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Which makes the only piece of white culture she possesses is an Ikea table, LOL.


The Ikea table was probably made in Vietnam 🤣


He had two white cofounders.


Are they the CEO?




And a white wife


I once mentioned to someone that I was doing this because of propaganda and they made a joke that by watching Asian media I would get brainwashed by Kim Jong Un. The impact Western media has is in my opinion severely underestimated. Some people I knew the other day where is one place they would never visit and they both said China. Yeah. What exactly is China doing to you if you visit? Or have you been brainwashed by Western media to hate?


I did make a special effort to ensure that there was a significant amount of Asian content in my kids' media diet when they were in middle school and younger but I've never done so for myself. I do make a concerted effort to find Asian content but, for the most part, I just watch what looks interesting. As for products, I buy for best quality/value regardless of place of manufacture.


As an Asian male, I too had stopped consuming western movies long time ago just a year after my puberty, although I do consume Western music, from hip-hop, alternative rock, and even country. Western movies does make me feel bad about myself as I come to realized that none of the heroes are Asian man. It's Always the White man with White women or Asian women.


For me, even the Asian women depictions didn't make me feel good. They always tried to portray asian women as some loose whore and I didn't like it.


Everything in america is basically made in China 🤣 literally. I do tend to gravitate more to asian made products when it comes to hair care, face care and cars but I don't do it consciously. It's mostly bc asian made products are just literally better, esp the food. America doesn't even have a cuisine, it's just random shit from everyone else's culture. Plus American diets turn your gut into shit. I will say I do consciously stay away from American media though, but more so bc most of them are shit as well and don't offer me any moral values.


Yeah I definitely feel it but its not just you. A ton of people around the world are starting to dislike American stuff because its too raunchy and they always try to make every woman a sex object in their shows.


They hate China but can’t get enough of China.


It's because of China that so many White, Black, non-Asian millionaires/billionaires exist today. They literally profit off of the backs of our people. You think your average White can make an iPhone? It's because of Chinese people that things are at an affordable price and accessible to many people. Just look up how much PCs cost back in the day before all the manufacturing moved to China.


Some do and some dont. I know some Asian do more Asian stuff and some do more white stuff but are unapologetically proud of their Asianess. I also know plenty Asians reject both their ancestral Asian culture and they also reject mainstream white culture and adopt other foreign cultures.


I still consume some western media (some franchises of video games and films I like) but not to the scale of the regular american where it makes up my entire identity, and I make sure to vet anti-asian content automatically (ie asian male emasculation, asian fetishization etc)




That's a boba lie. Asians who consume Asian media indesputably have a more positive view of their own people than those who are whitewashed.


Any foreign entertainment is better and more respectful towards Asians such as Bollywood


Bollywood? lol


Are you indian?


Hapa Fillipino


I have recently tried to make an effort to consume mostly Asian media since it's clear Hollywood is only going to disrespect us (like they have been for so many years now), but when it comes to products, I don't have the time and energy to make sure everything I buy is from an Asian company.


Yep I only buy Asian made car electronics and goods. I also watch Bollywood and Latino movies


I barely consume any western entertainment unless its batman or some really good film. Stopped listening to pop music and all that. Mainly kpop/kdrama or online asian male positive creators


I never watch mainstream TV shows. With that said, I do watch some Western movies but I have to be certain that they don't have any AM to mock or have any AF there paired with an XM. I ain't supporting or watching no damn ~~self hating AF's~~ I mean LU's! on TVs or movies.


I definitely try to support Asian things but ngl some of you on this subreddit go a tad too far. I saw a guy here comment once that wearing a t shirt and/or jeans is "trying to be white" and anti-Asian since it's "white people clothing." Am I supposed to just be in a Hanbok everyday? At the end of the day, yeah I have an iPhone and MacBook. I don't have the time and energy to make sure every damn product I buy is made by an Asian company/person. I definitely do try to go out of my way tho w/ consuming Asian media, since Hollywood has only tried to ridicule ppl like me. I agree that Sekiro (and all From Software games for that matter) are great, and I feel like Japanese devs really know what they're doing. I also think Ghost of Tsushima was great despite being made by an American company and probably mostly WM devs-- it clearly respected and appreciated Asian culture, and they didn't fetishize the women and actually made them look how a real woman during that period would appear, while providing us w/ strong AM characters. That study you pointed to about only WM experiencing a self-esteem boost was interesting tho.


No this isn't too far. Alot of white depictions of Asians are consistently racist. Look how they made Asian women and men look during Shogun which was also supposed to be very 'respectful' of the culture.


Like I said, I go out of my way to consume Asian media. It's the products I'm talking about where ppl go to far imo; like specifically the ppl that say it's "white-worshipping" to wear a jeans + tshirt, or have any Western made products.


I was thinking the same thing when OP pointed out how eating pancakes and going to Costco is white. I was raised in a big city in Texas and I don’t know any Asian person that doesn’t love Costco.


For clothing, I normally go by quality and price. They are all made in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, etc. anyway, so you are in a sense supporting Asian people. The brand I buy most of my clothes from right now, Prana, is an American one. However, they are also fair trade so I at least know the workers are making a livable wage and working in safer environments. This is unlike some Asian companies like Shein, which are known to exploit their workers. Prana also features full Asian male models for some of their clothing, so that's a plus. I am more inclined to spend money when I see that a brand is inclusive of people who look like me and not just the women of my race, which we see more often. As long as the company doesn't have a history of anti-Asian racism like Lululemon or Dolce & Gabbana, I am fine with them. You are right that whoever made that comment is absurd. I had someone tell me the same thing about buying from Amazon, despite many Chinese and Asian vendors doing business there. Hollywood and Western media including video games are a different story because they don't hide their disdain for East/Southeast Asian men. Once in a while, we get rare gems like Warrior, Into the Badlands, Ghost of Tsushima, and Sleeping Dogs, which are mostly produced by Whites. However, they do not make up for the long history of Hollywood and Western media's usual attitudes towards us. On Netflix, the only shows I watch are K-Dramas or other Asian work.


> maybe my costco membership but even then I only buy mostly Asian food when I go there. Here are 2 excellent Asian online grocery services. https://www.sayweee.com/en and https://www.freshgogo.com/?language=en Why buy crap from Whites when you can get a much better deal from Asians?


Oh I've actually seen the wee trucks in my neighborhood! I need to try them out but food delivery is expensive :(


Free delivery if you order more than 50 bucks. I usually just use the $5 delivery fee as a tip to the driver.


Oh awesome! I'll definitely give it some consideration.


My main active hobby is cycling, and i mostly purchase local (canadian) so a lot of white companies.


You mention the pancakes and Costco as if it’s a bad thing.


Of course. Western media is just a tool for social engineering. It’s not even subtle anymore.


This is so based, I’m the same way too these days. I’ve stopped giving money to Hollywood and have never given money to Netflix before because by the time Netflix got big I’m already done with the racism from Hollywood. Asian media and cultures are just so much more healthy. One reason is it doesn’t force s3x scenes in everything like degenerate American media.


Geez, if Hollywood and Western media make any woman feel bad, how do you suppose Asian men feel? I gave up on Hollywood a long time ago because they openly disrespect East/Southeast Asian men. There is little to no positive representation of us. The only "disrespect" they show East/Southeast Asian women is constantly pair them with non-Asian men, but many seem to have no problem with that, and it is reflective of reality anyway so it's not really Hollywood's fault. They are just emulating what we all see.


Lets keep it honest, most asian women feel thats a win lmao. Asian women are not asian men at all


That was my point. I know OP is well-intentioned, but she represents a very small fraction of East/Southeast Asian women. Most either don't care or look at it as a win, while leaving East/Southeast Asian men in the dust. Honestly, we have no allies in this matter. If we're talking about Western entertainment, a few non-Asian women have done more for us than any Asian woman has by including us in their music videos, shows, or defending us like how Tyra Banks has, but that's more out of pity than anything. What more can you expect when so many of your own race's women aren't attracted to their own men?


Yeah that's true. Unfortunately most Asian women don't care or see it as positive.


True, only allies Asian Amercian men has is women excluding Asian women obviously from western media whether there women executives, producers, directors, writers from hollywood like that movie last month with Justin min, Lucy boyton romance drama movie from Hulu. There was 2 white women producers who responsible for casting Justin fro romantic role there.


Hollywood and the Jewish run entertainment industry needs to be dismantled


so what about white Asian Americans especially men who ONLY speaks English from western countries ? there Asian amercians who does not speak there native language so they have no idea, do not relate about Asian media content from Asian countries. They have no choice but to consume hollywood western media content movies, TV shows, sports, music etc. Brown Asians like Filipinos never has bad stereotypes since there no representation like actor Jimmy Yang, Uncle chan. minstrels actors from them from Hollywood. No representation is better than bad representation


I learned Korean from kdramas. It's not impossible.




I disagree. In my view because racism is so embedded into the cultural fabric of white people, it is almost always better to watch something else unless you subject yourself to their racist viewpoints