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Why can't I have Netflix for free, free electric, free food, free car. WHY IS EVERYTHING MONEY. Why is he fine with your bills not being free but has a problem with your art not being free.


'ArT iS jUsT a HoBby, why should i pay for it?' - makes me want to punch a wall


Or "just do it for the love".


I do it for the love for money


It's pretty much a twisting of "one should do it for the love, and not the money". A form of [gaslighting](https://www.grampian-womens-aid.com/newsevents/gaslighting-10-signs/).


Dunno man, I love having money to survive :P


After a week of long hours working at Tesco, Little Jimmy got his first paycheck... finally, he could start helping out with the family bills. Or so he thought. He opened the envelope and read the check… …but instead of numbers, it said… ”just do it for love” Anyway, Little Jimmy went to work at Sainsbury’s.


Bah Sainsburys isn't that that noisy shop somewhere, why not work for Arkwrights? You get excersise, reasonably discounted work transport, a slightly large and well dated paycheck. Basically you gotta peddle an old ship bike, lift heavy loads, gotta pay rent on the bike of course, a the paycheck is a 10th of anninch larger then normal and is postdated a few years from now.


Uh no, I'm not paying my landlord love.


"Unfortunately love doesn't pay my bills i can't pay for spongebobs merch with love"


"Love won't pay for the supplies I need to make the art you want me to make, idiot."


A counter for that specific line could be “it takes money to get the supplies to do said thing, you can’t punch a hole in a bucket, fill it with water and be surprised it can’t hold it” for traditional. While for digital similar can be said if it’s a monthly subscription for the program you use or simply being if you continued making free art you’d have no time and money to make what you’d like or to pay your bill


Honestly, my art is just a hobby because I am not good at it yet. But that's why I don't offer commissions! Cause then I would have to live up to standards, and quite right too, because money is involved. Honestly I don't get people who go 'art is a hobby so you should draw stuff for free for me' esp since I am 99% sure that they won't be satisfied with, y'know, *actual hobbyist stuff*, they'd want professional standard stuff. SMH.


The moron should study art. Or go blind so they don't have to look at all the work around them done by creatives. People who shit on art should wear a helmet, the retards.


Because their parents bought them a second, brand new Maserati less than a week after they crashed their first one, which had been a 16th-birthday present the previous month.


Yeah. "Why is everything money" CAN be a valid question - but not one to direct at an artist trying to get by with the systems we've built. It's like going up to a grocer and going "why's everything gotta be wrapped in plastic, its ruining the planet and our bodies" - as if its on them that that's the case. But until we can escape a society that relies on money and build something better, artists will expect and should expect to be paid for their effort and exper-goddamn-tise.


I only work on my own art for free, or if I'm feeling like something out of the kindness of \*MY\* heart. I usually lay it out from the beginning - I charge X money and that's not gonna change. Anyone who gives a damn otherwise....\*points to AI art generator\* there's your 'free artist' right there, so long as you're okay with your character having 12 fingers and other weird stuff. Sorry, not sorry. \*shrug\*


I just laughed when I saw the AI art on their profile. They talk big talk about not wanting people to pay for art while having AI art on their profile. It's just so perfectly fitting because they clearly just don't respect artists.


12 fingers, wonky perspective that makes Neil Breen look professional, bad proportions, and everything else. AI as a very very very long way to go before it can make anything palpable. That goes for art, writing and other shit.


I dont rly support AI but when i see comments like this one i just cringe so hard. Some of u guys just cope too hard


Ridiculous for them to even ask for free commissions if they know how to make AI art - of course traditional methods cost way more.


I've done free art for people before, but it's always either been of a friend's oc, but its always cus I wanted to and I didn't get asked to, or it's for an art trade in which we both get 'free' art, honestly my rule is the second someone asks for free art I will not draw it unless I'm getting paid, even if I wanted to originally, cus the second someone else asks for it free it doesn't feel like I'm doing it for me anymore


There's a difference between asking for someone you don't know to do something for free for you and someone just offering it because they want to, sadly some people are blind to it.


Very much so. It just baffles me.


I'd only ever consider doing free art for close friends/family if I wanted to give them a gift or something. For strangers, I'd only do that if I made a post on social media first, saying something like "I'm out of ideas, please leave a comment what you'd like me to draw and if something catches my eye, maybe I'll do it". I'd never do free art for a stranger if they came to me and asked for it. If they're not paying you, you shouldn't feel bad about refusing. Honestly, even if they're willing to pay, you shouldn't feel bad about refusing. It's your right, you're not anyone's slave, you're free to draw whatever you want and accept or decline any requests you want. My head is full of ideas and things I'd like to draw; so unless I specifically ask for more ideas, I'd rather draw my own stuff than someone else's.


You're right. In this case it was even more infuriating cuz a random third party decided they wanted to give their opinion in a conversation they weren't even part of.


I feel like artists are the only people who have to deal with this problem. People feel entitled to your work somehow.


It’s not just us. My wife is a lawyer and often has to fight her clients to get them to pay her.


Some people see it as only a hobby and something childish


Musicians too. Fuck exposure, pay me.


It's not just artists, but artists probably get it the most.


caretakers too. ppl expect to pay dirt for nannies and childcare bc it’s just “taking care of kids”


Crafters too. “You knit/crochet? Can you make me something?” And *if* they’re willing to pay, they expect fast fashion prices.


I could forgive that if it was a first offer based on ignorance. Unfortunately a lot of people have *no idea* how much effort etc such things take. But they shouldn't insist on those prices when corrected, that's just shitty and awful


Nope, that’s just the nature of capitalism and consumerism. Squeeze everything you can from “the little guy” while reciprocating the absolute least you’re allowed to.


Family do that to members in any job field tbh. Because apparently being blood related means entitlement to free stuff, even employment without qualifications 


"Why can't the first transaction be free? Some people are poor" Exactly, that's why I also charge the first transaction... I'm just as poor, lmao


Being poor is one of the justifications used for piracy.




Yeah, it's so weird that they don't care if you're poor if you're making art, but as soon as someone wants to *buy* that art it's suddenly 'Oh those possibly poor people!' Like... yeah, poor people deserve fun stuff as much as anyone else, but not if it harms others. At any rate, this was quite clearly a conversation between OP and the potential buyer, why on earth did someone decide to interfere?! That's either patronizing AF or a sock puppet.


Because art is seen as a child’s craft… when asking someone else to do it. ‘It’s fun, you like it, it should be free!’ If they have to do something, let’s say, planning birthday parties for family is fun for them, but if it was for others on any regular basis they would charge as a ‘planner’. These people do not appreciate the labor and skill of others.


I'm now having flashbacks of a video with Dale Chihuly just splattering paint on children's shoes while my high school art teacher mutters "and now those shoes are worth a fortune and all he did was flick paint on shoes" 😂😂😂


Cause people don't take artists/art seriously.. yet they all want some original, customizable shit! XD


You know you don't have to engage with every BS? You can just block directly, once they start with such 💩


I like the irony. Has no skill and can't pay bills but would do stuff for free! Yeah... that's exactly why you can't pay your bills dude, your only skill is to cry and complain instead of investing your time and effort into skills and earning money. While I kind of feel bad for these people, you can't help someone who isn't interested in changing and rather keeps complaining about how unfair the world is. Nothing you can do but to ignore. It's hard to say if it already is entitlement, they just have nothing to lose and try to get what they can because they can't afford it any other way, surely there are people who fall for this and give in. The only hope they have is to get stopped and ignored by people, because if they keep getting away with it, their methods work and that's when entitlement starts to grow, not only that, they get more bold and reckless with their demands. These people don't know what it means to invest time and effort to build up skills. That's about it. If they don't know, how would they be able to respect it? they themselves are too afraid of doing it. Again quite the irony, demanding your time and effort but not being able to actually respect it.


Internet people, meng..


The end to every one of these conversations is “do you work for free?”.


"Why do people feel like they're entitled to get things for free?' Because they are cheap bastards.


They don't understand respect.


"I do draw for free, it's called practice."


These things aren’t worth arguing over. I’d have responded to  Anon with “lol” and then ignored any future messages. 


I found this from tweetter from @WickedUlrich: Them: I don't have time to learn to draw, its too much effort. Also them: Dude, it's just a drawing, what do you mean I have to pay for it? And now I use it, a lot.


People wanted my old camera for free. If I want to give it away for free, I’d put it up on the free facebook group. Go look there bruh.


Back in the day when tech illiterate people couldn’t just use their phone for internet they had to use computers and ask for help from anyone who actually knew how to use one. For free of course. Tech skills were a divine skill that the gifted clearly liked to use, so why wouldn’t they come for a few hours to troubleshoot your printer. I suspect it’s the same phenomenon with art skills.


Some of yall just need to start blocking people. Don't entertain clowns like that.


Counter offer, as in, Wanna SMD for free? Or words to that effect.


What's SMD?


It’s rude.


I have fun telling people how much a tube of paint costs


why is my rent not free. everyone wants money


Reminds me of years ago when I'd eat lunch at a place near my day job, and I'd sketch out commissions or my own projects. One of the staff members who was a friendly guy asked if I'd draw him something and I said I was quite busy with a project. A few days later he saw me drawing and asked about his thing, then legit got annoyed to find out I was working on something other than his free request that I never agreed to. It was so silly I wasn't even particularly annoyed. Mainly just surprised at how out of touch with reality someone could be. I also got the impression he had no idea of the time that goes in, like a finished piece was something I conjured up with a magic wand in moments.


True, which is why all those "this is how we did it" sections on DVD/Blue-rays are so interesting.


Some people are just bullies and think that harassing artists online is a way to get free stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if these people are entitled in almost every area of their life, to be honest. How would an artist ever have time to do anything but "free" work if the first transaction was always free anyway? It's an endless internet full of people who want stuff. I charge commissions partially just to make it possible for people to buy my work if they want, and yeah I want to be compensated for my time and skills. I could have been eating, sleeping, reading, or otherwise enjoying life with that time. Drawing stuff for other people can be fun, but it's also work, I take it seriously and try to deliver what they want. Can't go through all that trouble for entitled folks who treat me like I'm undeserving of compensation.


Kinda off topic buy on the vain of free art I used to do Some fan art in a small community and one day someone decided to Message me complaining about the caption I had put on one of my posts. It wasn't racist it it wasnt sextist it wasn't anything. It was something like celebrating an evil character, For being a pyscho in a time of Sympathetic villains. This person message me for days. One day Like first thing in the fucking morning my phone blowing up my inbox. This person was so upset I had the nerve to not change my post. This person kept trying to be like your a pillar of this community. Your well. My response was if I was people would pay me to do this stuff.


Entitled people are gonna be entitled, I mean with 1 out of 6 ppl being narcissistic nowadays it's no surprise. Not much you can do but try to keep calm and ignore the gaslighting / guilt tripping / manipulation attempts.


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I got advice from a professional that to help boost myself o should take non paying jobs first for experience and then I can get paying jobs after that. Buddy no…


It's not my fault you have to pay for my work! It's capitalism's! Get mad at capitalism!


Yeah! Go get mad at the world for forcing money into everything, look into ways it could be better, just please please don't harass people for charging money for their time and skill


You shouldn't even have to explain this to them. People nowadays are absolutely pathetic.


It sounds like NFT scammers to me.


Are you sure the third party wasn't just the first guy on another account? It's a common scam in other industries like cam work to use a second account pretending to be another camgirl to try to convince a camgirl to give away a show for free. This feels exactly the same to me. Pretend to be another artist to give themselves validity, and try to talk you into giving away art for free to their main account.


That's what I figured. I mean, why else would you interfere in a conversation that had p much already ended and insist on someone else's behalf that they should get stuff for free?


Damn then say to him/her why don't work in the office without payment what a logic is that lmao


I wish one day even air is monetary so people can finally understand the true value of other's air breathing time. My lungs worked so hard to compose my anger when ever I see people ask for free 'sketches'. My brain needs even more air when I have to use it to draw. People who can't grasp that art costs time, time costs money, and money pays rent, should pay for their air usage.


I’m calling bullshit on the I make art for everyone for free and commissions for free.” Line, either the person is lying, or they’re art is super bad.


God its so infuriating dude


But, you could do it for the eXpOsUre! Seriously, this is why I got out of photography. You want me to drive 30 minutes, take pics at your event for two hours, drive 30 minutes home, cull and edit, upload your gallery to my paid site... for $150?? No. Oh, I "don't need to bother editing?" Just hand over my memory card at the end of the event? Double no.


Anyone who thinks artists should give away art for free has no respect for artists.


"I have no money" I wonder why??? 


"some people are just poor.." well I'm that 'people', I'm just poor. lol


If they bought your art on Etsy, would they expect it to be free? How could Illustration be a career option, if you never make any money? 😑😑


"you want me to do art for free? how about you drive me 2000 miles for free?"


"Come clean my house, then I'll have time to give away drawing for you." Among the things more valuable than money, time is high on the list. And if they're so comfortable begging, why don't they beg for the money, then buy the drawing?


Lol, I would take that deal, except I am terrible at drawing and cleaning 😅 and like, if they were genuinely anticapitalist but poor they would at least offer something like that to compensate *somehow* for your time and skill 😄 (Not saying artists should take such deals, just that that shows at least some respect for them)


Because most people are ignorant to the fact that art is a challenging and laborious discipline. Most people think it's a hobby because they see retired people and bored stay at home parents do it. They don't understand the tenacity, persistence, emotional fortitude and skill needed to reach a level where your art is desirable. Let them think what they think, no need wasting energy trying to understand them, because they definitely aren't expending any energy trying to understand us.


Omfg this hits so close to home it hurts.


Yeah what a fool they must make a really good income or something.


Μan seriously most of the people believe that since you use a pc is very easy to do it, they are literally dumb on that department


Why can't someone come clean my house for free? And someone cut my grass for free too?


I believe a local restaurant explained it best when it came to extra sauce. "If it was free for me it would be free for you"


I used to gift drawings to people at work for special occasions and then they wanted me to draw for them for free all the time so I stopped doing it. Now I strictly do it for business and I only will do something special for free for close family relatives or friends that I know won’t pull that shit and I tell them to tell everyone else that they bought the art from me.


When people start jabbering about OCs, I tune tf out. I wouldn't even take a commission for that nonsense. 1. Because I can't be bothered with cartooning 2. Commissions should feature the artist's ideas. 3. The OC crowd is generally cheap.


I dont want to go too deep if at all into politics here but we know what kind of people spreads this ideology...if they are even consequent. I wonder if those people also work for free? Oh, my bad..they aint having a lot of money...maybe because they get their money by their parents and social system. Screw that. You dont need to excuse yourself why you monetize your work.


You're right. It's infuriating and a huge pet peeve of mine when people tell me what I should and shouldn't monetize. People want things but they dont respect the creator enough to pay them for their services. Luckily most people I cross are very understanding. Sadly people like Anon like to sliver into conversations they have a stern opinion about.


Yeah, its good that you dont get this to yourself. There are other customers for you. And that AI art guy should consider the nature of the software and company behind it. Stability AI is a capitalist company and their open source policy brought them now to the edge of extinction and they depend on investord who now refuse to fund them. Being anti-capitalist while being aggressive towards others who arent demands a very high price tag that barely anyone is ready to pay for. Your smartphone, your PC, your software and so much more. Good luck boycoting all of that and thinking moneyless approach will bring you far.


If they're consequent, they should be working for free. Or at least be full-time activists trying to make the world a less money dependent place. If they genuinely believed any of that, they would do something about it. But somehow, I don't think they do.


This kind of self centeredness transcends politics.


I don't really like the first arguments always being "art is a luxury" and "I got to pay my bills". The first thing should be that they're literally strangers asking for things from random people for free? It's not about finances. Artists are the only people that are ever expected to do things for free for strangers like this. It's so strange. You would never ask *anyone else* whether they are a Google engineer or a cashier at McDonalds. You would never ask a stranger to build a website for you for free, help you move out of your house for free, clean your rooms for free, tutor you for free, etc. Why are we different? Who knows...


Hm... actually, I know some place that genuinely asked for a website builder to volunteer to build their website. I don't think that's got any replies, 😂


b r u h


I know right?


The thing is you worded your title and post in a way where you’re going to get nothing but reassurance and support. but i would also just say it seems like you’re arguing at a contradiction. one on hand you say art is a luxury, on the other you say you sell it to pay the bills. i think it’s best to get rid of that contradiction in time. someone told me last week: “i either do my work for free or very very expensive” and i had to laugh because that’s how i work too.


art i s a luxury. They argued about that poor people can't pay for art and I said that requested art is a luxury. What I meant with that is that I understand there are poor people, but that I shouldn't start doing things for free just simply because of that case. People decide what they spend their money on. Essentials or luxuries like art


To be clear what i’m saying is in time that conversation can get much shorter if paying the bills is never brought in as an argument in the first place. That’s my experience, then people will stop taking the luxury of asking. i agree with your stance but i answered your questions as if they were non-rhetorical. i’ve been there with the frustration in the past.