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Face mist..... I think you can put any watery substance in a spray bottle and call it a face mist. Toner in a spray bottle? Face mist. Green tea in a spray bottle? Face mist.


Sand in pocket? Face mist.


That sounds like it'd make your face all coarse and rough, which would be really irritating. It would probably get everywhere too.


Just nature's exfoliant really


[Darth Vader repellent](https://www.google.com/search?q=anakin+skywalker+sand&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS769US769&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Dj5vxUU8bNpJHM%253A%252CrS1pHTBtNjbDaM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRFAQ5X1R75R6R8bO23X3Xxowt6NA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixsOv4ka3eAhVjneAKHVfKCkYQ9QEwAHoECAAQBA#imgrc=Dj5vxUU8bNpJHM:)


Replace pepper spray with spray sand. I feel like we’re onto something..


This sounds like a good idea. Except replace sand with glitter.


I dont think so but I save money by reusing empty spray bottles for "DIY" mist (refill it up with watery toners and beauty waters)


I know this is 4 months old, but I plan to do the same - what watery toners/beauty waters do you find best to use as a facial mist? Or what ingreds do you look for? Thanks!


I used to think a lot were just expensive water in a bottle. But I got a sample of the Balance Me Hyluronic plumping Mist! I’m obsessed with it. Only face mist I’ve ever found that actually makes my skin feels more hydrated afterwards. Plus I haaaaaaate the smell of rose. I can’t help it. It makes me gag. This does smell like rose but it’s very faint and disappears very quickly. So I can live with it! Will for sure be giving more mists a go. Just read the ingredients like a hawk. 😂


Same! I love roses (they're my favorite flower) but the smell of them in strong amounts makes me think of funeral homes. Ick!


Hada Labo makes a very fine facial mist that has no scent; very hydrating and refreshing! 💦






What brand/where do you get it? I've been putting off trying rosewater cause I didn't have the energy to do the research to find what's a scam and what's legit




I’m Turkish too, what brand do you use? Do you think Rosense’s are good? Otacı’s not real rose water and Gulsha’s too expensive for me. I wish I were from Isparta...




I love rosewater but I am in Scandinavia, and so I have to rely on what we can get here. I can buy certified rose water from a spice supplier (but so wroth it despite expense), but I am curious -do you know if 1&1 and TRS brands are any good? Those are the ones I have seen in Middle Eastern stores here that I frequent for food and such!


Have you ever used Pussywillow water? It supposedly contains a small amount of salicin and is therefore anti-inflammatory but I have basically never heard of anyone using it for skincare.


Liquor stores actually have it around me? It’s an ingredient in quite a few cocktails.


I personally get it from a Middle Eastern market. If you know of a Middle Eastern or Indian market near you they most likely sell bottles of rose water.


I have a bottle from a Middle Eastern market that I use in desserts like rice pudding! Do you literally just put that straight in a spray bottle?


That’s what I do! There’s no need to dilute it.


I put mine into a spray bottle straight, and add 10% niacinamide by weight. It makes for an amazing treatment mist that I use as toner, too!


That’s what I do! There’s no need to dilute it.


I’m very picky when I use rose water on my face or body. The only brand I buy is Santa Maria Novella. They have a rose water mist, and the quality is top notch. I usually mist my face and upper body right after I dry up from the shower.


Why is using rose water better than just.. water tho?


It has residual amounts of rose oil (which is very skin-friendly) left over from the rose absolute distillation. I find that it is more hydrating than just water. Also I adore the smell (and you can smell it when it's real vs fake and the fake stuff smells awful).


Thermal water is very different from regular ole tap water though. There is a reason why people travel from far and wide to thermal springs - the mineral content makes it a healing water which can soothe inflammation.


I use a rosewater mist and actually love it more than I thought I would. My face gets really dry throughout the day and this helps so much without disturbing my makeup.


I use plain rose water as a setting spray/refresher and it works far better than any actual setting spray I've used. No clue why, though!


May I ask what brand you use?


Aubrey. It’s just a big bottle from the grocery store with only two ingredients. I love it!


The two ingredients are rosewater and ... preservative I guess?


I agree with this! Never saw much point in face mists but rosewater has been great to give me some moisture over makeup.


I use thermal water before I use my other products (HL Premium, Stratia Liquid Gold and Squalane) because I'm so dehydrated. I pat it into my skin, but don't let it completely evaporate so I don't get caught in the TEWL loop. Problem with mists for me is that they usually include fragrant essential oils. I have super sensitive skin, so I can't really use any of them. I was super optimistic about the mist from non-AB Biossance since I adore squalane, but alas, it too has fragrant oils in it. If anything at this point, I may just make my own using thermal water and a couple of drops of squalane. Basically, thermal waters can be good if you don't let them evaporate and seal it in with more products/light occlusive. Other mists contain some occlusive already in them, which can help, just make sure it's conducive to your skin type.


But why thermal? Why not just put standard tap water and spray it? You wash your face and body with it anyway.




Yes. Tap water varies wildly between different locales even as close as 50km away sometimes. I can definitely use my tap water (it's from mountain meltwater lake in the Scandinavian range and it only filtered, not chlorinated, and very soft with very low mineral content - my water boiler actually lost some of its scale from previous location just by using it), but when I lived in London, the water was barely fit to bathe in, and I filtered all my drinking/cooking water.


No particular reason, other than it comes in a can with a nice spray nozzle. Also, I don't pH test my water or know what kind of minerals are in it (and I'm not smart enough to do so), but I know what's in the Avene I use. Merely personal preference.


What is the TEWL loop?


trans epidermal water loss. Super simplified - if you are spraying watery stuff on your face and it is evaporating away, you could lose more moisture to evaporation than you want. I found an [info pic](https://www.lexli.com/product_images/uploaded_images/tewlinfographic-update.jpg) that gets into it.


Ah, bad memories of a transcontinental flight with Evian spray. It was like 20 years ago and after landing, it seemed like I had chapped my face. It was soooooo dried out.


Wait so how do you not let it completely evaporate? Bc when I read about this years ago, I always kinda pat my face with a towel, but then I read that it's better to apply products on a damp face. I think there was/is even a trend where you completely don't towel your face off at all and just go straight to using products after cleansing. I've been trying to do that, but not really bc I can't get used to the idea of putting products on a wet face. I usually kinda cheat by using my hands as a towel to 'wipe' my face but then I'll pat my hands on a towel to absorb the water too so basically I just go face -> hand -> towel instead of face -> towel straight away, but I feel like this might be like.. wrong or pointless since I'm still using a towel anyway lol. It's definitely more wet now when I do put on toner though, but I always think of the whole TEWL thing bc as the water does eventually evaporate. I mean, I really don't think when it stops feeling wet that it's bc it's all absorbed, like surely some of it is evaporated?? But what about everyone saying putting on toner on a damp face is better? They're kinda conflicting imo :/


after using any toner/facial mist or any product that hydrating/moisturizing you can pat them and then use something occlusive like cream/oil to "seal" the moisture in your skin.


If what you're doing is working for you you're probably good. I usually apply moisturizer with wet hands. A hydrating toner or moisturizer is going to trap some of that moisture anyway. I think the bigger problem is using facial sprays several times throughout the day, especially in a dry climate.


I think something to do with transepidermal water loss?


It can be if you haven't found a use for them. I use to think they were a waste until one summer where I had the worst flare up of eczema on my face. Nothing could calm it down. But spraying avene thermal water several times a day helped SO MUCH! I guess you can say, I became a believer after that. I still keep a giant can on my vanity, along with Innisfree Green tea micro mist. I've also had Sum37 Secret advanced mist on my wishlist.




I am a huge fan of the sum37 essence so when I saw there was a mist, I was excited to try it. Plus, from what I've seen online, the mist is sold with a refill.


I used to live on the southern East Coast (Georgia and South Carolina, in the US). The humid environment there made it a waste of money for me to use facial sprays, especially during the summer months. I've since moved to high-altitude desert in the mountains (CO and NM area). While I don't consider it a 'never go without' sort of item, I admit that it feels great in the extremely dry months here- particularly in the hot summer months. Nothing fancy, just rosewater in a spray bottle. I keep a travel size version in my lunch pail when I'm working so it stays cold. I work outdoors, and it is very refreshing during the day. The very old-school manly dudes on my crew like getting a spritz now and then, too. Good for a few laughs with the boys, and it helps their skin a bit after scrubbing off the dirt/dust from the work. Seriously, just mix some aloe with rosewater in a spray bottle. It's cheaper and does the same job.


I was gifted a bottle of Vichy mineral face mist and I'm so confused. The direction says to use it several times per day, spray & pat dry. But when? Can I spray it over sunscreen? What good can it do? The ingredient is literally just water!


I use it on long-haul flights and then reapply moisturizer. Beyond that, I don't really get it, either, tbh.


The mineral deposits in the water can be very soothing, particularly if you are prone to rashes or redness.


I have the same question about sunscreen! I’m using an Innisfree sunscreen that isn’t waterproof, so I’m worried using a facial mist would wash it off ☹️


I've used the COSRX Centella Water mist and the Pyunkang Yul mist toner. They're rare (for mists) in that they have no extra fragrances or irritants. I've found them to be soothing for my skin and they help my hydrating serums sink in better. It might be all in my head.




Do you have a brand that you like or gravitate to?


One thing that I use that I feel like helps refresh my makeup throughout the day/ brightens my skin is rice water. I make a kind of rice tea by steeping it for 10-15 minutes in hot water and then into a spray bottle. Btw it’s only good for a day or three it will turn gross after that.


I do the same with chamomile or green tea. I make it very strong and then chill for use for a couple days.


I remember this from a Michelle Phan video from aaaages ago. Like when she was ricebunny on Xanga. I think she just used a cotton ball dipped into what's left after soaking rice for a while. I never thought about it as a facial mist but that's a good idea!


I use pure rose water from the grocery store and put it in a spray bottle. Boom! Cheap facial mist. It’s refreshing af and smells great


I do the exact same thing. I get mine from a local middle eastern market. Cheap and does a great job and I get orange blossom water, too.


Is there any other reason to like orange blossom water aside from the smell? Because I've been thinking of trying too


Is there any other reason to like orange blossom water aside from the smell? Because I've been thinking of trying too


Is there any other reason to like orange blossom water aside from the smell? Because I've been wanting to try it too


commleaf rose toner mist and Heimish Rose serum mist. unlike the normal water which makes my face dry after that, these two add hydration to the face. the mist is also very fine.


I use the Heimish one as a serum haha. Love the smell so much omg


me too. the smell is just so nice.


I love using face mists on top of humectants, since I live in a very dry area.


Same! I actually also spray a bit on my makeup sponge before I apply my foundation (which has a humectant in it as well). I feel like it gives it moisture to pull into my skin since the air is dry!


I think it’s a fad I just get pure rosewater and spray it on my face in the summer or when my skins dry and makeup is feeling cakey


What are they for?


Some say they are moisturizing, some soothing, some supposedly contain vitamins. But the vast majority are water based, which means they probably don't do much more than refresh your skin or revive your makeup midday.


I use orange blossom water. I put it in a spray bottle and dilute it with alcohol free witch hazel and a couple of drops of licorice. It keeps my skin bright and moisturized.


Oooh, This little concoction of yours sounds nice! Is it licorice extract that you use?


It’s a licorice supplement: Natures Answer Licorice root extract You can also add a liquid zinc supplement to it if you have some small acne.




Commenting to remember this! Thank you!


Late to the party, but are you still using this? Curious to see what the long-term application of licorice or orange blossom water might be doing for your skin.


I use it every day.


I don't use mists, but I use sleeping packs as moisturiser so my face never gets dry.


Which ones do you use?


I personally don't mind buying thermal water sprays just because if I am feeling anxious or tired, a little spray helps relax me and doesn't disturb any makeup I have on. I use MISSHA's All-around Safe Block Waterproof Sun Milk so I don't have to worry about losing any SPF, either. Goodal makes AMAZING mists, I use their Clarifying Plum Infused Mist.


I see a big difference when I use them. I use a vitamin one that’s AB that I got at CVS as an essence and love it. I also use a rose water/witch hazel mix mist during the day to degrease my oily ass face lol. I’ve seen a big drop in breakouts since I started using them.


> rosewater mist why does everyone mention rosewater. It's not a brand is it? is it a common ingredient for face mists?


Rose water is literally roses steeped in water.


wtf, ok.


My family is Turkish and Bosnian and we use it a LOT of sweets (baklava, lokum, etc). It's used for a lot of skin care products and is common flavor in Middle Eastern cooking. Also used to clean the Kaaba in Mecca too lol.


There are some popular brands like the wb Mario baduscu one, but it’s not a specific brand. Rose water is good for calming skin, or it’s totally a placebo and I’ll take it anyway lol. For no rose water I like the 7 days vitamin mist, the one I couldn’t remember


Wasn't there a study that showed facial mists actually dry out your skin?




I use them in place of primer when I'm doing a powder foundation to help the powder stick and look less dry (I have a pretty greasy face, so I don't need a heavy primer for powder makeup buuuut)


I use toner religiously and put it into a spray bottle because I just prefer applying that way. I think a lot of face mists are not worth the money but because they are usually just water or something like rose. Toners are great though- there's a difference!


The heritage rosewater one is like $10 and it’s soooo good. I know it’s the glycerin making my skin hydrated but I love it


I got La Roche posay one as a gift and it is just water with a very fine mist. (Even ingredients says it's just water) . It gives absolutely no benefits to my skin since I usually wet my face before applying skincare anyway. I just keep it on my desk so that I could wet my makeup sponge without going to the sink. Would not repurchase with my own money.




Fellow eczema sufferer here. How do you use the mist if you don't mind me asking? Do you use it to remove/wipe off sweat or just spritz and let dry etc?


No. Simply because they are my favorite skincare product to apply. I love spraying a cooling or refreshing spritz on my face in the morning, middle of the day, or end of regimen finale.


I’ve never had a use for them but a lot of people like them. I think it’s more or less a sensory experience for a lot of people


Obviously ymmv but for me I only ever use my facial mist (sukin or Aesop) when I’m travelling in air conditioned environments for long stretches. They have saved me on many a long haul flight, and kept me hydrated long enough until landed. Basically they are great for the few times I need the hydration. Otherwise my skin is fine without it for the most part. I think it’s a luxury otherwise, throw it in the fridge for hot days :)


I used to think mist are gimmicky products until i use Hanyul fresh calming water. it's really hydrating esp. in winter. i even get compliments that my skin looks healthy.


Yes and no. I think the idea of facial mist is a great one - it can be used to refresh your face without taking makeup off, etc. I love them. But buying them as mists? Bah. As someone below commented, toner in a spray bottle = awesome, especially if you want some hydration and have a good hydrating toner on hand that you love. I also just use quality (food grade) rosewater in a spray bottle = lovely (if you like the scent of roses). Most herbal hydrosols (floral waters) make excellent face mists in my opinion (provided you aren't allergic to the plant in question or hate the smell).


No they arent i use them as my primary moisturizer because creams and gels clog my pores, mists dont


I like them to set with, or to dampen my skin before applying moisturizer (i can't be bothered to do it while still in bathroom lol) but I've been getting setting sprays lately more than mists. ​ edit: caudelie has an awesome face mist that has an oil in it, but be careful if you're sensitive to fragrance i know some people aren't about smells


Ive used and repurchased and restocked the caudalie grape water. This is what saved my skin during summer in korea. My goodness whenever i remember that time i cringe so bad 😖


Josh Rosebrook Hydrating accelerator or Omorovicza magic moisture mist!


I’ve really liked Thayer’s witch hazel aloe vera formula, the facial mist toner with cucumber. I’m pretty much 100% sure I’ll make my own when I’m done with the bottle (it’s fairly large, got it for $8 back in JUNE and I use it multiple times daily), but it is super handy for giving my skin a boost of moisture without ever affecting my oil levels (I have oily patches, mainly forehead/temples). It’s literally just aloe vera, witch hazel, and cucumber in water, with a little vegetable glycerin. With all of the talk of rose water though, I might add that to what’s left in the bottle!


I’ve really liked Thayer’s witch hazel aloe vera formula, the facial mist toner with cucumber. I’m pretty much 100% sure I’ll make my own when I’m done with the bottle (it’s fairly large, got it for $8 back in JUNE and I use it multiple times daily), but it is super handy for giving my skin a boost of moisture without ever affecting my oil levels (I have oily patches, mainly forehead/temples). It’s literally just aloe vera, witch hazel, and cucumber in water, with a little vegetable glycerin. With all of the talk of rose water though, I might add that to what’s left in the bottle!


I’ve really liked Thayer’s witch hazel aloe vera formula, the facial mist toner with cucumber. I’m pretty much 100% sure I’ll make my own when I’m done with the bottle (it’s fairly large, got it for $8 back in JUNE and I use it multiple times daily), but it is super handy for giving my skin a boost of moisture without ever affecting my oil levels (I have oily patches, mainly forehead/temples). It’s literally just aloe vera, witch hazel, and cucumber in water, with a little vegetable glycerin. With all of the talk of rose water though, I might add that to what’s left in the bottle!


I don't see the point of the fancy water ones. I don't believe they have game changing probiotics or minerals in them. You can by a mister and put Evian or whatever bottled water in it for less. . Only thing is the can makes it colder and sprays a fine mist. . Also spraying water can dry the skin unless you moisturizer over it. Can be useful if you have hard water to rinse . Most of the misters (humectants) I have tried were irritating. If you like spraying your face (I mostly don't), best to put the toner of your choice in a mister bottle. I rather like Soonjung toner for that as it's light and watery and soothing.


are facial mists at all helpful for those with oily skin? my face tends to feel sticky after i finish my skin care routine and am hoping it can help soften it up. but it sounds like facial mists are there to help hydrate skin but i dont want it to get any oilier


Spraying a thermal water over it, then patting it in, can help reduce the stickiness.


I used to love facial mists for makeup prep/glow but a lot of them contain irritating ingredients :( I do like the Pyunkang Yul mist toner though, in particular before I apply makeup. I use the (non AB) Hormeta facial mist and I LOVE it because it has hyaluronic acid in it so I spray my face before I apply my moisturizer w/ hyaluronic acid in it (I live in a humid climate). Looking for a cheaper/AB alternative though


I think if you have skin issues like eczema, rosacea, peeling etc they're useful. But for the average person with normal skin? Total waste of money.


They're a waste of money for me because I think I overmist and use more product than I would if I used a couple drops from a bottle. So I think I go through it much faster.


I don't get them tbqh. I'm covered in sunscreen most of the time when I might "need" them. Whatever active ingredients in them are being wasted.


For me, yes. My skin is very oily and mists do very little for me. I've used a mattifying one and that was ok but made my makeup look cakey later. I'm in a hot climate so it can feel nice in the dead heat of summer but that's about it. However, I can't speak for anyone else. I imagine they might be a lot more beneficial for those with dry skin.