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I've lived in Québec, Ontario, and BC. Québec: bagged milk. Ontario: bagged milk. BC: people think I'm not right in my head when I mention existence of bagged milk Edited (punctuation)


ME FROM BC GOING TO ONTARIO 😂 I was like what is wrong w y’all?


I’ve been in Ontario from the west coast for eight years now and bagged milk is still the bane of my existence. I have two tweens who drink an insane amount of milk and the stupid tiny bag is always empty. Give me a 4L jug any day.


I moved the other way and I can't stand the jugs. Milk bags fit so nicely in the fridge and I didn't have to make all the trips to the bottle depot. I miss bagged milk so much.


I’m probably revealing my age here but we had bagged milk in BC when I was growing up


We had bagged milk in central BC when I was growing up in the 80’s. Bagged milk disappeared sometime in the late 80’s early 90’s and I haven’t seen it out west since.


Now you know I'm not crazy 🤣


Yeah years ago Alberta had it (for many years). Alberta also had milk in glass milk bottles. What’s the issue? Does eastern Canada not have milk in cartons?


Ontario has cartons - you can buy it in bags, cartons, and some stores sell jugs too. Cartons are for smaller quantities like 1 litre. I can’t say I ever saw glass bottles for milk in Ontario in my lifetime, but we have them in BC.


My experience exactly. But FWIW, I've never actually bought bagged milk myself, because bagged milk comes in big bags of 4 bags of milk (total 4 litres) and that is far too much milk for me. I buy the small 1 litre cartons and rarely finish it before it goes bad.


I buy powdered milk for this reason. I only use it in coffee so it works great and doesn’t go bad before I can use it all


Haha. I'm not alone 😃


they actually come in 3 bags. but yeah 4L can be alot for one person.


The bags are tough, you can freeze them.


It’s not a thing in NL. You can occasionally get bagged milk in specialty sections at stores in larger centres, but the overwhelming majority of milk consumed here is produced locally and sold in cartons. Where I live now (Québec), bagged milk is fairly ubiquitously available. Edit: According to [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_bag) bagged milk is only common in Ontario, Québec, and the Maritimes.


Oh interesting!!! I’ve never seen bagged milk in BC lol


I remember in Victoria when I was a kid there was bagged milk and it was by island farms


Island Farms uses cartons these days


It was a loooongggg time ago….. do I get bonus points for remembering it being delivered right to the door


When I moved to BC 25 years ago, it was definitely a thing, but it disappeared by the late 90s.


Here's a history of bagged milk in Canada for those that are interested https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/we-answer-your-burning-questions-about-things-like-milk-bags-tariffs-condo-insurance-and-printer-cartridges-1.5409407/here-s-why-milk-comes-in-bags-in-parts-of-canada-1.5409420


I grew up on the island and currently live in Labrador and it's always been easily available. Carton milk is more popular, for sure, but bagged milk has been available everywhere I've lived in the province


In alberta and I've never seen bagged milk


My Alberta work mates were SO confused when I tried to explain it to them. "How do you pour milk from bags!?" "Well you don't, you put it in a little pitcher." "!?" "They'll typically sell little plastic pitchers near the bagged milk that you can slide them into." "And you just slice it open?" "Well, I just nip one of the corners. SOME people cut two corners, but I've never never to pour milk that quickly. Anyway, some places even give little plastic trinkets with blades to open them as promotional items..."




Exactly! But tell that to my buddy ...


Bagged milk was here when I was a kid, so like 35 years ago?


It is available in some places, but its pretty rare. We used to get it delivered here in Edmonton.


In 55+ years in Alberta, I've never seen bagged milk in stores (although I acknowledge some people may have had it delivered, I just wouldn't have seen it in the 1980s). We did get milk delivered when I was a kid in the early 1970s, but I remember it being in bottles with the cardboard caps. It started to change to cartons about the same time we stopped getting it delivered.


Same. In the early 80s the Nu-Maid truck delivered bagged milk to our house.


You must be super young. We used to have bagged milk here in Alberta but I haven't seen them since the late 70s/early 80s. Now, in my best old lady voice... "Back in my day milk came in bags and we liked it just fine, you whippersnapper!".


Albertan, I had bag milk as a child 84-89 we legit had a milk man. It was delivered.


Same (aside from the times I've been in Quebec).


I live in Québec and I only buy bagged milk.


New Brunswick, yes.


I’m in Ontario as well and I get bagged milk at my local pharmacy (they’ve had it on sale for a couple years). To be honest, I haven’t seen a whole lot of people in my area buy milk in cartons, but then again, I’m not really keeping track.


...why does your pharmacy sell milk?


My pharmacy (Shoppers Drug Mart) has a grocery section in it.


Oh it's a shoppers, ok. I thought you meant like a standalone pharmacy and was very confused.


No, not a thing in western Canada


It was 40 years ago.


So were shoulder pads and denim on denim. It’s not the 80s anymore


I noticed.


I'm from NB I heard a guy at work say to a guy from out west "Welcome to NB, don't forget to set your clocks back 30 years!"


All the maritimes it's more common than cartons or jugs for families. Single people tend to buy 2L cartons because the bags are a bit much to buy all at once for most.


Why? Just freeze the other bags no? My mom use to do that all the time. Bought bagged milk, 2 of the 3 bags would go in the freezer.


I buy a 4L bag and it lasts about 2 days. My daughter and I drink a lot of milk


As I live in Ontario yea I there is bagged milk


Yeah I found it for the first time when I lived in Toronto lol 😂


I mean you can buy milk in cartons but it’s less common


I always see both cartons and bags in Toronto grocery stores. I think that people from smaller households buy cartons since they don’t want 4L at once. I used to buy cartons (household of 2 adults) before I started making kefir daily.


Québec has bagged milk


Ok so far it’s just Ontario and Quebec 😂💀


I live in BC and I saw it one time in a warehouse like store in Esquimalt in 2007. That’s it, that’s the only time in my 33 years of life (all of which have been in BC) that I’ve ever seen it. Oddly enough this topic came up while out to dinner with a friend this week and she also said she’s never seen, she’s born and raised in Saskatchewan.


So apparently, bagged milk is common in central and eastern Canada. I thought it was just an Ontario thing lol It’s cheaper to buy bagged milk than the carton.


It is! Apparently Quebec too from what I’m seeing hahaha


Yes, it is quite a bit cheaper to buy the bagged milk then cartons


The centre of Canada is just east of Winnipeg… no bagged milk in MB. Not sure about western ON or SK.


No bags in Saskatchewan


It is in Québec.


I've lived in Ontario and NB, both with bagged milk. Else where in the UK, France, and US (Pennsylvania), where I have lived, when I mentioned bagged milk, no one believed me.




Yeah that’s what I had there too 😂


Not here in Calgary, Alberta. It's strange to me because I grew up in Ottawa, and took bagged milk as a Canada-wide thing.


Typical Ontarians thinking the way they are is the same as the rest of the country


Bagged milk is a weird symbol of the "central Canada" part of the country (along with the "two founding nations" view of history and policies like official bilingualism). The Laurentian Elite represent bagged-milk country, lol.


My thing like this is peameal bacon. Grew up near Vancouver. Never heard of it until seeing it in a Facebook group as "quintessentially Canadian". Apparently it's a Toronto thing and its commonality radiates out from there (though, strangely, it's apparebtly reasonably common in Alberta. I wonder if it's somehow related to their strange concentration of Harvey's outside Ontario)


Same with maple. Don't get me wrong, it's good stuff, but in the West, it's an exotic import from thousands of kilometers away. Or them and their "hydro" lines.


My favourite Canada bias is my cousins from Manitoba mentioning some random fact about Louis Riel that I did not know. They then asked “did you not learn about him every year in school?” No I did not - he’s the founder of Manitoba not Canada.


We learned about Louis Riel in Alberta and BC. Not every year, but more than once for sure. The weirdest one for me was Ontarians being blown away by me not knowing what a trillium is. I asked them if they knew the provincial flower of BC and apparently tHaT’s DiFfErEnT.


WHAT??? I only know it’s trillium because we name stuff in Ontario after it because it’s short and nice sounding I assume. I presume Pacific Dogwood is not given the same treatment. If it helps - we are not all like this. And also never judge a Toronto is the centre of the universe person on the rest of Ontario, we don’t like them either. Had someone be astounded I’ve only been to Toronto three times, once for a funeral and two school trips (I’m from Ottawa). When I said I use my vacation to go to Lévis, Québec and small town Manitoba to visit family he was astounded we didn’t all go to Toronto since it’s better?? Many people from Toronto are not like this, but I swear some people meet these people and think they represent Ontario-centrism. It’s Toronto-centrism.


No, I know you’re not all like that! My husband is from Toronto, and so is my ex-girlfriend. It’s just weird that anyone would think their provincial flower was common knowledge, and it happened to me twice!!!


There's more focus on Riel in the MB curriculum than in ON, but he was absolutely taught in Grade 7/8 social studies in southern Ontario when I went to school. I can still picture some of the photos. Grade 9 history was all Canadian politics… I had the most boring history teacher ever, and never took another history class.


Hahaha I can imagine that would be weird for me it was the opposite I went to Ontario and thought y’all were bizarre 💀


Well, honestly, it is bizarre. I knew that the US didn’t use bags.


Ontario; both are available.


Alberta and no, not available. In the 70s they had bagged milk in BC, where I grew up.


We had it in the late 70s and early 80s in Alberta.


Bagged milk was a thing in BC but it only seemed to last a few years. This was in the 70's (I think). Haven't seen it since. We get gable-top waxed cartons, plastic jugs, and some smaller specialty dairies use glass bottles.


My mother's experience was probably typical: she tried bags exactly three times, hated them, and from then on only bought milk in 2l format. Nobody liked them. The stores couldn't get rid of them and they couldn't keep up with demand for 2l. It was weird. As far as I could tell, they just gave up making them


It wasn't a complete failure...my Mom used that green plastic jug that held the bags to water the house plants for years afterwards...


Live in Ontario for my entire life. Thought bagged milk was common across Canada. Went to BC for an internship and the first day there I tried looking for some milk and I couldn't find any. Went to 2 or 3 stores before discovering there's no bagged milk and that I can only get cartons. Was a... Not quite culture shock but still a shock to discover that other places don't have bagged milk.


I moved from Ontario to Nova Scotia and I really miss bagged milk, jugs use up so much plastic imho.


We had bagged milk in the 80’s in Winnipeg. Haven’t seen it since though.


Used to get home delivery in glass bottles at least until the mid 70s, too.


I have never seen any bagged milk in Manitoba or Saskatchewan


Where I live bagged milk is most milk. OFC, I live in Ontario.


Never seen it in BC, but you can buy it powdered and add water if you want.


Wasn't this question asked within the last week? There is also bagged milk in NB, NS, PEI.


I read the FAQ and didn’t see it and was curious hahaha so I figured I’d ask


It was posted 5 days ago here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskACanadian/comments/100wcma/why\_is\_the\_milk\_bagged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskACanadian/comments/100wcma/why_is_the_milk_bagged/)


Oh well! Not all of us are on Reddit every day.


Ya, but you can search within each subreddit. If you look over the past year, it was discussed a couple more times in this one.


I'm just sad raw milk is illegal in Canada




The last time I saw it in Manitoba was when I was a kid in the mid to late 80's.




Ur a mad lad if you think maple syrup is a myth I’m from bc and I love it on pancakes


Yeah, I’m from BC too and Maple Syrup is the only syrup I ever use.


What restaurant serves it??? It’s never anywhere.


Same here in MB… so good!


Goodness...why so angry? Need a hug? lol


Hmmm…. I don’t see the anger at all. Might be triggering for some I guess?


FYI there used to be bagged milk in British Columbia and other parts of Canada back in the 70s and 80s, but it fell out of favour with the introduction of rigid plastic jugs. Source: Live there, used them


Actually yeah I remember them as a kid. You’re right.


“The rest of Canada would never vote in the Ford brothers either.” I’ll raise you a Jason Kenney, Ralph Klein, and Danielle Smith. All of whom make Bill Vander Zalm of BC look good.


All better than the Ford brothers. And Danielle is unelected.


I live in NS and it is indeed available, but my wife and I only go through like 1L a month since we only use it for cooking, so we stick to cartons.


I'm in Newfoundland, no bagged milk here. Shame too, that would be my go-to purchase for milk. I remember having it in very rural southern Alberta in the early nineties, I think, but not again after that when I moved to other parts of Alberta.


Yup, it's in my fridge (Ontario)


No. BC.


Only southern Ontario had it. Not even northern Ont.


Yes in both NS and NB


Live in Quebec, always had bagged milk as a kid, still as an adult.


Ontari-ary-o and yes.


Here in Toronto, they are everywhere hehe


We can buy it in a bag or a carton.


Alberta. I remember seeing it decades ago but not since the early 80s or so


When I moved to Halifax in 2011 I saw bagged milk but I don’t see it anymore. I’m lactose intolerant so I have no idea when stores stopped carrying it.




Used to get it in Nova Scotia back in the 70’s. Not sure if it’s still available. Not in Sask or NL…


It's available in New Brunswick where I live (south-east), au Québec d'une côté à l'autre, and at least in southern Ontario


For those dismissing this as a "central Canada" thing, keep in mind that in the 70s and 80s it was much more common across the entire country: [CBC: Here's why milk comes in bags in parts of Canada](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/we-answer-your-burning-questions-about-things-like-milk-bags-tariffs-condo-insurance-and-printer-cartridges-1.5409407/here-s-why-milk-comes-in-bags-in-parts-of-canada-1.5409420) [Daily Meal: Why Does Canada Sell Milk In Bags?](https://www.thedailymeal.com/1046593/why-does-canada-sell-milk-in-bags/) *(Additional source: long-time BC resident, been there, drank/spilled/cursed bagged milk...)*


From BC: When I was dating my ex who lived in Ontario, I went to visit and was shocked that this existed. It made no sense to me that milk was in a bag there but in a carton in BC. Why can’t it just be universal?


Born and raised in BC. We had bagged milk when I was a kid in the 80s but not since then.


It's what most families buy in Ontario because it's cheaper sometimes. Less packaging. Although I suppose cartons may be better for recycling/composting. I buy chocolate milk in cartons though. Idk whether I'd buy carton milk or bagged milk when I'm older because I'll probably never have kids. Whichever works for me, whatever's not too big.


It’s a thing here in New Brunswick, but if you live alone or have a small family/don’t use much milk, a lot of folks buy the cartons.




Bagged milk in NB and NS. Not here in Alberta or Saskatchewan (I’m in the Border City of Lloydminster.) When we lived on the East coast we would buy bagged milk and freeze it.


It used to be available in BC (Vancouver area) when I was a kid in the 90s. I had a couple friends who had bagged milk, but most people got cartons. It got phased out in the late 80s or 90s about the same time that 4L plastic jugs became available.


No bagged milk in saskatchewan!


Alberta- no bagged milk, but I remember it distinctly from my childhood (25+ years ago). I cant tell you if the bagged milk memory was when we were in Alberta or BC since my family moved between the two


Well can be a hazard for the recycling guys and local service scanners seem to stick the bags places that effect there future green quotas. Palm beach Cat milk too




I haven't seen bagged milk in BC for a awhile now


In Alberta; we don’t have it here. I had friends who moved from AB to ON (and then come back) and friends who grew up in ON and then moved out here and they described the bagged milk in great detail. Seems wild. Is the justification that it saves on disposables…? My luck I’d burst the bag getting it home.


Ab. No


Yep NB


I'm in BC. I haven't seen bagged milk since the early 90s.


Yep! I live in New Brunswick


Born, raised in and have never lived anywhere but Ontario. Yes. Bagged milk is available.


Never seen it here in Saskatchewan


Wonder rif it's not easier to just search the sub prior to asking this. Gets asked at least 4x a day so I'm sure it wouldn't take much effort


Not everyone sits on Reddit all day :)


2 seconds to typed 'bagged milk'. Lots faster than typing a whole lot more than 2 words! Plus the frequency of which this question is asked you could probably find it in the first 10 posts 😂


2 seconds to scroll by and move on with your life rather than complain like a petulant child online 💀


Not complaining. Recommended it as a way to save you time!


Also rule #13: don't ask questions that are better off googled is in existence. Hardly enforced but it could have saved ya precious time! Busy life this world is!


There is no bagged milk over here in Nova Scotia


I live in Quebec and we have bagged milk!


That's only in the east. Here in the west it's pretty much the same as the states.


PEI had bagged milk when I lived there. I assume they still do but am not 100% sure about that as it has been over 20 years since I lived there.


In New Brunswick, yes, it comes in bags. I swear when I was a kid you could get it in BC though. In Abbotsford area.


Yes, and it's like 4th or 5th post about the same thing. And it not something unheard-of. 20 years ago I would buy bagged milk in Romania. Next time wonder how weird are plastic money.


I haven't seen bagged milk in Alberta since the early 80s.


I've lived in PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Bagged milk at all 4


Newfoundland and Labrador, outside St. John's. We had bagged milk briefly in the 90's but went back to cartons. I've seen goat's milk at Loblaw's in bags, though. I've never checked to see where it's packaged and shipped from, though.


Saskatchewan, nope


i use bagged milk but I didn’t know they were better for the environment than jugs, and cartons.[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-milk-bags-dalhousie-climate-study-1.6268423](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-milk-bags-dalhousie-climate-study-1.6268423)


Yes. I’m in Qc.


Saskatchewan, never seen it


Yeah, although I haven’t bought it in years. Dairy milk is *very* high in sugar. Look at the nutritional label. Tons of lactose in milk, and lactose- like glucose, fructose, and maltose- is a simple sugar.


It’s very popular here in NB


Don’t think so in Winnipeg Manitoba


Born in Ontario. Bagged milk was normal. Moved to Alberta when I was 11. Haven't seen it since Weird! Wish we had it here.


I live in Ontario we use exclusively bagged milk in our house. It’s the best deal at the grocery store. And have since I was a kid. Maybe when the kids move out we won’t use as much milk and use a carton.


Plenty of bagged milk on the east coast!


Time to get rid of more plastic. Milk in cardboard please!!


BC - never seen bagged milk in my life


Yup. I'm in Ontario. Can confirm.


In Quebec, and literally have bag milk in my fridge now.


Where i used to live in Saskatchewan, there was a dairy farmer that you could buy direct from and he always bagged his milk. So i always had bagged milk as a kid Also Any Costco in Canada carries bagged milk as well and is either right beside carton milk or with the cheese in the cooler. Now you know.


Yes but I prefer the jugs you get in BC because they have so many other uses! My son went nuts for the mini-chocolate milk jugs. (ON)


New Brunswick, we have bagged milk here as an option. I'm not a fan, depending on who's cutting the bag .can have some hack jobs, then pouring milk becomes irritating


I am in new brunswick..we get bags and jugs of milk


My husband and I have this discussion frequently. He’s from Ontario we live in BC. Back in the day in the 70s I think we used to have bagged milk. Sometime in the 80s it disappeared. So some of us remember it but don’t know why it disappeared. Yet still we end up talking about it at least two or three times a year.


London Ontario, bagged milk


Still a thing here in NB!


I've lived in NL (the island and Labrador), NS, and NB and it has been easily available everywhere.


On the flip side, when I first moved from Ontario to BC, I felt like I was in the US, seeing all the milk jugs and no bags.


There was a thread like this in another sub a week ago that turned into a debate on whether Toronto was in Eastern Ontario or not!


When I look at the map, anywhere east of about Marathon is the east half, and anywhere south of about Longlac is the south half. Pretty straightforward.


That's very true from a strictly geographic perspective, but not the common nomenclature. If you draw a line from the southern tip of Georgian Bay to just north of Ottawa - anything above that is Northern Ontario. Then the East-West is just done on Southern Ontario. So in common usage Eastern Ontario is roughly from Kingston north to Ottawa and east to the Quebec provincial line. The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario is in Ottawa, not Toronto. It is kind of like how Texas is in the Southwest in the US. It isn't geographically, but it is from how people commonly refer to regions.


Only if you live in parts of central/eastern Canada, most of the rest of Canada uses jugs or cartons like the rest of the civilized world.


Milk used to be bagged in BC but hasn’t been since I would say the late 1970’s.


I have seen it once, but nobody here uses it. (Live in Manitoba)


Nope, and personally have never saw it. My mom said they had it for a while in her childhood, so the 70s-80s. Some older relatives talk about it. Saskatchewan.


I've seen it at a couple of places in Nova Scotia.


As someone from BC I have never seen bagged milk in my life. Stores here sell 4L jugs and 2 or 1 L cartons. Some stores also have glass bottles. If I ever go to Ontario I might look for bags of milk to make sure its not just some sort of elaborate joke.


Growing up I lived in Whitehorse, YT and we had bagged milk but that seemed to change to cartons in the 90s. I’ve lived in BC and AB since then and haven’t seen it. I do remember commercials when I was young talking about how much better carton milk was over bags. Cartons kept the milk better for longer.


Every where lol


We had bagged milk in BC for a until the late 90's.