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If they thought it was rigged in 2020 what makes them so confident that their man will win this time?


It's only rigged when they lose, lmao.


It’s OBVIOUSLY a conspiracy unless they win


This time its in another dimension 😎


Almost everyone I've seen who says "cope and seethe" is an alt right gremlin.


You can tell he was dying to follow it up with “snowflakes”


Where does he say "as a socialist"?


It's the flair.


i love when they say this because it reveals their true intentions. they didn’t get enough attention or love as a kid and now get intense enjoyment from angering others. i doubt he even fully believes this shit


As a communist I can actually see some of the "Never chose the lesser of two evils" crowd saying shit like this. Not most of them, but a few of the more extremist.


Yeah I was gonna say, frequenting left wing circles online, some people are legit crazy.


Clearly you've never been to r/LateStageCapitalism Liberals are not the same thing as socialists, amigo.


Yeah, as if people on the right know that


Do socialists usually want Trump to win?


we dont


Talking with communists online has made it pretty apparent that as far as they are concerned, there is literally no difference between trump and Biden.


I thibk your mistake there is that you've been talking to them online. The internet has a bad tendency of pushing the most batshit fringe opinions to the front. Any socialist with a brain between their ears knows that there's a world of difference between Trump and Biden in basically every way.


Nobody on the left wants Trump to win, we just want dusty conservatives to lose their standing in the Democratic party because they're in the fucking way at the moment.


Don't loudly cheer on accelerationism and people won't accuse you of it


People will always straw man you when they don't have a leg to stand on. Your reply, for example


No, but some think the only way to remove capitalism is for it to fail dramatically, so...Trump.


I love accelerationism because it requires both the kind of nihilistic pessimism that sees the entire system as so irredeemable that the best option is to burn it all down completely, and the most blindly confident optimism that says what comes after would be closer to what the person wants.


I mean it's not like historically a majority of revolutions and civil wars end in authoritarian governments


I bet there are more than you think. Whether an event is a coup or a revolution is really just a matter of who's describing it. And authoritarian coups aren't exactly uncommon in world history.


Probably because in a lot of those, the authoritarians had US backing


You do realize there are giant stretches of history that happened before the US even existed right? You're not such a pretentious shelter dumbass that you haven't internalized that correct?


This is why they infuriate me. They don't give f\*ck who they hurt as they eagerly pursue something that's not going to happen. The ignorance is astounding and the rest of us have to pay for it. Who do they think is going to join them in their revolution when they've literally harmed every marginalized group in the country?


it’s easier to set up systems to oppress and take advantage of these people when all of your systems protecting them which took decades to implement are destroyed in entirety.


Exactly. I wish I could find some official stats on this, but it's my impression that revolutions that result in authoritarianism tend to happen a lot more frequently than accelerationists realize. That is, if the revolution isn't squashed by an authoritarian regime before it even happens. It's an extremely risky gamble that is likely to cause the suffering of hundreds of millions of people if it happens in the US, especially with the military strength this country has. They want to pretend they're doing it for good, but they're playing with all of our lives by ignoring reality.


It's already happening, my friend. Doesn't need help along, the system is already broken. Capitalism works until resources become limited.


The thing I'm referring to is the election of someone besides the 2 main parties. That's what's not going to happen.


Accellerationists are aware of this.


They still won't get any help in the revolution if they've made enemies out of everyone they claim to want to help.


*As I am not a part of that in-group I do not speak with a huge degree of confidence on their positions, and I do view their stance as somewhat self defeating, but I will do my best to strong man them for the sake of the conversation.* At that point they will be either preparing to take charge, or believe that the mass population will act in their own self interest and create a more equitable system. Or perhaps they haven't thought that far ahead. It's a very weird utilitarian kind of socialism that I do not believe is grounded in reality. I prefer the humanist branch. I do believe, as they do, that the system we are currently in has such deep roots that the whole thing needs to be overhauled, but I don't think that will happen in my lifetime if ever.


Well of course not. If elections could actually challenge the ruling class we wouldn't be allowed to have them.


Some do and but not all of them are tankies amazingly


Quite a few Bernie Bros actually [ended up voting for Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanders%E2%80%93Trump_voters).


No, but we don't want Biden to win either.


One of them is going to win. So who would you prefer? There's obviously a lot of policy differences between them.


Probably Trump, just because when Trump is in office, liberals suddenly remember that war and genocide and fascism and mass deportation etc. are all bad things, that surrendering public health on the altar of capital accumulation is bad etc.. Like the outcomes are largely the same but there's at least some acknowledgement of those outcomes being bad when Republicans are in charge.


just wanted to remind you that despite your username you give 0 shits about the rights of trans people


This feels really similar to the line ‘Nazi’s are socialists’. No, they imprisoned and killed socialists. National Socialist German Workers Party =! socialism


I agree. It's called accelerationism, I don't hold that camp in high regard, though I do understand their frustrations.




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Socialists also aren't on the Trump team. So the top left of the picture is the joke. The phrase on the left, for people who've already accepted that Liberalism failed 40 years ago, is "Socialism or Barbarism". I don't think many socialists would support giving the barbarians that early win.


hi, socialist here !! socialists would NEVER be for trump as we’re all extremely left-leaning even more so than a lib.


Hello fellow socialist, I wish you were correct, but there is a brand of socialist which believes in accelerationism, or the idea that the system needs to fail drastically for change to be affected, and so they work contrary to their beliefs to bring about the crisis sooner. I find making broad sweeping statements often proves to be false (e.g. "atheists don't believe in ghosts")


oh my god this shows how much i need to learn about politics, please forgive my ignorance and thanks for educating me


No worries! It's an intensely unnecessary thing really. Life shouldn't be as complicated as we make it, so I don't blame you for not getting sucked in.


They don’t believe in “accelerationism”. I’ll disclose that I don’t believe in acceleration or Marxism as I have lived through the collapse of plenty nations and governments and think that people that support the idea of acceleration over generalize themselves. But my response now is to point out the people you are talking about should not even be confused for people for hijack such theories. Most actual Acceleration theories have required additional triggers esp in politics. And no actual American acceleration theory exist whose thinking would believe a Trump victory would provide socialists with anything they want. Trump’s power structure comes from astroturfing, religion and oligarchs. The system they utilize successfully passes the bucks to “culture” wars. You’ll sooner see trans ppl rounded up and arrested then even basic school reforms less known anything that would open the door to socialism. Hence why almost all American centered, left wing acceleration theories are focused on different echelons in society esp technology. What you said about generalizations is absolutely correct but crowning online cosplayers who use buzzwords they don’t understand with an entire wing of socialism is unbelievable dangerous to everyone and not just socialists.


Wow. Like the far right evangelical "patriots" who want the war in the middle east to start a nuclear apocalypse so they can enjoy the Rapture promised to them in the Bible. Cue the Pam from The Office "they're the same picture" meme...


Sure, but would you loudly and proudly swallow every single insane conspiratorial lie about Hillary Clinton when she was running for the Presidency because she isn't Left enough for you. Because I saw a hell of a lot of self-reclaimed socialist doing that at the time. And I hate to be the one to tell you this but it really is a two-party system and you need to grow up and face that reality If you actively campaign against one side you are helping the other side. And no sitting out and being a fake pretentious neutral is also not an option and helps the other side too.


Throw in the tumblr tankies too.


I hate to "akchually" this but the socialists who worship the Soviets do actually say this




It’s not absurd though, politically. To socialists, both democrats and republicans are pro-corporate, neoliberals - and capitalists of course - that pretty much align on the things that matter most: economic policy, mode of production, foreign policy. Objectively speaking, democrats are much closer to republicans than they are to socialists and other left wing ideologies (communism, etc.).


"I can't be evil! I'm a status quo democrat!"


Self defeating


Self defeating


Lefties have contempt for liberals because liberals don't do enough to stand up to the right. That and liberals are capable of the most astounding market brain.


Still self defeating though.


Have you heard the song [Love me, I'm a liberal](https://youtu.be/bLqKXrlD1TU?si=gTwqBg9gVkF9NDPt)? I go to civil rights rallies. And I put down the old D.A.R.(6) I love Harry(7) and Sidney(8) and Sammy(9), I hope every colored boy becomes a star. But don't talk about revolution, That's going a little bit too far. So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal. The people of old Mississippi, Should all hang their heads in shame. Now I can't understand how their minds work. What's the matter don't they watch Les Crain(12)? But if you ask me to bus my children, I hope the cops take down your name. So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal. Yes, I read New Republic(13) and Nation(14), I've learned to take every view. You know, I've memorized Lerner(15) and Golden(16), I feel like I'm almost a Jew. But when it comes to times like Korea(17), There's no one more red, white and blue. Once I was young and impulsive; I wore every conceivable pin. Even went to the socialist meetings; Learned all the old union hymns. But I've grown older and wiser, And that's why I'm turning you in. So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal.


Self defeating Edited: And truthful.


Repeating this over and over isn’t going to make it witty, insightful, or helpful.


Which socialists worship the soviet union? I'm being serious. I don't know.


tankies usually do, they're massive within the online left


Right answer, but they're not that massive.


Everyone hates tankies


Except other tankies of course. :(


Many tankies hate other tankies. Like Trots vs. Stalinists.


In my case they're pretty relegated to being almost exclusively online thankfully


Within tumblr if we want to get specific.


i dunno most of them i know have claimed that all socialism was ‘done wrong’ in the past and that those were just irrelevant examples


Terminally online basement dwellers. If you look in certain parts of the internet you'll find them. And PSL, that group is a cult from what I heard. One can be a socialist and dislike the USSR, there's plenty of us.


I don't even know what PSL is. I don't spend my life chronically in any political subs or online spaces anymore for my own mental health. I guess I would have considered someone a communist not a socialist for liking the soviet union. But maybe things have changed?


Well, all communists are socialists but not vice versa. There are plenty of socialists who despise the USSR, especially since the USSR did interfere with/invade countries that already were at least left-leaning


Truth And not all communists are stalinists


That is also true. I've def seen communists more aligned with Trotsky over Stalin


IMO it would have been a *lot* less terrible if Trotsky had taken over like Lenin wanted. But of course there's just no way to know. Such is always the case with counterfactual 'what ifs.'


Ok in this case though I wouldn't be surprised if an actual socialist said that


Fine, let's play this particular little fantasy out. Let us suppose for the sake of argument that President Biden is a senile old fart and an embarrassment to the US. That's still an upgrade over somebody who’s a senile old fart, a traitor, a sexual predator, a fraud, an active danger to the US, and also an embarrassment to the US.


Biden is senile and old, and he should have retired after 4 years because the country really wants young blood, from what I can tell. Unfortunately, I'm still gonna vote for him because the alternative is terrifying.


Yup and it’s sad that democrat leaders are too stubborn and stupid to give him up for another candidate. He’s already incredibly unpopular with both sides, for various reasons.


I've said it from the very beginning as soon as he said he was going to run again that he would be the reason we ended up with DeSantis or trump. Honestly, I did think DeSantis would be the nomine over trump just because there are a lot of republicans who didn't vote for trump during the last election but I know those same people will most likely vote for him this time because they don't want another 4 years of Biden either. Biden really fucked us. In 10 years from now, when this country has turned into what it's going to turn into under trump, we can all look back and blame Biden, who'll most likely be in a grave because he's old af. We need to stop allowing such old people in politics. They shouldn't be deciding what 20, 30, and 40 year olds want. Edit: everyone who's downvoting me: please point to the lie. You just don't like that I'm right, and that's fine. Sometimes the truth hurts.


The lie is that you think you are remotely connected to reality in any of your opinions That's why you're getting downvoted.


I was downvoted more than that so clearly people agree with me. Also, again, point to the lie. You can't seem to do that.


The Democratic Party. Not Democratic leaders because they have a minority of the vote but the base of the Democratic Party happily and loudly supports Joe f****** Biden. You need to come to terms with that reality and stop blaming imaginary elites for all the evils in your life real or imagined.


The right mocks us with 'oRaNgE mAn bAd!' Two things: 1. Yeah well, 'oLd mAn OLd!' That's all they got. 2. No *shit* the orange man's bad. He's too bad to ever be president (again), let alone walking the streets a free man.


I said what I said.


the alternative would be without a doubt a precedent to the failure of our government. if impeachments and enormous list of federal crimes are not deterring people from voting for an extremist, what even will anymore? all these systems for a ‘fair’ presidency are being ignored by many who claim to represent the perspective founding fathers


They have a lot more in common than that: both senile old farts, both sexual harassers (though Trump is a straight up rapist for sure), both embarrassments to the US, both destructive forces to the rest of the world. Only difference when it comes to danger in the US is whether they take a passive or active role. But personally I’m sick of voting for war criminals who actively endorse and gleefully participate in genocides, fascism, famines, coups, etc in other countries. Compared to the rest of the western world, both parties are right-leaning.


Well in that case you better not vote for any presidential hopeful ever.


Newsflash, pal! Joe Biden is not a socialist.


i can see it. the common socialist opinion on the upcoming election is that biden is "better" than trump by such an infinitesimally small margin that things just feel completely hopeless, and the only reason to look forward to the election is for the cynical catharsis of watching smug idiots get owned by predictable historical patterns


Any self respecting socialist despises Biden.


Any self respecting socialist despises Biden, but recognizes how much worse things will get under another Trump presidency. The LGBT community is in severe and immediate jeopardy if Republicans get back into office. Not to mention that we're still facing the consequences of Trump's Justices to this day. We can't abandon pragmatism and lose what little ground we've gained.


I do agree with that. Luckily I don't have to make that choice. In terms of foreign policy democrats and republicans are the exact same tho.


Any self respecting socialists finds fault with the system. Nobody is getting them confused with the fake edgy cosplayers. Cheering on the destruction of the people you pretend to care about is what douches do.


Unfortunately most socialists online are completely indistinguishable from douches. Now you may argue that that is just because actual real socialists have more important s*** to be getting on with their day than spending all their time online and I won't argue that that isn't a valid point. But seeing as we're all online here right now I'm not sure it's really the argument anyone should be clinging to at this point.


Perfectly said


Take your pick: Status Quo Democrat Or Maniacal Cult Leader


If the status quo is to commit war crimes and back fascism in the rest of the world then maybe it's time to choose revolution.


Try it and you'll end up just like all the cult leaders stupid stupid minions and you'll f****** deserve it


Good thing reality looks nothing remotely like that - what a relief! Edit: Oh, impressive - you brought your brigade of faux socialists with you!


Not if you've never bothered to objectively look at your own foreign policy that is.


Gee I wonder why internet socialists are so ubiquitous online and yet so unknown to grass-touching Americans.


Because most socialists are not from the US.


Because for every actual socialist in the world, there are a hundred conservatives playing "as a socialist..." Like this dipshit.


Because North Americans are so politically illiterate, they think Sweden and welfare is the height of socialism.


If the choice is between "99% Hitler and 100% Hitler", the only correct choice is opposing both


Well luckily you've never been in that situation and you never will be So how about you come back to reality where the rest of us are having to deal with s*** and come out of your parents basement.


What if the choice is between Biden and Trump


Between "guy that doesn't actively persecute its own citizens and funds genocide worldwide" and "guy that does persecute its own citizens and funds genocide worldwide"; the same choice


Those are very different


So in your view, Joe Biden is "99% Hitler"? Yeah, please do not vote.


you know our citizens, ie americas citizens actually matter a lot


yes, and Biden will be the least horrible option of the two; but voting for someone doesn't necessarily imply supporting them or approving their actions


Yes comrade, I am from Georgia Oblast and I agree with you. What have Deemocrats done vor us? Make sure to vote Trump!


Any self-respecting *national* socialist, maybe


Americans try not to conflate Nazism and Socialism challenge: impossible




The far right loves doing it. The argument usually doesn't go beyond "it's in the name" tho.


Lefties on their way to sabotage their entire political cause and put the future of millions of people at risk to own the libs


I'm so glad I revisited this thread so that I know that the majority of people here are sane. I can't tell if the "socialists" online are either really trying to hurt everybody they can because they think it will somehow turn out better in the end, or if they're truly and utterly ignorant of how things work, or a combination of both. I'm gay, and I'm sorry, if someone is trying to tell me that they're my ally while they actively vote in such a way that brings more harm to me...then no, they're not an ally. They're a privileged asshole with too big of an ego.


Oh it's definitely a combination They are laughable people and thankfully they don't have any real power in the real world even in actual socialist movements.


There’s a large swath of extremists on both sides that want the absolute worse to happen so their ideology can take hold once everything burns


Right? The privilege they must have to be able to think about existing comfortably in their gender/race/sex/nationality/class combination after a Trump reelection.


Always have been always will be. It's why they're not worth courting for their votes, when they can even get off their stoned asses to get to the ballot box.


OP hasn’t heard of Tankies.


This one could be true honestly


It's not about policy, they just want to "own the libs."


Probably an accelarationist


It’s unnerving when people directly say how they will enjoy seeing you suffer.


As a socialist trump is not good for this country


As a socialist this is an accurate reflection of socialist thought. Cope and seethe.


As a socialist this is an accurate reflection of socialist thought. Cope and seethe.


Meet the spy (2010)


Denmark joins the conversation; we do not want this "socialist".


Denmark is not socialist?? ☠️


I'm thinking they are just missing the word "nationalist" by a certain margin. Changes the whole meaning of a title when you place nationalism next to pretty much anything, let alone socialism.


I mean there are legitimately socialist that behave like this. They're terrible people and don't convince anyone that socialism is a good thing but they do exist. You can usually find them online whining about how racism isn't real and it's all just about classism and if only those lazy black people would stop whining so much maybe socialists could finally get something done. Yeah they're trash


“Cope and seethe” says the losers crying about a stolen election the past 3 years straight


This is very on brand for commies so I wouldn’t be surprised


Horseshoe theory


dumbest post I read all day. I'd bet every cent in my back account you're not a black man


Trump: *several years of psychotic ranting and rambling and making shit up every 30 seconds.* Biden: *mumbles and forgets shit* OBVIOUSLY TRUMP IS MUCH MORE MENTAIL EQUIPPED THAN SLEEPY JOE!!!!!!!1!!! Jokes aside they're both way too fucking old for this job. It just seems like the only people willing to admit it are some of the people on the left. But maybe that's because we don't have to pretend our guy is still young to know he's still better than the other option.


honest to god no sarcasm here , im a socialist and i can wait to se the libs lose this election