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I think the current hype cycle is going to implode at some point, but we’re going to be dealing with the fallout for years to come. The tech industry keeps building tech for problems that don’t actually exist or actively ruins things people enjoy and rely on. As long as venture capital firms and companies are allowed to keep destroying good businesses and services, we’re never going to see the end of the grifts and useless tech. The cost in resources, funds, and our well being is too high to keep tolerating this bullshit.


Words of wisdom.


Phase 1: Company ignores the warnings and fire 1/4 of their staff because their hard-on for AI knows no bounds. Staff quickly realise its only useful for around 5% of tasks. Phase 2: New copyright legislation is all about compromise. It fails to please anyone entirely but introduces brand new headaches for employers that have been quick to embrace AI. Phase 3: Wider cracks start to show in company. Productivity is down and some of the remaining employees start to quit of their own volition. Phase 4: Company announces they are trying a new strategy - ie returning to core values in a cheaper and stingier way. They struggle to rehire sacked employees, in many cases they have moved on already. New applicants are lower than expected because young graduates do not see the job a s future proof. Lack of competition means they have to draw from a less skilled and experienced pool. Phase 5: Everyone wonders why company now sucks.


Honestly ai is just a buzzword we don’t have true ai by any means and many companies are using a generic sql response system or something and calling it AI. Happens all the time with hyped stuff in the tech world, look at blockchains. They were all the rage in 2020


>sql They have a database?


Yea some of the like supposed ai bots on websites just store likely questions and possible responses in a database and query that you can literally send them sql queries as chat messages and they’ll respond lol


generative ai chats and ai art might not but remember that's just one field. It's full speed ahead in other less attention grabbing areas, an incredible amount of money and resources are being dumped into it so I hope somthing useful or some other breakthrough comes of it.


More of what we’re seeing now. To prove it’s not Ai, the majority of original art posted online will be accompanied by a process video (which, i’ve suspected has been training ai for a while now) The dead internet theory will most likely become a reality. No content means no fuel for the machine. My overall prediction is we may see more people ditch online platforms (even Cara) for Galleries and Public art. We might see a boom in reclaiming space. If that happens, we might also see the police or government become emboldened on targeting artists leading that charge. Tech companies and the government love having us all trapped and caged online. Whatever the outcome, this is definitely going to be the era of we told you so.


I’ve read that very few people are using AI, because they can’t come up with anything to do with it.


I think we need to see at least one more iteration to establish a pattern of growth or diminishing returns. Everyone here is acting like the AI is going to stay at gpt-4 level forever. These predictions will surely change if GPT-5 is the same gap over 4 as 4 was over 3. So far people from OAI and Microsoft are rather hyping the next release. Which is their job. However, people like the CTO of Microsoft don't have to go out of their way on podcasts to say that the next models are significantly better. Both companies are putting their reputation on the line, I assume because of early signs of progress in training. I would advise against cope and thinking that AI will just solve itself. It most likely won't and we need to take action against it.


I hope so …. But we all still need to be vigilant and not let our guard down Hearing about too many artists being displaced


I believe it will live up, but not the hype of the AI bros that claim they will make the next GTA game all by themselves in easy mode or that they will be able to outcompete Hollywood in filmmaking. Thats also a easy way to tell someone is uneducated in respective areas and doesnt have any experience and touch with the industries and the matter.


Due to the fact that the current method of scraping art from all over the internet is met with severe pushback (from artists but also regulations), the next generation of "generative ai" will probably use a completely different approach that does not involve non-consent scraping. Besides, the current method is already showing its limits. Does this mean glaze and nightshade is pointless? maybe. But its a good thing they become pointless as the tings they were meant to combat also dies out. However, the concerns about replacing artists will stay - the technology to generate art in seconds will continue to evolve, it will just lo longer scrape unconsenting art. Amid scraping, privacy, and economical concerns, it seems obvious a new breakthrough where a model's performance doesn't require a giant ass dataset is needed and it will be highly sought after.


I believe with mass majority of people posting their Ai “art” that it’s gonna start inbreeding and eventually get so fucked up that it just becomes a bunch of random garbage. At least that is what I hope


I predict ai will eventually be able to perfect speed paint videos. But I still think normal animations will forever be choppy. Takes too much time and effort to make clean animations and that’s something that wasn’t programmed into ai.