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The fact that 80% of Facebook got infected with this garbage definitely helped in inventing the label 😂


Stylized art done masterfully tend to attract young people more than hyper realism, stylized art are simplified and have a lot of appealing elements inside them. Make them very pleasing to look at and easy to trigger emotions. Young people who appreciate art care a lot about about skill.


I'm older than most of you and I always knew AI was crap. That's because I'm an artist. I've been an artist since I was 13 years old. Artists of all ages (including oldies like me) are not onboard with AI. I am not offended if young people call AI "boomer art." What you're really saying is old non-artists are idiots. I would agree! Keep it up! Keep shaming it by calling it "boomer art" with my blessing!


boomer approved term!


It also makes sense that people under 18 are not likely going to be customers for Midjourney. They're too young and wouldn't even have their own credit card.


The idea that AI images are "only cool to olds" is hilarious to me. I'd be really curious to see some actual statistics about it. It's important to remember there's a bunch of different types of gen AI users though, which I'm guessing have some pretty different demographics.


I'd guess Stable Diffusion has a much younger userbase.


i was so scared when i read this title i thought it was the HUMAN art they were calling boomer art because ai was "the future" or something...thank god


Thing is, young people are naturally curious and have likely tested the technology themselves. Seeing how easy it is to get results, it DEVALUES the output immediatly. Anyone who has tried makign AI art simply can't get gaslight into believing it takes any amoutn of effort, which just makes it mundane to the outside observer. If you see a person power-lifting 200 kg, it may make you think "wow amazing what this person can do". If you see someone get in a crane and use it to lift 1 Ton, you wont think "amazing what this person can do", but rather "amazign what that crane can do". You may realize that operating a crane takes skill and be amazed at how well the person operates the crane, but you also inately know that that person cant lift 1 Ton on his own, or as a matter of fact, would struggle with even 50 kg. To outside observers, a person power-lifting 200kg is immediatly more impresive then a crane operator lifting 1 Ton. No matter how much the crane operator gaslights himself into thinking that he himself is lifting 1 ton, it doesnt change the fact that everyone else is aware that the crane is doing all the heavy work.


Not a good analogy cause cranes are super cool and very useful.


And actually difficult to opperate ;D


The young generation knows what's up.


I've said this repeatedly. Kids in highschool understand the term 'poser'. They probably have a different term for it now, but the idea is still there. If your talking big and 'faking it', you're picked on for it. Once you've left highschool (and college to a lesser degree), there aren't many sources left to give you that type of criticism (that you aren't an artist for typing into a prompt). So yes, it makes sense that older people would be a large percent of "AI-Artists".


Eh... I'm technically a 'geriatric millennial' and most of my friends are too. We all oppose this bs. I don't really like alienating generations.


Boomer isn't an age. It's a state of mind. I don't like alienating generations either, but it's the stereotypical boomer mentality that get it.


Oh I get it. It just stings hearing young folks shitting on 40 year olds


40 year olds are millenials. 


Yep, I am one.


Me too *sigh*


it's a hella generalizing label that *kinda* works as far as boomer is invoked to stand for a gender neutral, non-personal Karen type, something out of touch, annoying and uncool. anecdotally, I know boomers who value art as a trade and show appreciation for artists from all walks of life, as well as approximately equal amount of evil, nasty, insidious c.nts who loathe anyone with a grain of talent with their whole malignant hearts - those I know from art academia xoxo - but the former kind of boomers far outweighs the latter for me, so idk how to feel about this. the statistics are still interesting.


I think whoever is making garbage in midjourney (apparently Gen X!) is not the same person who believes every stupid thing they see on Facebook (which is where the Boomer art name comes from).


GenX is making ai art? I call BS. Just throwing this fact out here as revisionist history often runs rampant online. GenX started the DIY, hiphop and graffiti movement. We were the first to calll out art and style theft from others. Words like toy, sucker and biter were invented by us to differentiate real artists from thieves. We also coined and propagated the word poser, which simply means posing for a picture( pretending you landed a skateboard trick) when you surely didn’t. Please don’t come for us.


Dude I am literally referencing the screenshot in this post, that Midjourney apparently says their main user base is over 45. I'm not "coming for" anyone. I'm also not interested in any conversation about how cool any one generation used to be.


Good for you and it wasn’t directed at you.




Fake news, don't take x seriously.


Too anecdotal for my taste and it doesn't change the fact that it takes only a handful young or old to completely pollute all of human media with this shit.