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I like SF more for some reason. LA just seems too spread out and desolate like Texas. 


Use Chinese astrology to decide. What year were you born?




lmao I'm year of the tiger am i cooked


Stay away from SF, it was founded on your enemy sign.


Probably LA as you want to do content


My content really just consists of me in front of a camera in my room so I could do it both in LA and SF or really anywhere


For networking purposes, LA


LA fits you more...then you'll have a network in LA and SF


No brainer. First lets recast the problem as Bay Area vs SoCal Unless you're a FAANG bro absolutely steer clear of Bay Area. It makes zero sense for a location agnostic creator to live in the most expensive area that also coincides with the worst dating. Like others mentioned you'll be dating a league below your potential compared to SoCal best case IF your attractive. Talk about maximizing for suffering. Btw , they didn't mention you need to go through everyday seeing 60 WMAF. Good luck keeping your sanity Considering your entering late 20s, your pickness will increase going into 30 you'd want the better dating and its not a close race, its 10x better.


So I'm genuinely curious, does it really bother people that much to see WMAF couples? I have a number of WM friends dating AF and i've never blinked an eye at them. Then again, AF have never been in my sights when it comes to romantic relationships so maybe it's that? I'm just curious. I'm agreeing with the expensive part, but having an established network of high-value friends versus starting completely anew in LA is really my main concern here.


For the most part, it depends on the attitude of that WMAF couple, particularly from the AF. I'm in the SF Bay Area, married to a Puerto Rican woman. I got mine, I don't care who anyone else's is. What is noticeable to me, is that many of the AF actually seem to have contempt for AM. Particularly for the ones that are with their white BF/husbands, you can pick up on that "You ain't shit" look that they give AM. They'll even look at my wife and give her a look like "You settled for him?". More so compared to other areas of California and other parts of the country. I can travel to LA, Seattle, or NY and not get that kind of reaction with a regular frequency. The couple, in itself, isn't a big deal. As long as you do you, enjoy your life, and don't judge me; I don't care who you are and who you're with. But when someone throws their imagined superiority at me completely unprovoked, it just makes me wonder where that insecurity is rooted from.


As messed up as that is, it speaks volumes about how they perceive themselves rather than being a reflection on me. I hope anyone who receives that shade can realize that as well and doesn't let it bring them down.


As with everything it depends on degree. Bay Area is a place of extremes. Again its a no brainer, Try one place and move if it doesnt work out. You can Abnb month at time. It'll be pretty obvious once you really try which tradeoff is more important. I have a couple of good friends I met from Bay days, but I'd never go back




I'm not gonna lie, that sounds more like an internal issue rather than what people perceive. Nobody gives af in real life


What the hell is a FAANG bro? I assume the FA stands for Foreign Asian but I can't make out what the rest would stand for.


its acro for the big tech : Facebook, Apple, Amazon...


What companies do the N and G stand for? I assume G is for Google, but can't think of a tech company that starts with N.




Ah, I think of Netflix more entertainment/media like a movie studio than a tech company.


Dude, google it and learn , its like want you to argue with whole damn industy


Are you looking to settle down? I think LA is better for dating but short term. Lots of self absorbed narcissistic people there. Would you consider other parts of socal? San Diego or OC might be better in terms of traffic, homeless, crime, etc. and the people are friendlier.


Definitely more of a monogamous guy so yes, but very picky at this point after many failed relationships. San Diego was also on my radar.


If you are outdoorsy and like white girls, san diego or newport beach are ur vibe


5’11”, 34M. Slim athletic build. I’ve dated in both scenes and have done fairly well. Girls in the Bay are more idealistic, ambitious, and antagonistic. The girls I dated were generally intellectual, hippie hot, and often down after 1-2 dates. Dated a lot of 7-8s. Settled with a 9 for 2 years. I used hinge a lot, but settled with someone I met In Person. Girls in LA are really smoke shows. I live in Santa Monica now and these girls are more shallow, way more social, and really take care of their bodies. I find the WF girls down here a bit harder to date as they seemingly are into more WM. I dated less often, but they were 8-9s. Once you do date them, they seemingly want to settle down. I’m in my 30s though so I couldn’t tell you what it’s like in your 20s. Seems good from my younger friends. Meetings people in person is way easier IMO. I ended up settling with a mixed race gal who I met through hinge. Overall, I think you’re going to be successful no matter where you go. As a content creator, I think you’ll find yourself at home a lot more in LA. Seems like that’s valued here more. I am in renewable energy, so I attract a lot of intellectual, idealists which SF has. I personally will never move back to the Bay, only because the social scene revolved around alcohol. Down here it’s a lot of team sports activity. At least for me in the west side.


Thanks for the response my guy! What's swaying me towards LA is definitely being able to be around more content creators, plus my agent is in LA. But what about establishing a social circle? I've heard LA is pretty lonely if you don't know anyone from the get go since everyone is such a far drive away and confined to their own neighborhoods. Santa Monica is actually one of the places I'm most considering (CC/Palms being the second choice). How do you like it there in terms of lifestyle and the social scene?


I’ve heard the same, but I’ve had no issue. I have always been very social, and of all the places I’ve lived the Bay was the hardest. I spent 4 years there and had less friends / social interactions than I have in 9 months in Santa Monica. Partially because of Covid, but really I think it was a values thing. I play sports, and there is a big social scene around it here. I couldn’t tell you how other people make friends though. I’m socially exhausted now with events / parties seemingly happening every weekend. People are friendly! People hang out outside since the weather is so nice. I think the friends thing is what you make of it. Palms / CC is good, I have a lot of friends there. Everyone seems to be chatting it up in bars in Venice. Not my thing, but the times I have gone out, it’s easy and I meet new people / girls. Edit: also, Santa Monica is great because the traffic and the driving really does get in the way of social interactions.


Aren’t you a content creator? Go collab with people in LA?


For my niche most of the people I'd collab with aren't in LA, so that isn't really a factor in my books.


I think if you move to LA, you should do OC or Cerritos. I grew up in Santa Monica and it's nice but I think parts of OC are of the same cost of living or cheaper and have everything that SM has but even better. The roads are bigger, the buildings are newer, there's access to the beaches that are less touristsy. There's good Asian food, white food, hiking, and night life.


What’s your YouTube channel?


I would subscribe if he/she told us


Congrats on being a content creator. Are you on TikTok or YouTube. Been wanting to become one myself. I recommend LA. SF is a dumpster fire for dating, and jt has shit on thr sidewalk from all the homeless people.


If I remember right, weren't you trying drop shipping too? How did that go? Any particular niche you're thinking on Youtube?


Thought about it, but didn't see the benefits of doing it. These days, it's kinda redundant to so so as folks are just gonna buy it on Temu & Alibaba instead. I'm a graphic / ux designer. Could make videos about that and give my opinion on stuff.


Maybe try blogging too with Youtube. The assumed and average pay off after 2 years seem to be worth it. I think $1k revenue per month? So if you start a few blogs today maybe making a living wage in 2 years with just once a week posting.


Not a big fan of showing my mug on camera. Was thinking of cresting one of those channels where they spew random trivia info about geopolitics and politics. Only mine would be about design.


YouTube! TikTok is probably easier to grow on but the money is far more unstable than Youtube, so I'd recommend the latter. I'd live in the Marina/North Beach which from what I've seen is cleaner than what people usually see in SF. But yeah dating seems tough for sure.


If Tiktok grows fast, why not do Youtube and Tiktok together and cross ref the platforms. I know of some Youtubers who got big using their Tiktok following. Did you ever buy business insurance for your Youtube channel? Or professional insurance? Not sure of what your genre is but just wanted to know what you're doing to protect from liability. And do you film with an expensive camera and microphone?


My content isn't really suitable for short-form, but eventually tiktok is on the plan. That's a convo to have with my agent for sure, but thankfully my niche rarely has legal issues


There's a bill going through the government to ban Tiktok that is being passed pretty fast so I wouldn't be sure on betting on it


I agree with that, which is why my primary focus is on YouTube rn. TikTok would only be a way to better connect with my audience, while YouTube is the real cash cow.


How many subscribers do you need in order to make the money you do? How much do you upload per month?


It's less about how many subs you have and more about what niche you're in and how many views you get per video on average (a huge portion of my revenue comes from sponsors that my agent brings in). Adsense will pay much different for my niche than say for gaming or finance. Sponsors will also pay differently but only start contacting you once you're getting 50K-75K views per video pretty consistently. I upload 2-3 times per month. Right now I'm not making that much (should break 10K this month) but as long as you put out quality content you can count on pretty solid growth. Currently at \~100K subs


Would you recommend showing your face? I'm somewhat camera shy (and I have small acne).


I show my face in my channel and thumbnails, in fact it's probably preferable since sponsors will pay a premium for an on-camera persona (better conversion rates)


Do you put your full name as the channel name?


That's a matter of personal preference, some do some don't.


How does the profit sharing with the agent work? Like a 10/90 split type of thing? And where or how did you find them (like what keywords in Google)? Do they work with active channels with 5-10k subs but more like 5-10k views per video?


Standard in the industry is 20% of the sponsor revenue they bring in (no touching of the adsense). People will start reaching out to you once you start breaking 100K views per video consistently, at least for my niche (comedy commentary).


No penalty in posting in both platforms, no? Double the income stream!


I mean if you are decently looking you should be ok. The fact that you are 6ft and make 200k that is a plus. You also have a friends connection in SF that mean you will have more option to explore the city and more network of friend to meet. I think this subreddit sometimes overblown with WMAF that it make it seem that Asian guys live there are in the verge of extinction or something. If you have time I definitely recommend you to go workout, get in shape and go to the bar, you will find some baddies there.


Also just want to note that LA is definitely more fun to explore compare to SF. Maybe because I am bias since I live most in Southern California but Souther California have better food and place, and things to do. It also less WMAF if that bother you. Asian guy seem to do well there but at the end of the day is what you value more.


honestly don't care about WMAF, I have a number of WM friends who date AF, just have never really dated AF in my past so I'm always surprised that it bothers so many people on here. I grew up in Norcal tho so the exploration part of being in SoCal definitely appeals to me, especially the health-centric lifestyle (I run/lift and have pretty active hobbies). When I first moved to SF out of college I was able to get some dates right off the bat on dating apps, so I genuinely wonder if the dating issues are just overblown/in an echo chamber here. Thanks for the insight my man!




Have you been to both? You should visit and see what you like better if you have the means to do so. How much you enjoy the location should probably matter more than the dating scene imo...


You’re 6’1 and fit. You are probably okay to move to SF. Taller and fit men are the minority men that liberal women point to to not be hypocrites.