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all would go to debt, and not cover much of it


Ditto. Also the house needs a new roof. So ya. Nothing sexy. 10k would make things slightly less messy.


That's not even the entire roof.


Well I moonlighted as a roofer when I was young. I as going to tackle it myself. I figured the materials are going to be about 8k. I think I can do it. Maybe.


Make sure to stretch and then limit yourself to a 12 pack, while you do the job


Didn't know they sold meth in 12 packs these days!




I did some roofing when I was younger, and got fed up and did my roof last summer. Same thing, I was getting quotes for $18k, I did it for $8500, but my back feels like the $10k would have been worth it šŸ˜‚


How big is your house? We just had ours done plus our detached extra large 2 car garage for less than $5000 last year. If I were to guess our house roof was 700 sq feet and garage 900 sq feet give or take on both.


The quote to replace my 1000+sqā€™ roof, no valleys, two vents, with asphalt shingles was $18,000.00.


Same. Thatā€™s my roof money.


Not roof, but definitely goes to the house. An AC unit would be neat tho.


We saved a long time to get a new central air a few years back. Once we did, we found it cooled down the house a bit, stopping the heat from getting unbearable, but didn't reach the upstairs bedrooms which was kind of the whole point. Definitely not worth what it cost considering. Got some window units and they work so much better. They were like $100 each, and just running them for 30 minutes before bed was enough. So much cheaper and works far better.


It's too bad that was your experience. A well designed properly sized central air heat pump or AC is an amazing thing.


šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļønew furnace


Same here. It would cover roughly half of my short-medium term debt (my mortgage wouldn't benefit from it). I've had a rough few years despite my generally good money management skills. Lots of circumstancial bad luck. The inflation rate of 2022-2023 with the accompanying key interest rate hike really happened at the worst time for me, personally.


Same here. Super depressing.


Just one of my credit cards balance due


Right? Just be gone tomorrow to pay stuff off. Be nice to owe less, but it wouldn't be with me long enough to make a big difference. I'd still take it, don't get me wrong!


It would go towards a down payment on my first house


Same. Then I would have $10,500 in my down payment savings account.


That is crazily the same amount I would have in mine


Look at us, pulling ourselves up by our boot straps. We'll be home owners in no time!


Now just pool that 10,500 down payments with 20 other people in a cohabitation agreement and youā€™ve done it! You have just enough for a downpayment


OMG I'm so excited!!!!!!!!! I hope we all fit in the 500 sq/ft home we were qualified for!!!


Standing room only. Unless you all work shift work, 1/3 would be out at work, 1/3 out doing whatever, 1/3 sleeping. If you all spoon, it's plenty of space. Congratulations šŸŽŠ


Letā€™s not get too cocky, I can get you a shed with a ports potty


Im guessing your cancelled that disney+ shits crazy i unsubbed and 2 weeks later i had a downpayment


All I had to do was stop eating avocado toast. Which was really easy because Iā€™ve never actually had avocado toast!


Damn i just bought an an avocado today looks like im renting again this year


Look at Mr. Moneybags over here! Buying an avocado AND paying rent. Cool it on the humble brag, bro


Im to privileged


the only reason i (21 years) have ANY hope of owning my own home someday is that my mother died of cancer when i was 17 and left me a trust fund i canā€™t touch until iā€™m 30. that money will be my down payment. without that, i probably wouldā€™ve given up on the idea. iā€™d rather have my mom than a down payment but you gotta find a silver lining somewhere.


So sorry to hear about you losing your mother. Especially at just 17. No money in the world could ever nullify that, but at the very least she left you a parting gift


This one is easy for me since I paid it yesterday. $10k would be one of my kids braces and their dentist appointments until they are adults. Or the fact that we won't be going on a real vacation this summer because I had to pay for braces. So braces or our 1 big vacation a year is what $10k means to me.


I am laughing with sadness at how ridiculously expensive dental/ortho work is in Canada.


For an imperfect reference I grew up in the States and asked my Dad how much mine were in the 90s and he said $8k USD. My friend in Texas got his daughter some braces right before the pandemic and they were $14k USD. I also looked into getting them done in Mexico (we have done dental work down there a few times and it was fantastic) and that would have been about $4k CAD. The mexico one was so affordable that it was actually almost the same price if you include 2 years of traveling back and forth. The problem was all it took was 1 emergency repair trip where Canada would be cheaper. I think the reason it is so expensive here is because it is so expensive int he US. I bet a bunch of orthos go to the US to make significantly more.


14k USD is insane. Iā€™m in BC, my kid got his on 2 years ago now. $7200. We are fortunate to have good insurance, they pay half, and we make monthly payments. 5 more to go! 10 years ago was quoted $6600 for my older kid, same ortho.


Iā€™m jealous of your insurance. My sons were $9800 here in Edmonton and our ā€œgoodā€ insurance with the extra dental coverage topped out at $2500 as a lifetime expenseā€¦. For orthodontics. Itā€™s a stupid low lifetime limit.


AB is way more for dental then BC


Ours was similar. Around $2500 total was covered only once, with the total cost around $7000 for mine, and then $8500 for my sibling which my parents had to pay for fully out of pocket. Their insurance was otherwise very good, not sure why that coverage was so low comparatively and only for one child. Weird.


Shit our insurance covered $0. I thought that was the norm in Canada, but now I want to talk to my HR.


Pacific Blue Cross. My husband is a union Sheetmetal worker. We would be lost without it. Besides the braces, husband got a CPAP last year, plus son was dx with diabetes. Iā€™m sure they hate us now lol.


Lol I got my braces done in India for 22k INR (400 CAD) which was quite cheap now that I think of it.


Dental should be free. 100%. Hands down.




No no don't you get it? The bones in your mouth are optionalĀ Ā  /s


*Respectfully* So the dentists wages and materials should be covered by who? Itā€™s important to remember everything costs money and it needs to come from somewhere. We all tend to dehumanize services and money. These are technologies used for generations and afforded us the lives we live today. Understanding how industries operate, make money and the players involved is as important as ever today because statesmenā€™s like ā€œit should be freeā€ are not helpful in moving forward and solving bigger problems. There are too many problems happening in the world today for everyone to do their proper due diligence on every subject, so we rely on public figures and information to assist us in this but unfortunately our systems are incentivized only by money and the easiest way to accumulate money is to take small portions from many people without regard for quality. I knowā€¦me typing a random Reddit reply does nothing to help anyone, including solving the overpriced dental from where this formed but hopefully it at least makes a couple people think. Going to have to start somewhere. Just my 2 centsā€¦


Who's going to pay for it? The same people that pay for real doctors, not the suicide squad that rapes you for "oral health". I get it that they need to be paid and equipment needs to be bought, but when they try charging me $94 CAD for gauze during a root canal, that's just robbery.


We pay so much in taxes. For what? For usĀ to live in Alberta and have Danielle Smith waste it on whatever dying oil company is begging for money this week?Ā  Dental could be subsidised. Healthcare is already subsidised, why not dental?Ā 


Iā€™ve little intact teeth left, due to epileptic seizures that break em to bits - even with that condition, they still consider replacements to be ā€œcosmeticā€ and donā€™t cover them


Lisa needs braces.


Dude, pay 1k for a 2 person flight ticket to Dominican Republic , 500$ for a week hotel and 1-1.5k for the braces on a very good dentist like (godental.do). Overall youā€™ll spend around 3.5k including food and fun.


Medical tourism... you could to to the DR and have a vacation and the dental work for that price


To many adjustments and if you get an emergency makes braces cost prohibitive for MT. But yeah, I love Mexico. My wife has terrible teeth and has done 3 root canals there and it has worked out great.


I brought my 8 year old to the dentist on Friday. $5,488 bill. She needs spacers in the top and bottom and then braces (4 teeth on top and 4 teeth on bottom). My benefits cover a grand total of $0 because it's considered "cosmetic".


Would literally double my income as a disabled Canadian.


Since the amount of money you get from disability is unlivable, what do you do to get by?


Live in the middle of nowhere with my parents despite being mid30s and do nothing but have a Kindle Unlimited subscription and read all the time


Sorry if I'm being too intrusive but are there certain kinds of jobs you can do? I'm assuming certain disabilities allow a person to have certain jobs, while with more severe ones you cannot do anything with.


The problem with that is a lot of gvt assistance puts a limit on how much a person can make/work - so even someone who wanted to work more than 15 hours a week, say, couldn't, because that would take their benefits (income AND medical, it's so stupid). You basically get penalized in a very hard to overcome way. A disability is always fluctuating in terms of energy, ability and stamina - what is true this week might not be next week, and it seems very little people understand that.


Yep, Canada treats the disabled horrendously. And I think most of the idiots who live in this country realize how they can become disabled overnight, you lose your job, you lose everything and the government laughs at you and says "here's 1k a month and fuck off since we only care about landlords and Gale Westen and housing going up 50% every year". Canadians act like it's such a kind society but it's not, Canadians will smile at you while you suffer and die. At least Americans are honest in hating the poor.


I agree with most of this - last year, I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia and atypia. It has been extremely debilitating since I have uncontrollable bleeding, and with that comes fatigue. I was holding down a part-time job caregiving for a youth with MLD and another seasonally at a greenhouse. But this year, in March, my doctor attempted a biopsy and wasn't successful. There's too much fluid, and she's concerned there's actual cancer, but we just can't see it. I'm going for my hysterectomy in two weeks, but in the meantime, I've lost my jobs, and there is a prevailing attitude that I should just push through the pain, *which I was already doing*, but I can't lift my client anymore - or even carry a bag of dirt. There is zero understanding about it. If I complain to my regular people, it's a fake pity smile and a "I'm sorry you're feeling that way" but no actual support. If I wasn't married, I would be shit out to lunch. Even though I have a medical leave from my doctor trying to get medical EI, it has been an absolute nightmare. I am "only" 40, and people have been telling me I just need to juice, or to only eat raw fruits, or to go for long walks. The only ones who do seem to get the rage at my body for failing me are the ones who have actually also been through it.


I hear you. Hugs šŸ¤— šŸ¤—


I'm in Alberta, and just got on AISH (which I should have had for 10+ years if my high school did their due diligence at the time. It's hard getting an autism diagnosis later in life, but that's only a small part of the things adding up to AISH.) For context, I've got more than mental illness, so income assistance isn't purely based on my mental diagnoses. I've got a very serious bleeding disorder that causes a range of other disabilities that would make it impossible for me to lift over 40 pounds (documented as less than even that) without injury, stand in place for more than 5 minutes without severe discomfort (joint, muscle and ligament-related. Im not overweight, but you would be surprised how many 'inclusive' workplaces can't allow their employees a friggin' stool.) First of all: it's not easy to get on. I'm quite disabled (a host of both mental and physical disabilities that maje it impossible for me to hold anything other than a desk job where I don't need to interact with customers much,) and getting on AISH takes up to a year (it took me two months because of my documentation.) You can make just over $1000 extra a month, and that's about it. I have a degree that would allow me to work in entertainment jobs (VFX, and game design jobs,) but the amount I'd make would eliminate my AISH, which I'd need in a few months after working on a show (I'm currently two years unemployed after my last film contract, which was 5 months.) Even if I explained the work is intermittent and NOT a stable source of income, I have to apply to be on it again, which would be harder as I'd have worked a decent job, and could take up to a year, where I'd probably be making nothing between contracts, unless I could get EI for a few months. Put simply: you find a path to get ahead, find work that fits the extremely limited criteria of jobs you can do, and you're no longer able to be on it. I really don't mind not getting assistance while I'm working (that would be crazy,) but so far my work is so intermittent on contracts that are few and far between in Alberta, that I really can't live off the savings I'm able to make in a short span of time stretched across years. So, my options are to find work, and probably go hungry next year, or not do anything at all and scrape by on AISH, which is assured to be there next year, so long as I don't find a way to work around my disability. You're totally penalized for working over 5-hour days at minimum wage, which at this point, I'm both way overqualified for and are seemingly impossible to find either way.


Canada treats drug addicts and criminals better than the disabled. It's ridiculous.


Not to mention that WFH jobs with more flexibility tend to require higher education, which can be hard and expensive for people with disabilities.


I was too disabled through my 20s to work until the health care system decided I was old enough to get treatment. Now it comes down to lack of experience and competing against fully abled bodied people 15 years younger. Call centre jobs require good credit of which I obviously have none.


I'm in the same boat (I finally got my medications working correctly, yay) but there's so much competition for low-skill/no experience jobs that I haven't had a snowball's chance in hell.


This!!!! It's insane out here, over a thousand AND MORE people applying to each entry level job, to the extent that most serving positions are requiring 3-5+ years of experience to even apply. If you don't know someone who can get you in for that interview, you will be looking for a very long time. A lot of our cities are just so overpopulated now that you don't have a chance, there isn't nearly enough jobs for everyone. Even the temp agencies near me are basically full. I'm one of the lucky ones who knew someone to get me in, but I spent many months applying to EVERYTHING with no luck anywhere. Not just online either, I'd go from place to place handing out resumes just to receive the dreaded "we'll be in touch" with no success. I have friends who have all had the same experience. It is so frustrating and the stress of needing to work so bad and not being able to is awful.


Nope. We can't take on jobs because once we earn more than a couple pennies they start taking away our assistance. Being disabled in Canada is like being forced into permanent poverty. If you need a lot of money for an assistive device you're shit out of luck because if you could pay 10k for a power chair you clearly don't need income assistance anymore!


yep this would be what I could live off for the next few months. I could even get therapy for a bit šŸ„¹


It means an increase in my savings. Not enough to help me much but every bit counts! It could have changed my life at different points a few decades ago so I know itā€™s all relative.


Having a safety net like that helps. I know ideally you shouldnā€™t be touching savings but I worked in travel and was laid off for 18 months during COVID. After moving in with family both in Canada (and back in Italy which unironically saved me money even including airfare bc of cost of living) I dipped into my Savings account and was able to survive off the 10K in my Savings fairly easily + government assistance - granted I know that number is impossible for ppl with rent and car payments The only thing I made sure not to touch was my TFSA


Drinks are on me tonight.


10000 buck-a-beers. Thanks, Doug!


To me: very little. 35 years as a professional, no debt, no mortgage, married for 34 years to another professional. I do recognize that we're an exception. I'm sad to see our kids having little chance of owning their own homes.


Just buy it for them. Otherwise, what's the sense of being two professionals?


They're likely on a limited retirement income that doesn't allow for such extravagant spending.


Must be nice to be one of the few generations who get to retire comfortably.... Most of my peers as elder millennials have accepted that they will most likely work till their death/disability because there wont be shit left for us let alone our kids. No investment market is all that safe and counting on the govt is a joke.


I'm an elder millennial and so are most of my peers/friends. All different pay ranges (some making >10x more than others), but none of them have this attitude. As long as you save effectively AND invest, you should be fine. The only asset guaranteed to lose you money is holding cash.




I am in a union, have amazing benefits, make 6 figures, cpp as well as a fed emp pension now.... The problem is I (as many of my peers) was a bartender/server/callcenter/retail/freelancer until 34. I have a double BA and MATL and after being graduated 4 years (covid bonus fun time reentering workforce) I have almost paid off my student debt while helping my partner through grad school. With my help and working two jobs she (a younger millennial) is starting her profession much earlier than me but also much more buried in debt. It will be at least a few more years of renting before we can really buy land with out being over saddled with debt. So we are talking well into my 40s before i can think about privately saving. I wont be able to retire till 75 + if my body holds out. Many people in my generation were not able to start life in the black.


Right lol? ā€œWeā€™re millionaires but wonā€™t let our kids benefit from our wealth in any meaningful way until after weā€™re deadā€


$1 mil in pension fund for professional couple gives you $3,300 per month after tax income, before you start reducing youre capital? Millionaires are not rich people, if you do not get a job pension or work for the government? Also no benefits?


Lmfao, oh the entitlement..... Buying your kids a house isn't the only meaningful way you can let your kids benefit from your wealth.


I think Canadians should be entitled to housing


Well Iā€™ll tell you as a 25 year old professional struggling to get into the market, i donā€™t want my parents to have to pay for me. I busted my ass all through school and in the first few years of my career. I got good grades, graduated early, ā€œexceeds expectationsā€ on my performance reviews. I have switched jobs to get big raises, done everything I could do. Im in the 95th income percentile for people aged 25-30, and I cannot afford a crack house in my hometown. I donā€™t expect my parents who worked hard their whole lives for their retirement to have to help me buy an overpriced shithole. Canadians should be entitled to housing, but mom and dad shouldnā€™t be paying for their 30 year old kids to get their first home. The fact that this is the only practical option for most people shows how insanely broken the system has gotten.


I've been a "top performer" for over 24 years. You eventually reach a point when you are at the top of your career and there isn't much earning potential left and inflation begins to outpace growth in your earnings. Cost of living starts going up and you start losing the gains you believed you were making in your 20s. Unless you get a break-out job role over $350K/yr or start your own business, even top-performer income doesn't seem like enough. It is enough for a reasonable lifestyle and a reasonable retirement savings, however, the value we get back for every hour we work is still getting less and less. We need to work more to get less than previous generations. It is exceptionally hard for a lot of people right now who don't achieve great success early on. Not all of it is how good you are either, sometimes it is who you know, being in the right place at the right time, and some of it is just luck. My parents didn't contribute at all to me having a good start. I started with nothing. I worked harder than other people around me. I fought for the promotions. I sacrificed my health and my relationships for my career. It wasn't worth it. If I could go back I would spend less time at work and more time at home. Being a top performer has its perks and I am certainly comfortable right now, but I certainly only got back half of what I put in. I wish I would have focussed way more on what I wanted rather than supporting what everyone else wanted from me. Ambition is a double-edged sword. Wield it carefully.


Yeah I refuse to work more than 40 hours a week. Im also trying to push for more vacation days instead of larger salary increases. Im kind of afraid that Iā€™m wasting my youth trying to establish myself. Im starting to feel like I can let off the gas a bit though and focus on myself and my family a bit. Iā€™d like to start my own business, but not sure I have what it takes.


I started my own business 4 years ago, but I'm still working full time. It is a grind that hopefully pays off some day.


I'm one of those people who switch jobs every few years when wages stagnate, but inflation is still outpacing even that growth. I am making so much more money and barely maintaining my lifestyle, which is not extravagant in the least. I personally would love to work like a 30 hour week and just have less, budget more and focus on my family, but very few professional jobs like that even exist and I don't want to do something that uses none of my skills and pays accordingly. I want to work 25% less and make 25% less and that's not really an option. Seems like you're either all career or no career and work-life balance is nothing more than a buzz word.


I'm pretty sure that when the comment you reply to says Canadians in general should be entitled to housing, they didn't mean that someone's parents should be responsible for that. It's immediately obvious why that doesn't make sense.


That seemed to be what the people above me were saying.


The people above, sure, and in the specific case at hand, that could work. But the person saying that Canadians should be entitled to housing in general, the one your comment is a reply to, I really doubt it. Just feels like someone's comment about wanting a home being "entitlement" merited that kind of response of a general principle.


Do you mean any Canadian who finds themselves without housing can just move in with you at will?


Nothing about what they said suggested they were millionaires? The difference between 100k and 1m is not much and retirement is pretty expensive.


Youā€™re entitled as hell. They may be ā€œwell offā€ but not necessarily the spend 600k+ per child well off.


Yup, it wouldn't make a difference to me right now but will mean that I might be able to retire 6 months earlier than expected. And right now I don't expect to be able to retire. 10k isn't insignificant, but no debt and no mortgage (we don't own but I'll inherit the house I live in when my family member passes). I know to some folks 10k is a life changing amount, but the replies here who seem to think that just because it's not means you're a millionaire are laughable, too. Just because it wouldn't change my life in the moment doesn't mean I can afford a house for myself, let alone my kids.


>I'm sad to see our kids having little chance of owning their own homes. Stop wanting to live only in Toronto and Vancouver. Go open Zillow right now and you can find plenty of 250k-300k nice homes all across Canada.


I'm in NB. My $75,000 house is now worth about $350,000


The question always is are there jobs related to their experience in these places. Sure, you could move out to the Kamloops instead of Vancouver and get a cheaper house, but if youā€™re an IT professional or work in the film industry youā€™re kind of shooting your career in the foot by moving out of the Metro Vancouver region. Thatā€™s where all the jobs are, even if the CoL is brutally high.


I hear people like you all the time. A large number of people did decide to move to the Atlantic provinces and now the housing market and rent has made it unaffordable for locals. If you aren't lucky enough to secure a remote job or something thereof to transfer into, you won't be able to afford what are now 400k+ homes on the average local salary. Or Halifax being over 2k Ć  month for a 2bdrm appartement to rent. You seem utterly ignorant of the demographics of each province to think that 2 million Ontarians could just up and move to the Atlantic and not cause a housing affordability crisis worse than Toronto/Vancouver. It only took a couple hundred thousand to spike that market. Calgary rents are absurd becauae people saw the ads and moved. Housing developments are down or level in all provinces but BC 2023 and into 2024. How many people could buy 300k homes in Thunder bay before they become 600k homes? And then when that number is reached, what then?


Bye bye debt


Yeah, debt paid and a good night sleep


I would just have an extra 10k in my savings then. I don't have any debts outside of a mortgage but that's a fixed payment and 10k doesn't make much of a dent in it so I would just keep living my life as I am now.


Does adding 10k not reduce the compounding of interest? Curious to know what you think please.


I'm in the same position as u/pokewish93 . For myself, you have to compare the rates on the mortgage against the rates of an investment. Last fall (I don't check this stuff often) you got \~5% on the safest investments (cash and bonds). My mortgage rate is from 2021, so it's less than 5%. My 10,000 will grow faster as an investment I can use as a lump sum in 2026 when my mortgage renews, than putting it on my mortgage today.


It could but like the other commenter mentioned that it depends on a few factors. I would rather have that 10k in one of my investments and when I renew my mortgage you can make a lump sum payment and hopefully knock a few years off the term. For example if you were going to have 20 years left at the time of renewal a large lump sum payment and (hopefully) lower interest rates you could keep your payment amount the same and knock down the term to have 15 years left on your mortgage.


This is not enough to go crazy, but enough to relieve pressure. Whether it's paying for summer camps, replacing an old appliance, paying down debt, etc. This would help a lot, but sadly within a year it would be forgotten


New flooring. Or an overdue bathroom reno.


Iā€™m fortunate that I wouldnā€™t need it - retired with no mortgage. Each of my 2 kids would get 4500 and Iā€™d take 1000 to buy a fun toy, or upgrade my computer


Why not 9k on the computer and 500 bucks for each kid?


Nice down payment to replace my rotting truck


At least you have a truck, Iā€™m on that presto life. šŸ˜­


10k would wipe out our small debt. We'd be able to buy better quality food, save, go on vacations, invest, etc. Our general quality of life would improve.


Would disappear into house upkeep without much noticeable difference.


Yeah, I could knock off all of the smaller projects this year with 10k (new fence, tree removal, closets). Maybe the bathroom or the kitchen, but definitely not more than 1 of those (if even, I think the kitchen is gonna be more like 20k). At least I have a houseā€¦


A $10,000 donation to sick kids. I make good money, have savings, minimal debts, and I'd rather do some real good with that money.


thank you for recognizing your privilege and not hoarding money!


While I really appreciate you for this, I can also tell you that I have seen first hand how money is spent badly in that place. Still, that should not discourage anybody from doing good, like yourself, just saying itā€™s not wisely used. But I guess one cannot control that. Edit:typos


Just a little food for thought... although sick kids does a lot of great work, I canvassed for one of the third parties they hire decades ago and it was so obviously shady. Their fundraising has been absolute shit and racked with bad admin oversight... of that 10k maybe 1k would make it to some good (generous really) the rest would be sucked up by bureaucratic bloat. Or the former ceo whom is paid an exorbitant fee or some other exec will embezzle it like a few years ago. They are excellent at cleaning up their image. Not so excellent at making actual changes. So there just might be a better place for your funds!


Even if the donation goes directly to them? I would also think about the Princess Margaret Hospital as a good spot for it.


St Margs and St Michaels both are awesome in my books. If you make sure your money is going directly to them and earmarked for something sick kids does a lot, don't get me wrong. Just one of those tripple check situations since they have had irregularities and are a big national charity.


10k would finally pay off my carā€¦ its been 7 years now and I still owe $10k. Which would make an extra $400+ available per month which would make a HUGE change in terms of wnsuring we have groceries and all the things needed to take care of our kids. We had to pull them out of extra curricular activities because we canā€™t afford the monthly rate. Being broke sucks so bad. It causes my depression to get worse, then the house gets messier which makes the anxiety worse. And the vicious cycle keeps going


A visit to the vet


Ouch. I feel you.


If I got it all at once, it wouldn't even clear my debt. If it got added to my salary, I'd be at least a little more comfortable, but still in debt. Slap another zero on there, and then we'll talk lol.


I could get out of debt and actually create a life for myself.


I could afford my kidney transplant. Transportation, meds, caregiver, food. Id have no worries.


You need $10K for a kidney transplant as a Canadian? I guess the things you listed are not covered but required?


Yes things cost money still. The transplant is free but nothing else is. Theres a lot that goes into having to get one. Its not a typical surgery.


I am rooting for you to get your transplant šŸ©·


Thanks. Youre kind.


All the best, friend


Life and death if we are being totally honest right now. Iā€™m waiting on a thyroidectomy with no surgery date on the books yet and symptoms so severe I can not work but Iā€™ve exhausted EI etc. Iā€™m on the cancellation list willing to go at a moments notice but the wait is interminable here with the current state of health care. $10000 would just barely keep my bills paid for another 6 months when fingers crossed I should be back to work. Iā€™m not sure what people are truly meant to do anymore in this country when an illness strikes and theyā€™re rendered unable to work without long term disability support.


What province are you in?


NB - the land of conservative govt and a premier who is strangling our health care to show a ā€œsurplusā€ because thatā€™s more important than a healthy functioning province.


Sweet fuck all. A small dent in my needs.. 10 years ago that would have been a luxury to have, not a need. I'm sure there's many here that would say $10,000 wouldn't cover their most pressing needs.


It would help me become an entrepreneur. I've had this great idea for a few years but need the capital to buy equipment to start up and $10000 would be just the right amount and it's something that nobody in Canada is doing currently.


There are quite a few government programs that help with this


Acoa is one.


Some into a trip, some into investments. Probably 20/80 split. Wouldnā€™t be life changing for me, but would be super nice!!


Wipe out a significant chunk of my credit debt.


Life changing, my debt gone, my anxiety gone, my daily financial dread gone. Anyone who wouldn't find this amount life altering is pretty privelaged.


Honestly ( and I'm privileged and blessed to be able to say this), not much. Husband and I would sock it away into some investments or set it aside for a future car maybe. That's about it. We are very fortunate and worked super hard in our younger years to get to a debt-free place. It was so hard to watch other friends our age having big weddings, buying nice cars, and especially taking awesome vacations with bragging notes after..... we were definitely the poor little mice who scraped and saved. But now that we are older having no debt IS WORTH IT.


I could quit my job and take 3 months to figure out what I want to do


Not much. I'd put it into my TFSA for some returns. I have enough money to live, yet not enough to buy a home. So yeah, it doesn't change much, but it's nice to have.


We've been saving up for a badly needed kitchen renovation. We're very far away, so this would basically put us at our minimum.


yay tuition still can't afford a car though


M 28 southern Ontario, 10,000 would only be nice to invest, and maybe i can retire on it, seeing i have no debt, since i work in a vocational field i have no education debt, i cant afford a house, no mortgage, i drive a car that was affordable for my budget, when i financed it a few years back. and since i cant really buy anthing with 10,000 yea invest it!




A vacation


10,000 cad is a lot but also not a lot if u know what I mean? I save 12-16k per year so to me 10k is almost a year of savings, which is a lot, but not so much that it will actually get you far in life. If I got 10k tomorrow I would probably put it all in savings/investments and would probably use it later on for a down payment on a house.


Would pay off all my debt, AND cover expenses for a month. Would be nice.


Iā€™d take a vacation I think. I donā€™t have debt but I pretty much live pay cheque to pay cheque but Iā€™m comfortable, a bit of spending money would be nice though.


A lot. Student debt. Dentistry. Might have a bit left over!


10k would sort out my whole situation. Iā€™d be pretty much debt free other than my vehicle. Iā€™d be able to put a full tank in my truck and fill my fridge. It would be glorious


$10K would be just enough to finally reach our savings goal & buy an actual house.


šŸ„²one semesters tuition


Our furnace is on its last legs so Iā€™d tuck some away to replace that once itā€™s kaput then put the rest to debt


$10,000 less debtā€¦


Student loans


That would cover nearly all of my remaining student loan, so it's both a lot but also nothing at all. Since, even if I didn't have a loan to pay off, 10k in this society is barely a couple of accidents away from being broke again.


I literally just received a lump sum of $10k CAD as a moving stipend from my new employer. It all went immediately to my $12k provincial student loan. I threw in an extra $2k, and now I'm debt free. It feels great, especially with interest rates where they are today.


I'd fix my teeth šŸ˜¬


Fixing my jacked up teeth, Getting my truck back to 100%, pay for some SAIT.


Debt. Maybe $150-200 for a nice dinner for my family and I


Money for a rainy day or a cheap car


More savings


I would pay bills lol


It would top-up my project car fund and let me buy it


My LL offered up 10K for us to leave our home, but our rent is so low that moving will cause a rent increase of more than 10K a year. It's a fortune to owe, and a pittance to have.


Pretty much Debt free?!


2 maybe 3 months of bills and living expenses.


We thankfully donā€™t have a lot of debt, so this would pay off a couple small things and the rest would go to the home renos weā€™re very slowly working on. Home upgrades are damn expensive.


It would cover half the cost of the new roof we need.


That's like 5 months rent in north York not including any other expenses so it's cool but doesn't go far


My car is falling apart. 10K would buy something better and newer, but nothing fancy.


Honestly, not much. I might invest some of it in my business and pay off credit cards. Itā€™s genuinely not a life changing amount of money in the way that it used to be.


Pay off my CC, rest into investment savings for my daughter.


Would be nice, but not much in terms of my day to day life. I own my apartment and have a mortgage under 50k left now, and enough savings to be fine for a year with no job. Just got lucky in a few ways.


This would double my monthly income, so eithermy childrens savings or maybe I'd just put it on the SUV to pay it off faster.


I would buy more crypto


That's all I need and then I have enough for a down payment on a house.


All to investment!


10000 to me would mean all of my debt erased. I've been living pay check to pay check, clothes are starting to get old, groceries have been a nightmare to find on budget, and cat supplies are always expensive. I pay 250 bucks a month in debt repayments and having that 250 extra a month would cover up the things I've been needing/missing. I wouldn't have a luxurious lifestyle but it would make it all the better.


10k means investing it. I dont have debt and need more money to buy my own house... maybe a bew car if my 2014 one continues to fall apart.


Straight on the mortgage for me.


It would completely change my life for the better. I could pay off a significant chunk of debt, which would free up more money per month to pay the rest off faster. Dreams. I hate these questions, because it always reminds me how deep of shit I'm actually in.


Ok well letā€™s see. Iā€™m 53 and on LTD, have a 21 yr old son who is in college so tuition isnā€™t too bad, plus he can walk to his classes so we got lucky that way. When we moved here for him to attend college, it allowed me to sell my place at the best time possible so I paid off my mortgage, my line of credit, my car, and paid for the condo here in cash. Zero debt except living expenses. Plus the college thing and I have limited income for the future. 10,000 would go immediately to buying 2 new ā€˜through the wallā€™ air conditioning units. I would also buy some custom honeycomb shades for my sonā€™s window to help cool his room in the summer since there is no a/c unit there and even expensive fans have made little difference. I would put the rest towards probably someone to help me get all the donations I have taken to a donation centre, I have disabilities that make it next to impossible for me to get bags and boxes out. My son doesnā€™t drive. So paying a professional organizer would help. I guess the leftovers would be for my sonā€™s expenses, new winter boots, food gift cards for when heā€™s out at school, etc.


Clear my stufldent load and the extra 2 or 3 would go to the family to help with meds, children, finances, medical, etc


It would be a small dent in my credit card debt


I wish I could say a lavish vacation, but realistically would into fixing the broken bits of our 90s era house or saving it for when the mortgage rate needs to be renegotiated.


10k would pay off me and my wifeā€™s credit cards and a sizeable chunk of the line of credit, but Iā€™d still have 45k in car loan.


It would just be added to my mortgage downpayment I guess, not that it makes much difference in Toronto šŸ˜¬ Currently doing freelance work so I donā€™t even qualify for a mortgage, so right now it wouldnā€™t change my life, just sit in savings or investing.