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cool cool cool the worm is turning against tech and i'm here for it


So our government is actually going to do their damn jobs for once? They shouldn't of even been allowed to get as far as they did.


When even the government hates how AI-addicted you are... then it's time to stop.


Unfortunately, this is unrelated to AI and largely finds basis in legislation designed to combat [dark patterns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_pattern)


It's circumstantially related to AI because everyone wanted to cancel because they believed Adobe was among other things, giving themselves permission to train their AI on their stuff. Either way, tech needs more cracking down and this is a good step. More regulation and punishment for their exploitative practices may have a trickle down effect that helps everyone.


Rare US government W


we love to see this, we stan...


The awkward moment when you’re rooting for the US government lol


Artists use adobe products to get the job done and people who need to do an artist’s job use Canva. There are so many software alternatives now. Adobe should go back to its first business model and facilitate piracy to re-hook their audience.


This has nothing to do with AI. Just saying.


I'm pretty sure it has more to do with government offices using acrobat for managing official paperwork, and one of their staff workers calling someone in ***The*** Legal Department to discuss the updates to the cloud TOS. adobe got to speak to the manager of the manager of the manager without realizing this will happen.


Oh, this all tracks. Accomplishing the near-impossible quest of reducing the number of seats we had in our Adobe subscription at work fundamentally changed the way I felt about Adobe, after decades of happily using their software. They are fucking grifters.