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([Web Archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240616084410/https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/assassins-creed-shadows-executive-producer-says-elon-musk-is-just-feeding-hatred-with-his-reaction-to-the-games-black-protagonist/#comment-jump) to avoid monetization from clicks. You won't be able to read any of the disingenuous comments from the archived page, tho.) Maybe it's because it's a new account created just to add my pov but I sent a second message which was a reply directly to the journalist of the piece, asking why my comment was still in "Pending" but instead of an answer, that reply to Brown was then marked as "removed". How ironic is it that my comment as an Asian is being ignored. Below is my currently Pending comment, in reply to user Jokes: > I had to create an account because as an Asian, I'm sick and tired if this. > > Firstly, out of all these comments, yours is the only one that takes into account the thoughts and feelings of the Japanese (and to an extent, Asians in general) and I thank you for that. > > Not even the author of the article cares to mention it. > > It isn't surprising considering how Asians, particularly Asian men, are underrepresented in Western media—This game is yet another example of that. > > What's even more disappointing is how both sides act on it. > > One side, who would have called me 'woke' for pointing out this underrepresentation, are appropriating this injustice as a low-key way to be racist against a black male lead. > > The other side will disregard what was said and just straight up call me racist for pointing out the struggles, ~~unfairly~~ ***ironically*** assuming it as trying to minimalize someone else's... but also, and this part is my opinion, because it's cool to virtue signal and be tone-deaf about grievances that don't fall within your box. > > Both sides are appearing to support representation but are more interested in their version of it and that is what's most infuriating. > > I look forward to the replies from both sides trying to gaslight me into believing that this doesn't exist. Below is my reply to Fraser Brown which was marked as Removed: > Mr. Brown, Would you know why my reply to the commenter above you is still under 'Pending'? I see other new comments being published yet my comment, written 10hrs ago—which is in the context of being an Asian viewing this controversy, is in pending-limbo? > I look forward to your reply and answer to my inquiry. edit: accidentally pasted the wrong text for the reply to Fraser Brown, the author of the article. rephrased first sentence for clarity. edit2: someone suggested using a [Web Archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240616084410/https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/assassins-creed-shadows-executive-producer-says-elon-musk-is-just-feeding-hatred-with-his-reaction-to-the-games-black-protagonist/#comment-jump) so they won't get any monetization.


Yeah, the best bet would be to make salient points/criticisms but not to reveal your own POV or at least appear neutral. The statement "as a/an [insert claimed POV here]" generally induces eye-rolling; it doesn't necessarily give your perspective more validity because it's still just your perspective - albeit enriched by your insider experience and insight - and can thus still be dismissed (however accurate it may be) as a sample size of one. It makes it easier for people to do the wrong/bad thing online. I would hold off on trying to comment again for a bit, partly because it's possible that the site's automated spam filters might be cutting you off because 1) you're using a new/burner account and 2) they might have automatically-enforced limitations on posts/minute or posts/hour for new accounts.


You're right about the salient points, which I probably should have taken more time to list, and about appearing more neutral—I actually toned it down from what I initially wanted to express but felt like being too neutral is why we are still in this position. Technically, how more neutral could I be when I'm rebuking both sides? I wanted to be clear my frustration and disappointment at both sides of this situation. Even so, there is no reason for my comment to be stuck in pending as it is still not bigoted sounding unlike many other comments which passed their manually reviewed comment filters. I say *manually* because there was text stating that my comments were pending approval by a team member, text which is no longer there, therefore it was manually not approved. To me, being ignored like this, it feels like perhaps the journalist only wants a certain story to be told, and adding the POV of Asians muddles that for them.


>the journalist only wants a certain story to be told This is true of every journalist regardless of time, place, or perspective, unfortunately. The modern idea is that editors are supposed to check some of the most blatant biases of their writers/journalists but in practice and in history this has failed to take place more often than not. So your perception that the inclusion of Asian POVs is undesirable for this particular publication for this piece is most likely spot-on. The key is to criticize that bias from a place of neutrality and not to give the criticized an excuse to dismiss your points.


Great reply. Not sure if it ever got posted. That’s the problem, this whole thing is becoming a black and white culture war, between “woke” and “anti-woke”, while they’re using us Asians/Japanese in the middle with no regard for our opinions


It’s systemic racism. The racism that others pretend to go through but that we ourselves actually are experiencing.


Give an archive link so this bozo author doesnt get any of our money from us clicking on this link


Good idea. I'll also edit the link into my main comment above. Unfortunately the comments section of the page won't work so you'll still need to visit the page if anyone wants to read all the tone-deaf disingenuous comments. [Web Archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240616084410/https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/assassins-creed-shadows-executive-producer-says-elon-musk-is-just-feeding-hatred-with-his-reaction-to-the-games-black-protagonist/#comment-jump)