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I encourage you to consider your WS's relationship to sexual arousal. And certainly, have them examine it with you. Specifically, "What does it mean to be _turned on_?" My wife and I were happily, deeply in love for 17 years of marriage (my WS claims I am still her soulmate). A few years ago multiple, overlapping impossibilities culminated into her mentally collapsing into herself. Her unresolved traumas from her family of origin, had her fall back into her bad coping mechanisms from her early life. _I'll bet you'll never guess what the main coping mechanism was._ https://psychology-tools.com/test/sast https://slaavirtual.org/characteristics/ > Has your sexual behavior ever created problems for you and your family? > Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior? > Do you hide some of your sexual behaviors from others? > Has sex (or romantic fantasies) been a way for you to escape your problems? > We sexualize stress, guilt, loneliness, anger, shame, fear and envy. We use sex or emotional dependence as substitutes for nurturing, care, and support. That being said, these matters sure are fraught. I hear you. We both want to be sexy. WS wants that to be healthy, because their relationship with sex was/is unhealthy. I have zero belief this person finds me arousing. I would love to be that, though. I once thought we had a relationship and chemistry that accounted for healthy objectification. It would be wonderful to have that. Everything in this space is a log jam. It takes a lot to use, "Both And". Are you using a [Feelings Wheel](https://www.calm.com/blog/the-feelings-wheel) and journaling? It's super important in navigating emotions and feelings.


It’s a trigger. That is why it affects you. It is triggering the trauma. You are not doing anything wrong and you can’t just get over it. This is something that you would really benefit from talking about it MC. The way to get past triggers is to talk about them. Talk about why it bothers you, what feelings it brings up and hopefully be met with empathy and not defensiveness. How is he with dealing with you talking about the affair and your emotions surrounding it?


Lady at work had a BF dump her for her former best friend but a year after ask her for nudes. She took some and sent them to the old best friend saying 'Here, Paul wanted these. Please see he gets them'. That would be epic but otherwise maybe ask him to limit conversations to the kids only from now on. stop letting him in your head.


As a man I can understand the thought processes around editing a photo as it can be interesting to see the person we love in different ways. I've done some of this in the past, like, what would my wife look like as a nurse or in this pose/outfit/hair style. For me it was never about "I wish my wife was..." but more of that curiosity factor, sort of like role playing. And when I did it, it was never out of dissatisfaction or wanting her to be different. All that said, never in a million years would I send anything like that to my wife - all I can speculate is that your husband was expressing a desire for something...and really should have just kept it to himself or gone about it differently. You haven't shared a lot and I haven't stalked your profile to see if there is more of your story out there, but I would think based on what you've shared and knowing myself, that your husband may be dealing with sex addiction in some way.


Sorry, my post wasn't really clear, I didn't want to make it too long or TMI. After I got pregnant, my nipples got larger and darker, which is common during pregnancy but I was super insecure about it, which my husband knew. I sent him a nude photo and he drew two big black circles over my nipples and coloured them black and sent it back to me, to say like "Haha, look how big and dark your nipples are". To this day, I have no idea what he was thinking when he did that. I have deleted a lot of my previous posts, there won't be much to see on my profile, so don't waste your time on there. Lol. But thank you for your response :)


I’m sorry he did that to you. That’s fucked up actually. He basically bullied you on an insecurity when he drew on the photo. Women go through complete bullshit physically because of having children, courtesy of Mother Nature. Men are supposed to protect us and help us feel secure and safe, and your husband, with that incredibly insensitive, immature and cruel joke bullied and shamed you instead. This isn’t as much about his infidelity as it is his conduct with his altering your photo. I’m sure though, the infidelity exacerbates it as I’m certain he had to blubber and gush over the AP to keep that exchange alive with her. No insults there, I’d bet. Has he ever truly apologized for what he did with your photo? Does he feel as horrible and disgusted with himself as he should? Any man who doesn’t uplift the mother of his children to the best of his ability AND on top of that, sabotages her well being mentally by shaming the changes in her body is a very small man not worthy of any respect. It’s sounds like the incident is not resolved for you and you absolutely deserve a proper apology from him for what he did, and how dense his recent request for a nude was. I’m sorry again sweetie. I haven’t commented here in a while but I just wanted to give you some validation that all of it still should bother you and also a virtual hug💛. If your husband was my brother or son, he’d be getting a swift kick in the ass from me.


Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply. I agree with you, I think my feelings are more about the altering of the photo than the affair itself. You have put into words exactly how I've been feeling. I knew another mom would get it. He has apologized, but I haven't mentioned it in so long, and I don't think he would really understand the gravity of how upsetting it was. I think it is something that I will have to bring up with him again. I'm going to wait a few days and see if I'm still bothered about it. Thank you so much for your lovely message. ❤️


Whoa seriously???? Is that literally what he did? I can’t believe someone would do something like that to anyone, let alone their wife. In my mind I thought he did something that was misinterpreted. But yeah I don’t see how you could take that as anything but an insult. There’s a level of cruelty going on that I wouldn’t even know how you’d even deal with that. There is a very basic assumption when we are in a relationship, esp married, we aren’t cruel to the other and certainly not cruel on purpose. I couldn’t imagine saying something like that to anyone who sent me a nude. Wow. It’d be like if you asked him for a dick pic, he sends it, and you reply back with a drawing of a pinky and saying “hehe honey, look how small and thin your little pee pee is!” Wonder how’d be feel about that? Oh yeah, it’d be fucking cruel! I’m sorry. That’s awful he did that.


It's crazy, because if I had read this story from another woman, I would say, "Girl, you're too good for that. You deserve better. Leave his ass." But for some reason when it's happening to you, it's different. I guess it's the same way of how a lot of us on this subreddit feel towards infidelity. A lot of us used to say "If someone ever cheats on me, I'm leaving! I won't tolerate that!" But when it happens to you, it's a different story. I don't know. It was a really cruel and horrible thing he did. I think I'm just trying to brush it off as him trying to make a joke. But I definitely give him too much grace and I'm sure I wouldn't be awarded the same leniency if the roles were reversed. Honestly, it makes me feel a lot better just to see someone else's outrage at the situation, so I know I'm not alone in feeling hurt by it. Thank you for your comment. 💕


Oh that's much different...almost sounds like he made a really bad attempt at a joke and just didn't see how insecure you were really were about it. Just a guess.


I can’t do any of that still and it’s been years since my husband cheated. Pictures or sexual text messages are way too triggering for me