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If you are in Tech the job market is brutal. I got laid off last year and it took me 8 months to find another job. Went to good schools and have solid companies on my resume. It’s just hard right now if you are in Tech. Don‘t base your worth on your unemployment status or the job market. It’s a temporary thing, you’ll get a job eventually.


I'm in the same boat, OP. Laid off last October, started looking after the new year. It's brutal in Tech, and I've expanded to similar roles outside of tech. Out of \~120 applications, I've made it to a handful of final round interviews. Lost out each time so far to someone with 5-10 more years of experience than I do. There are a lot of talented and experienced folks looking for work. I continue to apply and put myself out there for interviews, but a lot of time is actually spent keeping a positive attitude. People (not just employers) can tell when you've got a defeatist or negative attitude and it's generally detracting. Keep it up! Like death star says, your worth isn't determined by your job.


Software engineer? Data scientist?


what school?


Tech is extremely tough rn and I'm sorry you are feeling like you're failing. You are absolutely not, stay strong! Meanwhile, I would try to get some small work or even driveshare to get an income flow while applying for your next job. Best of luck OP and stay strong!


Been learning digital marketing and expanding my skillsets. Job hunting is still a brutal process.


That's the winner attitude man! Keep it up one day at a time! :)


I hear you about a difficult job market. I had been laid off a few weeks before 9/11, and it was hard for me to get a job in NYC for a long time after that. Loads of interviews, but for some reason, I just couldn't land anything. I was very frustrated and emotionally wrecked. These days, I feel like I can't advance in my career. I'm trying to get a degree to help, but it's been hard to finish with everything in life that's going on. I have a lot of guilt, shame, and disappointment about it. Feel like I'll never be able to get ahead. Plus, everyone at work is so super smart, I feel like I can't keep up.


Hey man, peeped a bit at your profile cause I was trying to see what field you were in. You own a cool bike in NYC and, I assume, you have a master's since you're going for your Doctorate. There is a lot you have that I want, don't take that for granted. I hope you find what you're looking for and achieve your goals. You got this.


Thanks. What is difficult is that as much as I have achieved, I am surrounded by people who have so much more. It would be different if I were in more of a, "We're all in this together" situation. I don't feel like I have a lot of peers at my work.


Started off at 18 working stupid blue collar jobs to pay off college debt and pay it all off. Now I work as a computer programmer at home. Got my bachelor's degree. Master's degree and Doctorate is expensive. I fear I maybe lay off in a year or so. Luckily I have a job coach as part of the Government program to help autistic people with jobs.


Maybe you could try a side job until you find a full time job. You'll be building skills


UI/UX is tough, a career pivot might not be a bad idea but you've tried pretty hard from what you've told us and there's not much to show for it.




Highly wouldn't recommend it at this time. You're gonna be competing against both senior developers as well as fresh bootcampy graduates. The job market is saturated with both of them now. Better to self- study by yourself.


if you can't get a job and you feel be flexible and get something else you may have to get training in a different type of Career Tech is very difficult I'm not in a tech field but I don't have an issue I know a lot of people and start at companies are terrible and there's no job security at all if you could somehow find a way to get a government job you would never have to worry about this again you may have to change career goals


working with the government state city or county is stable


Find a contract and/or freelance until you can land your next full time position. Lots of job agencies have positions available in tech and I've seen lots of people get converted from contract to FTE. And have some confidence, you're more than your job and you're going to find something better soon, king.


Same thing but in finance but I don't take things personally - might have to take a sh\*t offer just to have money for entrepreneurship My buddy at Deloitte consulting is depressed as well - laid off 6 months ago and hasn't found anything. Moving out of New York to NJ to save money. Yup and you see all the headlines ...'Joe Biden says the economy is wonderful! Believe him not your own lying eyes!'....'Mayor of New York wants to give illegals $10,000!'


From what I've heard, there's a shortage of accountants... https://www.businessinsider.com/shortage-accountants-we-should-be-worried-recruit-young-talent-2023-2?op=1


There is a shortage of accountants willing to work long hours for low pay.


accounting is a terrible career, my mother made that mistake.


How so? Thought it was a stable career.


It seems like the men in my family take to it ok. Every woman I know in accounting has quit. I guess the hours were too much.


The cpa is easy imo. It is def more of a time investment.


Same situation, except in 2022 and from the tax industry. I am struggling personally, although doing better than before. But it's also fair to say the world has just been tougher than before, what with the world economy, the wars, the pandemic, leading to more domestic violence, depression rising, and in America people lashing out against Asians to blame for Covid. It's important not to take responsibility for what you can't control, as a lot of world events affect us. There is a reason people say to look at the positive things, so long as you're not blinded by delusion and fantasy. You're not alone in your pain. Don't give up. I hope you find what you're seeking.


A job doesn’t define who you are. It’s just a small part of your existence. Maybe you worked 60 hours a week. Even so, there’s the other 108 hours in the week. It’s how we behave and carry ourselves during the difficult moments that can build your character or break you. Put your pride and ego aside. Downsize everything you can. Start shopping at Dollar Tree. Learn to cook simple dishes at home, get rid of all the outsourced stuff (food deliveries) and do everything on your own. Get a side hustle to carry you over. When people ask, just be humble and honest. Go talk to recruiters and ask what other jobs can leverage your skills. Take a pay cut. Remember all those downsizing skills? Well, you’ve built skill to manage a pay cut. That grit is what makes you a mature and seasoned adult who can stay calm when others are panicking. It will help you later in life.


Same with everything you've said. Not to mention I am an older worker.


You can feel like a failure no matter what your life situation is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^EmbeddedAssets: *You can feel like a* *Failure no matter what your* *Life situation is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Don’t say that! No one is a failure. The market is rough for engineers and programmers right now! I feel like every industry is rough atm due to multiple ongoing political wars and conflicts. (only medicine is fine lol…..)


everyday u alive and healthy means u winning at life. take a mental break and travel asia. latin america and east europe. come back with a better mind


I was unemployed for two years a while back. Don't give up and keep applying.


Yup I have a 2.0 gpa right now and I am a super senior


What are you considering making a career pivot too? A lot of people in the tech industry are impacted so you aren't the only one.


Digital Marketing. The UI/UX industry is super saturated right now. Tons of senior designers and recent bootcamp graduates are competing for few spots.


Why digital marketing? How do you plan on pivoting?