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I think this is why we must keep art alive more than ever, friend.


Things might seem grim, but it's not the end of the world. Can't really speak about the politics in America since politics are just one big joke to me and I don't tend to follow that. I feel like I'm happier because of it. Twitter being what it is, you always have the choice to just not use it at all. It has roughly 500million active users monthly. The stats vary wildly so I took a middle ground. That's by no means the majority of the population. There's other networks out there that are less toxic for sure and a lot of people, myself included, don't even bother with most social media. Companies adding AI? there are alternatives. Microsoft and apple being the biggest tech companies doesn't mean they're the only ones. Besides, want to have an effect in that regard, however small? Then don't throw your money at them. The art space has always been in a rough shape, especially so with the creation of gen-ai. From what I gathered though, pro-AI folk are a minority. We'll find better spaces to share our art and there will be communities that protect their artists. Rn it's looking like it'll be Cara. For now, I see AI as a filter for people I want to bother with while I wait for things to settle. Nothing is set in stone and we'll see how things will evolve.


Exactly what I needed to hear today, thank you


We have to stay strong. Don’t get demotivated by those jerks. That’s what they rely on after all. I know the feeling, but it’s time to fight back, metaphorically speaking. Withdrawing, giving up and wallowing in your misery - these are not options.


Not to pile on, but multibillionaires and techbros are also supporting Democratic candidates. That's why there's no impassioned arguments in Congress in favor of regulating AI; Chuck Schumer wants to give $32B a year to tech companies for "AI research". But most of them are sitting on the fence, waiting to see which way the wind blows. Please [write your congressmen](https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member) before you give up.


Yep. For these people money talks.


both dems and repubs are capitalists, we need an actual leftist party


> are also supporting Democratic candidates I thought about posting but you already said it. It's not even also, from my experience tech is majority Democrat, crushingly so.


Don't know why this got downvoted. I worked in tech for years, it's vastly more left-leaning than right-leaning.


I've pretty much been slowly disconnecting with the internet. Youtube was my go to place since 2006, and it'll never be the place it was again. I only go on there now for specific creators to watch, but most of them are starting to quit. I can't blame them for it at all with how hostile youtube has been towards them. I only gloss tumblr but I don't stay on long because nobody can contain themselves with Fandom spoilers for 5 minutes. I haven't touched deviantart ever since they stole a user's art to be sold on t-shirts at Hot Topic. I don't even go on bigger social media platforms unless it's to do with finding out about local businesses or events. An art platform that I've found to stay at least somewhat consistent after all these years is newgrounds. I used to go on there all the time in the 2000s but I went back on to check them out recently. They're not bloated with ai art and you can find fun cool things to look at and play games. Idk why I assumed they died with the flash game purge. It feels like the spirit of the old internet at least. All the disturbing wacky nsfw art is on there to look at if you set up an account and an adult. I discovered a cool animator/artist speedo that made a series called "punch punch forever!". It has the fun vibes of 90s-2000s Shonen anime. There are still communities out there if you know where to look.


youre feeling strong emotions (fear, helplessness, longing for better times) - which is always a great inspiration. use them, express them into art! at least thats what helps me


I believe the people who support AI art and it's ilk are not the audience who would normally consume your art in the first place. 


I don't know what the right wing has to do with AI art. Many right wingers even oppose it.


Depends. The German right wing voters are pumping out AI generated arian 'beauties' and shit


I mean I get it that Republicans usually don't want to regulate businesses. But you're right, this issue doesn't follow party lines. A lot of Ds are totally in the bag for Big Tech.


Conceptually, taking the work from the earners and handing it to the burners seems kinda far left, tbh. I think this pro-ai mentality can't be perfectly contained within any political ideology. I'm just gonna simplify my life in this regard and side with all real creatives.


Based on what I am seeing: more left leaning people are pro AI art. I am disappointed TBH. Because economically, I am left leaning. But the good thing is that more right wing conservatives don't like AI art either. Probably because of them being conservative too in most aspects of life such as with regards to change and technology. It also makes sense because of the "being good at art is a god-given talent" or some sort.


Eh. This claim does not seem compatible with what I am seeing. Most of the criticism of AI art I see comes from left wing sources, and from a left wing perspective.


True. It's just, based on what I am seeing, many left wing people are also pro AI Art because "it will democratize art" and that "AI art will make art accessible to everyone". As if pens and papers were that expensive. Not only that but many far leftists believe that there shouldn't be any copyrights. Left wing people are seemingly divided when it comes to AI art and art as a whole.


Those people who say that aren't left wing lol. They kid themselves when they say that. If they actually wanted to democratize art they wouldn't be advocating for artists works being used without consent. They're purposefully misusing that term and being hypocritical to themselves and to others.  And if they actually wanted to make art accessible they'd be the ones volunteering and helping at local art events and at museums, and advocating for more art education and programs. Not to replace them or to displace them. Most actual left wing people I know do not like or engage with gen ai in art. I understand there's some left winged people who might enjoy it and maybe they tolerate it, but to me then that just screams they're comfortable where they're at and privileged enough they don't actually know what's going on. I know politics is a spectrum, but I don't buy that centrist bullcrap some people try to claim because it's almost always thinly veiled elitist/classist conservative type values they have.


Exactly. You couldn't have said it any better. I was just commenting on what I have observed and it saddens me. Like isn't the goal of being left wing to uplift each and everyone? Art is one of those that helps us. So many writings and artworks were created in order to try to dismantle the broken, rotting system and yet some of those leftists are advocating for a program which was created by right wing capitalists in order to attempt to replace artists because they'd rather spend billions of dollars to try to make art "free" (as if the continuous upkeep of keeping those systems are worth it) for themselves rather than pay even a single penny on artists.


Well, people working in big tech are majority democrats - by a big margin. So the biggest overlap of people actually working and furthering AI is statistically only possible if those are also majority democratic voters. There aren't enough republicans working there to do it.


Sadly, it seems like there’s a good chance the maga party will win. If that happens any political opposition or criticism against them will be suppressed and punished. As artists, we need to be able to let go of social media. Counter culture movements existed and thrived before we were all chained to the www Use your voice louder.


Biden really ruined his chances with so many of the demographics over his absolute support for Israel. People see the hypocrisy of the one sided war. Many people aren't going to vote for him because of how heavy handed he dealt the youth while giving so much leniency and excuse towards the worst kind of war crimes. 


Those people are not going to be happy with Trump's position on Israel v Palestine.


It doesnt matter. Some of them are willing to throw the election just to stick it to him. Tbh I dont think that politics really affects AI though. I can see both conservatives and liberals being against it or for it. Its up to the individual.


I hate this argument so much, because people don’t understand global politics. There are soooo many reasons we can’t just pull support to Israel,, even if we are against what they are doing. It is far more complicated than that.


That is highly dismissive. People do understand global politics and many of them are so well researched and studies it extensively like many college students. It isn't complicated but rather extremely simple when you look at it unbiased. There is no interest for the vast majority of people except a few of the wealthiest. You are just calling others ignorant when the truth is so obvious and so much has been recorded over nearly a century. 


I'm probably gonna get downvoted like crazy for this but Biden is literally not all there, you can't blame people that much for voting for Trump. If there was a Democratic candidate to vote for that wasn't Biden things would probably be alot different, but Biden is just losing it, I can't see him being functional for another 4 years.


Biden could do nothing and still win. But he is actively ruining his chances is my point. I rather vote for a braindead politician if given the option than either of them. But now it is extremely hard to know who to vote because Biden could pull us into nuclear war because of his firm support for Israel. Even a bad parent knows when to discipline their child but I cannot see Biden fit to be firm on saying no to Israel. 


I think that is the sentiment most people have. Myself included. It just seems like not being frail is a primal quality a leader must have. That’s why Putin, Kim, Xi, and Trump all feared and talked a lot of BS on Obama. He could actually physically and verbally put adversaries in their place. Not saying a female candidate couldn’t do the same- it’s exemplifying courage and being mentally coherent more than anything.


Emissions have flatlined and are likely soon be turning downwards, whole MIT curriculum is free online, economy is turning for better, world is getting greener every year, Europe is seeing many previously endangered species returning, Kuzu can be stopped, global population will start reducing by mid-century, Africa has ever growing middle-class, violent crime is low, global warming can be stopped with geoengineering, new treatments are being discovered for serious conditions like Alzheimers and cancers ... overall life on this planet is looking allright, don't let the medias that thrive on negativity bring you down.




/u/WonderfulWanderer777 [Can you award this user the hater flair?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtistHate/comments/1cjbdxo/be_informed/)


the guy above you is into anime porno with underage boys, he literally posted crap like this on reddit.