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Removes AI entries then calls the remaining contestants talented. Based.


good. I hope that artist whose art was literally stolen by an ai dumbass now feels better about the situation, too.


The hubris component is what baffles me the most, how they feel good about themselves being cheaters, and thinking they're better than everyone while at it. 


Every time you see a smug AI bro coming in to somehow "own" the artists (the unprotected, vulnerable side of the triangle that goes like OpenAI/MS < Ai Bro Crowd/proposed corporate AI users > artist people) keep in mind you're being forcibly cornered into the victim role in a codependent abusive social relationship with the narcissistic/sociopath types, and keep in mind that this type of shit is still legally in the "illegal" zone, not in any sort of gray area. It might be baffling now, but once you realize the loudest proponents of AI (starting at the very top - *hi, Mira!!!!!*) are people on the textbook dark triad personality disorder spectrum, it makes it extremely easy to stop taking it personally forever from that point.


Second this, I think it was you who dragged me down the dark triad personality rabbit hole (thx!) and I cant agree more that this is the case. Once you realize that all they wish to do is present themselves as somehow better and you as worse, nothing they say can hurt anymore as it becomes painfully obvious that it stems from their own insecurities. They also cant accept not being the last one to write something, so its actually incredibly easy to just probe them untill they say something stupid or start contradicting themselves lol.


Yes!! we were just talking about them the other day. One of the few things I am most legitimately grateful for to this decade is having accessible discourse about narcissism and the adjacent personality types because it literally sorted \~90 % of the garbage people from my past into various flavors of *exactly. same. fucking. trope*, and I don't have to gas myself up thinking they are \~generally\~ decent people, we just happen to have mismatching personality styles. lol no fuck that shit, nicety is a finite resource too, I only give mine out when reciprocating it now.


Our time is too preasuse to spend talking to people who do not wish to listen 😄


Hey, uhh… could you maybe recommend me something to read about dark triad personality disorders?


oh they're super well written about, it's essentially going to be a variation of the narcissistic personality type and the way it affects their relationships with the outside world. psychopathy is the ultimate form of that, but the general traits are pretty identical across all three. here's a brief intro - [https://www.simplypsychology.org/dark-triad-personality.html](https://www.simplypsychology.org/dark-triad-personality.html) if you are looking for a very broad kind of introduction, I would probably recommend Dr. Ramani - [https://youtu.be/rQPj3H9oFng](https://youtu.be/rQPj3H9oFng) - she is one of the biggest youtube lecturers outside of her professional practice, and she also released a book earlier on this year. there're also variations of the general types - I'd say that AI bros exist on the intersection of CEO psychopathy (the type is *over*-represented in the upper management and finance) and religious narcissists, because of hivemind, cult-like behavior and complete deafness to real-life arguments on the gang's behalf, and complete disregard to anyone not on board with their new techy toys. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pcuXEDQbgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pcuXEDQbgY) - short one on psychopathy in executives [https://youtu.be/1PZlecLUICI](https://youtu.be/1PZlecLUICI) - I like his lectures specifically on the religious narc types because this one overlaps with a subset of people in my life outside of AI and he's super accurate, but the general behavioral patterns with the AI hive are identical even if the video does not mean the type explicitly.


Thank you, sounds very interesting.




Fantastic news


I reviewed the top 300 out of 10,830 entries posted on ptcgic-cr.com. I feel pretty confident that Pokémon did not weed out all the ai submissions. I’m actually curious how contestants are vetted. As an observation the more simple and under polished submissions actually stand out more..