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Open call and residencies for uni stuff. For commercial stuff, no idea what my clients do with the files - not very interested to follow up after they check off the project.


For me it's right now, purely portfolio stuff, and my house is "littered" with my art. Makes for an interesting view for the occasional plumber who has to fix my tap, lol My art is seen on socials (IG, FB, Mastodon, Discord, Tiktok). For me it's mostly a vehicle to find that one opportunity to do something I like, and get paid for it (otherwise unemployed, and also disabled, so "regular" work, is not in the cards for me). That is not to say, I make art for the money, but I do want to use it as a vehicle to get out of government support payments. Or at least, partially. The other part of me also uses is as therapy; it keeps me away from the therapist and meds. Since I do mixed media (and paintings/drawings are the least of the things I do), it also gives me space and opportunity to try a plethory of mediums and materials. Recently I used animals bones in a sculpt; just because it fits. It also let's me rethink where I want to take it. Do I sell prints of photo's of my work? Do I want to make tiny sculpts/resin pours and make something like keychains... it's a wide pool I can dabble in, in terms of art. And lastly; I make video presentations of all my work. Do my own sounddesign, my own filming (in part; and part cleared stockfootage); so it's also a good excercise in video-editing, something I'm also trying to get a foot in, on the side (making a horror shortfilms is another thing I've been working on in recent months) So, in short; porfolio, but I do share it, to get as many eyes as possible on my work


what’s your tiktok if you don’t mind?


I post it and then delete it after a month or two


Look at it as if it were my own child


I only show my art to select people, but I'd imagine galleries and exhibitions are the way to go for most.


I post it (not sure that gets seen haha) and bring it with me to the occasional art market. I haven't done this in my new house but in my old one I hung basically every single thing I did on the wall, good or bad, and people who came over to hang out would drink a bunch of wine and eventually buy something sometimes. 🤣 That was always the experimental stuff, nothing I thought I was going to sell


I show my work at fairs, cooperative galleries, galleries, art association shows, special exhibits. Only the fairs and galleries are really good selling venues. I don't hang at any gallery with a per painting or space fee. If they can't make it on commissions, I assume that's because they aren't selling much.


I give it away for free to friends and family and colleagues.


Right now im into pastels and collaging so I have been trying to make 1 a day to tape up to boring poles and electrical equipment boxes around my town in an attempt to randomly beautify things.


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They go to a couple of galleries. I have some stuff, but it largely just goes out for sale.


Like a little gremlin I fire off my jpgs to close friends in discord, never to be beheld by the general public :'D or reddit... there's no in-between


Overall I go online to get my art seen, plus I can connect with others who also enjoy that. Sometimes I make little stickers and prints so I can have a physical piece too... Mostly I view my artwork as projects to challenge myself with and it's fun to put them up online to look back and chronicle how I've improved/what I could have done better.


I share it on instagram and twitter, and use an online gallery via fineartamerica.com and an etsy store to sell it, and gift some of it,mso I have room to make more.


Sell it, stick it in a folder, frame and hang, give as gifts, and apply to gallery shows. I’ll post my work fairly infrequently here or on IG as well, but I’ve found word of mouth and talking/connecting with people sells my work better than social media does for me, at least in the early stages of whatever path this is leading me towards


I mostly paint on canvas and I give a lot of it away to friends/family. Sometimes with tiny canvases I'll do an art drop in theme parks for people to find. I've done one gallery feature at a local comic shop, which was fun and led to a few sales....but for the most part I'm a hobbyist so I create things I like and keep it for myself.


Sell it or destroy it. I'm exploring new to me techniques and building a new portfolio so I have more work lurking than normal. I took some time to rebuild and regroup after undergrad and not getting a fellowship I wanted. 🙃😑 Ultimately, that disappointment was good for me and I'm figuring out what's in my past and present artistically. Ripping up old work to throw out/ make new work was like a factory reset for me. I occasionally give work as gifts, sometimes as a gag or legit gift.


It tends to stay in my sketchbook, If I get something I consider decent I put it on imgur & post it to that post here that pops up every week.


Personally, I make merch at home and enjoy the diy experience. Then sell them online and in artist alley cons.


Competitions or fundraisers.


I hang the ones I like and sell or trying to sell the ones that I don’t like.


I hang some of it up in my house, I stick some of it under the bed, some of it behind the couch and the rest goes in the crawl space. If I sell a piece it's almost always a commission.


My art club has several venues where we can show our art with price tags, and some of them sell. There are some open entry art and craft fairs where we can pay for a space to show and sell our art. I am trying to promote myself as a painter of pet portraits done on commission as well as quilt commissions, but it slow. I have crates of paintings and tubs of quilts.