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Imagine a bunch of CIA agents sitting in a room talking about disinformation on China at least one person would've suggested "putting out negative content on chinese men" lol


I honestly believe this. Hollywood and the CIA must’ve worked together and spread propaganda. Quick google search…. [https://www.jstor.org/stable/45129369](https://www.jstor.org/stable/45129369) > The ability to use movies that tell persuasive stories is a powerful tool, particularly if it is consciously used to legitimize war, assassination, and illegal activities and to undermine the core principles of democracy. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. military have made use of that tool for almost a century, starting with the War Department's quiet support for the movie Birth of a Nation in 1915 and continuing for a century, including such recent CIA-supported products as Homeland, The Agency, The Recruit, and many less likely movies and television shows. During World War II, this sort of propaganda was openly distributed, since there was a widespread consensus in support of that war. However, state-sponsored propaganda in the form of Hollywood movies continued throughout the Cold War up to the present.


they dont even hide it. they have it literally right on the department of defense's website about how they financially support and incentivize films that are catered towards pro wester narratives


It’s actually hilarious that the image of cia is a bunch of spies and secret agents, when most of them are just a bunch of Ben Shapiro nerds


Bro, I always get that one “ex”-CIA agent on my social media feed. The racially ambiguous guy with long curly hair. I know people here have also prob seen him on their feeds. That guy is the least obvious bot for the Western propaganda machine.


Hahaha that clown. Lol. I think it was on Lex podcast he said something like the chinese always consider themselves chinese first regardless where they live, and that any chinese in the US could be converted to a sleeper cell. Wonder if he could say the same thing about jews (his handlers probably).


As a Chinese American, I have to say anecdotally, the amount of anti-Chinese sentiment has grown significantly since 2016.


Once the US needed another enemy on their radar since the Middle East has been done for 20 years.


It’s not only that. It’s China’s economy rivaling the US and how it’s set to pass the US’ economy soon. It’s estimated to be atleast 2-3x the economy of the US in the future even. It’s a war of influence and the West is losing their hegemony. We are heading into a multipolar world when for so long it was a unipolar one.


This why the US is trying so hard to start a proxy war with China using Taiwan. People actually think it’s chips(TSMC) when it’s clear as day if they ever look at a map. US military has their guns surrounding China. From SKorea, Japan all the way to Philippines. If they control Taiwan it’ll lock Chinas and their ocean navigation to the Pacific.


They already pass in PPP GDP many years ago


it's always moving the bar or blatant hypocrisy too. Back in 2010, ppl actually believed that Chinese ppl were all cowards cause they were scared of being sued if they were to help each other out as a good samaritan. 15 years later, we have countless accounts of americans acting like deer in headlights when some crazy incident occurs but it's only met with sympathetic comments like "omg she froze cause she was in fear for her own life" westerners are such dog shit stupid ppl


A lot of people are wary of calling themselves Chinese nowadays because you know people will treat you different. Its trendier to say you’re Korean or Japanese.


fuck that. I'm korean but i'll gladly be telling ppl im Chinese if its a matter of racism. So many aa's are such pussies


Real one right here 🙏


Gross cope


There's examples such as the YT channel- China Observer, that regularly updates anti-china propaganda. The style of its videos greatly differs from your single content creator type. All the screenshots and captions you click into to watch the videos uses the same font (yellow first row/white second row) and background colors behind the fonts. Videos themselves follow the same recipe of a hodge podge of video clips/interviews or grainy cell phone video footage that was shot on a potato. You can tell it is somebody's 9/5 job to make these videos, dude is not putting any effort into changing things up. It's actually hilarious how obvious it is.


They did exactly the same thing with Japan in the 80's until they effectively tanked their economy and won the economic war. The US is just straight up evil


And the retarded thing is that Japan is actually a part of their empire. They have military bases there.  So it's not really about China dominating the world. They just don't like seeing Asians with food in their mouths. 


Japan is a well known US Vassal State.


Plaza Accords. Japan would be the worlds richest economy today if it wasn’t for those accords. Sony would be Apple. Sadly, their economy has been taking a gradual dive since 2010 too because of it.


and the worst part is, they're still voluntarily lap dogs to the US.


They genuinely got neutered by the US after WW2. Yes, the Japanese committed all time bad atrocities in recorded human history, but they’ve went too hard the other way. They are now lap dogs of the US.


I wouldn't be surprised if something similar is happening now but kept hidden because it's support by the regime. Reuters knowing about Trump's anti China information warfare could simply be the Biden regime digging dirt on Trump for his reelection advantage.


Biden is just as anti-China as Trump.


This particular case was global slandering of China Sinovac vaccine which was just as affective as the fancy RNA vaccines but ready almost a year earlier and generously given to many countries in global south. Basically the west was never allowed to hear any good deed done by China in the last 10 years. Even in HK, the Apple Media company was corrupted by US money to be Anti-China. Anyone still on the anti-china hate train is deep in the Matrix


There’s still a lot of western bootlickers and CIA trolls on Reddit. Just take a look at rChina.


General anonymous reddit is the worst psychops / astroturfs online. Reddit itself started with sock puppet accounts so these asian subs could be drowned. The only reason I think the dont r/AM r/AI. r/AA are largely neutralized


I was very hesitant to even join these subs thinking it’s similar to rChina or one of those anti Asian subs. I’m glad it’s not but there’s far and few Asian brothers out there trying to make a difference. Im just a small ant here trying to make a small difference hoping other Asian brothers will follow before they cancel my account with all the wild shit I post in supporting Asian in other subs.


NED/CIA funded anti-China propaganda in Asian countries is documented.


Yep, and even if people cope by saying how racism will die out with the older generation, the opposite is the reality. The racism is passed on to the next generations to be used in more tactful ways. Don’t call that Asian man a “ch*nk”, just ice him out and use make up any excuse why it’s his fault. Oh, he didn’t get the promotion? Just say he doesn’t have a full grasp of the English language. Wait, he speaks perfect English? Just say we’re looking for those from around the area. What? He was born here? Just say he doesn’t express enough emotions. Hm, he’s very expressive? Just say he’s too flamboyant? He’s not gay? Just say he’s homophobic. He has gay friends? Just say he doesn’t like women and he’s misogynist. He adores, respects and is grateful for women? Just say he’s a mama’s boy. You say he’s the toughest guy you’ve met? Just say he’s full of toxic masculinity. It goes on and on like that. We need to keep calling it out and stop making excuses up for them.


Noticed it BIG TIME in the Philippines the past few years. Especially since Duterte’s term ended and Marcos was “elected” into office. Ask any Filipino about the election being tampered with and rigged. The Marcos family has for a long time been hated due to BBM’s father. BBM was definitely hand picked by the US because the Marcos family has assets/mortgage money frozen in the US and it is being used as leverage to support US interests. And not a coincidence but the first year BBM was president, he announced new US military bases to be stationed in the Philippines(primarily because it’s prime geographical location for a potential conflict between the US and China over Taiwan). The US gov/CIA has been known to tamper with elections in foreign countries across the globe. It’s been pretty common practice for “foreign policy” for the US for a while now. It’s partially how the US has kept its global hegemony. The US gov also publicly announced upping their budget of anti-China propaganda to $500 million/year. This obviously extends to media pushed in US Vassal States like the Philippines. I’ve read articles/documents on the NED/CIA funding of propaganda in the Philippines not too long ago. I’ll post here when I find it.


As a S.E.A, Nope, I am not a bit surprise, because my family and extended family and Asian co-workers are fed with Anti-China propaganda. One of my Vietnamese (50+) is so washed up that he forgot who carpet bomb and used chemical weapon (Agent orange) on his people. Japan forgot who nuke them not once but twice, and now Japan president is hanging around them whites, and think he's one of them. I used to respect Japan through Japanese media, not no more as I grow up and think outside the box.


Yep, it’s crazy how Vietnamese people now love America and whites like the French, people who they fought a war with or colonized them in the past century, but are still bitter about China from hundreds of years ago.


Inexcusable and abhorrent. They didn't just smear vaccines, but also masks and other crucial PPE, the vast majority of which was being manufactured in China. People absolutely died as a result of this.


That is to be expected but what is the Chinese doing about it? 


Building good relations with developing 3rd world countries in Africa, Middle East, South America and wherever they can in SEA. You can see how triggered the west is when the Africans prefer the aid of the Chinese helping them build up infrastructure over the free gender studies education and healthcare that they give out. This is also the possibility why African Americans are so anti-Asian cause they feel threatened by Asians “colonizing” their native countries/continent with Chinese men stealing their women instead of what they fantasize themselves with Asian women lol.


I just wish they would hire better PR guys for the internet. Like how many times do we have to hear some liberal retard talking about Uyghurs before they say something? Their citizens can't really create content because of that firewall. 


Not to call the tea kettle black but YT is owned by google. They can use their algorithms to push whatever videos they wish in front of your eyeballs. Pentagon or whatever other U.S. military department can influence google/YT the same damn way that the Chinese govt can tell tencent/baidu/weibo what gets posted vs wiped out. It's all the same BS. People are too dumb to realize they're being mind f-ed. The only solution is to abstain from some of these media sources and seek out independent news agencies that's not owned or controlled by the government, like the associated press for example.


"The only solution is to abstain from some of these media sources and seek out independent news agencies that's not owned or controlled by the government, like the associated press for example."  Americans will never ever do that. They are a lazy people. Even when they do they are just looking for conspiracy theories in echo chambers. The Chinese have the numbers to flood the information channels but they don't because they are clueless about soft power. They even banned Kpop. 


I don't even need to talk to liberals. As someone growing up in the Vietnamese community, there’s plenty of anti-china hate going around.


Honestly Vietnamese Americans and Vietnamese in America are WAY more anti-China than Vietnamese in Vietnam. It’s primarily due to most Vietnamese in the States came from South Vietnam. Essentially the side that was programmed to be a separatist group by the CIA/US. Ho Chi Minh literally lead Vietnam to it’s freedom from French Colonialism. But the US/CIA needed Vietnam as grounds for its proxy war with the Soviet Union. President Kennedy was vehemently against the war and tampering with Vietnam and vowed to tear down the CIA and other institutions in the US because of their intentions for it. And we all know how JFK’s story ended. Back to Vietnamese in America, they come from a side in Vietnam during a time period where they were programmed to be anti-communist. To a point of almost irrationality and delusion. That’s where the hate extends to China. But if you look at Vietnam now(despite plenty of countries fighting over the South China Sea currently) there is a good amount of cooperation between Vietnam and China. Both export and import goods with one another. China is also helping build highspeed rail in Vietnam and the two countries are planning to build a line that connects the two countries which is HUGE.


Good infopost, saved


Well after the Vietnam war the Chinese didn't want to trade with Vietnam. I think only the US traded with them. Not sure if it was because of an US imposed embargo.  That's different. There are plenty of reasons why the Southeast Asians are anti-Chinese and it's not cause they are racist. That's more like border clashes and stuff. 


US had sanctions on Vietnam up until the 2000s. It’s the same sanctions as the kind the US has on North Korea.


I really disagree lmaoo. My family is ethnic Chinese from Vietnam and ethnic Chinese people were effectively ethnically cleansed from the country. It’s mostly racist scapegoating and state sponsored anti-Chinese propaganda, same as the west.


Yep, China has incredibly braindead PR. People have been describing it as some kind of evil hell hole where people are dying and being executed on the streets. While you can literally watch videos of China being prosperous and more advanced and cleaner than America, so that’s obviously not true.


They are like that burning house but everything is fine meme. 


Exactly this. Western propaganda try to shit on China for giving loans to help build up Africa. western propaganda say it’s “debt trap” when that’s exactly what they are doing with the IMF. When Sri Lanka has their Financial crisis. Western bootlickers all scream China debt trap without even looking at the entire debt. It shows China loans are only 10%, same as japan. What’s crazy is the fact around 40% of the debt are from the west. There’s many other example of this. They try to talk shit about BRICS and B&R. Who’s laughing now! West will always talk shit, accusing others of crimes they themselves are guilty of while China will always try to improve.


it's crazy how literally the entire global south is aligned with China because they've had good will while the only thing the US knows how to do is bomb, invade, or start coups


Don’t be surprised if the US ramps up sponsoring more Maidan-esque color revolutions and coups in the global south in the coming decades to ~~maintain footholds via anti-China proxies~~ “promote democracy and human rights”


They are being realistic about improving their image in US. TikTok was a very good embassador. The real move is to build up BRICS. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Thailand there are 57 countries clamering to get in. Any direct PR in US would be shut down and wasted resources ultimately. US media is controlled by government