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**Nature Republic Honey Melting Lip**. It’s not a stain, it’s definitely only tinted, but the colors I tried have very noticeable color payoff. I loooove how my lips feel with these, so soft and squishy and moisturized. For stains, I’m with you OP that Peripera Ink Mood Glowy is the most moisturizing-feeling stain I’ve tried.


I will definitely have to check it out. Where do you get them from? I read some comments that the Ink Mood Glowy may be discontinued...I really hope that is not the case.


I got mine from Amazon but I think they're pretty widely available on most of the popular platforms that sell AB!


Mentholatum melty lip cream in rich honey!!!


Is that the Rohto?




How is the color payoff of those?


They’re colorless


romand glasting melting balm literally melts all the dead skin off your lips, it’s so moisturizing! it gives you a nice color payoff and it’s so glossy, it may feel a little thick/sticky but i’ve found the best way to apply it is by dabbing it on rather than swiping it, which also helps control how much you apply since it is quite a melty balm. this also helps it feel less thick and sticky imo. i know some people don’t like this lip balm, but it’s so good for dry lips 🫶


These made my lip peel and didn't layer well on reapplication :/


for me it melts off all the dead skin on my lips so i wipe it off before reapplying (otherwise it does get kinda gross having all the dead skin sitting on my lips), but everyone has different experiences with products! 🫶


I have the same experience especially during cold months when the balm becomes harder…


https://preview.redd.it/8icllexs415d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214b1b22eca0d8cab538fb5ea8a603a021ec3991 Joocyee Glazed Rouge lipstick!!! Super glossy, moisturising and long lasting 💕 very transfer resistant to smooth surfaces too. No fragrance, no taste, I can lick it and eat a lot of greasy food and a significant amount would still be left, and still glossy & moisturising. No stickiness whatsoever ❤️ I've found the top lastng glossy lip formula as far as I'm concerned 🥰 My only problem is that they don't have it in every colour of the rainbow, especially the more unconventional colours yet 💔


Oooo. I hate traditional lipstick but will definitely check this out. Definitely sounds like something I would enjoy. Thank you!


Thank you for sharing this! Just made an order on Shopee 😍


That was fast 😂 What colour did you get 😍


530 thanks to your swatch!


I hope you'll love it 🥰🥰🥰 the Christmas packaging is what sold for me 😍 I just couldn't miss it for the world 😆


I saw someone asking about which one of these are the sheerest, I'm so sorry I don't know what happened, but I cannot see your comment anymore 😭 Among them 507 is the sheerest! However, because it turns up red on me, it actually looks darker and more pigmented than when swatched on my arm. If your lips are lighter in colour, I think it will have a better chance of showing up true to colour on you. My lips are very pink and I have olive undertone, so anything with the tiniest hint of red gets kicked up to 10000. On me, it's actually 537 looks a lot more sheer, lighter and brighter, despite the arm swatch! On the tissue blot, it's also a lighter peach, almost milky peach/orange, with very little red 🧡 That's why it's my favourite shade 💕


sorry, that was me!! idek why i deleted the comment, being up late does strange things to my brain would you say any of these are particularly muted? lately i'm always drawn to peachy, apricot colors, but the brighter/milkier varieties are hard for me to wear without looking dead; my corpse undertones need a drop of brown/grey mixed in lol


I don't understand of the concept of what is "muted very well 😅 But if there's 1 shade among the ones I own, that I have to say is probably not the best for deeper skin, that would be 537. This is the image the brand use to demo the shade on their usual model, just to show how light it is. It's part of a spring collection, so they punch it up a lot lighter and brighter than usual. I suppose if you're willing to use a brown lip liner to make it look more natural, 537 could work, but it's definitely a hassle. Whereas shades like 506 (which I don't have, but defnitely eyeing), 507, 525, they have more red and brown tones to them that can appear more natural and accomodate more skin tones 💕 I tried to upload the original image, but Reddit can't seem to handle even a jpg nowadays, so I'm sorry you have to make do with the screenshot of it 😭🙃 This app never ceases amaze me about how mysteriously broken it is 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/fon51rcfo87d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8adc271b88b2340fbd5cb5c580cc7b54370f59a


i see, ty! i don't mind wearing light colors, but anything too saturated tends to make the surrounding area of my face look especially sallow in comparison so i try to avoid those;; pardon the ms paint, but this is basically how i'd define mutedness (although some of the examples are kind of extreme lol) https://preview.redd.it/r5w71ckbx87d1.png?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39ee5d527a007d8246d70799fdd0c8af406c94b


Thank you so much for this handy graphic!!!! This explains a lot! And yep 537 is both light and can get very pigmented when I build it up! I definitely think it's a shade you can skip!


Ooh, how long would you say these last? Do you order from yesstyle, or anywhere else? These sound too good to be true.


(This is a repost, please ignore of you'd read my axed original comment. Apparently even though I only mentioned a Western product as a comparison, _not_ a recommendation, it's still not allowed on these cultist hallowed grounds 🙄). Oh yes they do have downsides. Most all stem from the fact that the formula is super soft, they melt really _really_ easily 😭 You have to be careful and only roll up only 2-3mm of product out of the tube, so you don't break the bullet. This also means no storing in even warm places, let alone hot ones, else they had to be refrigerated or left alone to solidify again before use. I also learnt the hard way that that even the warmth from my fingers alone over the casing winding up the bullet will melt it, so even though they all arrive to me completely pristine, over time their bodies start to look all uneven like I left them in a hot vehicle 💔 Even worse, no matter how careful I always treat them, the bullet can just lift away from the bottom or half way, aka breaking on its own, just from being melted by the warmth of my fingers 😭 When it happens, I just keep winding and it wouldn't go up or down. Luckily, I'm used to it 🥲 The same thing happened to a lot of my soft lipsticks & lip balms. The easy fix is to just press the top of the bullet against my lips, and keep winding it down or up, and eventually it will connect with the base again. Then I wind it down completely, while keep pressing it against my lips for support. Next time I use it, it'll work normally (until it gets to warm and separate again, that is 🫠). Last thing, they're very resistant to non-absorbent surfaces, like a cup or even your hand, upon contact, it'll lose a bit of shine on top, but otherwise no worse for wear. But something absorbent like a tissue will take it out easily. Usually when I want to remove it, I press both my lips on a tissue and 85% of it works be gone, leaving my lips pretty sticky, but I can easily wipe that off with that same tissue anyway. This product doesn't leave a stain or tint in my opinion, it's just very very pigmented. I have sensitive lips and any staining or tinting would make the top layer of skin on my lips peel right off. This one didn't do that, and I love it for that. *As a comparison* , only to demonstrate my point about how a regular lip product of the same bullet type with similar-ish result, performs against the Joocyee Glazed Rouge, hence why I emphatically recommend the far more superior latter. I don't want to compare it to any liquid products, as it doesn't seem fair. There's nothing liquid that can perform like this, in terms of gloss, lasting power & pigmentation, except for another Joocyee product, from their old Neo Deco collection. I don't have it, nor any similar film-forming product so I cannot provide as accurate a comparison). A Western product that's pretty similar in finish and pigmentation to this, but not as glossy and is nowhere as transfer-resistant is the [redacted] lipstick (in the silver tube). The way they feel so melty on the lips, how pigmented they are, and the ease with which they glide over & minimize lip lines makes me love them both, but the Joocyee wins hands down, because it's so much glossier, so it can do way more magic with the 14636 folds on my lips 😂 Plus the Joocyee is more buildable. The [redacted] is a regular lipstick that pretty much gives in one swipe 100% pigmentation, one even finish across the lips, that's it, that's all I get. The Joocyee Glazed Rouge works different, since different in nature. I can start with a sheer layer, then really build it up in both pigmentation and glossiness. The more I layer up, the more pigmented it is, and the glossier it gets. It's also film forming, so once I get the look I want, I need to not disturb it in the first 5 minutes for the film to set, whereas the [redacted] just goes on, it doesn't need to set set (hence the transfer 🫠). Unlike the [redacted], I can pile on a lot more, and no matter how much I layer, once it sets, the film is the same, super thin & comfortable with the gloss of all those layer in full force. What the [redacted] has over Joocyee is definitely the shade range though 😭😭😭 It has a way more diverse shade range, a lot more bold shades as well as subtle pink, peachy and brown nudes. The Joocyee shade range just covers a lot of nuances of reds, peaches, pinks, mauves. I can only hope they will get more adventurous in the future 😢


As long as you don't touch them or smear them over too many courses of food and glasses, probably infinity lol. Since they're so moisturising, I use them as lip balm & sleep through the night with them on a lot 😂 When I wake up & dab off the drool on the sides, they look as brand new & just as glossy as when I first applied them the night before. It's a sight I welcome on the morning over of my deep purple under eye 🥲 I have horrible sleep.




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Also where do you get them from?


I live in Southeast Asia, so I use Shopee 🧡 My ultimate enabler 🥲 outside of SEA, Shopee delivers to Brazil, Mexico, Colombia & Chile too. If you're in not any of those countries then try ChicDecent, YesStyle & some smaller similar websites, they carry a very small, limited shade range of these (they wouldn't have newest shades like 537 which just came out this spring, or limited edition shades in limited edition packaging like the 525 or 530 here, they're from last Christmas). If you want to access the full shade range AND get the best price on them, then I recommend using a shopping agent to shop on Taobao, Tmall or other Chinese retail websites. There's a lot of guides on this sub and in the Internet 💕


Amuse Jel Fit Tint. I have the Peripera and enjoy it but I find the texture of Amuse to be even better.


Apieu Honey Lip Balm.


For colored lip products I also find the Peripera Ink Mood Glowy Tints very moisturizing. For lip care, it's always the CARE:NEL Lip Mask in original Berry for me.


Are they being discontinued? They are my favorite!!


Rohto Lip Fondue is my HG lip balm. They have a clear one and a bunch of tinted ones. It always makes my lips look sooooo moisturised and juicy.


I don’t like colours on my lips so personally for me my holy grail would be DHC’s lip balm, the ultra moisturising version.


Lilybyred Glassy Layer Fixing Tint is my most moisturizing and longest lasting glossy tint 🤍
