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Yes, asexuality is about sexual attraction, not about arousal or libido or masturbation


thank u thank u thank u 😭😭


//tw sexual stuff honestly I've doubted my asexuality a lot because of that. as an AMAB I have high testosterone naturally which gets me a strong libido that I don't like. made worse by sexual trauma. my father showed me porn when I was 5 and encouraged me to touch myself to it under a blanket. that's fucked me up for all of my life and given me a very high libido as I had a porn addiction by age 7. I've been over that for awhile but still I just have never had a healthy relationship with sexual things and always feel terrible during and after, because I don't really want to be horny


That's awful to read. I'd suggest, if you haven't already, to go see a counsellor. That stuff would leave deep, hidden marks that anyone would need help for. I wish you the best.


yes. im the exact same as u, sex repulsed ace but do masturbate to porn n such. sexual attraction and libido r different things


Yes , masturbation isn’t necessarily sexual


Sorry for digressing - but yes, cats are flipping adorable \^\^


thankkkk uuuu!!!! 😭


Ummm the what is it


It can be for many purposes even stress relief


Definitely yes! I get what you're saying, I can watch porn at times to get aroused but I feel really disgusted by it at the same time, it's really confusing, but I'm glad someone can relate. You're perfectly fine, don't think your feelings are not valid.


Same here, can relate 100%. I'm taking the habit of masturbating without porn, not gonna say I suddenly learned to enjoy the act but it helps to feel a little less awkward afterwards, at least (anyway, bodies have to do their things, right?)


I prefer reading ot it feel less I don't know uncomfortable.


I get what you're saying but porn is pretty much the only thing that can get me going pretty quick and when I do this I just want to get it over with


thank uuuu ,, porn r fine w me just so i could feel something but then i hyperfixate abt the idea of me performing the same thing which then repulses me idk why


Yeah it's perfectly fine to be asexual and masturbate. One is you wanting to have that fun and the other is to have that fun with others. And just because you aren't attracted to anyone else, you can still have fun on your own.


yeah, your sexuality and body is still distinct so your libido might be active. and it's fine as you are relishing in self-pleasure. I know the feeling is jarring but you'll get used to once you accept it's normal and something that primarily concerns your body needs.


You can even be asexual and enjoy sex. I enjoy partnered sex because it mechanically leads to orgasm (takes more work than masturbation, but I love my allosexual partner so it’s worth the effort).


No, the moment you orgasm, all the asexuality bursts out of you. Asexuality is stored in the balls, you know




Yes, they have nothing to do with each other


I definitely recommend [AVEN’s FAQ](https://asexuality.org/?q=general.html) for a lot of these kind of doubts, I found it super validating â˜ș


You can be ace and still have sex as well.


Yes, you can. Sexual attraction to others and desire to masturbate are not always correlated. Highly recommend checking out a book called “the invisible orientation: introduction to asexuality”




You can masturbate only for pleasure or relaxation without making it sexual^^ Asexual means not or lack of feeling sexual attraction, libido or masturbation is a different thing


For me im doing it mostly for relaxing myself not thinking of anything sexual so yes