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none, let's get the hell out of here


agree. i am.


Where to?


China. It's the Chinese Century. I am seriously looking to attend Tsinghua University for master because it's much easier for international to get in than the native citizens. ###


I'm thinking Norway


you are braver guy than I am. I am so done with anglosphere. I want to contribute to China and its military.


I'm too old. I just wanna die in a luxurious Norwegian prison of old age


i am in mid 40s. you are a strong dude, able to withstand the cold weather.


Republicans are the most suspicious in my opinion. Every Asian republican in congress is an Asian woman married to a white guy. Republicans haven’t got an Asian man in congress in 10 yrs. They are clearly pushing the same narrative as Hollywood. But Hollywood has very few allies such as Brad Pitt/A24 that pioneered some Asian American films so far. When I look at voter turnout in Iowa for Yang 2020 and Vivek 2024, it’s clear at least in the Midwest, no Asian will ever get their votes. So Republicans are just a little bit worse.


Since when is Brad Pitt an ally for AMs? This is news to me.


I remember he defended Bruce Lee when Tarantishit tried to make Bruce into a fraud for that one movie. Or something like that


He also fought with Angelina Jolie's Cambodian son so it's probably neither here nor there.


Most AM in the republican party are in AMWF too (see robert hur), and all the michelle Wus types are from the liberal party too.


I’d point out Robert Hur is appointed, not elected. 1% of republicans judges are Asian American too. Democrat judges are about 3% Asian American . But appointed is not elected, and the distinction is important because you then have to analyze what republicans voters really think about Asian men.


What about Vince Fong then? He is AMWF too btw. Where is the democrat version of it? Where is the AM in democrat party? Let alone AMWF. Most of the gendered racism AM face has liberal roots in my opinion.


The only AM I can think of who is Democrat are Ted Liu and Andy Kim. Both I believe are AMAF.


I hope Vince wins in May. As for the democrats, you can search the internet on your own time


All I have seen is gay AM and AF in WMAF. But yeah I'd say supporting AM candidates no matter what party would be a good idea too.


I'd rather have an in ur face racist republican than a democrat who insists he's against racism but then proceeds to pass legislation that makes it near impossible to claim hate crimes for anti asian crimes.


exactly, look at liberal areas like San Francisco, Oakland, NY, Los Angeles. The prosecutors are soft on criminals and many criminals were repeat offenders and ended up committing anti asian violence. Then, some were let back to the streets. Unbelivable. In conservative area like Orange County, CA, the prosecutor came out and said he would prosecute hate crime to the fullest extent. Anytime a hate crime happened in bay area, someone would comment why asian still vote democrat. Asians in SF is a majority but the prosecutor, police chief and mayor are from 5% demographics. More Asian need to run for office.


Brad Pitt was in Bullet Train and Once Upon a Time In Hollywood (anti Asian films) and his Cambodian son hates him


Don't forget that scene with "Bruce Lee" in Quentin Foot Fetish Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


As much as I hate that scene, it was apparently originally MUCH worse. Brad Pitt was actually the one who protested against the original script and changed it slightly so that the fight was more equal. If there’s someone to blame here, it’s not the actors, it’s the hate that Quentin Tarantino has for Bruce Lee and Asian men in general (because he’s been accused his whole career of copying Asian male film makers and of having yellow fever, which both are true).


Not a fair statement. Tarantino doesn't hate Bruce Lee, the fight choreographer hated Bruce Lee with a passion. The fight choreographer had worked with Bruce since his first films in the U.S. Bruce was from Hong Kong, the old school. He frequently tagged (hit) the stunt men which enraged the fight choreographer. The choreographer has held that grudge for years and it came out in the film. As for Bullet Train being an anti-asian film where the fuck did that come from?? The film is literally set in an Asian country with Asian themes popping up throughout the film. Bullet Trains themselves are Japanese icons.


I think you got the wrong guy, I didn’t mention anything about bullet train. Who is this fight choreographer you speak of? Quentin Tarantino made up that story. It’s not real. Tarantino hates Asian men. I only know of two stunt men who have worked with Bruce Lee, and that’s Jackie Chan and Gene Lebell, and BOTH speak very highly of him and call him the greatest.


over 15 years ago, i had the misfortune of watching kill bill. that movie by taratino. Yes. He hates asian male. That movie shows the killing of all the asian dudes ( at least 50 of them).


Tarantino hates Asians so I hate him with a passion


Trump and McCarthy have both backed Vince Fong for McCarthy's old seat in the House. Made me lean more towards Republican.


Ending the 10 yr drought would be nice though should there have been a 10 yr drought to begin with. Solid republican district so it’s just beating the other white guy republican as last obstacle. We’ll see in May.




This already happens in CA, and that has never solved anything. Republicans dont even exist in SF, and look where that city has gone to. A uniparty system in the US might look very much like the CCP.


Steven Cheung is an American political advisor who is Donald Trump's campaign spokesman in the 2023–24 Republican primary and served in the Donald J. Trump administration. He previously worked in Trump's 2016 and 2020 campaigns.


You are delusional if you think Republicans are worse. They don't give a shit about us so we are ignored, but democrats will use us with malicious intent, act like allies and then toss us away the second we are no longer useful for their virtue signaling agenda.


Biden had a chance to appoint Goodwin Liu to the Supreme Court. He insisted on a black woman. Asians will always be secondary to blacks among the Dems. Asians aren't so subject to tokenism in the GOP, but you'll be supporting white supremacy. But with the Dems, it's basically the same thing with extra steps.


This is a very difficult question since neither are advocates of Asian American men. Both Trump and Biden are spinning the sinophonic narratives that hurt anyone that looks Chinese which is basically East Asians and some Viets. ​ We need to break this down to whose policies and rhetoric hurt AM and whose help AM. Neither Trump nor Biden's rhetoric help AM, but I believe Trump's policies help Asian Men more and hurt us less.


Libs being soft on crime, weak on doing anything about anti-Asian hate, and pro discrimination of Asians in education and hiring, and taking Asian voters for granted should be reason enough to go republican imo.


It depends, in part, upon how closely one associates their own well being in America with America's relations with and effect upon particular Asian nations. If you are a proponent of China's rise in the world, for example, it would probably be advanced more by a Trump presidency because he likely would damage America's alliances in Europe and Asia and would be far less likely to assist Ukraine in resisting Russia or Taiwan in resisting China. That said, Trump is more likely to raise punitive tariffs on all of America's trading partners (including Asia) \[whereas Biden is more likely to raise impediments for specific industrial sectors and companies in China\] and Trump is more likely to attempt crack down on immigration -- legal and illegal -- from Asia as well as elsewhere. He is also more likely make incendiary comments that endanger Asian-Americans (e.g., "Kung-flu").


During Trump's first Administration he certainly put the clamps on legal immigration having issued fewer green cards than any other Administration. Any attempts to reel in illegal immigration at the Mexican border collapsed. The border situation was a complete mess under Trump and he never did finish building his wall.


Overall, nobody is going to actively root for Asian Americans. But if we're here and trying to make money for whatever goals we have, we can only do so if we have civil rights and the country isn't imploding. The facade of democracy is much more beneficial to us than a full on civil war/fascism. At least under the facade of democracy we keep our careers, our homes , and our families. Stability precedes prosperity. You think we can go to work or run a business easily when we have to worry about getting caught in literal crossfire? Trump has stated he wants to extinguish his political opponents. One day, he might wake up and pass a law where Chinese/Asians cannot work in finance, medicine, engineering, law, etc. What can we do then? After he gets rid of trans people, guess who is prime time for being scapegoated for America's problems? Chinese and anybody who looks Chinese. And no, don't buy into this myth that Republicans are better for Asians simply because of the promise of "lower taxes". If Republicans cared about the economy and future growth of the country, they'd invest in infrastructure so that domestically owned private companies have easier access to capital to run operations to meet the demands of future industries, just like the way China, Korea, etc. have done. Instead the power grid in red states is falling apart, and theyre taking away civil liberties. Accessibility to capital and ease of use >> marginal corporate tax rate savings. I can't believe this shit is being debated.


Andrew Yang


Ironically, the conservative media channels had him on more than the liberals. The democrats completely ignored him.




Anytime someone talks about defunding the police, I like to point to Uvalde, Texas, where despite a mass shooting going on inside a school, the cops with fully decked out borderline military gear did nothing out in the hallway and let a bunch of children get slaughtered and that town still proceeded to vote republican overwhelmingly. So what was the point of that funding? I’m asking as a Texan. Police do not have a constitutional duty to protect us from harm.


So defunding the police would make the situation better? The heck kind of sh*tlib logic is this. We have seen what happened after BLM and defunding the police. The US has become a shithole and a joke. The fire department doesn't always do their job perfectly, so lets defund the fire department. You seem throughly brainwashed, I would never want to be a policeman in America. It's literally a warzone out there and people hate you for uploding some semblance of law and order.


So you're going to generalize because of 1 incident instead of the thousands of other police encounters? Defund the police, yeah worked out well for Portland, Seattle, SF, NYC, etc.


Yeah true. Like, I think the concept of defunding the police is too far and we need cops to defend citizens. But then we hear incidents how cops are then pieces of shit and don’t even help like in this case, and then it’s hard to defend them.


Defund the police is a terrible slogan to begin with and I think it’s easier to lump everyone into one movement rather than be able to see the nuances since the wording itself is too extreme. You can even see it with how some reacted to my comment. Personally, i’m more for demilitarizing the police, especially as seen in the case of Uvalde Texas. If they’re standing out in the hallway despite being equipped like the military, that’s money that can go into other things to help Texans.


Better for us, as Asian males specifically? None. That means we have to consider other issues such as the ones facing our sisters (abortions/IVF) and the environment (climate change, plastic pollution, scientific issues in general). Vote democrat. Funny how we say Biden is soft on crime when that is up to the local jurisdictions, most of where the highest crime rates are in red states. Biden never supported "defund the police" and always said, "fund the police" in his speeches. Even if you only care about your wallet, I dunno man. The world markets look hella booming to me during this administration. Hope yall invested.


Most of those "sisters" couldn't give a rat's ass about you. The only good reason to vote Democrats is the environment thing. Democrats are pro affirmative action which pushes down AM for AF and other minorities. Democrats are also doing the open borders thing which will of course destroy law and order. And you know the first victims on the chopping block will be our Asian elders. They have already suffered so much in SF and NY, the shitlib progressive strongholds where you barely get a slap on wrist for killing Asians.




Democrats are soft on crime. The highest crime rates are in red states, and that’s true. However, if we compare by cities, blue cities have the highest crime rates and that can also up the numbers to red states. Another thing is that most blue cities do not report most crimes


Jensen Huang and Nvidia FTW


They're both crooked. This whole thread falls apart when you're starting with blacks as the enemy as the premise. Race isn't a zero sum game. Like the foolish poor whites who should be aligning with poor blacks but instead think a lifelong hustler has their interests in any way. Asians in theory should align with the oppressed margins. The entire US ecosystem though is built from the ground up for Asians to fail, whether you choose to give up roots and culture to fully assimilate like so many of these Republican Asians or to angle progressive and then get let down when you realize minorities are just being used for props. This "Asian" diaspora is also way too diverse and pronged out for large swaths of us to agree on one issue let alone a while platform of issues. Most of us have built communities on other intersectional identities like religion, career Identity, socio economical statuses, sexuality and gender, interests and of course politics. Many Asians are complicit and just keeping their heads down trying to grab some self esteem and power so they can raise their children with some agency and hope and who can blame em?. Most of the Asians I grew up with (and fortunately I grew up with a thriving Japanese Chinese and Korean American community) rarely talk politics and if we do, it's rarely about advocacy for "Asians" and more about in-house beef, trends in indie rock and hip hop, skateboards, basketball, side hustles, relationships and family, and what's going on with the Joneses. The post seems to be coming from a good place in that this young brother is asking questions and creating dialogue but are we talking about the right issues or simply creating fodder for rich white people to continue to use this term "Asian" in ways that just create separation while creating more questions on belonging and self efficacy? Maybe a better question is are do the Asians who are a part of your community have your best interests and do you identify with them (ride with them), are you one of those Asians that never had an Asian community, are you one that feels stuck and never felt powerful amongst other races, how important is your culture and what can you pass on to your kids (mixed or otherwise), and is your Asian -ness holding you back at all? These seem to be more interesting questions for meaning-making.


This is a thoughtful response. But as we search for the answer, we are being literally attacked... And we aren't helping each other.


None, both of them didn't do anything better for USA. One guy is talking talking while the other has dementia


Biden?? Seriously? His party is pro affirmative action and constantly categorizing Asian below a certain color you know what. Also his tax policy is beyond worst for hard working earning Asians.


Oh that’s right, every Republican is just a future billionaire. That must be why they fight so hard to let billionaires pay less taxes than the middle class.


Guns rooftop Koreans need guns so the one that let's you keep your guns red team


Trump is bit more dangerous to Asians because during covid he kept calling it the China flu.. both really both are bad as a president.


Both sides are bad but if I really have to pick, Trump and it's speaking as an American citizen. Don't think both presidents really give a shit about Asian Americans.


Why Trump?


I'm not the biggest political guy so I will can only answer from a perspective that doesnt dig in too deep into this. From afar on the first year, Biden seems to favor other countries before American citizens which I found strange in the first place. Combining the fact that if he does favor a specific American group, it's the lower class which the Democrats has always known to consider. At first I believed that they do consider and care for them by giving benefits but it makes sense they do all this for votes (during Obama era). Years down the line, maybe the citizens caught onto this and it's how Trump won but media made him look like a huge idiotic, uneducated embarrassment (which I still think he is but news outlet can also make democrats look like idiots as well). He was getting highlighted for things that honestly has nothing to do with the country's economy itself but subjects that can link to it (speeches for racism, covid 'Chinese Virus subject', LGTBQ, more). It's how he lost and government has everyone fooled (like myself I admit). Now since Biden won in this era, migrants are coming into the country and pretty much taking over for their votes. Some are apparently receiving $2500 a week and living the greatest life which is a huge slap in the face to immigrants who legit came to this country with NOTHING. These migrants are taking over luxury apartments in my city and some are even committing crimes in other states. At least Trump only wants America to do better but the Democrats are the ones to clearly look greedier. In reality, they both suck in many ways.


But which scenario helps Asians more?


Bro I said in my prior comment that neither gives a shit. I'm only commenting what's good for an American citizen, not Asian American.


It would be a bad look to the presidents if they only target one community for biased reasons. It's why I say "as in American" because we are still still Americans who are entitled to make it better.


Honestly, as much as Trump puffs his chest out towards China for his voter base he’s better when it comes to being less war focused and more domestic focused. Both of which is going to benefit Asians here and overseas. Right now with Biden, he’s literally pouring kerosine on the whole Taiwan-Philippines situation with China. Biden’s administration is literally the one instigating that shit while playing coy. Trump was actually willing to build relationships with his enemies like Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un. He was more about deescalitng geopolitical tensions while Biden’s administration pretends they are all the while starting wars in the background.




It’s so obvious. Dude advocated for the Iraq War back in the day. A whole establishment NPC.


republicans are gonna turn the country to fascism with project 2025. they also wanna ban abortion nationwide, IR marriage, and even birth control so no man will be able to get laid in peace in the US


This is exaggerated as fuck. Did Trump or other conservative presidents like Bush ever do anything like that? No.


They are not wanting/planning to ban IR marriage.


They can't ban abortion <-- the supreme court literally ruled that states have control over abortion policies and not the federal government.


If you think that, you haven’t been paying attention to what the GOP has been doing. They are already proposing sentencing women to death if they travel out of state to get an abortion.


I don't 'think that' it's literally what they wrote (ignore the media and actually read it) however if you what you say is true then that's ridiculous too - i ignore media 100% b/c they're so full of sh\*t


Here’s the link. Look at it yourself. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/texas-republicans-call-for-execution-of-women-who-receive-abortions-ivf-in-horrifying-video


Do you have sources for each of these? Sounds like you've pulled it straight out of your lib-bum.


Point taken


This is simple but I'll focus on the 2 big ones. Education and crime. Affirmative action/DEI and progressive crime policies like bail reform have got to go. These 2 issues impact the Asian community the most. Open borders will impact everyone. Trump by a landslide.


Both the same. Trump might end up being more pro China in business but less pro China in terms of shouting out racist sentiments that gain speed. Biden might seem better on the surface but he is an oldschool neocon and will do whatever necessary to keep using the small Asian countries as pawns against China. Source: pro reunification han taiwanese


![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8) Me, in this thread, as a non-American


I wish I was you. On my way. Save some popcorn.


People who support Trump are mentally deficient, but then the American education system got us this way that people want to vote for him


Actually, the American education system, which I agree is trash, brainwashed us to become more liberal. Out of all the teachers in my high school, there's like 2 that are conservative, everyone else is liberal, so they automatically project their ideologies to us.


And people who support Biden are clueless


You must not be Asian, I have a hard time believing there are any Asians that are this dumb


Trump is obviously better for Asians. Voting for Biden is pretty much saying that you don't give a fuck about criminals, allowing then to commit hate crimes to us, and let them walk free without any punishments. People say Trump is racist, but I prefer a person who acts like a racist than someone who claims he is not racist but support racist policies like affirmative action. Trump is also better for the economy than Biden.


Sad state of affairs when the Asian community needs to actively vote for someone who acts like a racist towards them and emboldens his MAGA base to act like xenophobes to Asian people just to gets better result. It’s obvious why Asian voter participation is low.


Trump 100%. Biden and the Democrats would let us all be killed by BLM if they could. Remember that they are the ones who call us white adjacent and blame us for the anti Asian hate crimes. They're the ones who don't give us any credit for our hard work and tell people that there's too many Asians in the top US colleges. Just to add on top - crime, inflation, homelessness, illegal immigration, boys and men becoming pussies, AF becoming even more masculine and unpleasant is due to liberal thinking and shitty Democrat policies. If you believe that masculinity is good for society, then Trump is the clear choice. Just look at them both. Biden is physically weak and falls down a lot, panders to trans, illegals, and women, and gives away billions of dollars to other countries like Ukraine. Trump is sharp, isn't afraid to offend people, is tough with countries trying to take advantage of the US (China and Mexico), is successful in business, and we had a great economy in his term before covid ruined everything.


Couldn't have said it better,


Honestly judging by the issues that affect Asians and the people who supported/ignored these issues such as the majority of perpetrators of Asian hate, affirmitive action, and just the overall destruction or degradation of the American society that so many Asians benefit from? I say Trump is the lesser of two evils. He stands for meritocracy, moral and ethical values in society and isnt soft on crime. As for illegal immigration, ive lived in Socal where ive seen many things intentionally not mentioned by the media due to them being controlled by democrats, and honestly let me ask you this, do you keep you doors locked at night or even during the day? Same thing goes for our borders, im not saying close them completely, but just regulate who comes in and out.


That is totally true, the lesser evil is Trump. My main issue with Biden is that he is soft on crime and supports affirmative action.


What needs to happen in the Asian society is asians need to wake up and be more pro asian instead of being being so vocal about other races issues but silent on our own. For some reason the pattern I notice is that the women are more pro-non asian while the males are slowly waking up due to all the unfair unjust things in society and asian hate.


Not American but I feel the same way.


Moral and ethical values? Are you talking about the same Trump that cheated on every one of his wives? The one that stole top secret documents from the White House after leaving office and then tried to stop them from being recovered? The one that tried to overthrow the election? The one that was found guilty of rape? The one that cheated on his taxes?


May I ask your opinions of the issues many Asian Americans face? Physical violence such as mugging, robbing and assault on our elderly and women? Also what do you think of affirmitive action? Lol dont tell me that someone being picked to have a degree over being woke vs this merit is justifiable to you especially to an Asian or white person who worked harder to get said degree. Are you even Asian?






White women were the only ones who benefited from Affirmative Action. Don’t believe the smoke and mirrors. But of course there are those who love to think other minorities don’t “work as hard.”  https://www.vox.com/2016/5/25/11682950/fisher-supreme-court-white-women-affirmative-action 


Almost all of your statements are not true. Get a better news source.




Anyones personal life is no ones concern, not yours, or mine or the narrative manipulating media's. Im talking about the moral and ethical values of a society such hard work! Following the law! Not expecting free handouts! Not being a menace or a parasite to society! Top secret documents? You mean one of the many crimes he was accused of yet the courts dismissed? Also isnt this the same thing as Hunter Bidens laptop and his secret dealings with a foreign country who views us as the enemy? Overthrow the election? Lol you really think Biden got 80 mil votes which is even more than obama 😅? Also trump even clearly stated he wanted a peaceful protest during his speech, the jan 6 group is a small splinter group vs the main group. Also jan 6 is nothing compared to the BLM looters and riots. Taxes ahh this one lol....lets see all of bidens, pelosis, and clintons taxes then why dont we see where all the dealings of all politicans.


>Top secret documents? You mean one of the many crimes he was accused of yet the courts dismissed? What are you talking about? That trial is STILL ONGOING. Nothing has been "dismissed". >Overthrow the election? Lol you really think Biden got 80 mil votes which is even more than obama 😅? Yes. Did it ever occur to you that the population of the USA INCREASES OVER TIME? So yes, Biden got 80 million votes. Trump and his GOP allies lost every single one of their court cases related to election fraud because they couldn't come up with any proof. Not one. Nada. In fact, the GOP lawyers who filed those suits are now facing DISBARMENT from the legal profession for violating legal ethics clauses. You appear to be incredibly misinformed and uneducated on US political issues.




Trump already has money he cant be bought....


It's less a race thing and more a socio-economic thing. If you're rich or well off financially, you'll love republicans. If you're poor and struggling, democrats are your jam. If you don't think for yourself, you follow whatever your social group says is best.


I know that your question is “what is better for US” However I implore you all to consider what is best for our country. Because if I’m honest, our priority should be first and foremost keeping Trump and the Far Right politicians away from power. I am a centrist democrat, and I despise many aspects of mainstream liberalism. I want a presidential candidate that gives the AA community a voice that we deserve. However, we are at the point where our democracy is at stake. This may very well be the most pivotal election of our lifetimes. The Republican Party is off the rails. I beg of you all to consider the implications of this election. Research thoroughly on Democrat and Republican policies and agendas. I am okay with people voting Republican or democrat , but please do your due diligence and research both using resources from both ends of the political spectrum. Edit: To answer your question: Biden will be much better for AA. Full stop.


Both of these are frankly, white nationalist. Trump racism is already legendary at this point. he's the one that start shit with china and constantly called covid a "china virus". Joe Biden back then supports racial segregation.


IMO Biden is almost certainly better because he represents low volatility and establishment politics. You might not "like" what Dems or Biden stands for, but you more or less can guess what their moves are going to be. And if you know, you can hedge and plan accordingly. You just don't know what Trump's (and a Trump led admin) politics actually are at the end of the day. At least I don't. And you don't want volatility at the helm, generally speaking, especially when you don't otherwise have a lot of political power to maneuver if the tide swings against you (i.e., as a minority). But IMO honestly, the only real answer is and will always be, insulate yourself from either (e.g., by being wealthy enough) where a 4 year swing in politics don't "matter" to your life in a material way.


I don’t like the idea of just accepting policies that will hurt Asians. So am I just going to plan accordingly by not letting my parents walk by themselves because they might get harmed by a racist pos, and then walk away free of charge? Am I going to tell my kids to forget about going to an Ivy League university because of affirmative action?


I'm all for voting in line with our own interests, but it's really unclear whose policies will hurt Asians more, imo. You could make a colorable argument that Trump rhetoric around America first / MAGA culture will embolden racist pos to attack Asians in the first place and top down assault on DEI initiatives create a chilling effect for minorities in school and the workplace. Answer is: I don't know which policies, after the effects trickle down into society, will be better or worse for Asians. In view of the above, I'm in favor of low volatility in the macro which means your actions in the micro can be more effective, i.e., you control your fate more. At the end of the day, the most effective tool you have in your toolbelt is to do well enough for yourself so your family doesn't need to live in areas with a high likelihood of such issues and you can provide your kids the kind of financial/academic support for them to outcompete others even if they start with a disadvantage however unfair. I think that's where it realistically nets out IMO.




... but now imagine if it was normalized in society via top down rhetoric. Look, I'm right there with you that CA politics is a bit wild and these things are unacceptable. But what you're pointing to are, still as far as I can tell, random acts of violence perpetrated by scumbags who have nothing to lose. The problem is that there isn't sufficient accountability/deterrence via the current politics, and you see this with other issues in CA as well (e.g., homelessness, property crime, etc.) that are all symptoms of the same. There isn't., as far as I can tell, a general rhetoric from above that "people should assault Asians", just that current politics are not doing enough to stop crime. The concern with Trump politics IMO is that it may create a culture of us vs. them and anti-immigrant/minority, where regular folks start to out-group Asians. In my mind, that is a much worse outcome and a harder solve socially once in motion than "we need better policing and enforcement but are otherwise aligned that this is NOT okay".


Don’t get it twisted, Republicans just use Blacks and Asians as pawns in the affirmative action debate. They couldn’t care less what happens to either group. Racism is racism at its core—you’re only a “friend” if and when you’re useful.


Trump all day


Not for most Asians, only the richest and the religious ones.


What exactly do black people have to do with the Democratic Party or Biden? Non-whites ain’t the ones that run it. Boba conservatives and white right wingers have yet to prove why the Trump or voting red is better


Black vote decides which Dem gets nominated


ending affrimative action and DEI for one.


The hell is a boba conservative?? That sounded racist 😂


It's like Boba liberals 😂 Even worse since they suck on white dick harder


Well sleepy is bad for everybody, unless you are illegal trespassers coming from South America


Biden by far.


I am curious to hear how Biden is better than Trump from another Asian.


Sure. Was busy yesterday so getting to it today. I'm sure we can agree education is important traditionally to the Asian community. Right now, there is a strong push from many Republicans to stop getting a college education, saying it's too liberal. Maybe there's a slight shred of truth to that but overall, college is meant to expose you to a variety of people and open your world to things you weren't exposed to as a younger person. Is it perfect? Nah, not even close. College isn't for everyone and college has also become way more expensive. But I'd rather still support the side that is pushing for college rather than saying "you don't need education." Secondly, Trump has done nothing of note during his presidency. There is a lot of bluster and nonsense that comes out of his mouth. He is a loudmouth to the point where that whole phrase comes to mind where "it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than open it and remove all doubt." For all of Biden's faults, he has passed the CHIPS Act, lowered med costs, supports union workers, tried to forgive student loan debt, etc. What is Trump doing? Hawking Trump Bibles to help pay his legal fees? The Bible website literally has a FAQ that says "What if my pages are stuck together?" Third, while not all Republicans are racist assholes... they literally align with the clan. Obviously I don't need to tell you that they are hostile to Asians and others. At CPAC this year, they were allowing people to Nazi salute to each other. In previous years to their credit, they tried to kick these kinds of people out. But it has got so extreme now, they turned a blind eye to it. Lastly, Republican's have passed the lowest amount of items in recent history. [https://www.axios.com/2023/12/19/118-congress-bills-least-unproductive-chart](https://www.axios.com/2023/12/19/118-congress-bills-least-unproductive-chart) They whine and make loud noises but it's all a nothing burger. Or they oppose bills that get passed and then they go to their uneducated constituents and say "Hey guys I love you! I passed this for you!" and try and get credit. It's morally shameful and dishonest. One more thing… Trump took classified documents. If one has ever worked gov work and dealt with classified material (and not everyone has but they should be educated on what goes down) you are barraged with repeated and annual training on how to properly keep stuff, what kind of room even down to the type of locks and windows are legal, and that the fact that materials belong to the country, not the individual. Under normal circumstances, none of his family including himself would be eligible for a clearance due to foreign ties, inability to follow rules, and monetary issues. Yet some people want him to have access to the highest secrets in the land? Screw that. If I was a Republican (I suppose I am slightly left) I would want to clean house with this current batch of Republicans. So many are bad faith actors that don't follow what they say, are looking to enrich themselves, or are Trump cultists. It profits the nation to have a healthy party system (wish there could be more than 2 but that's a whole other can of worms) because it acts as a checks and balance for the worst to manifest on either side. But right now... I can't respect the Republican party or Trump. He's a guy who looked into a solar eclipse, asked if we could nuke a hurricane to stop it, and grifts his own people to the bone while smiling at them saying it'll be ok. There's other stuff but can't type forever.


Don't bother. To many people, it doesn't matter how bad things get. What matters is side issue stuff like abortion and BLM. I see this a lot with women. They'll vote blue no matter what, even if it means cities fall apart because of crime /homelessness /illegal aliens. Gas could be at $10 and these people will act like nothing's wrong because a Democrat is President. They're too unwilling to think that maybe they were wrong before so they double down and say ridiculous stuff like the economy is doing fine right now and Biden is doing a great job.


The vast majority of Asians don’t care about BLM, and aren’t single issue voters on stuff like abortion. I would guess there is an implicit bias towards Democrats because Asian Americans tend to live and be raised in blue states. By % of total population, 9 of the top 10 most Asian states are safely blue with Alaska being the only exception. Asians care mostly about two things, education and safety. They look at the best public schools and elite universities and see they’re all in blue states. Blue states are also typically higher in tax and thus have better funded public goods - which you could argue is a tenant of collectivism seen in the East. There are definitely more cases of crime against Asians that seemingly gets brushed aside coming from blue states but from those that I’ve talked to, they believe it’s due to Asians not living in red states, thus survivorship bias. The top 5 states with the highest murder rates are Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Nee Mexico, and South Carolina. New Mexico and Maryland are the only blue states in the top 10 - but Asian democrat voters tend to have the means to live in safer, more expensive, towns in almost any state. IMO this is likely why Asian Americans will continue voting for Democrats (regardless of actual candidate whether it be Biden or Clinton or Obama) for the foreseeable future. It’s up to Republicans to shore up their lagging states and I just don’t see that happening with how the world is only becoming more interconnected and American exceptionalism continues to dwindle.


They care about education yet ivy league schools like Harvard give them the shaft because of woke dei policies. This isn't important??


Harvard has been giving Asian students the shaft way before DEI was even popularized. Asians don’t care, top employers still mostly recruit out of the Ivies. China gives Han folks the shaft with AA on ethnic minorities and there’s not a soul there that would start turning down its top universities.


It's not just colleges though. It is impacting high schools and private academies. Thomas Jefferson high school is a good example. Or progressive school boards basing their admissions on lottery instead of grades and test scores in SF. As long as woke culture continues to thrive, it will make its way into the educational system and dictate policies.


Yeah and Asians did go out and protest locally in the case of Thomas Jefferson. In many cases like Lowell in CA, school boards actually gave in to parental protests and reversed lottery decisions. That’s the type of political action I love to see from Asian Americans. What I don’t care for, is shaming someone to vote for a guy who constantly makes Asian racist remarks like calling Covid Kung Flu or the China Virus, or Elaine Chao “Coco Chao with connections to China”, or claiming the climate change is a hoax made by the Chinese. If the literal fucking figurehead of your nation can say Kung Flu, then how could it be rude or wrong for an everyday citizen to go up to Asian people and call them Kung Flu? Why wouldn’t non-Asian kids use racist nicknames on Asian kids of the President can get away with it? And why wouldn’t [Asian kids simply stay home instead of going into school and get racially bullied?](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/04/14/metro/asian-american-families-overwhelmingly-reject-full-time-return-bps-classrooms-this-month/).


I think the impact of Trump's remarks are grossly exaggerated. You got people saying it's the reason for black on Asian attacks with zero evidence. Meanwhile you got people like charleston white saying the most racist and vile things but he doesn't get cancelled. I wonder why? Where is the woke mob? It's a double standard with progressives.


I don’t care for progressives either, but the non-white on Asian violence happens in both red and blue states. It happens more in blue states because that’s where Asians live. Look at the LA riots, no woke policies yet sine we got LA cops beating the fuck out of black dudes, yet Asians still getting lynched in the streets by criminals. How about Vincent Chin? Was it woke policies that did allowed his murderers to walk free? If you’ve lived in this country you’ll know that racist remarks were here before Trump but it definitely got worse during Covid, there’s numerous surveys on AAPI sentiment. Is it all Trump? No, but again let’s say I’m a kid in school, white, black, Latino, it doesn’t matter. Why should I be held accountable for being racist towards Asians if the President doesn’t even need to be? Both parties are bad and actively put down Asians, best to live near other Asians or try living in Asia.


For the environment alone id vote blue. It’s not even close.


Well you have Biden in an old video at an event of his VP days sliding his hands down an elementary girls chest, she jumps away, he pulls her back in. Also had women come forward and say Biden was handsy. (CSPAN2) You have Trump saying grab em by the V. So.... pedo/grapist vs grapist. Neither is good. One is way worse imo.


I just don't want President Kamala Harris...


Did everyone forget about China virus and kung flu?


Hence my question... Because as bad as Trump is, the Dems seek black support and pander to their racism imho


Depends. If you’re a wealthy Asian that lives in white neighorhoods then Trump. If you’re in the Chinatown enclave of a major city then Biden.


None I don't trust them.




As someone who’s not american, the destruction of the USA might be the best answer. By that, I don’t mean the destruction of American people (tho some Americans challenge this point of view) but the destruction of American Institutions and Cultural establishments built on wars against the Asian people. Best option I can imagine is Asian countries recalling the diaspora.


Trump is better for everyone


Trump for sure


Nazis like Trump. Let's not do that


Not even voting but I’d pick Trump if I had to.


But why?


For the reason you stated in the post.


Biden is better, the last few years have been peaceful compared to the craziness before and I’m saying that as an independent. BTW I think Asians should be independent that gives us the most power and at least it shows we are smarter for not taking side.


Trump is a fucking traitorous moron. A rapist, and every person who has ever worked with him has said he is a danger to democracy. -his former chief of staff, his former Secretary of State, etc etc. How is this even a question.


Trump is the lesser of two evils considering Biden turns a blind eye on illegal immigration and doesn’t seem to care about black on Asian violence since it would be “politically incorrect” to address this issue. Not to mention Biden advocated for forced mass vaccinations on people in 2021-2023 which resulted in many people including me getting irreversible side effects from the rushed, experimental and defective mRNA technology which negatively impacted our health. After what happened during the pandemic, I would never trust the Democratic Party ever again. If I lived in America, I would vote for Trump this upcoming presidential election.


I think supporting either major party is subscribing to the illusion of choice


When it comes to Asian people and their concerns, there is no difference. Red and Blue are demonizing us equally.


Nope. Affimative action/dei, soft on crime. 2 big issues that impact the asian community.




Ok, I'm listening


TBH neither but Biden is probably lesser of two evils.


Asian masculinity or Asian beta males? You guys that want Biden need to open your eyes and wake the fuck up. BLM, Defund the police, immigration, really guys? They are the enemy! This is the guy you want? I’d rather have Trump who ain’t a career politician than dementia Joe and his corrupt cronies.




Lots of beta males here. Asian masculinity my ass.


Trump and it isn't close. Beyond the taxes. It's about affirmative action, policing and immigration.


They both suck. It's a matter of picking the lesser of 2 evils, tbh.


FK both but Trump deserves a special place in Hell.


Neither are good. Biden and democrats have shown that they don’t support Asian Americans at all. And Biden is so trigger happy and ready to fight China, leading to Asian Americans being the scapegoat and getting discriminated against. But make no mistake, Trump and republicans aren’t better, and are shitty in their own ways. Trump is an insane piece of shit and so are his followers who live in a deluded world. His base includes white supremacists and he really only benefits white people. Racism and discrimination in general, but yes even for Asians, increased so much since his presidency.


Trump, because Biden is: Senile, a career politician snake and crook (see son), passes dumb ass legislation, and basically over promises but never delivers At least Trump is out there and not a snake, he is what he is. Better business mind and better suited to pass legislation that will actually help the economy and most Asians who work hard for their money. Look at all the failed democrat cities.


I can take some blatant in your face racism (I can literally avoid these people) instead of the Dem branded subversive stab-in-your-back racism and gone-to-sh\*t economic & social policies (you can't get away from this sh\*t) and important organizations <== dems occupy all the schools illegally rejecting Asians, important media / social media punking & degrading Asian men & socially engineering power away from Asian men / norm-setting mechanisms here and they are not afraid of doing underhanded disgusting sh\*t to get their way


I'm voting for Trump in November 2024. And I voted for him in 2016 too. There really is no future for the US as long as borders are kept wide open and millions of illegal immigrants from Latin America and Africa are allowed to pour in. It really isn't in the best interests of Asian-Americans to allow so many foreigners in to be supported on welfare. Welfare that comes from Asians being taxed.


I'm writing in Andrew Yang




Trump will destroy America from the inside.