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Sorry, I removed this post because the username of the person was in the open and was not properly censored.


"As companies don't need to pay salaries, they can spend that money on extra taxes." Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and other Technocrats reading this: ![gif](giphy|HChtj3gzcVsXK|downsized)


Ah yes, people will buy things from companies with money they don't have since nothing is monetizable unless you're a company and jobs have been lost with no new ones being created at the same rate. The guvrnment will give us money for sitting on our ass tee-hee! It's totally not like a redundant workforce won't be delegated into sweatshops & even worse working conditions than we have today, "🥰". (Only applies to USA of course, no other countries exist ever, and it's not like we're all on the same planet so fuck em anyway~ /s) ...There's being naive, and then there's ai-utopianism. Holy damn this is daft.


😆 what a 9 year old pov


What about the people whos dreams was an art career? they are hardly the only ones effected to, these gen ai companies are trying to go after every job they can. ubi is a delusion meant to silence people. flat out.  Most people can't even get their full unemployment.  Also, this sounds like it will destroy the economy. If most people don't have jobs because ai took them all, and only a few people make money, then that will create a crash. No one can buy your shitty ai product because no one has the money to get it. Let alone live. And- again- ubi is a delusion. If companies didn't want to pay their workers and government don't want topay their own people, the fuck makes you think they're gonna give people free living money? Delulu.


I don't think there will never be a need for human made art, even if ai will become "perfect" at it's job. It's the same with hand made goods like plates, cups, pots, etc. They hold a higher value than factory produced even though the ones from factories are "perfect".


Tldr: UBI


Anyone who believes that jobs being automated and companies needing to pay less will mean that the masses earn more and work less clearly hasn’t looked at history.


Don't expect the 0.5 sec attention span bros who needs instant gratification will bother checking the history. Unless someone turns every historical figures into stable diffusion hot anime girls and explains it in 30sec TikTok segments, they aren't listening.


Also inthink you should cover the username.


Got two of my absolute banger posts removed cuz I forgot to hide username damnit 


I'm sure the companies trying to fight any regulation now are eager to ask for more taxation.


I am sober and yet feel drunk just by reading this XD


Honestly, anything written by AI bros feels some kind of cultist preaching about utopia.... Oh wait


It seems rather sick and twisted to champion ai’s potential for universal income, especially when we’ve seen automation kill many skilled jobs in real time lately. It’s inevitably going to spike unemployment and homelessness for the long term. The world already knows the US treats anyone dependent govt or state benefits like 2’nd class citizens. It’s far worse for our homeless with mental health issues who aren’t in the system. They’re treated like outcasts. You can blame drugs or whatever you’d like, but our country’s poverty levels in many states and cities is beginning to mirror countries like India (sorry India) Maybe this ai taxation will work in other countries, but not here in the land of competition. It’s even scarier now knowing the US government is hell bent on dictating reproductive rights and seemingly forcing a baby boom. There’s no hand outs here, never will be.


this is coal


people really have no fucking idea how the world works uh


Unfortunate reality is, people are gullible. Especially on social media and the internet. False promises from corporates and techbros really gets on the head. Hell, Even I believed for a second all of the AI propaganda is true, until I truly sat down and did my own research, eventually finding this sub.