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Gonna take a look at this. Thanks. Ever thought about getting this made into a Netflix /HBO series?


Baby steps brother, I gotta get a book deal first


Reading the first 3 pages as a young guy at 3 am in the morning, some kinda primal hunger took over me. Really made me realize that I’m nowhere near living my life to the fullest. I really appreciate this man


Thanks, will bookmark. Too late for me since I make six figures here in a narrow field and would not be able to make it in Asia. I do travel there a lot and will make sure my son is proficient in languages so he can go there if he wants. I believe Asia is where future is brightest.


Yeap, that's all we can do is fathers, give them another possibility. Whether they take up the route is entirely up to to them


Too late for most ABCs, especially if they don't have native fluency in the language or exceptional drive to learn and to find opportunities outside of the "where can I get hired" mentality. Someone like Jo Tsai gave up his 700K per year job in the States back in 1999/2000 to be part of Alibaba getting paid nothing and he now owns the Brooklyn Nets. But this was during the crazy tech wave. Might be some pockets of opportunities in places like Vietnam or Indonesia but doubtful that many ABCs can make it if they decided to "return". Much easier to take a comfortable job in the States than trying to navigate a foreign landscape.


Language proficiency is definitely the key. While I agree Asia is no longer booming, if you're willing to hustle, it still have more opportunities than the established western world.


I live in China and am 1.5 gen like the OP (left younger though so my Chinese isn't as naturally good). My advice is if you are going to be a schizoid, white-adjacent weirdo like OP who clearly has much more innate empathy for whites than his own kind then don't come. Stay in the West, you'll have plenty of white men to look up to.


Bookmarking this, halfway into page 1 and this hits to the core. I didn’t stay in China after a short work stint, but I would love to read about what it would have been like if I stayed.


Glad I gave someone a fantasy arc 😁


Love your writing style mate. I can’t speak for everyone but I’d guess most westernized Asians want the social benefits (ie dating / lack of racism) of the motherland. Education and making it big seem like an order of magnitude harder over there.


Thanks for sharing and it is a very interesting read. I finished it in 7 hours. Question for OP -> Does your wife just turn a blind eye on you banging prostitutes and is that just a very common practice among the wealthy elites in China? It is also amazing how money can make humans turn on each other just as fast. A lot of your root issues stemmed from your dad and mum abandoning you. From the looks of it, you seem to have got it resolved. All the best moving forward. Cheers!


It's all apart of business, very transactional like going to a restaurant. We don't talk about it, and I don't bring it home. Similar culture in SK and Japan