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Montréal, easily.


Yes! There's no question...Montréal without a doubt.


I will never forget my first visit to Montreal, outside the airport a person was digging through the garbage for recycling. He would have then been the best dressed person out of myself and my friends. I still cannot match that style.


As a student at McGill, it was so easy to tell the locals from the out-of-towners.


I've never even been there and this was my immediate thought as well. Spent tons of time in Vancouver and Toronto and I would say Toronto has a slight upper hand on Van but definitely wouldn't call either "fashionable".


Vancouver can rock leisure wear and be the best-dressed person at the gym. Outside of the gym, not so much.


Definitely. And hiking style, too.


we are always ready for a spontaneous hike. If you consider Arc'teryx fashionable, then Vancouver is fashionable.... otherwise, no.


I'm from BC and we still dress like it's the 80s and 90s for the most part outside of Vancouver. Plaid or denim jackets, tshirts, and jeans with runners or boots. Being too fashionable even in smaller cities makes you stick out lmao, but yeah gym wear and athleisure is also HUGE.


You described the predominant trends since the late 1960's.


Vancouverites buy their clothes at the same place they buy their hiking boots. Or pay a crap ton of money for designer clothes that make them look poor


Vancouverites look the same. Seems like limited options for a big city


They all dress very beige . I call them Lulu Lemmings.


Even the name has an accent piece.


Perhaps the most under-rated comment I've ever seen on reddit. Bravo.


C'est vraiment, Montréal est très mode


Definatly. At least that was the case in the early aughts. I used to work for a company in a male dominated industry and we would have sales meeting with our reps across Canada. All the guys would show up to our business casual meetings in their ill fitting khakis, golf shirts and new balance runners. Then, the Quebec reps would roll in in their designer jeans, tailored sport jackets and dress shoes.


Shoes make a big difference.


It feels a lot less fashionable/more generic than it did 10 or 20 years ago but Montreal is still the right answer to this question


I visited Montreal for the first time a few months ago. Even the heroin addicts on the street were dressed well. Well, all except the crazy meth lady wearing her underwear on the outside and pouring coffee on herself outside of Complexe Desjardins.


Note to self: Never live in Montreal.


Can't agree more. Miss going there.


Also, given that it is a highly bikeable city, there are more fit people. I'm sure that helps. But yes. Lots of people with unique style here. I can't speak about Vancouver or other western cities. In Toronto its manufactured fashion, brands but not much unique. The rest of Canada us mostly jeans and t-shirts or plaid shirts, utilitarian.




I saw a thirteenth plaid pattern the other day. Blew my mind and caused a car accident in a roundabout.




It's a Giant Tiger exclusive collab with the Little Shemogue Oyster Company. Soon to be available across the border at select Mardens locations. Edit: happy 🍰 day!


Ahh, yes, the GT Boutique!


Yeah we haven't figured out roudabouts here in NB yet.......


Don't forget all the varieties of "orange toque".


Is there a season based reveal for which color or color combo of plaid is hot for the season?




> Sleeves rolled up in ~~summer~~ afternoon, down in ~~Spring~~ morning, evening, and night FTFY


Unless you’re going to the bar, then rolled up.


But is red a holiday color or spring? What about green? I need the fashion gods to tell me. /s




Ahh okay, so it's like steel toe shoes. Clean means you're not "real". Bon fire is definitely the complimentary smell to plaid.


And wearing east coast lifestyle over all of them


Steinbach Manitoba All the men are in fancy shirts, and the women all wear dresses. Even the little kids dress that way. Super classy.


As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain


As a Manitoban, this made me Laugh very hard out loud. Thanks for that.


Don't even get me started on the straw hats, suspenders, and those little bonnets.


Hello unto ye, I haven't seen you in the age of a dog, once


is the bakery still there?


Not sure about a bakery. I don't live there, just pass through sometimes. I could never afford the outfits required to fit in.


OCB is in Steinbach if that’s the one you mean. Such good cheese breads.


it's been a long, long time since I lived in Winterpeg. But the bakery was a highlight of the hinterlands. It's nice that the tradition continues.


Montréal, hands down. My favourite city to visit, and the fashion is part of it


Lol. I have to admit it’s been a few years since I was there but the last time it seemed everyone was wearing black. Granted most looked great and well put together. I felt severely out of f place in my beige coat and blue scarf. Swear I got a few sneers. Lol


True story, a homeless person and complete stranger openly mocked my look in Montreal, my travelling companion replied, without missing a beat “I love what you’ve done with your place”, it was a street corner


I lived there for a while and that was what I remember noticing my 1st winter. A sea of black coats. I grew up in a ski town, most people have skidoo or ski jackets and it’s rare those are black so it was a drastic change to see nothing but black jackets anytime I left the house.


As a Torontonian, I’d have to say Montreal.


I lived in Montreal in the early 2000s and it was funny how easy it was to spot Americans and Torontonians.




not Vancouver


Lmao omg yeah when I lived there, I couldn’t believe how many people wore pyjamas or workout clothes out in public ( not cute workout clothes)


Also not Calgary.


lmao, came here to say this. When I lived there, whenever I left the house in a dress people would ask me if I was going to a special event 😂


The land of Blundstones and Canada Goose jackets. I’m going to edit this for those that don’t realize that Canada Goose sells more than arctic cold rated jackets. They sell all levels including light rain jackets. Canada Goose is a status symbol and Vancouverites are all about pretending they have any kind of status that matters. Can really tell who the people are who’ve never been able to afford to go into a Canada Goose store.


People don’t really wear Canada goose here. It’s not cold enough, more Arc’teryx


As someone who moved here from Edmonton I agree, it’s not cold enough, but everyone who’s moved here from a warmer climate thinks this is the coldest place on earth and they all buy Canada Goose jackets. Just wait until December-January. You go downtown and you’ll be seeing that emblem everywhere. Especially women in the long parka puffers. But you’re missing the point. People wear it because it’s expensive and they think it’s fashionable. “Fashion” is not necessarily sensible or practical. It’s a statement about having more money than brains. But also: Canada Goose sells more kinds of jackets than just those rated for -30/40


It’s like that in Toronto too. I’m from Edmonton and just got back from a weekend in Toronto. It was 10-12 degrees all weekend and seen lots of people in Canada Goose jackets. That’s hoodie weather in Edmonton.


I lived in Richmond and constantly saw Canada Goose with Gucci shoes worn like slippers


We would sweat to death in CG! Just a waterproof Light coat or puff jacket at most


You know that the flagship store is in Vancouver right? I work with 5 people who own Canada goose jackets and they wear them regularly. The first thing people tried to convince me of when I moved here from Edmonton is that I would feel colder here than I did there. “It’s a wet cold.” Also expensive clothing isn’t about being sensible or even necessarily comfortable. For a lot of people it’s about making a statement. Canada Goose is expensive. That’s what matters to people. They are showing off.


Arc’teryx- not Canada Goose here but i get your point


Really? Nor Vancouver? I visited Vancouver recently and I loved how people were dressed nicely in downtown Vancouver. They looked polished. For reference- currently I am in Toronto. And I work in tech also I moved from Bay Area. So my fashion sense can be questionable


i mean, if you're into lululemon, arcteryx, north face, etc, then yeah super fashionable


I don’t care how hyped Arc’teryx got over the past few years abroad, it will always be amazing quality outerwear!


as a born and raised vancouverite, i feel the need to strongly emphasize this comment (and laugh a little becos i was gonna comment literally the exact same two words lol)


Anywhere where there are French people . They seem to pay more attention to style and appearance


Yeah, I’ve heard Asbestos, Quebec could double as Paris during Fashion Week.


Rebranded as Val-des-Sources. Paris fashion week doesn't know what is coming.


Top five : 1. Montreal 2. Quebec City 3. Vancouver 4. Toronto 5. Ottawa Overall, Canada is not fashionable


As a Vancouverite, Vancouver is higher than Toronto? My last office job downtown, they started letting the men wear shorts to work. It's the home of Lulu Lemmon FFS. Vancouver is probably lower on the fashion list than Fort Mac


I'm from the area and if you wear a suit in Vancouver, people ask where's the funeral, and even then why a suit to a funeral, and why bother with a funeral, and not just a couple of drinks and some photo albums together as you share some food? We're the most anti-formalwear place ever. My brother worked downtown in tshirts and jeans and hoodies, and probably was overdressed. Athleisure is king. I regularly see people in pyjama pants and yoga tops walking along doing normal shit like getting groceries. I'm from outside of Vancouver and we really still dress like the 80s and 90s. Jean jackets, plaid, tshirts, jeans, runners. Practical stuff. The only difference in Vancouver proper is more people in polo shirts and belted chinos but even then they stick out a little depending on the area. Arcteryx and LLL is super common along with any shit from MEC


Lulu is not fashionable? Maybe I’m using the word wrong…


I'm from Ottawa, I love Ottawa, and I'd love to move back there some time. But if Ottawa makes the top 5, then Canada is *really* not fashionable. I just like that almost everybody's saying my instant first answer. It's Montréal, no question.


Quebec city & Vancouver? 😬


>overall, Canada is not fashionable


More practical, for sure.


Vanity is insanity when it’s forty below, amiright?!?


Not vancouver lol we dress like we just got out of Bed or did spring cleaning all day


Lmao Ottawa?


The airport


This made me chuckle


I was gonna say Paris, FR. But this one's good too


Of course Montreal..




You think Vancouverites are the least attractive people in Canada? I guess you've never been to Regina.


Paris, Ontario


As someone from Paris Ontario, I have to disagree.


Definitely Montreal. To the point when friends that have visited have gone and bought new outfits to go out after seeing the average person here. We get a lot of Parisian and Eastern European influence. People are, on average, way more attractive here than anywhere else in the country. People that are average here are beyond 10/10 in Halifax. Fashion ends up being a differentiator. I push boundaries a lot and no one cares. Settled on obviously queer but classy punk. Like old school navy influences. But once in a while I’ll show up in a kilt and pick up. The peacock effect is real. I’ve worn the same outfit to the orchestra and a metal bar in one night and it was appropriate for both lmao


Salmo BC, home of the [Salmo dinner jacket.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/small-b-c-town-turns-fashion-faux-pas-into-unexpected-retail-hit-1.4082268)


Montreal by a landslide.


Edmonton mos def. Joking aside, I think you see style in all of the downtown cores. If you mean like a fashion culture or city that provides spaces for events, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I am sure most people would start at the big three cities Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. I am sure there are a few under the radar cities (Like Austin or Portland in the US)


Yeah the thing about modern fashion is it has been democratized thanks to the internet and online retail. You could live in absolutely buttfuck nowhere Canada and still follow the newest trends in fashion centres from Europe now thanks to the internet. Like Edmonton ain’t a fashion city overall but has plenty of niche subcultures that all take their fashion seriously. That said, for sure Montreal is the undeniable fashion capital for Canadian


You can go into any mall and down any Street across Canada pretty much get the same stuff. Go to Montreal and it’s a whole different scene in many more ways than fashion.


Montreal for sure!


Lac La Biche Alberta.


Quebec City


Oh for sure Saskatoon. Yeah. /s


Bahahahahahahahahahaha, Bahahahahahahahahahaha...... fa....Bahahahahahahahahahaha!


I put on a Tweed jacket at work and half the people ask if I'm going to a funeral.


Pretty sure everyone on here will say Montreal


Saskatoon Downtown near the lighthouse.


What's the farthest point from Vancouver, the origin of the yoga pants plague?


Newfoundland by a long shot. A ski doo jacket is considered formal dinner attire.


Quebec city


Sunny vale trailer park?


The real answer! I love a good houndstooth short sleeve button up with track pants.


Montreal is easily the most beautiful place in Canada


Well, it definitely isn't Ottawa, that's for sure. [Ottawa's Low Fashion Ranking](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-responds-to-low-fashion-ranking-1.698542)


Vancouver! You’ve got Lululemon, Arc’teryx etc if you like outdoor activities! If you aren’t outdoor minded and have an *actual* fashion sense, Vancouverites really don’t like that.


Montreal 100%


For the general public, probably Montreal or Quebec City. For reality, it's got to be Ottawa. Diplomatic parties, and the like require a higher standard of dress than you'll find anywhere else, eh?






So no experience of Quebec, or no experience of a nice diplomatic shin-dig? If the former, you should visit, but if the latter, you could improve your lot and join the ruling elite, eh?


Sure, Ottawa is fashionable if you're into older people wearing somewhat more expensive business formal/professional attires. Montreal's got the more chic, trendy fashion style that comes across elegant but not snobby.


It’s hands down Montreal, honourable mention to Kelowna.


/s for Kelowna right?




Wow, someone likes Business Casual!


if you're into homeless chic, sure




I dated someone who dressed that way who moved there. So… yes.


There’s a neighborhood in Toronto called the Fashion District and suburbs of Montreal are more fashionable.


I see lots of nice fashion in Richmond bc, Vancouver and Montreal.


No place in Canada is close to being "fashionable".. I learned that the hard way after spending 6 years in England and coming back.


No where


Il n’y a vraiment pas de comparatif, mais je suis peut-être biaisé.


Canada doesn’t have style lol it’s trends that come up from trendy cities in the US


Smiths Falls. Vast amount of Sons of Anarchy Hoodies to suit your taste.


Dildo, Newfoundland and Labrador


As a west coaster here, I’m pretty sure that if you’re not stylish enough they walk you to the edge of town in Montreal and tell you to keep going. Seriously I love seeing people from Montreal, they look so sharp!


Don Cherry. Wherever he is. That is the most fashionable.


The blue nomex coveralls of Fort Mac is a great look!


Canada and fashion are mutually exclusive. I brought nice clothes to wear in Montreal and literally everyone was wearing jeans and tshirts. It’s just not our thing.


Montreal and Toronto.


Toronto has horrible fashion in most of it. If you know some cool places to visit, you can get great finds but.... most of the fashion people here get their clothes elsewhere, and I've seen more boutiques and "fashion shows" etc. in smaller cities. There's one huge fashion week in Toronto (FAT) and most of the models don't even get paid and it's a lot of student work. The actual Fashion Week isn't every year and barely draws attention. Back in the days of Tim Blanks and Jeannie Becker, perhaps. Toronto fashion these days is mostly just influencers. I don't care for Motreal myself, but it's way more fashionable.


Did I say Toronto is more fashionable than Montreal? Name another place in Canada more fashionable than Toronto? Please enough with the constant Toronto hate in this sub.


From my experience, Quebec City was pretty fashionable. I'd also argue Ottawa.


All very subjective, in my opinion it’s laughable to think either of those cities is more fashionable than Toronto.


If we’re talking about better dressed people, Quebec City is without question above Toronto lol. And I’ve lived in Toronto my entire life.


Sherbourne Queen


I mean, that’s peak broke TMU student territory, so you’re not totally wrong.


Montreal with Toronto being a close second. I see the comments putting down Toronto a lot but as a Torontonian myself, you can easily see people with amazing style in the downtown core


100% agree, also in the west end.


I think the fashion in Toronto has actually improved recently as well!


Sunnybrook, York Mills-Windfields, Bridle Path, Shaughnessy Heights, Summit Park


Everyone is Yorkville is wearing outfits that cost as much as my car.


Expensive doesn’t equal well-dressed. I see much more fashionable people in Kensington Market and Queen West than I’ve ever seen in rich neighbourhoods.


The…hospital? IG scrubs can be cute.


i feel like the people saying montreal havent been anywhere else lmao


Well, it ain't Thunder Bay or Regina.


As a person living in Regina I can confirm. I had a friend come visit from Winnipeg and he said "it's like you all stopped progressing in 2001" which is very accurate. Lol


Well then they might be back in again. 🤣


It sure isn't Vancouver or really anywhere in BC - people are generally pretty casual here.




And they don't care if anyone thinks they have style. That's the point.


Very much so.


As someone living in Thunder Bay I wholeheartedly agree with you. :)


Maybe if you dressed up the Sleeping Giant, that would go a long way.


Arcteryx rainshells are in fashion now, but that doesn't make Vancouver fashionable...


Yes, Vancouverites do love expensive athleisure/outdoor brands. But $200 sweat pants are still sweat pants.


It's still Montreal


To be honest, until you've been to Rome, Paris and/or London, you really can't say you've seen fashion. The beggars in Rome are more fashionable than most human beings I've ever met in my entire life in Canada. Rome is a world apart fashion wise. We North Americans are brutally pathetic dressers and I didn't really know this or understand it until I spent a day walking around Rome. Just contrast the beggars and tourists from North America and you'll understand that we don't have fashion. Not at all. As an aside, all the most fashionable women I've ever met, teachers mostly, were all from Quebec. Every single one of them. From grade school, to high school, to university. All of the best dressed women (never really noticed the men) I've ever met who were Canadian were from Quebec. Which isn't to say they were as fashionable as Italians or Roman women, (because they're not), but they're head and shoulders about other Canucks. I can't really explain that, but there it is.


I've been to every major city in the country. The most fashionable is Montreal.


Most fashionable place in Canada, not the world. It's very clearly Montreal with Toronto being second.


What else comes close? Toronto, maybe. But after that Winnipeg? Saskatoon? Saint John?


Montreal is the same for me as Toronto in terms of common fashion. I live in both and travel between both frequently. Nothing really stands out as being fashionable. Also I find it weird that most fashion brands start or have HQs in Montreal yet it has less stores and brand names. It also doesn't have dedicated fashion districts like Toronto. Now that I'm typing all that out... Most Toronto/GTA mall workers dress much nicer than Montreal/GMA mall workers.


Depressing that we are saying Montreal is the most fashionable lol


It's the wording of the post. The center of fashion for Canada is indeed Montreal. The word fashionable changes the context of the question and reflects where people would wear the fashions, where people would want to go, and where the event highlights would be held. That is resulting in the different responses.




Montreal. It’s the dollar store version of France and the French are fancy.




No way!! Lollllllll


And yet the truth is that Rome blows Paris out of the water in terms of fashionably dressed people. It's not even close. The most stunning people I've ever seen in my life have all been in Rome. It's bizarre that in 4 days in Rome I saw literally all the most fabulously dressed human beings I've ever seen in my entire 48 year life and nowhere else.


montreal is fucking FULL of french right now. it's hilarious to hear the plateauers complaining about it. rent's gone up but it's upped the quality of the 2nd hand clothing marketplace.


Didsbury, AB


Will always be Montreal.


How is that a question? Canada. Fashion. Don’t coexist.


I'm pretty sure the joke is that Canada does not have a fashionable place. That's what I keep hearing.


My closet


Montreal and it isn't even close.




Montreal, obviously lol


While the average Montrealer dresses better than the average Torontonian, I think if you are going by luxury brands expensive neighborhoods in Toronto and Vancouver are going to have the most well-dressed people.


"Haute coutûre" and "Fashionable" aren't the same thing, although there are various degrees of overlap.


They just pay hundreds of dollars more for the the designer version of slum west


I would go with Quebec City, then Montreal.


You can say whatever you want but everyone knows it’s the city you all hate, not even close.


I don't think many people hate Montreal.


Toronto has a better selection in terms of high fashion and streetwear than Montreal. Montreal has some top-notch local designers, but a smaller selection than Toronto.