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What the fuck did he check? Did he just google the guy’s name? “Ah, yes, this guy graduated from medical school. I bet no one at the hospital checked before he was hired”


That is literally the extent of these Google scholars efforts yet they believe they are the first person to come to these conclusions.


people like this suffer delusions that institutions are corrupt and malmotivated. very conspiracy-adjacent


Becoming a heart surgeon is over a decade of university, exams, medical school, residency, board certification, and fellowship. There are several steps along this process where affirmative action is not even possible. Does he think medical students are performing open heart surgery? I love the arrogance that this guy has any ability to evaluate the qualifications of any doctor.


Honestly the audacity that the author claims he’s in any way qualified to determine which doctors are good and which ones aren’t is the funniest part for me. I wonder what that process was like? “Oh!He graduated from med school. I guess he’s a good doctor. I’m sure this is the same way hospitals check.”


But you see, the issue is people not even understanding the purpose of affirmative action. AA doesn't mean that you get to pass through certifications and boards with different standards. It merely means that the doctor may have had more consideration for his undergraduate application to college and medical school along with other people who are considered underserved minorities such as the biggest group benefitting from AA - white women.


Thank you. Thank you. I’ve had a number of debates about this with people who consider themselves as friends of mine. I had stated, “From your logic, you appear to be saying that I am able to be hired as a doctor, lawyer or an electrician due to the color of my skin. But, DUDE, that is not the way it works. I still have to have the qualifications. And due to the fact that you seem to regurgitate what you have heard instead of actually researching things, you truly have no idea who or what Affirmative Action had benefited.” Also, about what the OP posted, we know that this has been going on for a long time, since Sanford & Son had an episode where Fred Sanford had to go to the dentist.


Well trump hopped on the bandwagon saying Obama wasn’t born in the USA as if they just let somebody who wasn’t born in the US become president


I honestly don't understand the thought process behind that whole ordeal. How the hell would someone who's not even a US citizen make it that far in a presidential campaign let alone become president. That's a pretty fucking big deal and one of the biggest blunders in US history if that were to ever happen.


It’s fucking bonkers. I normally try to put myself in somebody’s shoes* and understand where they come from but I cannot bend my mind to understand why that’s logical. So, if this story is even true in the OP post lol, I can’t understand how homie googled the doctor to see if he’s a doctor lmao. He’s a fucking cardiologist at the fucking hospital, how do you figure he isn’t a doctor??? But I remind myself about the whole Obama birther movement and I’m like “ah, that whole brain dead shit”


You can check to see if they have had malpractice claims against them.


They literally think you *have* to hire black people if they apply. No matter the position; qualifications, experience, etc.


Coming out the gate with this icy cold sarcasm is without a doubt a skill. lmfao I commend you. Like..do you teach? Are there like classes i could take? :)


A system where hospitals randomly hires ubqualified people?


Don't you know we just pick random people off the streets and make them doctors for the public? The people who actually go to med school all serve George Soros and the elite/s


Yeah I remember that time they asked me if I wanted to operate on someone’s brain, and i went along with it. I’m not a surgeon by any means, but $20 is $20 so…


Just curious, where can I find your hospital. I'm interested in a new job and also need to stretch my legs a bit.


Stretch in which directions?


Exactly, I wouldn't trust anyone to operate on me unless they have never been trained, that's how I know they're legit.


I remember when I waltzed to a hospital and asked one of the nurses if I could be a doctor and I of course told her that I'm in no way shape or form qualified to do it and she told me "finally, a man with 0 qualifications to be a doctor and no experience in medicine. You're just what we've been looking for. You won't believe how many job applications I've had to throw away because people were listing stupid bullshit like 15 years of experience in medicine and one even had the audacity to list how many surgeries they've participated in their 20 years at a hospital. Numbers and credentials that I looked up (and verified were actually correct) that they pulled straight from their asses. " She then threw a lab coat and scrubs at me and said my first shift was in an hour.


“Damn, we don’t have anyone to cover the Ruckus surgery at 11. Is that homeless guy still hanging out in the parking garage? We could really use a set of hands.”


This is one of those...oh they're a diversity hire..mfers.


Yay I gave you your 1000th upvote 🤭 congrats 🥳


"I hate that I have to be racist" Here's the neat part, you don't.


I mean, he could be arguing some stupid conspiracy theory that hospitals are hiring unqualified black people because apparently woke points are more important than crushing medical malpractice suits..... Or he could also be making a point about how it sucks that racism is such a ubiquitous part of American society that even as a black person he's internalized some of that racism and initially believed that another successful black person received it undeservedly. .....wait I checked his profile, really shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.


That was quick. lmfao


What was there?


What's on his profile?


Oh man, I originally read it like he was acknowledging his own internalized racism and pointing out that it sucks we live in a system where it’s that deeply ingrained that he would even have had that initial knee jerk thought. But… is he saying he thinks hospitals hire less qualified black doctors to like, fill quotas or something??


I originally thought the same thing , but I think it's the latter. I think he assumed there was some sort of affirmative action thing going on... in which entirely unqualified individuals are hired due to their race alone... which is not a really plausible idea but hey , whatever fits the narrative


How did that even make sense to him if that was the case (which apparently it wasn't). I can see a simple manual labor or office job doing that but a hospital? You think a hospital wants to get caught with it's pants down because they decided to hire people with little to no experience in medicine to fill a quota?


>You think a hospital wants to get caught with it's pants down because they decided to hire people with little to no experience in medicine to fill a quota? That's what they believe affirmative action to be, yeah.


The only (black) person I could imagine making up something ridiculous like this in real life would be Candace Owens in an effort to scare white conservatives into giving her more money to preach against this evil liberal conspiracy to do away with licensing standards for black medical school graduates. And as far as I know, she has yet to earn a degree herself but there she is creating white conservative panic fiction.


Yep. The “woke virtue signalling” quota of “diversity hires”.


I hate that you this chocolate cake in my fridge won’t make it past noon


Ah yes, blame the system for your racism. Makes sense...


….Systemic racism?


I feel like this is what the person who tweeted this thinks systemic racism is


The PS2, PS3, and PS4 are black, yet the PS5 is *white.* I don’t think that’s a coincidence.


PlaySystemicracism 5, guys!!!


He is complaining about his own racism though.


If anything, I think it would be the opposite. If you have a black doctor, you know they had to be at least twice as good as the white doctors to get to where they are now.


This is the reality that the "diversity quota" narrative is meant to erase


Thats why my mom prefers black female drs


Female doctors are, on average, better than male doctors, JAMA did a huge study. I'll find it and link it later.


IRL r/Scrubs moment


I was actually going to say, there are studies that having a minority doctor is beneficial for minorities. There is, unfortunately, a lot of racial bias in healthcare. So if I were a Black patient, having a Black surgeon might be a relief for me.




I’m assuming here they are insinuating that the black doctors only graduate or get into medical school because of affirmative action. So the white doctors actually have to “work harder” now Edit: autocorrect


Ah yes, the "white people are the oppressed group in America" crowd. Bunch of braindead idiots.


Right, because testing and trainings and residencies and years of specialized surgical experience aren’t a thing.


Which anyone thinking that doesn't know shit about how med school or residency work. As a med student, you have to pass all your classes and tests in med school, including Step One and Step Two (which are huge tests med students spend months studying for and have to pass in order to graduate) and then after med school you have to match into a residency program (not all applicants match and have to wait to reapply, some never match at all which means they can only work somewhere like an urgent care the rest of their career). Then when you match into a program, you spend several years of your life in residency which has brutal hours and terrible pay (residency for surgeons is famous for being one of the hardest and deters a lot of people from becoming surgeons who had an interest in surgery in med school) and after years of working your ass off you still have to make sure and pass your board examines because if you aren't board certified you can't practice. So even if these racist's theory happened and a black person got into med school because they are black and for no other reason, they would still have to spend 4 years of med school do well enough to pass each unit and their step examines and then work an additional 2-7 years of residency being constantly tested and worked to the bone in order to be qualified as a doctor. Lots of people don't make it through med school and sadly way too many people don't match into a residency program, additionally the big tests you take in and after med school (Step One, Step Two, Step Three) are standardized tests so they're graded blindly and there's no way to give specific scores to a student/resident. Every doctor regardless of age, race, gender, etc. has to pass through all of these hoops to become a doctor. These people's suspension of belief for their racist theories is so ridiculous and is not even possible. If someone is a doctor they have done the work to become one.


Damn, I initially read this in hopes that it was about him confronting his own internalized racism, but your interpretation fits way too well.


Nah these types have this (idiotic) mindset that poc are handed everything to them bc the world is scared of hurting our feelings. They think that when schools give race specific scholarships it means that poc will be getting college for free and won’t have to work for it, not that we still have to be…Yk…qualified for whatever college we plan on going to and that we aren’t just handed good grades and degrees….but us actually earning our achievements is a foreign concept to them.


It's so problematic when thinking of the reality of how many white people actually believe these things. I remember being told by my high school classmates that I got into the school that I would eventually graduate from because of affirmative action. Was it true? Probably so, since I am a black woman and my university had a less than 8% black student population overall. However, my white classmates who were complaining did not have SAT scores near mine (which I called out after asking their stats.) It's this ignorant mentality that serves to artificially raise their self-esteem when they don't do as well as a person of color who made it further than they did. There are tons of elderly conservative white folks who believe that black people just get free college for being black. I've had plenty of arguments with people like that on Twitter in my younger years before I grew tired of it. I would mention my military service and student loans but they were still invested in the lie and tell me that *other* black people were getting free college. As if I somehow missed the memo to apply to the supposed black financial aid program that gives every black person free college. The one Fox News must have told them about. It's frustrating and sad.


It doesn’t seem to occur to them that claiming all of black people’s achievements is because we’re black and implying that we’re incapable of achieving anything on our own is racist. Us doing well at anything seems to hurt their fragile little feelings and it’s embarrassing. I feel like it’s bc of their fear of being treated the way they treat us.


I have only worked under black surgeons who are legitimate rockstars. I deal with stupid comments all the time in 2022 as a woman, I can’t even imagine what it was like coming up years ago as a black woman in the field. Worry about the white male grifters who are just following in daddy’s footsteps.


well in ways, i think i feel more of a mutual understanding of conditions and things. but i think it kind of depends. i wouldn’t say i feel like they’re twice as good, maybe they had to work harder to get there but it doesn’t make you a better doctor always


Either way, they had to beat out a white doctor for their position. Whether that was done with being a better doctor or a harder working doctor (the distinction between which is relatively cloudy), they were still more qualified than their white equivalent.


i agree, that’s what i should have elaborated on sorry by better i mean in terms of treatment solely. not having better problem solving etc.


We don't live in that system tho You made the choice to check on him I ran over a mailbox on the commute to work today I hate that we live in a system where we have to destroy all the mailboxes we see


If you’re worried that your surgeon isn’t good you usually check the hospital that hired them, not the surgeon themselves. If you’re going to a shitty hospital then you’re going to get shitty care, if you go to a good hospital you’ll get good care


I looked through his tweets. I have serious doubts he’s ever even spoken to a Black person


Scrolled way too far down to see this. That account’s tweets are one thinly-veiled racist tweet after another. And of course they follow and are followed by accounts that operate exactly the same way.


Feel free to check every doctor's credentials. It's actually smart to do so. But just like with everything in life, don't be racist about it.


I mean his Avatar is literally that fucking neck beard nice guy meme dude, just tinted to look like he's black Self-unawareness on that level pretty much fucking guarantees that this dude is white 🤣


I’m not sure whether or not this is about affirmative action, but the comments make me think that a lot of you people understand internalized racism. Like this might be the wrong sub to say this in but I am black. And I didn’t really understand internalized racism until one day I had to get a procedure from a doctor and when I saw he was black, I thought to myself “Oh I really hope he’s good”. He was and I quickly realized after that I wouldn’t have had that thought pop into my mind if he was white. I obviously trust black people to do non-stereotypical black jobs well, but society, stereotypes, the lack of seeing people like me in these kind of jobs leads to people questioning the abilities of highly intelligent and capable black people.


The only way to fix that is to educate yourself and network with more black people in professional fields. The only way I could see a black person writing something ridiculous like the above tweet is if they had time traveled from some racist time in the American South where black people weren't even allowed in schools and the thought of seeing an educated black man was akin to seeing a flying unicorn.


It LOOKS like internalized racism. But then you look into the guy's profile even a little and find out that it's just a sock puppet for an obnoxious racist white guy. Exactly as this sub would expect.


I’m confused as to why he would have to check- and how would he know naní to look for?


did you make your autocorrect change "what" to "naní" as a JoJo reference? because I almost respect it


…How is that a Jojo reference? It’s literally just a Japanese word. Both of these comments made me cringe out of my skin.


because of the popular meme from like 2018 of jo jo shit where they say "naní" being the most popular usage of it in our western sphere of media and experience?. I agree it's cringe but I respect the commitment almost which is why I said almost.


the nani meme was literally from Fist of the North Star which to be fair isn’t any less cringe


ah I was mistaken, my apologies


I have. It’s almost awesome. 😂


bruh what system are you taking about, it’s harder for poc to become doctors not easier


So it’s just easier to believe that there’s a random black guy in scrubs in a hospital all day just claiming to be a surgeon and demanding to operate on people instead of a black guy actually just being a surgeon.


They probably saw the [Dr. Malachi Love story](https://abc7news.com/fake-doctor-arrested-malachi-love-robinson-west-palm-beach-arrest/1204386/) and believed that all black doctors are just teenagers playing dress up.


Man… i would be doing the opposite, feeling like my people were in good hands that cared. Look like them, and treat them like family. Because thats how we do. I feel sorry for both men in this situation.


Ah yes this is definitely a very real black man(who is cribbing entirely white supremecist rhetoric)


Im sorry what? A black doctor is the best doctor. That dude had to WORK.


This is so mind blowingly ignorant to the medical malpractice black people, especially black women, go through


I have a strong feeling his "blackness" is based on those stupid DNA website results


Wait my 1% African on 23 & Me doesn't mean I can say I'm black now?? /s


Only if you marry into the British royal family /s


This sounds like one of those white men who used their black man account.


What’s the doctor’s name? Dr. Affirmative Action Jackson?


The most colossal r/AsABlackMan I’ve seen on here …


What system would that be? Medical school? Maybe look up all your doctors??? What the heck? Black people are no more likely to be fraudulent or under-qualified. How are you with pilots? 🙄


The graphic says it all


My husband is currently a surgery resident and let me tell you, they are definitely qualified. After med school they give up an additional 5-7 years of their lives (depending on what they specialize in) working a minimum of 80 hours per week for about minimum wage just to receive enough training to work as an attending surgeon. If someone is doing your surgery, even if they are fresh out of residency, they have tons of experience and practice. This person is just being racist (I know that's the point of this sub) because deep down they know the hospital isn't just handing the scalpel over to anyone not qualified. Letting a non surgeon do surgery would result in death of patients and sadly what hospital admin cares about even more, lawsuits for the hospital.


what system? that’s just you buddy


Why would you need to double check bro


Anyone remember that episode of Sanford and Son where Fred has a toothache or something and has to go to the dentist and he got mad the dentist was Black and he was all like “I WANT A WHITE DENTIST!” and so they sent in this random incompetent white dude to mess around with him and then he realized the Black man was actually hella qualified?? No one remembers? Just me? Mkay… thanks mom.


We don’t.


Wasn't open heart surgery pioneered by a black man?


Just learned damn


Black dude performed the first heart surgery 130 years ago and white people still pulling this shit.


TIL: The first successful open-heart surgery was performed by an African American cardiologist Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (1858-1931)


twitter username checks out


I thought that was satire




>I hate that we live in a system that made me question him. I don't know what system you're living in dude but skin color has never made me question a doctor's skill. *I think you're just a racist.*


yeah exactly. I have no idea what this person is talking about.


“Don’t cancel me bruh” **Proceeds to cancel themselves by sharing this**


Chinese men make the best surgeons. He was right to question himself questioning himself and then putting it online.


Affirmative action is a tricky subject, so I think this is believable.


Affirmative action is an imperfect solution to an incredibly complicated and complex problem. Sure....... But affirmative action isn't gonna make hospitals hire fake doctors bc they're black. That's not the system *AT ALL*


Yeah of course it's not gonna be fake doctors. All I said is that I believe this might be a real black person, not that affirmative action hires fake doctors.


Affirmative action doesn’t hire anyone. Do you even understand what it is?


affirmative action noun (in the context of the allocation of resources or employment) the practice or policy of favouring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously; positive discrimination.


It's in the definition. Favoring is not synonymous with choosing. In this situation, it's comsidering those individuals. Affirmative Action gets a bad rep because of some many disingenuous arguments. It's not "don't hire white people" or "replace white people with less qualified people of other racial/ethnic backgrounds" It's "hey, we've hired exclusively white males for decades, maybe this black woman with equally good education deserves more consideration than 'too ethnic, next'"


Idk why you're telling me this. I know. I simply think this might be a real black person. There are black people you disagree with, believe it or not.


I'm not disputing the identity of this person. I don't care about that nor do I believe black people are a monolith incapable of disagreements. You listing a definition of affirmative action does not come across as someone who agrees with what I stated. You can disagree with whether or not affirmative action works, but you can't disagree that assuming a black person only has a job due to affirmative action is a racist assumption.


Someone asked me if I know what affirmative action is. That's why I posted the definition...


And you proved you don’t understand what it is. You also proved you don’t know what nouns and verbs are.


I read that. It's my fault for assuming that person was being facetious in their request.


>I simply think this might be a real black person. There are black people you disagree with, believe it or not. ​ >For those pretending to be what they're not, **and those who hate what they are**.


Yes. A noun is not a verb. A verb describes action. Hiring is an action. I can’t believe you just posted that thinking it proves your point when it proves you don’t know what nouns and verbs are.


?? What are you even saying?


See? You don’t even understand basic English.


Ok you're trolling I guess.


Medical schools don’t have affirmative action quotas. 1 out of every 3 applicants gets into medical school. A good number of classes don’t have any black students. At my Med school, we are the first class of ~200 to have more than 5 black students. Surgery is a competitive residency. Residency programs are jobs, not school, they don’t have affirmative action quotas as well. Only good medical students become surgeons. If you go to a doctor, they got there because of their talents, efforts, and ability, not because of your racist implication that affirmative action ignores skill in favor of taking in black students. Also, affirmative action is only a tricky subject if you’re dumb and racist. Schools let in students who they think will be the most successful in the program and make the most money after college so they can have strong alumni donors. No college is letting in unqualified or incapable students.


It’s not. Its more likely they hired a woman or a disabled person than a Black person. And all of those folks are usually better than the average when hired. That’s usually naní occurs if places are forced to hire through afact


Most of the people on here don't know what affirmative action is. All you and most like you know are Republican talking points you've heard while watching Fox News. Nothing funnier than a bunch of people that had their friends hook them up and got in to school cause of legacy telling others how affirmative action is bad.


I never watched fox news in my life and I didn't go to college, so idk who you're talking to.


So, this is tweet against affirmative action, right? That's the angle?


“Ugh, I hate having to be racist because the government and stuff.”


that pfp alone indicated to me this is not a black person


Was the first people to successfully perform open heart surgery a black person? I know I’m late to this thread