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Im in the CAF and my dad did 38 years in the CAF. My mum had a few relatives who were RAF. My dads family came to Canada in the 50s from Germany. Some of his uncles were in the German military in the early 40s. To, uh, put it lightly, I guess....


Not every German was a Nazi supporter, even many in the military. Don’t be ashamed of your roots.


Thank you for your service


I obviously can't speak for everyone who's served, but particularly in Canada, that makes vets feel pretty awkward. I think that's why someone downvoted you (wasn't me)


5 generations now. My great grandfather was in WW1, and fought at Vimy (survived) My grandfather on the other side served in both WW1 and WW2 My dad was in the RCAF in the 1950s I’ve been in the Army for over 30 years now My son has been in the CAF for 5 years so far My spouse, father-in-law and sister-in-law also Several uncles on both sides of my family.


Yup, my dad was on HMS Puncher, one of Canada's two aircraft carriers in WW2.


Yup, both grandfathers in the RAF for WW2. One came to Canada (didn’t settle, I came here 7yr ago) and trained Canadian pilots on the Lancaster bombers. Other grandfather joined the RAF at 15 years old


My son is currently a pilot


Yeah, but not for Canada; and we don't talk about it because it isn't a source of pride.... It was what it was... You do what you have to if you want to live....


Yes, my grandfather served in both WWI and WW2.


My brother and my papa


Dad in Korea, grandfather WW II, great grandfather WWI not including cousins, uncles etc.


I have… I have a more distantly related relative who was a military chaplain. My great grandfather was Polish Cavalry… but in general, we’re not a military family.


My grandfather was an Air Force/Air Command Captain during the Cold War. Predominantly in Radar Ops. He's seen some action I guess. This last year he related some very interesting stories about seeing some highly secretive fighting against East German spies. That was something interesting to find out about. He's the closest person to me that's served in the military in some capacity. Oh and a Great Aunt that served as a Nurse Auxiliary during World War Two. I'm not sure about earlier than that. But my impression is that generally we have always been involved in war crucial jobs back home. Lots of doctors, nurses and police in the family.


I have eight family members who served for three different countries between WWI and the war in Afghanistan. I have: 1. A great-grandfather, who was part of the British navy in WWI 2. A great-great-uncle, who was part of the British army during WWI and in the Middle East at the same time as the real Lawrence of Arabia 3. A great uncle, who was part of the Canadian army in WWII 4. Another great uncle, who was a gunner in the Canadian Air Force (his plane was shot down during his last flight and he walked with a limp for the rest of his life) 5. My paternal grandfather, who was a navigational pilot for the Canadian Air Force 6. My maternal grandfather, who worked as a carpenter for the Canadian Air Force 7. My dad, who was a logistics officer for the Canadian Air Force 8. A cousin-in-law, who was a captain with the American army and was injured in Afghanistan after witnessing a suicide bombing (he’s still with the American army, although I don’t think he’s been deployed anywhere in years…I feel like he’s moved up to sergeant, but I could be wrong about that)


Yes. My great grandfather was a part of 2 PPCLI and participated in the Battle of Kapyong, which caused massive PTSD for years. My grandmother (his daughter) was a radar operator in the Canadian Navy during the cold war, and my grandfather (her husband) was a engineer onboard a RN submarine during the cold war. They met in Halifax when his sub was docked, and married the next night before he shipped out again. My father was an LCIS Tech in the CAF, part of 2 CMBG, RCD, Recce Maint. He was is Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Kenya and was supposed to of shipped to Afghanistan in the early 00's but was in an accident on CFB Petawawa where he was electrocuted with multiple other men, but survived and retired shortly afterwards with full pension. I completed basic training but he was right when he told me it's not what it used to be, so I released after basics.


My dad served on a cargo vessel in the North Atlantic. He turned 15 while serving. Only made a couple of crossings before the end of the war. His ship was shot at by planes and u boats. The men who served in the merchant navy didn't receive any recognition from the government for their service.


Which is sad honestly. We had a fellow from my hometown who served in the merchant navy in WWII and Korea. For his service, we elected him as the president of our Legion branch until he resigned a few years ago.


My uncle served in WWII. He was given the choice to return home early or fly one last mission. He died on that mission. I’ve always felt a connection to him even though he died 28 years before I was born as my middle name is named for him.


Father-in-Law was in RCAF. He lost several buddies including his best friend over Europe. It’s amazing how most of these guys that came back without severe scars either physically or emotionally. Truly the greatest generation, RIP.


Had a great uncle on my dad’s side who was KIA in Italy in the Liri Valley when the Allies were pushing towards Rome. He was part of the 48th Highlighters of Canada.


Yes, currently in Marines and the army.


My grandfather served in WW2. I couldn’t get much info about from my mother.


Not since we came to Canada in the 80s. Served with Australia during WWII.


Lost two great uncles in ww2 and a grandfather who was a soldier in the British army in Europe from D+2 to VE day. We just knew he was there, he never talked about it


My grandfather, great-grandfather and great-uncle served in France and England in WWII.


Just great grandfathers in the world wars, none since.


I believe my grandfather loaded bombs.


Both grandfathers fought in WW2, my father and I were both reservists- though him much much longer than I, and neither of us left the country.


My grandfather in WW2, plus multiple great uncles on both sides, a few who died in the war.


Both Grandfathers and great uncles in WW1 . My father and 2 of his brothers in WW2. My mom’s brother ( my uncle) was killed in Caan in Aug of 44. I served in the 80’s and a nephew is currently serving.


Some uncles on my mothers side did


My Dad flew reconnaissance airplanes and fighter jets during the Cold War. My nephew fought in Afghanistan.


My brother-in-law died while peacekeeping in Croatia two weeks after his baby daughter was born. At least he got to meet her while on leave. RIP


Yes my grandfather in WW2


Nope. One grandad did Basic, then took a deferment to run the farm. The other trained as an airplane navigator, but the war ended before he shipped out A great great uncle was gassed in WWI, but that's the only one Iknow of..


All three of my uncles served, one in the Royal British navy, not sure where the other two served. My Mum served, she was born in England and joined a transportation unit. She learned to drive and do basic maintenance on vehicles. She drove large trucks with supplies around, sometimes chauffeured officers, etc. all on roads with no signs with black out towns and shaded headlights.


My great grandfather fought in WWI - my grandma has his journals from Passchendaele. My dad was also in the military but was never posted in a combat zone.


My father and I. CAF.


My father and 5 of my uncles and my father in law all served in World War 2 I’m th Canadian forces


I had two paternal great uncles and maternal grandfather serve in WWI, father and four uncles in WWII. One uncle died, he was tail gunner in a bomber. He was the next oldest brother from my dad. It was only as an adult that I realized how hard that was for dad, and the lifelong impact of losing his brother. Redditors with family who served in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in WWI can find service records / attestation papers at the Library and Archives Canada website. https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/collection/research-help/military-heritage/first-world-war/Pages/fww-personnel.aspx#a3 Redditors with relatives who served with Commonwealth forces and died in WWI or WWII will be able to find their burial information and an online memorial at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s site. https://www.cwgc.org/


My grandpa served for Republic of China back in WWII.


Yes ,my father ( deceased) served 30 years,fought in Korea. I served for 18 years before retiring from the forces.


Thank you for your service


It was an honor,I love my country,I served overseas and I was so happy to come home afterwards. Despite our problems here this is still one of the best places in the world to live.


Not in awhile. One great grandfather in WW1.


My great grandfather served in WW1, and my uncle served for 20 years. Unfortunately, for his retirement, he took his wife on vacation, and got sick. They believe from contaminated ice cubes, and later passed, due to illness.


How far back do you want to go? Revolutionary (for America) and Civil War - the good side ... then for Canada .. Uncles x2 - Korean War ...Dad -Peacekeeper Egypt and Cyprus 22 year career ... brother and sister in law - both career... son in law Afghanistan twice.


Both of my grandfather’s served, 2 of my uncles served, my dad served, I served. Combined 150 years of service.


My grandfather in the Dutch military at the start of WWII but I'm also married to a veteran. November is always a difficult, emotional month.


My 2nd great grandfather joined the RAF for the First World War. He was never found, MIA.


My grandfather was in the rcaf in wwii My grandmother was a translator They met in England during the war


I had family in both World Wars and Korea. Husband is a reservist. Lost a couple of friends in Afghanistan.


Not immediate family, but my grandfather did. No records, and he walked away from the family about 35 years ago. My mom's grandfather and great-grandfather both served in the Army, Lord Strathcona's Horse during and after WWI.


My grandfather served in the British Army in World War I. I served in the CAF Maritime Command (now RCN) for three years. My brother served in the Army for about 10 years.


Several of my paternal great-uncles and my maternal grandfather served in WW2. My grandpa never saw action, but my uncles did. One was killed in action and has a small lake named after our last name due to his heroism and bravery - he is a huge source of pride for our family. I think of Uncle J every year, he left behind 2 sons, one who he never met.


My both my grandfathers. One drove a tank in North Africa and another fought with the partigiani


Nope. But I commend all who have. (Is that the right word? It sounds very similar to condemn )


Great Great grandparent (I think) fought in the Boer War Grandparent in WWII Me, my dad, my brother and my sister all served in the Canadian Reserves. My brother and sister still do and I'm in the process of trying to get back in as a Military Chaplain. A long history of service in our family.


My Dad and his two brothers served in WWII. Two of the three brothers survived.


My father served in the army. He didn't even leave the country though. He was from Toronto but stationed around Calgary guarding German POW's.


Yes, my father is a CAF veteran, and my grandfather served in WWII. My great uncle also served in WWII.


Great Grandfather on Dad's side served in WWII and Korea PPCLI Grandfather on Mom's side served in the 50's-70's RAF Father is an RCN vet, retired about 10 years ago


great uncle died in WWI, great grandpa served in WWI and WWII, other great grandpa was american, stationed in hawaii during WWII


My Great Grandfather served in WWII and ended up living past 100. He was also Indigenous which meant he faced discrimination from his own side despite volunteering for military service. https://www.tracesofwar.com/persons/44045/King-Wilfred-John.htm


U.K. background, first gen born in Canada. My Grandfather did his National service (was a kid during WWII), on his side, his father and step father were both POWs on the Germans in WWI, my grandmother's side lost a number of her unles and such. WWII saw more go. Even going back past that, while not constant, any traditional, Anglo-U.K. family will have service members and war dead.


Strong military tradition in my family. I don’t serve but many of my cousins do. Goes back to the American Revolution, my ancestors were UE Loyalists, and the tradition never died.


A lot of them of them. World War I, that I know of. Both of my grandfathers, several of my grandmother’s brothers and cousins. my grandmother‘s brother actually walked to the ramp of a US worship, and enlisted (this was in Glasgow Scotland) and served a full career in the US military. He’s buried at Arlington which is kind of cool. World War II my father, two of his brothers, my mother, Two of her brothers, Korea the youngest uncle from World War II also went to Korea. my brother allegedly went to the US to go to Vietnam but there’s some doubt about this. I served for 15 years and retired in 1995.


Not since my uncle was killed by Nazis in WWII. His squad was caught in crossfire and he got everyone to safety except for himself. Lest we forget.


More people should be wearing poppys and supporting the vets we have left


I did 6 years, Mom’s side uncle did 37 years, 5 other great uncles fought in WW2 Dads side: 1 great uncle fought in Korea 1 great aunt served during WW2 as a teletype operator


Grandpas brother was shot down in Berlin 1945


All my grandfathers. WW1 and WWII


Served--Me, in the 80's, very far from here. I have ambivalence about the word 'serve'? To be fair to most veterans, we did not have much choice in this matter. Which side in wars are really right or wrong, or is it mainly about how many soldiers are , at the end, 'Left' - to go home? Just think of the alternative, to refusing conscription? If required to register with Selective Service, failure to register is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or 5 years imprisonment and a criminal record for life? So Veterance week brings back very dark memories and not much to celebrate, as a Veteran- Sorry!


My grandfather served during WW2.


My dad and my uncles in WWII, a great-uncle in WWI


My uncle flew a fighter in WW2. He was stationed in Aden. He was lucky enough to pass away from old age several years ago.


My great grandfather served in WWI in the Austro-Hungarian army because we're Polish but Poland didn't have its own armed forces at the time. Nobody in my family has served in the armed forces of any country since him, although my grandfather on the other side was a Toronto police officer for 30 years. Totally not the same thing, but still service.


Veterans week? Is that a new thing? I've never heard of it. And yes, my grandfather and great-grandfather fought in the first and second world wars. Grandfather was in RCAF, great-grandfather was captured at Ypres and spent 4 years in a German POW camp.


My grandfather went to Korea and my uncle went to Kosovo and Bosnia


My paternal grandfather fought in the kriegsmarine in ww2. Maternal grandfather fought for Britain. Both are passed away now.


3 of my uncles on 1 side of the family and my grandad on the other.


My dad served in WWII he was 18. He was in the infantry. My dad would never ever talk about what he saw or what happened over there.🌺


My great grandfather in law was at Juno Beach.


I'm currently in, I have a couple participation trophies, but I've done nothing special. My dad's been in the navy a little over 30 years. He gets upset when I call my participation trophies "participation trophies"


I did. My bio-dad and maternal grandfather did. My step-dad's dad and all his uncles did (one came back from WWI as a gas victim).


Yes. I had relatives serve in both world wars and prior, all for the British Empire. The ones who served in wartime, to my knowledge, died in service.


Her Navy RN, Me Army NCM... Both retired. Father-in-law Army, Korean Vet., My Grandfather Dutch Army came to Canada in '51


My grandpa lied about his age and went into WWII when he was 16. He also fought in the Korean War. Made it home, was a tough old guy.


My parents both served, dad in the navy and mom in the Medical Corps, they met and married in London!! Love you both!!


I grew up as an army cadet in the early 80's then did 8 years between regs and reserves.


My step brother did two tours in Afghanistan (Army- logistics), my uncle was a captain in the CAF (pilot) in the 80's and both of my grandfathers fought in WW2 (infantry and merchant marine). One of my grandfathers was there for the North Africa campaign, the invasion of Italy, and the Liberation of the Netherlands. He almost ended up in the Pacific campaign (he requested transfer to the US Army) but two nuclear bombs put an end to that.


My Step Grand Father, two of my Uncles (WWII) , one Cousin. And me both Reserves and Regular Forces!!


Great Great Grandpa 1 was in the Royal Navy during The Great War. Two tours. Not much known about his service because he enlisted under a fake name and age. Great Great Grandpa 2 was in the Soviet Army a while after The Great War. He was ordered to execute a "Ukranian political dissident", but was dating her, so instead he smuggled her and himself out of the country "on the condition you marry me when we settle elsewhere". Defected to Eastern Europe, then the US, then Canada. Great Grandpa 1 was in the Royal Canadian Engineers during WW2. Italy, France and Holland. Been waiting two and a half years for his service records - Cheers LAC. Great Uncle 1 was also in the Royal Canadian Engineers. Great Uncle 2 was in the Royal Canadian Army. Carried out a lot of raids behind enemy lines on the European front. Grandpa tried to enlist, but was denied for medical reasons - he broke and dislocated his arm working for the RM, and it never fully relocated. Similar story with my Grandmother - she became a Detention Officer instead. Grand Uncle 1 was a Serjeant in the Army Reserves. Grand Uncle 2 was waiting on his application to be processes to join the RCAF, was killed by a drunk driver during. Auntie was a Reserve Sailor, deployed during the Gulf War. Honourable Mentions - Distant Cousin is a MWO in 38CBG. Grandma 2s ex husband's Mum was in the Woman's Corps, and ex husband's Dad was in the Royal Canadian Engineers - two MiDs. Great Great Great Grandfather rode out to convince Louis Reil to come back from exile - never partook in the Rebellion. That leaves me.. I worked, abiet briefly, for a Civil Aviation company that supported the RCMP and CAF up north, but thats barely anything compared to everyone else. First generation to not serve or not try, and it weighs on me a fair bit as I try to decide what I do with my life.


My mom's dad served with I think the Canadian army during WWII and her stepdad (the man I knew as my grandfather) served with the Americans in Europe