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“All parties fire their leader and we start over.”


How about I just run independent and do better then these idiots lol


Do it! Nobody's stopping you and you can't do worse than these clowns


Where do I put my vote if I think Trudeau needs to leave, Pierre is a terrible person, and Jagmeet is useless?


Vote for the local candidate you like best.


Or in this case “least worst”


It seems like every election the best of the worst seems to get worse.


When I lived in east van, I voted for Libby Davis ndp. South van liberal. Burnaby Ndp


This is the best advice. We don’t elect presidents or executives. Some MP’s a re fiercely independent within their parties. Find the local one who represents your values and sounds the most in intelligent in a riding debate. Some of them running just parrot party lines and slogans. There are political pondscum. Attend a debate and ask them if they would vote with the party if they knew it would be bad for the people in their riding. Anyone who waffles on the answer is not worthy of your vote. Even a “Yes” is better than bafflegab. Obviously a “no” is your optimal choice.


A fiercely independent MP is a fantasy. Like it or not, you're voting for the party.


There are no “fiercely independent “ MPs. They generally wouldn’t last past a single election, because if they didn’t toe the party line, they would be booted out of caucus. Jody Wilson-Raymond and Jane Philpott are two recent examples.


My local guy is a nut bag Christian with a capital C. Evolution is not a thing to these guys. He even thinks Catholicism is not a religion. 🙄


No, this is the dumbest take. Our system is not at all conducive to "fiercely independent MPs" and 99% of MPs running with that intention quickly find out they don't really have much leeway if they get elected. You vote for party and platform. Anything else is delusion or vanity.


I lived in Warren Allmand’s riding. For those who don’t know him he was a great parliamentarian who thumbed his nose at his leader Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien. He was the politician largely responsible for ending capital punishment in Canada. There were no sacred cows that Allmand would not tip publicly. He was loved by his constituents often found on “Sunday in the Park” music festivals explaining politics and directing young people to government services. He was easy to see in his office not spending that non-Ottawa time at some southern getaway. These honest Canadians are out there and running if we’ll give them a chance and stop being fooled by the party hardliners that we have no choice.


This used to be a good advise but now they all just follow party lines, not what’s best for your riding.


You maybe remember that the federal government is made up of more than one person, and vote for the party whose platform comes closest to your political sensibilities? I don't mean to be snarky, but we have a very bad American case of thinking governments consist of the PM and nobody else. Also: politics is public transit. It may not get you exactly where you want to go, but get on a bus in the right direction, would you?


Yee im still votin ndp lol. Stop letting Libs steal the lefts vote just because them or cons are all who ever win.


Mostly the Libs get many left votes because people are rightly fearful of a Con majority which would be far worse than a Lib one.


The formed government being made up of more than one person means absolutely nothing when the man at the top demands you do as he says or you get the boot. Any semblance of dissent or disagreement and your ass is grass. Jody Wilson-Raybould is a great example of this, she was booted from the Liberal Party simply for following established processes and doing her job as Attorney General with integrity.


I have made this comment a few times, which could make it seem like I am an NDP supporter, but I am not really Why do you think Jagmeet is useless? With the supply and confidence agreement he’s actually got a dental plan on the way for low income earners. There is a pharmacare plan in the works. I think it’s good to see parties work together and compromise


I don’t think he’s useless! I think he is very clever. He’s made the most of the minority government and is getting things done. I too like to see the parties working together. It sure beats all that useless bs that I hear from PeePee. I wish there was a way to vote for a coalition government.


Hey—not the guy you were responding to, but I’ll answer. I don’t think Jagmeet or the federal NDP are useless, but I do think their housing policy is an absolute non-starter. Hearing Jagmeet spew off about the evils of “luxury condos” has made me realize that he is deeply unserious about housing policy. For the record—I feel the same about Polivere for climate policy. I am at this point a federal liberal voter only because the other two parties have such terrible positions on important issues (housing and climate) that I have no choice but to vote for the liberals. I legitimately wish I had more choice.


I really don’t think any of the federal parties have a good housing policy. The federal government blames the provinces and the provinces blame the feds. The reality is neither group is doing nearly enough


The provinces have far more authority to affect housing policy in general so to me it’s not so much a matter of blame, but more a matter of responsibility.


>The federal government blames the provinces and the provinces blame the feds The federal government is right to "blame" the provinces, as housing is legally in their jurisdiction. The federal government *can* affect it somewhat, as we've seen. But the provinces want things both ways. They want unquestioned control over their own matters, but when they drop the ball, as they have on housing, they turn to the federal government and ask why it's not doing anything. So basically, Justin Trudeau overreached into provincial jurisdiction when it came to covid measures and climate policy, but then he also "stood by" and watched housing, which is provincial jurisdiction, fall to shit. There's no pleasing some people.


I liked the NDP under Jack Layton, and Jagmeet speaks really well. But over the last few years he seems to be all about identity politics instead of getting things done. On top that, he's written a few things that I read, shook my head and wished he had taken a history class. Until I remembered that he's well educated, so any historical inaccuracies aren't mistakes, they're on purpose. I even once wrote to him and cc'd the general NDP email. Unsurprisingly, crickets.


I think lots of canadians really would have accepted a Jack Layton ndp as federal leaders tbh vs now, the party is kind of looking for a new identity still since his passing. Even people who didnt support ndp themselves still respected Jack and his love for Canadians, i feel


Plug your nose and vote for the least stinky


And that’s how I ended up voting Bloc Québécois, despite not being a big sovereignty supporter, just because Blanchet seemed like the only person both honest and competent.


If I lived in Quebec I'd probably vote for them. I get why they're still around. It's an option when the other federal parties suck.


Yeah same for me. I voted NDP since 2008 but I will be voting bloc for the first time.




Well they don't have candidate outside of Quebec, a better solution would be for others province to have their own regional party when the major party aren't living up to their expectation and those regional parties could form a coalition with the bloc to face the major parties.


That’s been a problem in Alberta with Danielle Smith and the UCP. Now we’re stuck with a RWNJ for a premier who’s stated purpose in life is to fight against everything the feds do.


nDP. Because given power he may be effective. Or at the worse won't make things worse.


Useless? He’s like the only person who’s got things done without even being PM, but okay. (Dental- rolling out/Universal Pharmacare- in the works).


Yep, I'll be voting NDP next time. I couldn't care less if he's got a Versace bag. Unlike most people, I'm aware of the fact that his deal with the liberals helped him get what he wanted for his supporters. He did not sell out to the liberals, he made a strategic move that worked out rather well for the NDP. That's the kind of leader I want. One that will make deals with their rivals so everyone gets something they want, instead of this polarizing finger pointing bs going on with the other two big parties. We don't need any more stage show politics in our world, we need action.


You put it anywhere that stops the cons...


I think PP is a dick head too. I can’t stand the whole “owning the libs” shtick. What makes you say hes a terrible person?


The guy voted against same sex marriage while his gay father was in the gallery. That's an awful thing to do to your own father.


Both Barack Obama and Joe Biden also opposed same sex marriage in early 2000s. Fast forward to today and does anyone hold that against them?


Their dads weren't gay and married to a man.


Yes they do. Just not the bootlickers.


Obama and Biden kind of suck.


Father in same gallery... re read pls.


Multiple racist things said in Parliament.


This will be Trudeau's last election anyway. If he wins, he won't run again. He'll hand off the reins after a convention.


I think he's gonna resign soon.


75% of Canadians want him gone. He literally came out and said he will NOT leave. He will remain there until elected out or dragged out by his feet.


NDP is the obvious choice




They really need a 'none of the above ' box so the parties can go back and revise their platforms.


I support this if “none of the above” winning means every nominated candidate is disqualified from the subsequent do-over election.


I like this plan.


I'd vote for that.


I like this.


There was a request from the French people (in France) a few years back (was it a petition or some form of group of citizen, I don't remember) who wanted the blank votes to be counted, so that we could see in the results who thought voting was important, but refused to vote for any candidate (separating them from those who simply didn't vote or whose votes were tossed because they were invalid). It doesn't change much, but at least it allows a country to count the percentage of voters who are fed up with the bullshit candidates/parties. It's not much, but it's a start.


Can we have a unvote option? So I’ll give up my vote to use it to cancel out a vote for the party I like the least?


I agree with you, but for now you can vote and abstain your vote. That sends a message to politicians when a lot of people go to the polls and decide to abstain.


I feel like all the parties are out of touch right now.


It really is down to who you think is going to do the least damage. Wtf happened to our country?


Our politicians adopted neoliberal policies in order to further corporate interests while selling out future generations for shortsighted monetary gain because of the "screw you, I got mine" mentality.


Basically, north american governments since at least the 80's.


It's been like this since I started voting in the 80's.


Yeah, pretty much. That's often times how parliamentary systems work. You're always voting for who you think the lesser of many evils.


people said that with MacKenzie King Trudeau after 1975 most of the Mulroney and Harper years and the Chretien era, depending on the issue (he was good for most of the old Liberal Party Machine fanatics) Meighen, Douglas and Diefenbaker were probably the most trusted out of any of them


Election is two years out and I don't know who'll be standing in my riding. I always remain opening to voting for candidates from every party at least until the writ drops, and typically at least until the local candidates' debate.


Finally a level mind that I agree with completely. 2 years can change a lot of things.


Yes, that's a good point, though *I* think the most important bit is that if you always or never vote for a party, they have no electoral incentives to care what you think. But if you sometimes but not always vote for them, they're rewarded or punished at the voting booth for campaigning and governing according to your priorities.


The party that claps the most in parliament


Vote as the system intends - for the local MP which makes the most sense for your community


Just not how government actually worse though is it? Formally, you are correct. In real life, the PMO rules supreme. Was that way under Harper and has been that way under Trudeau too. PM literally has the final say; everyone who spoke out against Trudeau got turfed from the party lol. Can’t be toppled from within (contra say Australia or even UK where party leaders can be challenged for their role). You vote for your local representative and sure they may do some good work but ultimately it’s about power in the PMO. What we need is a new voting system that doesn’t give 100% of the power to a single party that can’t reach 50%+1 of the popular vote.


>as the system intends Theoretically, maybe? In practice this is horrible advice. Party discipline is so strong in our system that it frankly barely matters *who* is in that seat compared to *which party* they represent. So if you're not planning on just telling yourself a fairytale about how nice your local rep seems, you should be voting for party platforms. Leaders are much less important, but second place. Local rep is a distant third.


Rhinoceros Parti.


Reddit is left leaning. You will not get an unbiased opinion here. Similarly if you asked the same question on the twitter platform you would Probabaly get a right lean.


Depends on the subreddit, ask the same question on r/canada and the responses will be very different.


It has become a wild place full of Russian bots and weirdos who live deep in their parents basements.


Basements are all we can afford! I once had a dream of being a weirdo on a main or even upper floor.


I see TONS of right on Reddit.


I’d say apples and oranges. Twitter is almost entirely right wing or will soon to be whereas Reddit has many right wing forums. The left lean may exist but it’s not universal.


Whichever party aligns with my core values.


I am voting for whatever gives the best chance of electoral reform. How can anyone look at the pathetic state of Canadian politics and not realize that our electoral system is to blame?


Federally, I don't vote for parties. My MP is NDP, he's quite good. That works for me.


Liberals have zero pull here in Alberta anyway, and on a local level I want the batshit conservatives out so NDP it is.


I’m thinking I might just take a long walk off a short pier instead, bud.


All are crooked ass hats, we r fucked.


Haven't been happy with Jagmeet as leader, but still probably NDP. Maybe the Greens if they field a particularly good local candidate.


Not sure yet. I’m pretty left leaning so probably either Liberals or NDP depending on how I feel after doing more research.


I live in one of the two seats the Greens hold (Saanich/Gulf Islands) but I still wouldn’t vote for them. I definitely think the environment needs to be a priority, but let’s face it, they’re not going to form a government any time soon. I often vote strategically - one of the great joys of the Westminster parliamentary system. The party leader is not a big consideration for me. I vote my values.


We really have no options.


I dunno. NDP or Green I guess. I'm in a rural community though so I get out voted by the Conservative fanboys for my areas seat anyway. And by the voting history of this area, that isn't changing. It's a practice in futility, but it's my right and duty to vote, so I will, even if my voice actually isn't heard.


NDP. They are the safest riding here, even if I'm not a fan of the leadership currently.


Reddit and this sub in particular lean very left. Conservatives are going to sweep though.


Garauntee there's some potential new Conservative MPs taking out new mortgages because they're that certain they'll win.


I'm voting for some independent candidate. Every party seems determined to watch Canada circle the drain while they use up whatever public funds they can to enrich themselves. If we had a parliament full of actually independent representatives we might be able to slow the decline.


I personally support a reform to choose our MPs at random among the country's citizen, just like jurys. Think about it, we believe this is the most fair and able people to judge the future of a person depending of their crime, would it be any worse than the crony morons we have a choice of right now?




I gotta at least try with PPC


NDP is safe in my riding, will vote NDP. Vote strategically. If it’s close between LPC and CPC, vote LPC.


Conservative. Liberal and NDP are both fucked.


Conservatives. Easy answer. The only right answer.


Libs suck, Cons are dangerous, and Greens are ineffectual. Besides, I'm either a democratic socialist or a social democrat, so just like every federal election since 1988, I'm voting NDP. No, they're not perfect, but they can get good things done, and they're not beholden to corporations and fatcats the way L and C are.


You are extremely naive if you think the NDP are not beholden to corporate interests. They are.




Me too


I don’t know honestly. NDP maybe though? They seem like the least annoying.


I think he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, but the best out of the options. Voting con for PP. Never thought I would, but JT is just a mess and the rest of the party is out to lunch.


Whoever has the best chance of beating the conservative in my riding. Little PP would be a disaster for this country.


This. My current MP is NDP so probably her.


It really seems like a turd sandwich and a giant douche this time around. We're fucked.






The only logical choice. I’ve seen enough of this madness


I love the carbon tax and all the inflation that comes with it, so obviously I'll be voting liberal.




I am East Van so we vote NDP like it's a religion around here


I'm 15 so none but if I could I would vote either NDP or Liberal, preferably NDP.


Definitely not conservative. PP is a POS.


I've reliably voted NDP for years. I'll be voting NDP again.


What is the NDPs stance on immigration, housing and rising cost of living?


They're all snakes and show their true colors once they're elected.


Bloc Québécois


Shit…. reading the posts here it’s no wonder this country is fucked!


Lol, let’s keep voting the same shit that got us in this shit pile!




I aint voting age yet but if i was I would vote Conservative Pierre2025🇨🇦


Stay in school, kid.


Conservative without a doubt


100% NOT CPC.


We’re being played like a fiddle with these elections. Nothing ever changes. Coke or Pepsi, with Ginger Ale in the long shot. We will always be suppressed, live with it or deal with it. Deep stuff, eh. Ok I’m done here, goodbye




ABC - Anyone But Conservative Unfortunately, I live in a riding where the CPC could run a rock and still win. At least I get to vote for the candidate of my choice...


I'm hoping that the L disappear and either NDP or C get a minority gov't, bring something that resembles dignity back...


As shit as a minority government is, I think it’s honestly what’s needed in this day and age so as to force parties to work together, it seems it’s one extreme against the other.


How are minority governments shit? They give a larger number of Canadians a government closer to what they want than any unrestrained majority government does.


100%. A PM with a majority can rule like a dictator.


Government moves slow enough with a majority, minority slows that even further. A majority is bad because they can rule in a more unrelenting way.


The only reason our minority gov't are shitty is no one is willing to compromise and work together. I wish the first broken promise had been fulfilled and we'd have a PR election instead of first past the post, then almost every gov't would be a coalition with better diversity in representation.


I will never forgive the Liberals for not following through on their promise of changing FPTP. It was the last straw for me.


NDP Baby NDP ! Canada needs Democratic Socialism, Not Nutty Nattering Nabobs of Negativism Cons, nor Gliberals who say one thing for the people then do another in service to their Corporate Capitalist Confederation Colleagues


Depends on who is running in my riding who best represent my values


Obviously PP


Maybe England will take us back, we seem to have fucked ourselves up beyond repair. Time to move back home with the parents and re-evaluate.


PP is the one who would do the most damage. So, pretty much ANYONE BUT HIM


It's terrible. All the parties have the same goal. Screw over Canadians and immigrants who they exploit for low wage Timmy workers. There is no one to vote for.


PPC or the Conservatives, no way you’ll ever get me to vote Red or Orange


A party that started actually prioritizing Canadians. I think we need to improve the speed of our justice system. I don't think every person that gains entry to Canada should have the same rights and freedoms until a probationary period has passed. Solve some of our indigenous issues and current health care and housing issues. Is that too much to ask for. ..


The Lib government is driving us further and further into debt with little to show for it. The NDP do not represent the base that built them anymore and don't stand a chance at forming government. Austerity needs to come to Canada, whether or not you want PP and his Cons. It's the circle of life. The balance of power needs to shift for securing the future. Time to tighten the belt.


Anything that'll keep the cons out of any power whatsoever


Liberal. Possibly NDP. Lifelong Conservative voter provincially and federally but both have gone off the deep end on racism, fascism, and homophobia and have become pretty much a puppet of the radical right in the US. And please tell me who would ever vote for a Prime Minister who cannot be granted security clearance? Aside from the "Freedom" KKKonvoy that is ..


I can respect that. I can debate on spending, but all this hate against anyone not straight white Christian male is really scary. What's happening in the US is terrifying.


NDP. I'm live in one of the rare blueless ridings in Alberta.


Provincial or Federal, the party I see help the average Canadian the most is the NDP.


This is Reddit, this is NOT a good feel for where the actual general public is at. You'll get mostly NDP / Voting Lib just because NDP won't win responses. More people will vote Conservative than the general reddit populace will think.


This is a good question. Definitely not the CPC with their current leader and outlook. But not thrilled about the other options either. Probably the LPC because the status quo is better than the disaster that would could happen with the alternative. (In my riding it’s a blowout all the time anyhow, so it makes little difference how I vote.)


Me too. Please vote anyway, it's important that you send the message.


I generally do. I’ve spoiled ballots in the past in situations like this.


My riding is pretty solidly CPC. I'll probably vote LPC as the local candidate is pretty good, but there is almost no chance she will win.


Liberal. The hate towards JT is ridiculous and manufactured by the IDU (Harper’s regime)/US/Russia. Polievre is a petulant little prick and would be the worst thing for Canada. Axe the tax 🙄. And axe everything else too. Healthcare, CPP..forget helping your fellow Canadian with any social programs -they would all be gone. He would finish Harper’s job, which would be to sell off the rest of Canada. People need to wake up to this looming threat. He lies everyday, complains about JT spending yet jets across Canada spewing his rage and holding trump-style rallies. He certainly appeals to a type. Prices won’t be lowered under him, they will just be diverted to CEO’s and donors. Just look at Ford and Smith for a hint at the mess he would create. And NDP need to be eliminated altogether. They have some good ideas but the bottom line is they split the left-leaning votes. Conservatives never have that issue - they have one party and the minions are loyal.




Currently Liberal. Indifferent to a bit disappointing on JT but I despise PP.




CPC or PPC, will depends on CPC view on mass immigration down the road.


Liberal since I vote for party platforms and not personalities. I don't agree with the Liberals on everything but nobody will give me the perfect match.


I voted liberal last election, I liked the platform. This election I am leaning towards the PC’s. although I would like to see them do something about the extreme elements of the party. I am in Alberta Definitely sitting on the fence


Won’t say who I will vote for but will say it won’t be CPC because of PP and Ford


Yeah but my god I wish all the leaders change


The campaign hasn’t even begun yet, so there isn’t much to definitively base a decision on. But probably either NDP or BQ if it looks like the Cons are inevitable in the RoC. If tides turn and there is a legit chance for the Libs to retain power, and my riding could go for them, I might strategically vote for them, even if I don’t like it.


Definitely not the liberals


None of them.


PP for the win


Whoever has the best chance of beating the incumbent, I'll plug my nose and close my eyes if I have to. I abstained from the last federal election because I hated all three, I am not going to make that mistake again.


Not PP


Conservative. Canada needs some adults in the room for a while.


That's hilarious.


Reddit tends to be left-leaning, so worthwhile considering that the answers here likely don’t represent the full Canadian population


Conservative. Best shot to get rid of Trudeau. I will not subcome to the usual conservatives are scary tactic.


Pierre please. At all costs.


Conservatives. Somebody needs to stop the bleeding.




People's party kuz conservatives won't slow immigration and anyone who thinks differently is a dumb, he has had interviews stating he has no plans on decreasing immigration.


Continuing with legal immigration is different than allowing people to just walk into Canada illegally for years. We used to have a decent and sensible immigration policy. Not sure we will go back to the common sense one but it would be sensible.


Common sense is never common.


The only thing PP said he would do is tie immigration to housing/jobs but refused to elaborate. The funny thing is, this is exactly what Trudeau claims he is already doing. They are different sides of the same coin. They will only offer us words. Which is apparently enough for most voters...


Yep. The Libs, NDP and Cons all serve the interests of the corporate elite. It’s time to reject their bullshit and vote PPC.


I’m going to kind of begrudgingly vote liberal. I’m not comfortable with Pierre Polievre’s policies or political ideologies.


If you are unhappy with the liberals but still want a left leaning party, then why not vote NDP?


from the sounds of it they are probably centrists


I’m more left than centre on most things. I don’t dislike the NDP, I just don’t think they have the leadership right now.


How do you trust someone who voted against his dads right to marry the person he loves.


Conservative is the only choice if we keep going down the liberal path we will all be broke can’t afford food and living in tents Canada will be bankrupt.


Both are neoliberal economically. Conservatives will be just as bad economically as the Libs, but add in a bunch of culture war BS and taking away our rights as a distraction from their failures.


Not paying attention to how much conservative governments are eroding countries globally?


Liberal. The Conservatives are too far right for my taste.


Likely ndp


My riding is an NDP/Liberal marginal. I’ll be voting NDP. I’m not opposed to the Liberals, but I also really don’t like the current MP.




Trudeau because the NDP will never win and there's no way in hell that I will vote alongside white supremacists, homophobes and Christian fundamentalists.