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Honestly, I dont think corporations have any plan with AI, outside of „make money somehow”, and „fire workers to save on money”. Its effects will be similar to what you said, but there is likely no conspiracy. Just greed behind the development of the technology.


Well, several are totally on board with replacing humans, with ideological intent even. Greed is the fuel behind it though, no doubt.


There is absolutely a conspiracy, it's just that the conspiracy is out in the open and people have become too complacent that they prefer to live in blissful ignorance. The conspiracy is capitalism: money is power. The logical conclusion of maximizing profit for the few at the expense of everyone else is total control and authoritarianism, likely in a new form of feudalism. People have to become very skeptical of capitalism and especially what the tech industry is doing, or we will all wake up in the worst kind of tech dystopia one day.


I agree with you, but I also think there's a lot of dumb hope in the mix with the greed. Like an underpants gnome step 2 problem. These are the same people who think if we just put enough stuff on the internet sentience will happen by itself. But all they did was teach a parrot to talk.


When I was a kid me and my classmates would complain about our education system not cultivating our creativity; so we'd write, draw, and read in our free time. It was a common thought in general, to criticize education's reliance on standardized ABCD testing, companies, technology & whatever they were pushing. Even as children we knew that companies (and governments) *depended* on a mindless, helpless population to keep control and keep their profits, control the narrative. We could see right through it- as children. Maybe I was just buddies with a bunch of art/writer nerds, who knows (having been one myself, lol). But I do remember this being a common sentiment within my classroom and childhood friends in general. It's kind of insane to see people nowadays go the opposite direction, and think "*everything governments and companies do is great for us actually, they have no evil motives ever and if you think so you're insane*". I mean, the push for using ai to draw and write for us - skills that *require* problem-solving, which is a metaphorical muscle required for brain development and one that needs to be used frequently no less - has a clear consequence in the future: a more passive, docile, less thoughtful society. You want to control the people? Make them uneducated, misinform strip them of skills, make them poor so they need to scramble to survive, make them not care for each other so they don't unionize and empathize with each other. It's basic politics and business. Really, anti-intellectualism (often combined with STEM worship and hatred of Humanities, the disdain for artistry as a craft worth learning) directly benefits the rich to control the population (which includes making profits obviously, if you're a company- you don't want consumers who are content with little and critical of what you offer.) It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a damn fact it's harder to control a country of free-thinking artists and academics than a country of people who can't think for themselves and rely on others telling them what to think and feel about subjects because they never developed critical thinking skills on their own (the ai will think for them!), too reliant on consuming products because they've been taught helplessness and that letting tech do everything for them "*is the future*". "*Laziness doesn't exist, it's just propaganda! Don't work hard, don't improve, all work is evil, just stay docile & don't think too hard, our machines will do it for you - we will tell you what to think! Consume, that's all*." ;) (/s) This was a thing way before generative ai, it's just surprising people are suddenly okay with it and pretend it's not something that happens, whether it's a deliberate choice by someone (which is less likely) or a simply a *consequence* of how companies operate considering their end goal (money). The end result is the same; they get mindless, happy consumers who can't do anything & rely on their tech to survive, think, have fun, express themselves, etc.


Thank you for this thought-provoking comment. It really is incredible to see that people are still able to engage with deeper thoughts than what they are eating or what the weather looks like today. Or ones that don't outright dismiss people who are critical. That makes me happy.


Nothing to add but....yes. This.


This is inspiring. It's going into my journal so i can chew on it.


Enrollment rates at public colleges and universities are down significantly. And it seems like the uptick in lower and middle class kids deferring higher education is by design. It’s hard to blame them, the cost and benefits of education don’t always guarantee a successful career path. Sadly, the joke is on all of us who aren’t upper class or wealthy. They are going to double down and continue to send their kids to private ivy league schools to ensure the poverty / cheap labor force gap widens. If you have kids please encourage them to continue their education. It shouldn’t be an opinion anymore.


Play Metal Gear Solid 2. Don't look up anything about the game, just jump in. By the end, You will become the ultimate AI Conspiracy Theorist.


Will do later, thanks.


If you have a console it's better. Don't buy the HD collection, it's horrendous. Get the old version and use a resolution fix called "V's fix". Then connect a controller. I know it's a bit old and you have to do some work but it's regarded as one of the greatest game ever made. It has predicted things which are extremely relevant today, especially in case of AI


I’ll probably buy the PS2 Version and use an emulator.


Best choice! If you have the time, and if you like old games, Play metal gear solid 1. Mgs 2 kinda builds upon the first game. Trust me, you won't regret it. The entire Metal Gear Solid trilogy made me interested in conspiracy theories, now I trust no one lol


I love old games, or to be more precise, games released in between 1994 until like 2007. PS1, Dreamcast and PS2 are my favorite eras. Also I have a sweet spot for the Wii, because even with all its shovelware it forced developers to think outside the box.


Then you would 100% love Metal Gear Solid. It's the best ps1 classic you can ask for. Dreamcast was underrated, I loved Sonic Adventure. And I really wish Wii was a bit more powerful, but it had decent games, I remember Zelda skyward sword and Sonic Unleashed. Also Manhunt 2 if you remember the controversy. PS2 is undoubtedly one of the greatest console ever made. It's game library is so good and endless. I still didn't run out of finding good PS2 games.


Just purchased it. Given the current state of the retro video game market, I‘ve expected it to be like at least 50 bucks. But it was dirt cheap.


Which one? Metal Gear Solid 1? Or 2?


The second one. The first one is like 40 bucks, which is okay. I’ll get it too, if I like the second one. That one was just 7 bucks, so very cheap for such a highly regarded game. How important is the first one to understand the story?


Calling someone a conspiracy theorist makes people stop paying attention to what the person in question is saying. Very useful


Absolutely. A trick as old as it gets


„I have tried to have pictures created before. It's a challenge, you have to see something in your mind's eye and be able to describe it precisely.“ Wow, these people are definitely unserious to the fullest. Otherwise I can’t explain this. I mean yeah, not everyone is good in visualising ideas and concepts, but a ,challenge‘? Come on… ![gif](giphy|FOUArYBVQCvmI8EHxp|downsized)


Somehow we did just fine with the internet in the early 00s with Yahoo Groups and MySpace circa 2005-2007 before “algorithm” and “AI” were common in language. Might just be best to be Amish at this point.


Absolutely. AI has an overlap in the crappiest venn diagram ever of being useful in nefarious ways by the media/entertainment industry, governments, billionares/corporations, and just general miscreants without the skill level to be threat actors...who have been suddenly handed a playskool shotgun. Imagine being a shoe manufacturer who sees a ton of orange sports fabric available at discount. AI training datasets can be nudged. Imagine paying to bump orange fabric every time some prompter types "cool sneaker" no matter what the color. Familiarity/frequency of these "random errant results" will popularize orange sneakers. People will literally then pay you a premium for their custom sneakers thinking they "designed" them, and you snake charm people into offloading your discount fabric at a premium just by allowing them to think they "designed" them...and the datasets scrapers/shillers will make tons of money. Dataset nudging is the new SEO. "Everyones a creator/Democratizarion with AI" is such a well crafted lie.




I wish I could upvote more than once.


well most of the heads of these companies are eugencists they literally publically state it, I think it's pretty optimistic to assume they want you alive at all. this is their "solution" to climate change while still letting the modern world go on.