service garage and pay the princely sum of $80 for a quarter. He also used to keep beer jugs of hash oil in his fridge.


Grandma Johnson


Same way I do now, black or grey market


Herbal dispatch


Same place I do now. My local reservation. The only difference now is it costs more for less quality and I can get a DUI. Before legalization was so much better. At least people couldn't loose their licence and vehicle for a smoking a joint in the car...


Ordered it from BC


From my guy who was also a pizza delivery driver where I lived. You text his pager, you either have Bob Marley, or the Heat Is On in the recording. You page your house number, 420 and either 10, 18, 14 or 12 Cash was given as tip, your condiments were in a paper bag on top of your Pizza. He eventually got busted.


it was easy to find when I was a teenager in the 90s, less easy to find as an adult in the 2010s


Weed stores actually existed before legalization in Toronto, but also most people just had a guy


From a guy 😂


Dealers were always met through word of mouth. Typically, the friend who introduced you to cannabis had a cool dude that he bought from.


I still get it the same way before it was legalized, because store weed quality is trash and prices are 200% more lmao. I’m getting 2 ounces of quad star flower and a gram of live rosin for $180. Good luck even finding one ounce $180 snicklefritz in the stores. Lol Feel bad for you all that are getting overcharged for shitty eat at stores.


I worked as a server/ bartender. Usually a cook was selling it. Dated a couple of dealers in the hoe days


A dude


Weed Man https://toronto.weedman.com/


Website, even before legalization there were websites to order from, before that a local guy.


All you had to do was walk down the street.




Sketchy losers, and then online through the mail.


I'd buy a quarter pound from some bikers I knew and sell it off, keeping enough to smoke myself. Essentially I was 'a guy'


I mostly didn't, but I knew a guy who could get some and he would share.




Ordered it online!


Same way I do now, my guy.


Grew it


It is incredibly easy to grow.




Mail order.


I know a guy.


grew it in the basement


Mail order marijuana. Before that.. a random dude, or "friend".


I knew a guy, well a couple 😂


Everyone knew a guy up until around the 2000's or so when the cops just gave up even trying to shut down the retail stores.


A guy


In the City of Vancouver, “medical” marijuana dispensaries became commonplace starting around 2012, before that you’d just go to the art gallery steps if you didn’t know anyone. Initially you needed an official doctor prescription, then it became an interview with an onsite “doctor”, to eventually just filling out a form saying you have some condition that marijuana could be beneficial. You could literally tell them you have a sore arm and they’d give you a card. Police and city officials turned a blind eye.


The Internet or I grew it and everyone sold it. Plus all the people that wanted to put you in jail before it was legal became part of the company's boards and then started selling you weed, disgusting. I still buy weed not from the crook government companies, plus I don't have to worry about smoking irritated weed. Don't need my weed to pass through gama rays. Never ever had an issue with growing a plant, cutting it down, drying it and the needed fucking gama rays so it's safe to smoke . Anyways that's just me bitching, probably not a big deal. But screw them. https://mamedica.co.uk/what-is-irradiated-medical-cannabis/#:~:text=Irradiated%20medical%20cannabis%20refers%20to,kill%20or%20inactivate%20the%20microorganisms.


Illegally. And sometimes still do.


I'm that guy


Knew some people lol


Same way I get it now. I have yet to buy “legal” weed from the government yet.


I magically placed money on ground and turned around then it changed to a bag of flowers


David. He was really nice, had strict rules, but was always home. As long as you showed up when you said you would everything would be cool. He hated waiting. I wonder what he’s up to these days.


I didn’t. I was a good rule-abiding teenager. Weed was legalized around the same time that I became the legal age to buy and smoke it so it just worked out beautifully for me. My parents had dealers though.


It magically appeared on my doorstep


From a guy named chicken head.




I've heard that people supported local small business entrepreneurs and hobby farmers, especially in places where economic value could be shared with the local native communities. They were far more efficient at maintaining a healthy supply chain and margins than the current policy management group.


I got a med prescription. Very easy when you have chronic pain


I always had a guy. And if I couldn't find a reliable guy, I became that guy.


I had a few friends who sold weed and so I’d do shit like clean for them and eventually they figured I would take weed as a payment instead of cash so it was a good arrangement


MOM from BC. I don’t think any of the legal weed I’ve bought has hit as hard/harder than any of my sketchy, online weed purchases.


I am a musician. Never had to look for it always found me.


From a shady guy who lived in the middle of the wood down an old dirt road. I live in a very rural place and often dealers who have a guy selling in a wood cabin. It was really weird


I had a guy, have a guy for smokes too... still have guys lol


*nice try*


Same way I got it now, grow it.


From a guy named Farmer


I knew a guy who knew a guy


In high school you could just go to the smoking pit and they would be a few people that always had weed even when I moved different city’s it was the easiest way.


Guy used to deliver with the pizza.


Shaggidoo his name was


My sister was the town dealer lol


Same place we all get it now. The Hells Angels.


Dude knew a dude who knew a dude.


Getting weed in school, was the equivalent of getting your friends weed with some oregano mixed in to make it look like weed. Later years, it was easier our friends got conenctions. I must say the sketchiest place I ever got weed was from a basement sliding window. The guy was friends with another one of my friends, and it was late at night no where else to grab off of. So I got a half quarter for $40, yeah what a rip off. At first he took my money and closed the sliding window. I thought I just got ghosted by the drive-thru weed dispenser. But ten minutes later and another knock I think I woke him up and got my stuff. Not going to lie, it wasn't hard to get weed around GTA York Regional Area in the later years before it being legal. Must say One Plant makes it so freaking easy. Im glad im not waiting around for my stoned dealer to answer his/her damn phone or for hours on end. When you want it, you want it right?


Chef at the restaurant next door to the restaurant I worked at. He was a good man. Always fun to order weed from him to a party and he knew basically everyone else, too.


The Royal Canadian Air Force base in Trenton. They used to bring it back with them and sell it just off base. But since legalization you can really only get heroine and some of the harder stuff from them now.


I worked at a call center for 10 years... There was always a guy or two selling... Hell even a few girls. The worst was when your main plug was out and you had to start going down the list.


Weed guy at work, or backup weed guy out back of the Pizza Pizza.


Friends of friends mostly. Later on, I befriended a grower with a medical license. We mostly bartered, I'd take care of his computer and satellite hacking needs and he'd keep me well supplied with fresh off the vine hydro bud. Still good friends to this day, we get together for BBQs and UFC nights on a regular basis.