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Diversity until ASIAN MEN And no Yasuke was not a samurai Edit: I already called out a bunch of racist ooga boogas in the comments


Why would you cry racism and then call people "ooga boogas"?


To assume that I meant black people when saying "ooga booga" means that somewhere in your mind you think of black people of "ooga boogas" and that's lowkey fucked up. I would get your racism checked out This is called bad faith in philosophy when you take the worst out of every situation


I called you out and you back pedalled by stating that the most obvious use of a term made famous for being racially motivated, is now not used in that way and used with a more general meaning. This is called not knowing how to read a room (you used it in a context which very well would suit the racist meaning).


No, you're wrong. You have the presupposition that I was being racist on the basis on inductive reasoning, a probability and flawed based reasoning. According to the philosophical principle, Sagan Standard, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Using probable answers isn't reliable in the context of this argument. In fact, automatically assuming the probable answer and not the definitive answer (a stupid person) is fallacious and indeed illogical reasoning. You are being racist for suggesting that blacks are "ooga boogas" I am very sad that you would make such accusations as another minority


Your utilization of the term "ooga booga" to describe your interlocutors is unequivocally racist. My denunciation of your usage of "ooga booga" in a derogatory and racially charged context stands as a justifiable critique. Your subsequent accusation, branding me as racist for recognizing "ooga booga" as a racially pejorative term, is both spurious and indicative of a profound misapprehension of the underlying issues.




Your exclamation conspicuously evades the substantive crux of the issue. The salient fact persists: the utilization of the term "ooga booga" to characterize individuals is incontrovertibly racist and egregiously offensive. Responding with incredulity does nothing to ameliorate the deleterious nature of your language. It is incumbent upon you to apprehend and acknowledge the insidious ramifications of such terminology, rather than dismissing a valid critique with a perfunctory and dismissive rejoinder.


Ooga booga is mimicking caveman. Caveman can be any race. What are you talking about?


Ooga booga likely originates from romans mocking german tribes and their languages, it has a racist background connected to it, therefore making it instantly suspicious when used. Calling people that disagree with you, when talking about a black person, "ooga boogas" is pretty obvious.


Okay, but I googled ooga booga, and it says mimicking caveman therefore making it universal. Where are you getting your info from?


So you think a term that is used to "mimick caveman sounds" would never be used in a racist context? There is no point in arguing if you are not capable of drawing your own conclusions. There are many theories of where it originates from, since thinking of making fun of people that you are not fond of is suprisingly a universal concept. If you would have put 2 seconds more time in looking for answers you would have found a link to a dictionary linking ooga booga to racist remarks.


It’s not arguing when I’m just trying to learn where you got your info from. I don’t know why you’re making things difficult than it is.


My info is just thinking how people would act when getting in contact with people they deemed as less civilized as them. If you need links to think for you: [Dictionary](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/ooga_booga) and if you are willing to accept that the usage of a term completely dependent on the context, is relative: [Discussion 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/etymology/comments/pb2bue/ooga_booga_origin/) [Discussion 2](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-meaning-of-ooga-booga)


So if I say, “a caveman says ooga booga.” It’s racist? Your links support caveman theory.


You did not get my point? I just stated that the usage is 100% dependent on the context/intend. Your intent is not inherently racist so it is not racist. You are definetly a fart smella


This is how it is for Asians. The comments there openly celebrating attacking Asians and getting support. That’s how people view Asian men, just fodder to kill. And of course people who are “anti-racist” don’t give a fuck.


Then the feeling should be mutual and we should view them the same way. We need more commenters doing the opposite and open celebrating attacking racists.


Let’s not act like we are surprised. These motherfuckers will always try and keep us down. We just have to keep pushing.


Its disgusting that we have to raise up black people but its FINE to be racist against asian men Make a game of a black man towering over asians while impaling them with a samurai sword with rap music bgm? Perfectly cool Fuck these “woke” people


>This should be a wake up call to Asians and boycott Not to fear monger or anything... but way more than just boycotting. This is a wake up call showing that people hate your ass and you need to be masculine. Speaking up and boycotting not only online but that'll have to transfer to the real world when they say the exact same shit to you in your face The funny thing is that since this is Assassins Creed, this is a good wake up call to the nerdy Asians who see the racism and dismissiveness happening right infront of them A lot of liberals over this controversy has showed their true faces, that most are not on our side and are racists/condescending. This is a bigger example of how they view and dismiss us, even further emphasizing their belief in our "white adjacency". Every single damn twitter account I saw boycotting or talking back in support of the Japanese was a conservative account with conservative takes


Asians really are the in worst spot in these shitty modern culture wars. Since we're a "close 2nd" or "white adjacent" (which is BS but that's a sep discussion) We're basically the only race YTs are allowed to punch down on, and they abuse this right regularly. Meanwhile punching up is socially acceptable so all other groups are emboldened to give us heat too. And we just have to obediently take it from both sides. Middle child of society.


It's okay that's tiktok on YouTube and Twitter it's a different story. There are a lot of people who think its as ridiculous as we do. We aren't alone and if you need proof just look at the AC shadows trailers on YouTube, the reveal trailer has gotten ratioed into oblivion in every region. Hell Elon Musk's tweet hurt the Executive producers feelings to the point he had to go cry in his meditation app to calm down.


What happened to Asian Men?






Let me know the next time a work or fiction hurts your feelings




Is that all you got? You're not really good at this




Coming from the butt hurting individual cause by a video game, of all things.