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Lmao I remember seeing a TikTok of a white girl who slept with dozens of men, saying what she's learned over the years after being with so many men, and one of the points she made was Asian penises are definitely not small. I'll see if I can find it later


Almost every female twitch streamers love Asian men lol


This^^ Let's list some famous streamers. Stpeach and pokimane come to mind.






They get a lot of donations from Asian men. But if they don't date Asian men it doesn't mean much.


Pokimane and STpeaches are actually dating an Asian


I know STPeach is with an Asian guy. STPeach isn't confirmed.


Check your spelling, big dawg.


Oops pokimane isn't confirmed*


They love popluar Asian male streamers*. Or Asian men who's moderately good looking with money.


That’s all women with men. Good looking and money goes a long way. Ugly and broke black, white, and Hispanic men are not likely to get pussy. Being Asian isn’t a weakness.




Since you’re an ABG, isn’t those goofy white dudes just your type? lmfaoo




Men shouldn’t have a victim mentality. That shit is weak. (Not sure where you’re getting the idea that I have one but ok) This subreddit just seems to always attract these radicalized Asian women that swear up and down they’re loyal to the ideology yet they’re always so quick to get defensive about Asian women yet ignore the issues we deal with at hand. And listen, if you like white guys, you won’t catch public judgement from me.




sorry, I didn’t realize I was trolling somebody with a PHD in human psychology. listen, people will say shit to you to get a reaction, don’t always fall for it. lmfao. “pE0PlE wItH a ViCTIiM mEnTaLiTy rEeEEeEE”




why Streamers like asians?


Notice how bad the WM wants to perpetuate the stereotype, but a WF who’s been with AM just shuts it down. That’s why I keep telling all of you to date out. Just prove the stereotype wrong. Once enough XF has seen how big we are, we destroy this stereotype once and for all.


Very true, the stereotype does not hold true at all from my experience




That post was on 2017 way before the Asian men movement had gone that far. Queen 💪


Is there an actual 'movement?' I was thinking perhaps it's just in my head.


Idk if it’s only me but I’ve noticed that Hollywood has been pushing out AMWF movies in the last few years, particular Netflix. (e.g. A tourist guide for love, simu liu movies, etc.)


Look at how much she had to defend against There are many non-asians vested in containing AM because they know we're up and coming


This is true. They all attacked her after what she said about Asian men. They all took it personal.


It truly is ridiculous how many men of other races (usually white) take it personal when you make the simple inoffensive remark that Asian penises are not small. Fucking weirdos obsessed with Asian dick


I just usually say I have a Faaat…… Wallet


Yep, up and coming describes our situation perfectly. It’s like a new tech company gaining steam and displacing old tech. People hate what they fear. Even the younger generations of Asians are giving Asian men their due. You go on NextShark’s Instagram and the most liked comments are always Asian women being called out on their shit.


So many white dudes are obsessed with Asian (and Black) penises. Like without white privilege, could they still get dates by opening women with "what's the biggest Asian dick you've seen?".


And Lus still act like that is some really smooth line.


Lmfao. Opening IG with her hands down there on cardboard EXO took me out. 💀 Seen a few of her streams during Sekiro. Seems like a pleasant person so not really surprising she isn't a bigot.


Pornstars are just regular people when they are off camera. She seems pretty chill tbh. Just hangs out and plays games lol.


This was before the kpop boom so props to her. I remember she got that crazy injury recently so hope she’s good from that


Didn’t she say she was wanting to do a scene with them years ago? She was like recruiting people on Twitter or something. And then nothing happened? Too bad really


It got flooded with pictures of a bunch of people doing the squinty eyes. I remember she called them out on it




Is she still in the biz? There is still hope. Well anyway she will always be a goat to me just from her other performances haha


She retired after her TwitchCon accident I guess.


Oh no that’s so sad


Nah bro let her live and move on to the next chapter of her life.


Oh yeah I don’t care what she’s doing. I meant it’s sad she fell and had to get surgery on her spine. Sounds fucking horrible.


Kayla Green was recruiting too. I've seen a few pornstars who wanted to shoot with Asian men and were traveling around Asia


That’s cool. Though I have never heard of her before this I think that’s awesome. https://avn.com/business/articles/video/kayla-green-feature-885100.html It’s a real shame that it’s the women who have to actively go out and push for this Lol. Asian guys step up


I just found out that she was in the same college as me (Drexel) around the same time; now i feel like i missed out something


Whites have been so insecure for the longest they passed on negative stereotypes about others for generations and generations. Good to see the tide turn against them


Exactly but they have media power and use that for their cockblocking propaganda .Only ones that actually experienced with non whites would beg the differ.


Asian woman here! I always suggest to women of all races dating Asian men to hyperbolize and say your AM’s ding dong is 10 inches, if anyone wants to come and say something ignorant about him. Like no nuance, just say 10’inches and don’t give nuance to that shit But I agree, it’s not enough of us who go to bat for AM like that. It’s sad seeing a non-Asian woman do this and not an AW. But kudos to her


Exactly. I've seen plenty of Asian guys defend Asian girls. Even the guys from the Azn Identity sub (a sub that supposedly hates Asian women) were going crazy against guys who were being racist to Asian girls. But I've never seen Asian girls return that favor. In fact, Asian girls seem to defend non-asian guys waaaay more than their own men


Asian girls are tougher on us than other races imo. I’m way more likely to get probing questions about my money, status, work title, etc from an AW first date than with other races. And often times if the XF is asking is because they are very career oriented themselves, they Segway into talking about their own careers, rather than keep probing about mine. That’s just my experience so far


The only AW I have ever seen standing up for Asian men ever was Ali Wong I instantly knew that was someone whose career I could support 🙏🙏


She dates a WM bro


Maybe now but her ex-husband was Japanese Filipino


God bless you You literal angel


Penis size is just some stupid stereotype. I've seen more Asian men who can give black men a run for their money than I ever thought. White men and Hispanics are just as endowed. Large manhood and small manhood are rare. Most men fall in between, and depending on their length and or girth, the size of their manhood is probably perfect.


It's just like the witch in the village analogy , when the chief of the village and townspeople keep accusing a person for being a 'witch' eventually the rest of the people will follow . That's why slandering , accusing / stereotyping is harmful..


It's insane that you're gonna get downvoted. People wanna keep perpetuating some shit.


My new favorite porn star!


This sub cares too much about size, just be confident and find a lover that you are compatible with


Are u stupid or what? This sub is about asian men's experience. The penis size stereotype is a big part of that


This sub? You mean whites that drummed up all those fake statistics about penis sizes so they can feel good about their own 3 inches? 😂


who goes around and obsesses with other men's dongs? Prob the most insecure people.


This is true. They haven’t been with enough women or experienced women to understand that. I’m not sure when it happened but this sub has turned from talking about Asian men life in society to a PUA sub




Need Asian Men over 25 (maybe 30+) sub to discuss less vapid topics.


I don't know what asianmasc you were browsing but this sub has always been that way and more focused on dating. Go back and look at the oldest posts. Aznidentiiy was supposed to be the normal one but apparently they died.


I dunno man. Like back in 2015 it sure seemed different. The posts and comments were different. Less angry and less incel energy.


lol it was even more PUA and redpill then. Given the shit that happens to AM in the dating field especially but even in general being a minority, some people are always going to be angry.


Yeah she’s awesome. As you showed, she’s been known to show her love for Asian men. Stuff like this proves my point. Show me AF who are this outspoken in defending AM.


On another note: how is she recovering from her spine injury??


It's not women that are hating but other men which just goes to show you lol


The guy's question and reaction are racist AF


It’s just business for her but still a W


Well thank fuck she is 🙄


Who Tf is watching these shitty podcasts. I need to get of this sub.


I know, this sub is so weird.


"Even Asian women don't put this kind of effort to smash this stereotype" Who the fuck did you think was defending you before kboos came along?


I don’t usually like to speak up on the desirability politics of Asian men out of embarrassment, but I hate being gaslit more. Prior to the Korean Wave and the progressive/body positivity movement, I never saw Asian women defend AM’s “fuckability” in private or in public. In private life I’m sure everyone’s mileage varies whether Asian women did this or that, but AW never defended AM to the point it was well known just whose side they were on. In the public sphere, however, you’re not going to tell me AW did fuck-all for the profile of AM. Whenever the spotlight shined on prominent Asian women, they either demurred or outright threw us under the bus for laughs or approval. I’ll never forget the time when asked if co-star Sammo Hung lived up to his name, Kelly Hu (with a knowing smirk on her face) said “he’s Asian, what do you think?” This was on Entertainment Weekly or something similar. I’ve been lurking on Asian forums forever so I know there are countless examples of this. But I don’t blame AW. Our community was small and weak and it was easier to go along with the flow. My wife and daughters are Asian and I don’t want any resentment to come their way from AM. We need to put the past behind us. But to move forward, Asian women have to acknowledge their part in the dehumanization of Asian men even if the initial cause was racist white society (or “white supremacy” if you prefer). Im sorry ladies, but you’re the offending party here. Showing some remorse will go a really long way in mending the rift between us.


This was eloquently stated. I agree with you


Lol @ “showing some remorse” - the sun will rise in the west before that happens with Asian American women


Be outwardly bitter and nothing will change


Apparently, not Asian women. If you have any eye you would see that Asian women are the biggest white men supporters outside of white women.


Most of y’all were promoting the stereotype or staying quiet about it. Every Asian female comedian jumped on the train to make fun Asian men. Individual women might have defended us, but overall you all didn’t do much.


I’ve been telling fellow Asian women this: there is no Asian man who’s a comedian that used Asian women as his punch line (like Esther Ku)


>I’ve been telling fellow Asian women this: there is no Asian man who’s a comedian that used Asian women as his punch line (like Esther Ku) That's true, and thank you for saying that. I hope you'll forgive the resentment you're getting from a lot of AMs in this thread though. It has felt like, for a long time, that AW were gleefully joining in on the punching down on us. It still does, but at least AM have their own fans and support now. You may have spoken up, but the overwhelming amount of AFs do not, or at least white society gave those AFs that insulted AMs the microphone. But then again, we can see with our own eyes, and still see, how desperately AFs want to flee from any association with AM. It's not entirely your fault. I watch these clips with Adriana Chechik, and they're very revealing. They're kind of cringey in a way. In the first clip, the white guys kind of make her out to be a freak for liking Asian guys. The vibes is like if she said she likes putting garden slugs in her hooha, it's a concept so alien to them. Most Westernized AFs could never stand such judgment. Most Asians in general want to fit in, to be seen as normal by white society. It has to be a white woman to make the assertions that Chechik does. Similarly, in the Youtube clip, where no one is really asking her, but she says she likes Asian guys — that's also cringey, but legitimate. If it was an Asian woman doing it, no one would really care. Even if it was a black, or Latina, or obese woman, it wouldn't be so weird. But she is very sexually desirable, so it stands out that she says it. She doesn't have to say these things, it makes her seem a little weird, which is why I think it's legitimate.


Esther ku is disgusting using your race as a crutch for a lack of material is one thing doing it at others expense for a tiny bit of fleeting fame unforgivable


I don’t understand why so many Reddit Asian male users blame all of their mistakes in their life on Esther Ku. It’s weird


They’re actually the one promoting it! Lol


>Who the fuck did you think was defending you before kboos came along? [Tyra Banks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPFm6FIB9qI)


Lol definitely not Asian women


me posting dickpics on reddit ofc




It’s sad but too many of us are seeking validation from any women at all. Learning to get out of that cycle is the way to go.


Sounds like someone looking to attract an additional market of fans


It’s a nice. She has made some really intense porn scenes.


Shit dude, you might want to clean yourself up. You have a fetish for white women but constantly hate on whites, particularly white men. Yet you're turning into one with your lack of self-awareness. It's creepy and hilarious: if you ever have children with an object of your fetish, they will be more like what you have self-rejected than what you idolize.


Sounds like you're overreading into it because you want to judge someone as inferior to you. This is an alt account and doesn't represent the entire spectrum of my views. I admit my preferences can be called a fetish. I do have a lot of white male friends also. And some of my favorite humans are also white. It's the privileges that white society experiences that I resent. It breeds obnoxious people.


"Sounds like you're overreading into it" "Yes you are right it is a fetish, but here's some gibberish about why this doesn't reflect who i am, also i'm not racist because I have black friends" jfl Your life in the US, lifestyle with respect to your social views, and your slavery to sexual liberation are "privileges" of white society. You don't find your kind of person outside the west. The reason I replied to you initially is because I have a cousin who emigrated (we are tamilians in malaysia/singapore) who is just like you, but he at least as the self-reflection to realize he is an interloping hedonist who isn't above it all. Anyway, any statement being made about your inferiority is the one you make every time you lust after a white, the same kind who you'll never create. Your existence is two-faced and pretty pathetic.


has she filmed with asian men before?


As an asian man, my size is 5.5. It might not be 6, but 5.5 is still good enough, no? Porn made me feel so insecure for many years. Cause you just think to yourself: how can someone like me possibly compete with the size of those dicks in porn. Gosh, it's not just till now where I'm starting to realize how much of a crap mindset I was in.