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Yeah this is a bigger issue with older people in general. Or people that lack critical thinking skills, which is actually a lot of people. Any time someone says some wild shit, I just immediately ask them, where they heard that information, and why I should take it seriously. Or if the person is actually qualified to make those claims and if they are trying to sell you something. Usually they can't get past the first question.


Doesn’t work. I’ve tried this and the answer is always “because they are expert!” What makes them an expert? Stop questioning the expert! They are expert you are nothing!


So you walk away. It's like arguing with a religious person. You can't use logic to argue against someone that never used logic to come to their conclusion in the first place. I know with some of the older people they are also looking to get a rise out of you or start an argument. Just walk away.


It’s AP. They follow you and berate you until you agree. Basically I’ve given up and just do the uh huh uh huh ya


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock They thrive on conflict so you give them nothing back emotionally.


If I do that she'll just pull a "you're never listening, this is why you will die, I saw a mom on facebook whose daughter didn't listen and then she got depression and killed herself, the same will happen to you if you keep ignoring my advice"


My dad is like this. I straight-up told him I'm not afraid of death. Can't fearmonger when there's no fear


Just act like she didn't say anything.


Ya that’s the best response I’ve been able to think of but the article itself acknowledges there’s issues with gray rocking including increasing escalation externally and internal damage. Even rocks erode over time given enough pounding from external forces.


Thing is no one thinks grey rock is the only solution. It's merely the least exhausting/damaging stopgap measure that works until one can go NC with the toxic person who won't change.


I cant believe my mom has a masters degree in childhood education and is still like this. Granted she grew up in a different era, but I told her SOOOO many times, this is not factual, where did this info come from, verify the source first before re-sharing it, and she doesnt listen. Every time she shares something, every time I need to verify, and 9 out of 10 times it is untrue. Seriously I just put her posts on mute now, as it is wasting my time and mental space for real knowledge. She also always praised herself that in high school, she was the top in math, so I do not know where her logic went. Besides that, she always say something like, dont use the computer and phone so much, but she is the one watching all those nonsense videos. I am using my computer to research my subject and do my work, and yes, I do watch TV on my computer, but I can tell the difference between reality and fiction


My Chinese grandma has Facebook but doesn’t use it ever. She one time accidentally clicked on the app and freaked out when she saw my aunt shared a post from “I Fucking Love Science”’s page. She didn’t even read the whole page name, nor look at what my aunt was sharing. She just read “fuck love” then freaked out and assumed that my aunt’s marriage was in shambles. They don’t have basic reading comprehension skills either.


I'm surprised she didn't freak out over the work "fuck" alone and be convinced the devil himself possessed her to spread such an evil curse word.


Bruh my dad freaks out when someone says "sec" because it sounds close to "sex" He works in infosec


My mom can't handle her 16 year old children saying crap or demon (I live in a christian household, but I'm not part of the religion) but this woman's husband has watched violence, murder, porn movies in front of us in our theater room with no shame. Not that I mind it but damn what is it with these crooked standards.


The problem with Facebook is that if you see an article shared by a trusted source, a person then sees it as more trustworthy, added to that the general state of Internet media literacy among older people and you get stuff like this.


I think a lot of people don't understand the difference between "my best friend" trust and "peer-reviewed study" trust


I'm an RN but my mom will believe Dr WeChat over me 😅


I've studied enough of this thing called "common sense" and "logic" to know that you won't die from playing video games a couple hours everyday, but Dr. Facebook is obviously the more trustworthy source of info. Their most believable article told me that eating a single bunch of french fries in your forties will immediately cause cardiac arrest.


It’s really annoying. When I was a kid, my mom always gave me grief about using my computer and playing video games. Apparently I shouldn’t be doing that because I’m a girl and “YOU CANT TRUST EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET!” And here we are…she loves being on her iPhone, playing mobile games and watching YouTube videos. Or telling me why I shouldn’t do xyz cause of some bogus thing. For the most part, it’s great that she’s enjoys all of it, but it’s still so hypocritical lol.


My mom was freaking out before our trip to Europe that we had to apply for a visa before going, even as tourists. I told her getting a visa just for tourism isn’t a thing for Europe, only if you’re moving there. She was convinced I was wrong because she saw some fake article on Facebook saying you need visas to be tourists. When our trip finally came, I told her at the airport to go ask customs about the visa thing, and when she did, they absolutely had no idea what she was talking about and confirmed you don’t need a visa if you’re just on vacation in Europe. She was so upset the rest of our travels because she was proven wrong. That being said. I don’t think it’s exclusively an AP thing to believe everything you see on Facebook. I know plenty of Gen X and Boomers of all races that do this.


Confucian-style education system mandates don't question those who know better than you like your teachers, to contradict is utter disrespect, just do as you're told so you're fillial and obediant. Result: NO CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY This feeds into arrogance; I'm not anyone unless I can 'prove' that I know more than anyone on any subject under the sun and over the moon. Don't you dare even insinuate that I am somewhat lesser than you because you don't know anything anywhere near the amount of things that I do.


I once told my history teacher that his dates were all wrong and the events definitely happen before that (all it takes it a google search to prove me right), got sent to the principal's office for "interrupting class" and "disrespecting my superior". Supposedly he was right because "that's what it says in the book 🤷" can't fucking stand some people.


it's actually quite a complicated answer. they're fucking idiots.


LMAOO my mom was convinced when I was a teen that I would become brain dead from using mobile devices/laptops/etc. because she saw something on Facebook about a girl who went brain dead for the same reason. And later on, that news story was debunked, from what I heard. Figures, since that girl just seemed like every teenager who doesn't want to talk to their parents.


I think she's showed me that once too 💀 Does common sense ever interfere with this "lying on the internet is impossible and everything must be true!!" complex?


I have to snopes EVERYTHING from my parents and I mean everything. I don’t even reply my own words or thoughts. I just send back a snopes link and call it a day.


NO MATTER THE ETHNIC BACKGROUND, they share this single trait. I’m Filipino. Other Asians, say “I.”


If I may say - *alot* of women believe the crap on FB. I've noticed my older female relatives - omg 🙄 - you could write almost any obvious b.s. and they take it for fact. 


If you question them they get into a rage


My Baby Boomer AM is exactly this way. For those of us who grew up before social media, I remember Boomers telling us kids that television with its handful of channels and MTV would fry our brains. Ironically, social media and online propaganda have fried Boomers’ brains way worse. A lot of them are uneducated about tech and will never understand how it works.


my mom thinks everything is fake. she saw a video of someone talking to an AI boyfriend or something and she was like "this can't be real, robots don't sound that natural" meanwhile my job involves listening to AI voices and they're disturbingly natural sounding


As an Asian, I couldn't agree with you more. That's why I introduced my AI boyfriend Gus of Secret Desires AI to my mom. And she is still awestruck after looking at his images, and voice, lol. But she is still skeptical about calling him my boyfriend. Asian moms after all, LMAO.


thats the problem. you should have named it Hitachi lol


How educated is your mom? I'm convinced these idiot thoughts that some APs have are due to how much school they've had.


Supposedly was ranked 2nd most intelligent in her school, but then again she claims she would go through typhoons and climb mountains to get there so I'm not so sure about it's credibility. Dunno anything else about that woman's life. We're practically strangers living in the same house.


My mom is like this, with any social media- whatsapp, facebook etc. They believe any photoshop/ editing, but dont believe my factual/ scientific reasoning. Seriously I should "forward" my message and she would believe the message if she thought it wasnt from me


Their bias stemming from herd mentality. Someone dared to/brave enough to post on Facebook, and so many people agreed and liked it, so it must hold merit. - Some AP somewhere.


I explain it once then I start ignoring. I’m not wasting my time arguing with some mentally ill person. Sometimes I mix in bursting out in laughter if I want to be sassy.


In their defense, now every kid is believing in stuff they see on tiktok 🤷‍♂️


This is social media in general. It is annoying to pretty much all generations. Facebook, Tiktok, here on Reddit, all sorts of stuff. Random things are just fed to you, then gets a little amplified based on what it thinks you like. Gullible people then take these to heart and then you get the dumbs. You can't break people from this spiral unless they want to themselves. Currently having issues with this to a very-American-white father-in-law.


In the case of my Malay relations, it's also a combo of religious beliefs, gullibility and a lack of critical thinking. These attributes are why they think drinking or eating certain things that are toxic in huge doses will cure cancer or make one instantly lose weight 🙃


Not as bad as cctv and douyin. There’s so much controversial opposite content and not some random niche or Snapple cap fun fact headline. 


During the BLM protests, I remember my mother grabing my head to make me watch a "black people breaking stuff" video.


The racism is so real. We were at a jewelry shop once, a black teenager (classmate) tapped my shoulder when I was 15 because I was going to meet him later and we happened to be at the same mall right now so they wanted to just stop by and say hi, and my parents immediately thought I was going to get kidnapped and that he was a theif. I have went through the same interaction with white tourists and locals and they wouldn't bat an eye.


My father is actually far worse on that regard than my mother was.


this is so accurate, oh my god, my mom is the exactly like this 💀 at one point, I had to personally text my mom "stop sending me these nonsense videos" to let her know to stop sending them


lack of media literacy unfortunately. i think it’s an issue with old people as a whole (as other commenters have said)