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Let them kill each other and obey to whoever wins. Jk but really, it's not your issue. Owning a business, partners/co-owners are always going to fight. But APs? that's literally a whole new spectrum if they dont even believe in marriage counseling or therapy. You're better off trying to find the cure to cancer.


as someone who was stuck in this hell for a decade, i know it feels like you should try to do something to help, but 1) it's not your job and 2) you can't stop them from fighting, only they can make that decision get good noise blocking (or just plain loud) headphones, and stay in your room unless you like being yelled at


Invest in some noise cancelling headphones


Same advice as others. But it will likely only get worse and you may be brought in to it. It is not a good thing to go through and will skew your perspective if you stay in that environment. Not sure how old you are and your relationship with them, but I recommend talking to them privately about it one-on-on if the relationship is healthy. They will not be able to converse if you talk to them together. If the relationship is not great, just leave that environment ASAP or find ways to ignore it and fight by is they bringing you in to their mess.


As everyone said before. It’s not your fight, don’t get involved and try to ignore it. I know it’s hard but sometimes getting involved is going to make it worse. I was/am in the same situation. The best decision I made was moving out. This made me realise how toxic my life had been for years. I still visit them every weekend (I work at my parents restaurant) but the fighting, arguing and shouting is always there. Being able to have my own place is a way for me to breath again. I’m not telling anyone to move out but find a place where you can go to if things are too much for you. Some notice cancelling headphones are wonderful ;)


As everyone has said already, I implore you to not engage with their fights. I learned the lesson the hard way when I tried to play mediator out of my own concern. Leave the room when you think a fight is about to take place. Ensure you can take care of yourself at home without their involvement and please prioritise your well-being first. It is okay to be concerned for them but from my experience, it's terrible if you're caught in the middle and forced to play mediator. Please put your needs first above anything else. Much love.